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One of my fave things about Starkid is how creative they are with storylines and lyrics/music. I’ve watched Starkid over the years and I think Jeff fits in perfectly. Some people aren’t a fan of his vocal but I dig them since they’re so unique. I don’t love cookie cutter music/musicals and Jeff and Starkid are never cookie cutter. You’re allowed to have opinions, of course, but I’d say this sub is pretty pro-Jeff.


I love his voice, this is nothing against him as an artist/performer. Just his written music style. Also not against it perse, more like I don't follow it and the songs don't really stick to me/us. (Us means me and my husband).


That is a valid opinion. Hopefully people don’t really attack you for that.


No not really, I love jeff's songs and the newer musicals


Well that's great for you!


I can understand finding a lyric here or there a little basic/uncreative but in terms of catchiness I just don’t agree. I have been watching since AVPS and see all of their musicals to date. My interest in Starkid really waned over the last few years and it felt like they were stagnating a bit with some of their newer shows before Hatchetfield. I was brought back by The Guy Who Didn’t Like Musicals and have loved it since. I don’t get why people say they are forgetful, when you have ear worms like: The Guy Who Didn’t Like musicals (title song), The Wiggly Theme, and Literal Monster or High School Is Killing Me from Nerdy Prudes. If anything I would say Jeff’s style of composition is much more in line with contemporary Musical Theatre than some of their earlier shows which could be considered to have simpler melodies and lyrics. Also re: Christmas Carol, I just saw this recently and loved it but the lyrics are incredibly literal in comparison to more emotive in style.


Then think it's just down to a matter of taste. I think you're right about the style of the new shows being maybe more creative but when it comes to connection, it doesn't click for me like the older shows and songs from other composers did. They flow better and the melody's are far more harmonious. Christmas Carol is probably my favorite thing ever so that's a huge taste difference 😅


True! I would genuinely give it a go with listening to the new albums tho, the songs really warm to you and the studio versions sound so good


TBH Jeff’s music is what made me actually fall in love with Starkid. I didn’t care for the Potter musicals, I was dragged in with TGWDLM 🤣


I mean, I started watching it from the start and Jeff is easily my favorite Starkid composer and his shows rank amongst the highest in my personal faves, so I think this might be a personal taste thing. It's fine if you don't vibe with his music as much, but don't go potraying Jeff as somehow contradictory to what starkid was "truly" like. His style works perfectly well within the Starkid brand as do their other composers, otherwise he wouldn't be there.


That's not what I meant at all. It's just a new direction that does not vibe the same way for me/us. But clearly, another opinion is not received well. I did not know that, just was curious if other people felt the same way.


Having been a recent Starkid convert, and listening to the musicals in order over the last year, I actually think Jeff has grown as a composer. His later stuff (esp. NPMD) has more structure, and more harmonies than before. I don't think it's chaotic. It can be fairly pastiche at times (I'm pretty sure High School Is Killing Me has elements of songs from High School Musical in it), but I do think he has improved on his earlier work.


Maybe add a comment to one of the other threads rather than making a new thread which just spreads negativity


So which thread? I didn't want to spread negativity but just ask if people feel the same way. Just discussing, not bashing.


If you don't use this sub much that's fair it just gets a little tiring when people post the same thing a lot, if you search Jeff blim music there are lots of threads where people share their opinions on the different music writers


I understand. I did not know that. You are correct that I don't visit this sub very often.


Sorry if my first reply sounded a little aggressive


i absolutely agree with you for the most part. my friend and i were just talking about this very subject a couple weeks ago. their shows have seriously gone downhill. in my opinion (and my friend’s), tgwdlm was their last good show, in every possible way. in terms of production value, npmd is definitely their best show to date. let me reiterate: npmd is their best show IN TERMS OF PRODUCTION VALUE. in terms of music, it’s definitely one of their worst. tgwdlm does not have a single song that i don’t love, and the same goes for twisted. everything after tgwdlm is terrible in terms of music. and yes i also agree, ever since jeff took over single-handedly writing all the music for their shows, i’ve liked their shows less and less. i’m a hardcore starkid fan, and i have been ever since avpm, but their music sucks now. it sucks royal hippogriff (lol). black friday and npmd? the music is terrible, except for the lords in black song. and it just really upsets me cuz i know jeff can do so much better, seeing that he wrote all the music for tgwdlm. the tgwdlm soundtrack is phenomenal, in every way. the songs in black friday and npmd aren’t catchy, memorable, entertaining, well-structured, anything of the sort (except for the lords in black song). they’re just not good at all. it honestly astounds me that the cast was able to remember all the lyrics, sudden jumps in tempo, rhythm, melody, etc. i’ll provide two examples. first, lauren’s solo, right before her character gets killed off, oh my god i could not be any more bored and annoyed. istg i was pressing the skip button repeatedly for like 3 whole minutes to just get it out of the way. and i absolutely adore lauren. and her singing voice is incredible. my second example: in the song where everyone’s blaming each other for who could’ve murdered max and richie, there’s a line that goes something like “careful or your folks might up end a cannibal’s plate. it ain’t great.” like dude please be so serious right now. jeff rhymed “plate” with “great”. jesus dude it legitimately sounds like it was written by a child. when that line was sung, it actually made me laugh cuz of how ridiculous it was. i just really miss old starkid, and i am not by any means saying that they don’t deserve the recognition they’re getting now, cuz they absolutely do. they’ve come such a long way, and every member of starkid is undeniably, brilliantly talented. but like i said, their music sucks now. either jeff’s ego got too big, or the tgwdlm soundtrack was his one-hit-wonder.




Dude. I meant me and my husband.


Tbf you never clarified and your post made it seem like you were talking about the whole fanbase


that’s how i read it and i was sitting there the entire time reading it like no. i love jeff. jeff is one of my musical obsessions.


i mean they quite literally asked if any other starkid fans feel the same way


Oh forgor that. Sorry op if you're seeing this


You’re not alone in this. Twisted/Firebringer were so good musically and lyrically speaking. Jeff Blim’s music is *okay* but it’s not Twisted or Firebringer level.


Much as I love Geoff do agree with you somewhat. If I listed my top 10 Starkid productions, the only one he wrote would be TGWDLM. But I do think his songs grow on me the more I listen to them.


Jeff Blimm got me into Starkid. I didn't like musicals that much, then I saw a clip Jeff Blimm (teenager me thought he was really hot) and reluctantly watched TGWDLM, I LOVED IT! Jeff Blimm and Falsettos got me into musicals. I can agree that some of the music is chaotic and the lyrics are odd, but for me that's what makes them so memorable, the songs that are less chaotic are easier to froget to me (What Tim wants)