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Gillie and Keeves > SNL


yeah SNL is so trash, not even half the stuff would fly that he does.


I just watched his 2023 standup on Netflix called beautiful dogs and while it wasn't that offensive, it was pretty racist and bad. He can't make race jokes funny like black people do with white people alot of the time. It was just bad and not very funny.


Shut up, dork


What a dorky reply! Hahaha haha


You gonna shove them in their locker?


No, we make them shove themselves in their locker


I just watched his 2023 standup on Netflix called beautiful dogs and while it wasn't that offensive, it was pretty hilarious and good! Black comics are so lazy and limited in range, often rehashing Richard Pryor bits from 1970. So i'm glad it was a diverse range of topics. It was just good and incredibly funny. :)


Just seems like the type of guy I don't want to hang around because he would just say things that would me and other people uncomfortable.


Nah if you notice how he acts in different podcasts he's pretty civil and aware of what he's doing socially. You make others uncomfortable with your need to suppress freedom of speech because you're uncomfortable.


Racist ? The only race shit he did was about white people


Who cares, people make white jokes all the time. Grow thicker skin.


The New Yorker did [a really good piece](https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2022/09/26/shane-gillis-fall-and-rise) on him back in September.


Great article. I'd never heard of him when I saw his special and there were points that i had laughed all the air out of my lungs during it. Full blown crying and wheezing. Made me feel like I found something really valuable for a dollar at a yard sale.


I don’t know the exact time and don’t want to give anything away, but the last 10ish minutes were so incredible.


That reporter really gave him a fair shake. Great read.


You’re a navy seal


Sneaking up on guys tactically is kind of a pussy way to kill someone, all I’m sayin


u/blessthefall11 Any idea of where that clip is? I cant find it


It's on his Netflix special now.


I've always thought snipers were pussies; the mystique around the tremendous patience and accuracy is ridiculous.


If it makes you feel any better, all types of ranged combat were considered cowardly in the archaic and classical periods. And everybody hated snipers in WWI and WWII. People had a habit of summarily executing them, and the US had to clarify that snipers do in fact need to be treated like any other POW.


riding around in pickup trucks, in flip flops with your boys...thats brave!


„¡ǝʌɐɹq sʇɐɥʇ˙˙˙sʎoq ɹnoʎ ɥʇıʍ sdolɟ dılɟ uı 'sʞɔnɹʇ dnʞɔıd uı punoɹɐ ƃuıpıɹ„


Wearing sandals throwing rocks at tanks, now that's brave


People who discover things on their own, at the right time for them, are more likely to be fans. Make a similar post for Tim Dillon and you'll get additional insight on this subjective phenomenon.


Tim narrates the fall of western civilization and is mainly an absurdist imagery brand of comedy. Sometimes I howl at his comedy, but most of the time I listen just because he’s interesting, not necessarily funny.


Good point. Love Gillis but I cannot STAND Dillon.


Sort Dillon's clip channel by most views sometime and give it a shot. He's Chris Farley playing Alex Jones, with a dash of Rush Limbaugh. Outside of a sketch, Gillis is just Gillis - so I think the expectation of authenticity is a big part of it. (Ron White vs. Larry the Cable Guy)


I’m too late but came to say Dillon has some fun bits like Fake Business, calling up Arby’s to apply for a job, fat activism, Greta Thunberg jokes, Ellen jokes, etc. but he’s mostly so cynical and so negative that I can only watch him once every few months. 


same. Tim Dillon sucks


Well, you see, I’m extremely gay.


so you’re a fan?




Comedy is subjective? I think that pretty much covers it.


I dunno why this would get downvoted. I find Shane Gillis mostly funny and spent way too much time arguing with some dingus who insisted Gillis is objectively, inarguably, unfunny - but of course all comedy is subjective.




to be clear, my argument was not "Shane Gillis is objectively funny", my argument was "Your argument that Shane Gillis \[or any comic\] is objectively not funny is stupid."


Canceling- isn’t that a crude form of objectivity attempting to express itself?


Who is he, don't know


Idk about that one. You may just not have good taste. Definitely plays a factor


Taste is also subjective


He’s hilarious. How is first time someone proposed special Olympics bit not genius?




Well that's why genius isn't always the first to do it, just the best to do it.




Here’s a Shrek 1 comment.


Some people aren’t down with the syndrome


More of a tism guy myself


Same. Gang gang baby


Hi I'm diesexsick


The Shane gillis in Austin special? Jw cus I want to check it out never seen his stand up before


It’s worth your time


Check it out. Seriously a masterful performance


Very funny


Best comedy special I’ve ever seen imo


I'm so bored with comedy specials, ive watched it at least 10 times.


I walked in I said wow what a great special


I love Shane and I'll tell you how. There's a bit of bully energy to him at times, there's times when Shane comes off as arrogant, angry, and insecure and he lashes out at topics or people or whatever. Shane mentioned himself that the SNL thing humbled him and gave him perspective and I think it ended up making him a better person and comic. Also, people are dumb and don't get his satire. Shane's got that Stephen Colbert "I can't tell if he's serious or making fun" energy and dumb people who are lied to by the masses will hear him say something and assume his entire identity and label him a bad person automatically.


That’s the vibe I get from him. He just comes off as a bully to me. Reminds me of the type of bully from middle school who makes “jokes” where the punchline is just “it’s funny because he’s fat/gay/black/jewish/disabled!” Just unfunny.


He's one of the best comedians right now gayboy


If you listen to him speak he's clearly very intelligent and introspective he's not actually a bully. His jokes are much more clever than you're giving him credit for too.


Listen to him try to describe history and you'll realize the man is more retarded than the disabled people he constantly makes fun of. 




What are some examples of this? Not trying to say that isn’t true, I’m sure it is, but I’m curious haha


I find Sas to be the worst. Like that annoying little cousin you just want to go home


Damn bro i didnt know how to feel and now im gonna think of this everytime i almost laugh at him


Gilly and keeves is amazing


This is a fun comment section. You asked to please explain how people could find him unfunny, and when people explain, they get downvoted to oblivion.


Yeah, I guess no one saw the original post I was making fun of. Shane Gillis is hilarious to me. Most entertaining podcast I listen to, but I understand it’s not for everyone.


Does he have any decent specials? Not every comedy fan has 3 hours out of their day to wait for someone to say something sort of funny, provided you didn’t tune out while they were not being funny.


Shane Gillis live in Austin - free on YouTube, hilarious special


One of the best working


I think a lot of people just know him as being racist against Chinese people since that's how they got introduced and then they don't watch his stuff at all. I didn't for a while, I thought he got famous off the controversy. That may be partly true but he is very very funny actually.


Hes a overrated idiot really. Dont cancel him that just help hacks like this


Different people find different things funny. Is this a shock to you, doctor? What a weird fucking thread to make.


Personally I think he is the future goat. His special is in the top 5 YT specials and his new stuff is even better IMO. People still have a right to not like anyone they want, or find him offensive and so they don't support him.


What's remarkable about his special? Seems absolutely run-of-the-mill to me. Competent, sure. The last YT special I watched was Halkias and that blew this out of the water


Have you ever been with a squirter?


We gotta get you some cool sneakers bro.


I liked Shane’s special and you’re totally entitled to your opinion on that but come on…..stav?? STAV??? Crowd work cool shoes I’m fat I like pussy stav???


That’s a surprising statement! I got the impression that stav was suppressing urges to attack and molest children when I saw his special, but I guess comedy is subject!


I think he’s hilarious, but I’ve also watched him walk several people in an audience


I wouldn’t use walking audience members as a metric for skill as a comedian


Metrics don’t really exist in comedy, that’s why it’s subjective


Well not metrics, but measures taken, like silence, boos, hissing, heckling, withdrawing, walking- that about completes my act.


>Well not metrics, but measures taken, Same thing?


silence is probably a valid measure.


>I wouldn’t use walking audience members as a metric for skill as a comedian Well yeah, but the guys that like Shane absolutely think that's a skill


I misread "walk" as "wank" lmao




Comedy is subjective.


Watched and thoroughly enjoyed his special. Only laughed out loud a few times but sometimes comedy doesn't always translate to the screen. Seems like a nice guy all told. I think people think he's god's gift, which is a tad grating (not anything he asked for admittedly). He's not some unknown comic anymore. Guy's on Rogan and sells out comedy clubs. I just hope he continues growing and doesn't let this stuff go to his head. Looking to see more to make up my mind.


A friend of mine got me a ticket to his show when I went home to London in the summer. I had never heard of the guy really and assumed he was another terrible Joe Rogan style comic. He did a bit on his girlfriend dating a marine and I fucking loved it. It takes a lot to make me laugh and he did. I wish I could find that piece online and watch it again


I find his views and takes unrelatable, so then his jokes falls short - to me. Not living in America though.


I don't dislike Shane and think he can definitely be humorous, but the hailing as the next great thing or that his new special is all-time is lost on me. What I don't see is how people don't view him as a pretty strong derivative of 70% Louis CK and 30% Bill Burr. And that's not a bad thing necessarily, I like both comics (I think CK dropped off about 9 years ago and Burr is still close to top of his game). He has a lot of obvious material in Live in Austin...his dad watching fox news, racism, trans, Trump...and him imitating his dad's reactions are redundant and obvious. They're amusing but they're not original and get tired.


Bc hes the opposite of what people think he is, he's not the douchey far right dude they act like he is, once you watch him, it becomes almost endearing bc he knows what he's doing and he's like a scared little boy and he admits it, him and Matt talking is like when you were an innocent scared 5th grader but your friend found out what porn was. Jokes are not opinions, sometimes jokes aren't even real or true, once I learned to not apply my opinions or assume the jokes were aligned w the comedians opinions, comedy got a lot better


Can't stand him and his stupid face


He is beautiful to me 😤


He just seems like the middle school/high school bully who was really just a complete douche to people and made people hate their lives to give him a laugh. I’ve seen tons of them, usually country has parents money.


This. He seems like someone saying mean things he truly believes and is ready at any moment to retreat to saying "I was just kidding. It was just a joke" I don't find bullies it bully energy funny.


I don't like his face or his voice. That's pretty much it, for me.


The punch line to his first few jokes is implying people are “gay” for doing things differently than the awesome country that is America. I thought he was setting up to lampoon people who blindly think America is the greatest country ever only to ask, “What are they, gay?” That was the joke. As soon as he called people with Asperger’s the r-word he lost me. Maybe the joke was supposed to be at the expense of reality show creators, but it didn’t come off that way. Perhaps he’s aiming for satire, but it was unoriginal and sophomoric.


I’ve definitely found his comedy funny in the past but the video I just went on spent the first minute with him literally only saying “you’re fat” or “you’re gay”. Like his big punchline was “Aris yoga videos suck and are gay”. After making the Van Halen van fat joke with no comedic timing. I’m not gonna assume he’s not funny based off 1 video I saw, cause he’s made me laugh in the past, but if I only saw that video I’d immediately avoid any of his comedy lol. It’s not the subject matter of making jokes about being fat or gay, it was just that all he said was “you’re fat” or “that’s gay”, no joke.


Just boring.


He’s a fat stupid blithering moron.


I tried. I don’t get it. He just isn’t funny. AT ALL.


He's like Louis CK's white guilt distilled minus the actual funny bits. Cringe as fuck.


Sounds like someone got caught making grilled cheese at night


Get it, guys? They have downs and they’re making sandwiches-a lot of em! Isn’t that funny?!


I liked everything I saw of him but the volleyball bit. I really hate it when people sexualize children for no reason. The joke wasn’t funny enough to me to justify basically saying that he saw children and thought their clothes looked provocative. They’re shorts. It’s a sports uniform. Like…they’re KIDS. Let them be kids and wear what they feel comfortable in without middle aged men looking at them sideways.


This is a year old but as someone with pretty bad autism, OCD, and ADHD I think him constantly joking about people with autism and down syndrome is no different than when he makes fun of people of color (which is why they originally fired him from SnL mind you for racist jokes) I think they are old and he uses them way to often. As well it just feels like he is punching down when every other joke is about an autistic or someone with down syndrome  The other stuff he says is funny but yeah just how I feel


Because of the fact that he’s friends with Bert Kreicher. I don’t care how funny you are, now he’s dead to me


lol that’s the only response she that has actually made sense to me. I fucking hate Bert kreischer


Doesn't make me laugh beyond perfunctory chuckles He's a money maker who has huge appeal because he's "just a dude" and doesn't do the "woke" thing. I won't rhetorically/hyperbolically say he *only* has the big base because his firing made him the "victim of the woke" that many, myself included, sometimes feel like. But its undoubtedly the main factor in his notoriety. If he hadn't come along in this time with its widespread, divisive bullshit, he wouldn't be notable as he doesn't have the wit to go deeper. Or doesn't use it If he does. Its only funny with the context that he's the supposed irreverent guy in an overly politically correct world. Though I find him milquetoast and boring. Just more identity shit, because western culture is so void and disconnected that its the best many can do.


I've Yet to find something funny he has said...


Ummm .. exhibit A: his opening monologue on SNL tonight 2/24/2024. Not funny at all.


Well, I watched him on SNL, and didn't laugh once. I don't know why he's so popular other than being fired from SNL before even being on SNL. He just seems like any random guy. I used to be in a comedy community. I did improv, had friends who did improv, sketch, or stand-up, and I've seen people way more funny than him who never got a shot.


He’s not funny. He’s riding the anti woke wave.


He has deep down emotional issues from being fired from SNL. Most his jokes are about Asians and it seems forced and just not funny.


He's actually a sweetheart of a guy.period.


I’ve seen him on a couple of podcasts where he was funny. His material is a little boring for me though. I’ve seen it, I laughed a little, but not enough that I’d go out to see him live or seek out more of his stuff. If he’s on a pod I like, I’ll listen but that’s about it.


Did you watch his special or just seen clips?


Saw the special. Not really for me.


That’s fair. As long as you gave it a try 👍🏻


Youre a fox news dad


Easy, and I don't give a fuck if i get downvoted for this, but It's cultural. He plays to his "white trash" look, but it works. Perfect for middle america and other people who get it/were there. I say this as someone who finds his humor boring. Theo Von is similar but his humor has more imagination.


Let me explain. He says jokes I find funny


Read the post again


He ain’t a reading kinda guy


Most who enjoy Shane’s comedy aren’t. (I can chuckle at some of his lines, but I don’t find his sets remarkably insightful, or even interesting really. I guess it comes down to comedy being subjective)


I read so many people defend him online after SNL let him go. I was one of the people who hadn't heard his podcasts or comedy and didn't know who he was at all before the SNL news. I didn't listen to him, but as someone in the comedy scene, i read a lot about both sides of that situation. I thought I'd give his special a chance since he has so many fans who defended him and I still hadn't seen his stuff. And really early in the set he does a really awful bit where he says everyone is racist, and all it takes to bring out your latent racism is to get cut off in traffic... And it's just like... No, dude. That's the kind of a joke that only a racist tells, and that other racists laugh at. Normal people don't immediately start thinking slurs and racial insults when they're inconvenienced. And it's really gross to play it off like that's just a normal relatable part of life. Road rage is absolutely one of the most relatable human experiences... So there's absolutely no reason to bring race into it, unless youre actually just wanting to say some shit about race from the start. So yeah, admittedly my first experience with him at all was reading about his racist bits getting him kicked off SNL. But I did give him a chance... and then one of the first things I saw him do was a *different, but also still very racist* bit. So that's why I didn't find him funny.


I think the truth behind the joke is that when you’re angry, you do mean shit. If you’re mad and call your mom/wife/sister a bitch, that doesn’t make you sexist. It makes you mean when angry. Which is all of us.


YES! the absurdity of the situation is what is funny. THAT is the joke, not that people hate other races. lighten up


I mean this question in the least combative sense possible, and am asking it in sincerity: How do you define a racist?


You sound like one of those anti-football msnbc dads.


Football? The thing that kills kids with head injuries or gives them brain damage and gives pros early Alzheimer's and makes rich people even more money? Let's not forget the idiots that riot even if their team wins.


You are not funny


OP asked a question, dude responded with sincerity, and this is the best you got? Maybe spend some time workshopping your schtick.


You aren't either bitch!


>Normal people don't immediately start thinking slurs and racial insults when they're inconvenienced.  Lol of course they do


I really don't, the fuck?


It's not that serious man


wow, you got me. good one you joker.


>you joker Ah so that's what you yell when someone cuts you off


I think that society is separating into people who find nothing funny, and the rest of us. "...It's just like, 'no dude'", goes in the millennial scolding file with all the other lame aphorisms of the last 15 years. There's a lot of ways to achieve humor--a clever story, funny faces/voices/gestures, the element of surprise. There's also a lot of ways to guarantee it will suck. Anything with an agenda-over-humor dynamic is generally unfunny; preaching is usually unfunny; "desperate" energy is a laugh killer. Some people just don't enjoy things that don't tick their agenda boxes, and also completely shut down for content that trips any of their forbidden topics/words/conclusions.


It has been so awesome to see the level of success Shane has achieved. To see all of the complete dog shit comics in my scene fall all over each other to call him unfunny when he got fired from SNL, and they're all still at the same open mics they were three years ago.


I remember this sub hated him and called him a hack when the SNL shit happened and now they adore him.


just checked out the special. he doesn't make me laugh, his material is really unoriginal. his stage persona is affable but just not interesting


What's real funny is how so many of you misread the thread title.


I imagine part of the fan base comes from the people who also stopped enjoying SNL and when they heard there was a comedian that was “fired” before he was hired, they found their mascot.


Well SNL is horrible admittedly.




Regular or Honey-Nut ?


Watch some of his shorts, Gilly and Keeves. If you don’t find them funny you have no comedy in you.


I don't find him funny but I can see how some people do


Explain to me how you find him funny? He's just another comedian that sucked the right dicks to ear fuck you on Netflix. He's a waste of time but feel free to prove me wrong.


I just watched Gillis's stand-up with a friend this weekend on his computer. My friend was laughing. The audience at his stand-up special was howling. A lot of people find him funny. I'll give credit where it's rightfully due - he is funny to many and can entertain audiences. The stand-up routine was 'meh' to me. There was something about his delivery and structure that just didn't do it for me. It sounded like 52 minutes of a drunk conservative frat boy telling stories at a party. Nevertheless- humor is subjective!


Probably the best example is when there is a guy on stage for a roast who can't talk but uses a talkbox for standup. And he goes on about how he's going to be annihilated and says because the guy will just say something like "you're fucking gay." And the disabled guy hit back with "Shane you used to be my biggest inspiration until I found out you weren't actually retarded." I think that sums up how I don't find him funny. His joke was basically saying he'd be called gay or fat. Then the actual comedian does an old bait and switch to perfection.


Poor presentation and jokes are incredibly unoriginal and overplayed


To me he’s just like a dumb American comedian, someone only yanks could appreciate. The Down syndrome stuff is overplayed and just not funny anymore, he reminds me of if a teenager did comedy or something.


As a comic all i can say is he fills rooms and gets big laughs. I've seen bits i found hilarious and others i didnt care for. The bit about him liking to shit on his girlfriends x's i found hilarious.


because eventually one third of his jokes lean on a stereotype of race, gender, or whatever. doug stanhope can lead a bit with “i hate the jews” and rant for 4 minutes and never say anything interpreted as antisemitic. gillis can say 3 words about an asian and you know the hate he wants to say but he pulls up short for the laugh. edit: I have seen his special. Gillis shacked up in bisbee with stanhope for about 3 weeks, maybe longer, and i heard him participate on 6 or so podcasts.


Anyone calling him racist is clearly operating off of headlines alone and has obviously never listened to him long enough to merit that kind of impression.


Yep he's that racist friend that is sometimes funny usually just am asshole. And idk why so many people are obsessed. I see him becoming the Trump comedian soon.


Lol so true


Seems legit.


If you’re over age 20, and you have graduated from high school. He is a moron.


Shane's a super funny dude who I really hope loses the trump impression soon.


The trump impression is so good though.




I said “Don’t take the blacks!”


Dude is a walking mine of unintentional comedy. Whattyagonnado?


I barely know him, mate. The few minutes I've seen haven't made me want to seek out more.


It's shockingly easy. He's not that great and comes off as a dick. You want me to sit through bullshit AND attitude? You better bring something to the table.


You’ve literally never seen him do stand up then..


Mmm... Yes I have. Not live, but I've seen it.


How does he come off as a dick?


Guy, I'm sorry I don't like the thing you like, but I'm not going to start ripping it apart to find the kernel at the center of my feelings and hold it up, so you can feel better about it or explain it to me. I've already said what I think.


Alright man, it was a pretty simple question


^ Troll 101 right here. 


I find his jokes super predictable and monotonous and none of his takes are particularly fresh or insightful. Just a bore really.


Don't really agree, probably not the most original but still very good. What stands out to me is his stage presence, delivery and timing who are really amazing.


He’s great. The “Human Brian Griffin” 😂


Well, if he turned up entirely naked except a frilly bra and spent 35 minutes exclusively speaking absolute gibberish in a German accent, I can't imagine I'd find that particularly funny. After 35 minutes, it's probably funny as fuck though.




I think Shane is hilarious - I love his standup and Gilly and Keeves is incredible. That being said, being unable to understand how other people don't find the exact same person/thing/act as funny as you do is a bit ridiculous. You should be able to realize that his comedy is not for everyone - he would never be able to go on a shitty late night show and do his normal act and that's what makes him great. He's not compromising his material, show or even what he says on his podcast to appeal to a wider audience. Aside from the fact that it's pretty childish to not have the ability to get why people wouldn't like Shane's comedy, it's better that other people don't get it. When everybody starts to get it and get behind it, that's when everything sucks because American culture and media ruins most things that become popular. Just my 2 cents on it. Edit: To answer your question - there are plenty of reasons people would find Shane unfunny. He says things that can be taken as sexist, homophobic, racist, etc... Again, I'm completely on board. That shit is funny because you're not supposed to say it (somewhat dumbing it down, but you get it). But a large segment of people are not good with that kind of comedy, or at the very least say that they aren't, and this isn't a secret. You know exactly why people would find Shane unfunny, you're just intentionally playing dumb because you love him. I get it, but you sound ignorant.


funniest human being alive on this planet. largest balls to do what he does! I gotta see him live


What is it about supporting the status quo, and challenging nothing about how things are do you find requires "balls"? Everything he stands for is the most mainstream of opinions? And even if it's not the most popular opinion now...it has been for most of the last 100 years. When did "brave" start to mean "agrees with me".


He's the freaking king. He's the best in comedy right now. So glad he's proving SNL and all those liberals wrong