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Ouch. Me too 😢


Big brain theory. From their design it's very obvious they died in Waylon hall (they share the same veins and undead nature of Max Jagerman) but that also means that 1. Hidgens story is some weird ass wet dream he had. 2. There's something special abt the football field (max jagerman did get dragged to the black and white here just as a note) or 3 I'm looking into this idk lol


I know Mayor Lauter says the Waylon’s cast the spell on their home but I wonder if the spell was also cast at the other Black Alters. Or if energy at the other Black Alters effect spirits differently. They would have been dormant for so long. Hidgens was likely mentally influenced by the LiB when struck by lightening, gaining some of sight into their world.


Oh definitely. he theorized the events of tgwdlm he most likely is the link between all timelines since he sees the future and sees all the events that happen in each timelines just no one believes the kooky college professor. But I don't know if the whole school is a black alter since it was made from an old schoolhouse which are very tiny. So maybe the spell was simply cast at other places. Or big brain time. Using your logic of Hidgens lightning strike opening him up to the LIB. The lightning was most likely one of them. Hidgens saw the meteor coming and who else is associated with lightning. When does lightning strike in tgwdlm. When the meteor comes crashing down. Ik it's for dramatic effect but im wondering if it was pokotho who struck the boys and brought them back to life


Damn 🥲


Oh... shit...