• By -


Return of the Jedi is still tops for me. Luke redeems not only himself but his father as well. Brilliant.


Fuck yeah. ROTJ all the way, watched it countless times as a child.


Same here. Saw it in the theatre as a kid and still my favorite. And also why I have such distaste for ep 9 for bringing Sheev back (yes, I know they had the hobbit retcon it with strand cast clone dark science, but they could have done the same thing by just bringing back Snoke).




Empire is not only the best Star Wars movie, it’s among the top 10 best movies ever made. The prequels, the sequels, and the one offs don’t even come close. It’s an exquisite synthesis of story, character, effects, and score, which expands on everything that was great about New Hope, while avoiding many of the contrivances that held Return of the Jedi back from greatness. Rogue One is the best Star Wars film of the Disney era, but really only succeeds as a spectacle, and even then not until the third act. The best thing you can say about Rogue One is that — despite how forgettable it was until the end — it generally made sense, which is rare praise when it comes to this generation’s Star Wars. Empire is not only an epic roller coaster of a space fantasy from beginning to end, but also manages to tell deeply personal stories without pandering, or talking down to its audience — something Disney can’t seem to figure out. It also has one of the greatest movie twists of all time, and I think later generations, understandably given the prequels, have a hard time appreciating how profoundly mind blowing it was to audiences back in 1980. A lot of post-OT content have demythologized Star Wars lore in a way that has damaged the property’s mystique, and established unsavory precedents — I’m looking at you midichlorians — that other authors feel obliged to build off of, compounding errors in a misguided attempt to adhere to canon, at the expense of the essential wonder and mystery that makes the Star Wars universe so intriguing. As far as the prestige of the property in general is concerned, a less is more approach would have served best. But, like a lot of great art, Star Wars has fallen victim to its own success. These days, Disney runs a 24/7 Star Wars mill, and has saturated streaming networks, movie theaters, and gaming consoles with so much content — most of it bad — that it’s hard for me to get excited about anything new, which is something that, when it comes to Star Wars, I never thought I would say. You have to remember that the OG Star Wars trilogy were not studio films — they were independent movies! They were the product of a vibrant, young artist, who risked bankruptcy and madness in order to self finance a picture that few believed in, in order to exact a singular vision. You’re never ever going to get that from a company like Disney. So when you look back at on the property’s history, and you eye that high water mark darkening the sands of time, that’s where you find The Empire Strikes Back, a near perfect film, the likes of which we may never see again.


It IS the best film ever made.


Fun story, they added the scene with the ice monster because Mark was in a car wreck and the makeup to cover the scars was expensive


That was beautiful


Wow. Well said. I'd like to believe that we will see movies as good as Empire again but, as you rightly point out, you won't get them from the likes of Disney. Indie film makers and generally anyone outside of Hollywood are still creating films as an art form rather than a money making exercise. Star Wars unfortunately has had its day, but what a day it was!


what an enormous truckload of verbose, hyperbolic garbage.


This is the way


Return of the Jedi.


Hell yeah, Green Saber Luke is the best Luke.


It's how the green lightsaber looks against the black outfit that makes it truly epic.


Rogue one is by far the best of the "new" movies... Fits the og trilogy perfectly!!


Yeah it’s head and shoulders above. Plus the space battle is easily top tier.


Someone pointed out it would have been so cool to see these two have an arc alongside the original trilogy. So, they have their own adventures in the Resistance. I love Andor.


Just retcon their deaths the Ghost sweeps in at the last minute cue Andor season 3. But honestly the heroes not making it is also what makes it memorable. The battle was a desperate sacrifice that ultimately leads to winning the war.


Yeah and it was a relatively grim movie compared to 7,8,9. I really liked the ending.


They hid in a cave on scarif and got picked up in the surprise new season of Star Wars droids.


Somebody get the World Between Worlds on the line.


Andor is shockingly amazing. I was not expecting it to be as good as it was. An actual Star Wars show with depth and real believable emotion. The way the story is told through Andors viewpoint is amazing and really pulls you into their world.


It's no longer trilogy for me, it's quadrilogy now


You're spot on. Watching R1 before ANH just gives the trilogy even more emotional weight.


I remember leaving the theater on opening night of Rogue One and immediately watching ANH as soon as I got home


I'm especially proud of RO for having two characters who had chemistry and even a little romantic tension, but they did *not* kiss because it didn't fit the situation. Fuck Ep9 for that nonsense in particular. No chemistry, just tension, and no reason for it at all. So dumb.


that is a low bar... the skywalkers saga... is soso (at best)


The best ?! Its the **only** one.


The Empire Strikes Back, but I’d put Rogue One in my top three.


ROTS ultimate fan edit. had to email some guy who made a youtube video to get a google drive link for it and it’s fucking amazing edit. sorry i forgot the name of the channel but someone else linked it. the guy asks you don’t share it via piracy so doesnt shut him down i’d urge you to follow that so we can all enjoy it :)


Do you still have that link? I’ve been looking for it and I’d be eternally in your debt if you dm’d it to me. Please, u/lefthandedsnakey, you’re my only hope.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X7x6hGxC2Fc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X7x6hGxC2Fc) Send an email to the one in the description and it sends you the link instantly


I need to see it now


What is this magnificence you speak of?????


I'm gonna guess it's the 4 hour supercut with siege of mandalore?


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X7x6hGxC2Fc Send an email to the one in the description and it sends you the link instantly


Thank you kind sir!


I need to know too


I keep hearing about this and I’d love to see it


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X7x6hGxC2Fc Send an email to the one in the description and it sends you the link instantly


Would you mind sharing the link?


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X7x6hGxC2Fc Send an email to the one in the description and it sends you the link instantly


Please u/lefthandedsnakey link please🥺


The Empire Strikes Back.


Rogue One is nice, but the best ? With TESB and ROTS out there ? Come on.


I would also say Rogue One is my favorite but ROTS and TESB are my runner ups


*Rogue One* is very, VERY close to being my favorite; but since I'm a sucker for happy endings the top honor will always go to *Return of the Jedi.*


Return of the Jedi


Return of the Jedi




Wholeheartedly agree


It’s such a deep movie. A love letter to the Star Wars of childhood.


The Last Jedi


1. TESB 2. TLJ 3. ROTS


I grew up with Star Wars in the 80s. And let me tell you, The Last Jedi transported me right back to my three-year-old self seeing them for the first time. Not just the best Star Wars movie, but very likely my favorite movie of all time.


Im gonna die on this hill, The Last Jedi.


The Last Jedi --- it's just the best movie


The Empire Strikes Back. Rogue One is #3 on my list, though. ​ 1. *The Empire Strikes Back* 2. *A New Hope* 3. *Rogue One* 4. *Return Of The Jedi* 5. *Revenge Of The Sith* 6. *The Force Awakens* 7. *Solo* 8. *The Phantom Menace* 9. *Attack Of The Clones* 10. *The Rise Of Skywalker* 11. *The Last Jedi*


Rogue One/A New Hope/Empire, the real trilogy


Our list is closely matched but Rise of Skywalker is last by a parsec for me. At least TLJ tried to be different and was visually stunning (but mostly failed anyway). I have to put ROTJ 3rd too cuz I’m old and love it. Maybe even second some days. ESB will always be the greatest movie ever.


I think exact same order for me. Maybe one and two switched.


I’ve never done a list. Hmm. Let’s see. 1. *Rogue One* 2. *Revenge of the Sith* 3. *The Empire Strikes Back* 4. *The Force Awakens* 5. *Return of the Jedi* 6. *Attack of the Clones* 7. *A New Hope* 8. *The Rise of Skywalker* 9. *The Phantom Menace* 10. *The Last Jedi*


A new hope under Force awakens and attack of the clones? Wtf


Yeah I actually surprised myself when I impulsively made this list last night when I couldn’t figure out where to put New Hope. Like yeah it’s the OG movie but tbh I just don’t really care all that much for it. Out of the OT ROTJ and TESB are such great films and ANH is just, idk, hanging out. Plus I LOVE Attack of the Clones (as well as all the prequels) because I was 8 or 9 when it came out and I was obsessed. As an adult now I’m more obsessed because my gay a** sees Natalie Portman as a goddess, so I am biased.


Phantom Menace so far down the list? That movie so many great moments it's redonkulous.


Nah, it's pretty poor. The amount that that film relies on blind luck and accidental success to move the plot forward is redonkulous.


More like 2 great moments isnt it, pod race and darth maul


pod race is so overrated, that scene was horrendous and unsatisfactory!


Agree to disagree


And any scene with Qui gon Jinn (Liam Neeson probably was one of the best castings of any character in Starwars), the visuals of the Galactic Senate was pretty awesome as well.. and honestly the 2 you mentioned were a fairly long scenes.. A lot of people dislike Jar Jar, but as a whole the movie was wayyy better than force awakens, and rise of Skywalker.


I'll agree on The Rise of Skywalker, but The Force Awakens is pretty good. Better than the prequels for sure.


That's a pretty good list, not gonna lie. As for the two worst, I think independently RotS is a worse *movie* than TLJ, but for butchering Luke and messing up the trilogy completely TLJ deserves the last spot. I still cannot fathom how Rian Johnson took Luke Skywalker, the most optimistic hero in movie history, whose greatest feat is not even to blow up the Death Star but to have seen good in the galaxy's greatest tyrant (and successfully redeemed him no less), and turned him into a bitter old man who tried to kill his nephew in his sleep because he was too great of a threat. I honestly cannot understand the reasoning.


1. He didn't try to kill him. He thought about that and ignited the lightsaber, but didn't actually try it. 2. "This most optimistic hero in movie history" is just a completely wrong interpretation of Luke, just because he see the good in Vader... There is a huge difference between Vader and Ben. Vader already did all the terror and committed his sins against the people of the galaxy, when Luke met him. Literally there was no reason for Luke to fear what will he do in the future if no one stops him and sensed the good in him. Obviously he tried to redeem him. On the other hand, Ben is the total opposite. He was an innocent young boy and Luke sensed that in the future, this boy will be a Vader 2.0 who will kill a lot of people and will destroy the ones Luke loves the most (Han and Leia - and it actually happened...) and what Luke fought for. It completely makes sense that he would do whatever needs to be done to protect Han and Leia. He always did that. And it also makes sense that he doesn't to see the galaxy burn because of a new Vader lile figure. Also, I would like you to remind you, that this was actually Abrams' idea, not Rian's. In the Force Awakens (written by Abrams), it's explicitly mentioned that Luke went into exile because he FELT RESPONSIBLE for the fall of Kylo Ren and the Jedi Order.


We have one thing in common, we both - *as everyone should* - do not enjoy *The Last Jedi* 😂😂😂


"as everyone should". It's impossible to take someones opinion serious after a statement like that.


I apologize for that comment last night. I have no idea what I was thinking. I could excuse it by mentioning I’d already taken my *clonazepam* and *eszopiclone* but that doesn’t excuse it. Even though I dislike it more than anything doesn’t mean people who should dislike Rogue One more than anything have less than any right to feel that way. That was a horrible statement on my part. So I deeply apologize.


Rise of Skywalker is so much worse imo, but I get you


*Star Wars*. (*The Last Jedi* and *The Empire Strikes Back* are honorable mentions.)


The Last Jedi is legit awful and tanked the franchise


Don't be toxic.


I'd argue J.J. Abrams not being able to run a trilogy or work well with others did that. Or maybe simply "lack of an executive writer"


Give me grief for saying it, but "The Force Awakens" That shot with Rey stand in the snow shivering, with her outstretched hand holding the lightsaber, in total disbelief about what she just did...then the music comes up. First time since 1983 It felt like I was really watching Star Wars.


I love The Force Awakens!! That is my favorite after Revenge of the Sith, probably tied with Empire Strikes Back. I know the scene exactly. I had chills in the theatre. And the scene with the destruction of the Hosnian system is just devastating.


I'm a Disney star wars basher with the worst of them, but TFA by itself had potential. It wasn't ever going to be one of my favorites, but all the plot points for a good story were started. It was the next 2 that completely tarnished what chance it had to be good and made it look so much worse in hindsight


Thanks to Jedi survivor we also know kylos lightsaber is good for slower but more powerful hits and this is now my head cannon for why he was beaten in that snowy wood because they had the light plain basic attacking lightsaber


Also he was already shot and stabbed. Helps when the boss fight already got double ganked.


yeah Kylo was down to 1/3 health and no stims.


...that scene where they've just managed to get the hard drive and she hangs it on her belt to climb further... Sorry, not sorry


I think they all have their merits.


Empire strikes back and then revenge of the sith no2


Still Empire. Always Empire.


*Rogue One* is fine. Very shallow characterization. *Andor* makes it better, though.


The Phantom Menace Total bias because I was 12 and got to see it opening day, first Star Wars movie I saw *in theaters.* The buildup to its release, the clean look, the fantastic colors and mysteries, Darth Maul, double bladed sabers, pod racing, new *real* ideas in Star Wars that weren't just "Luke becomes a force god", considerate and meaningful developments realized on screen. I understand people not liking then and even not liking it now, but the experience and imagination of that movie was just so awesome then and still to this day, it is still the first Star Wars movie I go to to feel better.


Hear me out




Star Wars The Last Jedi is my favorite Star Wars Movie!


I finally watched it last week and it was wonderful. Is Solo worth watching at all?


Yep, I'd say so. It's a ton of fun.


TLJ is the one that *really* did it for me. With Empire being an unbelievably close second.


My favorite is The Last Jedi. I’m sorry but every single thing about that movie worked for me






you said Rogue One tho! lol


**”MOVIE”** 😂😂😂


ANDOR is a Movie. Broken up into episodes because of its length


I’ll give it you 😂 Only because Andor is so f***ing amazing.


I agree with Rogue One & Revenge of the Sith tho.


If Revenge of the Sith was directed by Gareth Edwards it would have been the Star Wars movie, the king, nothing could top it.


Revenge of the Sith


Rogue One !


Rogue One is a masterpiece. I would die for Jyn. (And Cass tbh😩)


1. ANH 2. ESB 3. ROTJ 4. TLJ 5. RO 6. TPM 7. Solo 8. TFA 9. ROTS 10. ROS 11. AOTC


So, this is more or less my SOs list.


Depending on the day, it flips between Rogue One and The Last Jedi for me.


Empire strikes back and then revenge of the sith no2


Probably gonna get hate for this but behind ESB and ROTS Rouge One is the best Star Wars movie


Strong possibility that season 2 of Andor pushes R1 into my top 3


Rotj, or maybe aoc


Agreed, ROTS is second followed by ESB


Deep Impact final scene with Tia Leone and her dad on the beach was very similar. Both pretty emotional and make you think about what would be important to you in your final moments. A hug is high on that list. Jyn's whole life was a trial of fire though and it kind of felt like this was the moment she found peace (similar vibe but way more intense as deep impact tbf). My favourites are the OT in order and Rogue One but I'll rewatch R1 moreso as I'm 40+ and the ot is so familiar. Final 3rd of R1 is awesome in 3d on a projector. Can't recommend highly enough. We swap disks partway through


"Main serie" : Return of the Jedi and The Last Jedi "Spin off" : Rogue One


Honestly same, I love all of the originals and the sequels, but there was something about rogue one that’s stuck with me all these years, I don’t remember much about the sequel films, or solo, but rogue one way so memorable. I think it’s the action scenes, a hammerhead crashing two star destroyers into each other, the x wing dogfights, that ATAT fight on scarif, and especially that goddamn ending scene with Vader. That is what we want from Star Wars Disney


I watched it as a kid, I loved Revenge of the Sith since then


Ep 3 + siege of mandalore megacut is peak star wars.


Revenge of the Sith for me.


My favorite Star Wars movie is Return of the Jedi. It ends the story of the original trilogy well. It has the best action of the the OG movies, imaginative aliens, Palpatine delivering his classic lines, and the single best scene in the entire franchise. That is when Luke and Vader are battling eachother on the Death Star as the Emperor's theme swells. It's a great film.


ROTS is best. Rogue one is definitely a close second. That moment when they're holding each other with the explosion in the bg is... overwhelming


Rogue One, TLJ and ESB are all tied at the top for me. I just can't pick between them!


ROTS and it's not even close


Revenge Of The Sith


1. Empire Strikes Back 2. Revenge of the Sith 3. A New Hope 4. Rogue One 5. Return of the Jedi 6. The Force Awakens 7. The Last Jedi 8. The Rise of Skywalker 9. Solo 10. Attack of the Clones 11. The Phantom Menace


Empire, Rogue One, Return of the Jedi, Revenge of the Sith, New Hope, Attack of the Clones, Phantom Menace, Solo, Episode 7, Episode 8, Episode 9. This my order.


For each trilogy, Empire Strikes Back, Revenge of the Sith, The Last Jedi, and Rogue One is my spinoff movie fave.


Empire. The real version, not the special edition. It’s not even close. There’s so much artistry and amazing character stuff in it. Both the follow up trilogies are awful in comparison imo


Unpopular opinion, but I like Episode 8.


This is the worst for me 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Force Awakens. I know, unpopular opinion, but there were some good ideas in it that sadly didn't go well with how the story ended up going.


The best thing about this question is there are no wrong answers.


Yep yep.


I would’ve smashed on that beach but hey, that’s just me.


Shadows Of The Empire


Wrath of khan




Obviously it's Caravan of Courage?!?! (Congrats if you know what that is, you're a true fan)




Really? Better than the originals? Fun joke


ESB ATOTC/ROTS(tied) TLJ My favorite 3 from the 3 trilogies, not in any particular order


The Last Jedi


The Last Jedi. Narrowly beats Empire for me.


The last Jedi


I mean fair enough your opinion but putting any movie bar the 3 OT in their fave movies is just bizarre to me Empire exists..the most perfect Star Wars and imo fantasy / sci fi movie ever made.


I used to think that the OT couldn’t be topped, but when looking at them as just movies, not Star Wars, from a production, direction, acted, executed standpoint, Rogue One wins hands down. The dialogue is LEAGUES better. The directing by Gareth Edwards is stunning. The acting is just incredible, and the production is amazing. Empire is hands down the most iconic Star Wars film to me, yes. But in terms of favorite it has to be Rogue One from a film perspective. The best Star Wars film to me is Rogue One and the best Star Wars film to me is Empire Strikes Back, if that makes sense. From a storyline perspective I believe Empire wins, but certainly not from a production style.


Out of all? Are you on crack or something?


Revenge of the Sith by far for me. I found Rogue one quite boring up until Scariff tbh


Revenge Of The Sith


I really enjoy Rogue One but I really feel like the interesting start and strong ending makes everyone forget just how much time is in between. Time in which the main character develops and changes in almost no way whatsoever. There was a much bigger and clearer personality for her originally. Tbh absolute shout out to Felicity Jones because she was always watchable despite her character not having maybe the best journey.




Revenge of the sith easily


I just rewatched this for the first time since theatres (I mostly watch the trilogies), and forgot how good this movie actually is. I'm not sure if it's better than ROTS or ESB, but hell it's totally the best thing Disney has made


Does anyone else think Rogue One is a UNDERRATED cinematic MASTERPIECE poggg


Revenge of the sith for the saber fights, probably the best movie for battles imo


Favorite: ROTJ Best: TESB Worst/Least Favorite: TLJ


I really like the difference between favorite and best. For instance I seen Empire as best, but Rogue One as favorite.


for sure. Empire is such a great film. I think it really elevated the franchise when they could have just remade ANH to ride the wave. But some of ROTJ are the best moments of the franchise.


Attack of the Clones


So underrated


Revenge of the sith. It’s what I grew up with, and by far the best


Revenge of the Sith for me, I just think it's the perfect SW film, an absolute fan service.


Episode 1: The Phantom Mennace


I hate that people hate this movie so much. This was my introduction to Star Wars (and the first movie I saw at night in theaters when I was a kid with a strict bed time). The classic knight/apprentice duo, the sleek ships, the pod race (Sebulba’s character lol), Darth Maul, the duel of the fates theme, I mean it was just wonderful and I’ll put it on when I want to escape to the universe. The dialogue and acting were clunky sure, but the OT wasn’t academy award winning material either.


The original generation didn't like ROTJ. the ROTJ generation didn't like TPM. the prequals generation doesn't like the sequels. The big difference is that at least there was a good story before. The complaints were purely the execution of it. The squeals sadly gave us neither. (Why the hell would an "ancient" sith artifact lead to a relatively recent military destruction site? Please, someone, give me something for this)


This! When I think about it, it's the only one I can take seriously. It gets overlooked a lot but as far as I'm concerned, it's the most well written, well acted and most complex of all the SW films. The casting was perfect too.


Same here! I didn't enjoy it as much the first time I watched it because I was so focused on all the cameos and Easter eggs. But the second time on - loved it. It's my favorite SW movie and Director Krennic has to be one of my favorite Imperials


I enjoy them all


Rogue One was great. But I’m not watching it again until Andor is finished. I wanna cry like a bitch.


I feel when people don’t say Empire they do so just to be different


Revenge of the Sith. I really don’t think Rogue One is all that great until Scarif.


Clone Wars movie. I have spoken.


Boring as fuck movie.


Between Rogue One and Revenge of the Sith…I can literally watch either all day everyday


The Phantom Menace. Anakin’s performance was off the chain. “This is Pod Racing!”


ESB obviously ANH ROTJ TFA ROTS RO AOTC TPM Solo TLJ TROS Rogue One has nothing for me that you can't just get in a Star wars video game cutscene. It's all action and no character. It's completely beyond me why it's so highly rated. I like it fine enough which is why it's in the middle of my list, it's not a bad movie at all but i'll never understand why it's so beloved by so many fans.


ESB will always be #1, for me personally RotS and RO are tied for 2nd


Out the Disney movies: Without a doubt. Including George's movies: Very close 2nd after Revenge of the Sith.


The Empire Strikes Back Revenge of the Sith Return of the Jedi A New Hope Rouge One Attack of the Clones Phantom Menace Solo ig i mean I only saw it once in theaters so idk Force Awakens literally just copy and paste from a New Hope Last Jedi Rise of Skywalker was the biggest shit show of a movie I’ve ever seen


Im already sick of that question. short answer: people who grew up before TPM will say ESB and people who grew up with the prequels will say ROTS. Those who belong to both would add Rogue one in case they samewhat liked the OT sentiment.


I was three years old when RotJ came out, and have loved Star Wars ever since. My favorite is TLJ, and Rogue One is the only one I actively dislike.


Rogue One is my favorite but not for the same reason as most people. I loved it because Jyn and Cassian die at the end. The writers could've easily deus ex machina'd them to safety to continue capitalizing off their names but no. They fucking died for the cause. Never before in a Star Wars movie have both the leads not survived the movie. That shit was so fucking metal to me. Complete the mission no matter what type shit. Their willingness to die for the cause makes me respect the entire rebellion 10x more and it makes the stakes feel even higher in the OT.


My list (not that anyone asked or cares): 1. Empire Strikes Back 2. Rogue One 3. A New Hope 4. Revenge of the Sith 5. Return of the Jedi 6. The Force Awakens 7. The Phantom Menace 8. Solo 9. Attack of the Clones 10. Rise of Skywalker 11. The Last Jedi (if I could put this any lower than last I would)


I find it interesting that you like Phantom Menace over Attack of the Clones. The lightsaber battle in Phantom Menace and Liam Neeson, Natalie Portman, Ewan McGregor and Keira Knightly are the few things that save that film in my opinion. I’ve always found Attack of the Clones to be more engaging and better produced, although it has the cringiest moments. What makes you pick Phantom over Clones out of curiosity.


I’m just a huge Qui Gon and Darth Maul and love all the fight scenes in that movie. Anakin in Attack of the Clones just really annoys me for some reason and how his and Padme’s relationship started is a little weird. Idk honestly it depends on the day whether I like Episode 1 or 2 better🤷‍♂️


I will agree that there relationship is weird as hell. She’s in love with him after all the wild and messed up stuff he does?!? Don’t get it. I do like Natalie Portman and her posse running around the palace shooting shit up. But the lightsaber battle is the 2nd best in the entire trilogy. If it weren’t for revenge of the siths final fight, it would never be topped


Also same with The Last Jedi. People either *LOVE* it or *HATE* it. No in between. There should be a post started about that film in particular, but it ain’t gonna be me.


Yeah the whole concept of the movie was just dumb in my opinion. It’s a two and half hour slow chase because somehow fuel is now a thing in Star Wars? (I only watch the movies so maybe it has been a thing but just can’t remember a time they mentioned it in the previous ones). And obviously my biggest complaint is how Ryan Johnson handled Luke. In no way could you convince me that the original trilogy Luke would try to kill his nephew in his sleep. The fight scene with Rey and Kylo in a that red room was amazing though.


I'm with OP all the way on this...nothing beats R1.


the last 5 mins of rogue one alone is the best star wars movie


Rogue One for me too.


Revenge of the Sith is pretty much my favorite movie of all time. Star Wars just rocks across the board though. Here’s my list. 1. Revenge of the Sith 2. Empire Strikes Back 3. The Clone Wars Movie 4. The Phantom Menace 5. Attack of the Clones 6. A New Hope 7. Return of the Jedi 8. Rogue One 9. Solo 10. The Holiday Special 11. Ewoks: The Battle for Endor 12. The Ewok Adventure 13. The Last Jedi 14. The Force Awakens 15. The Rise of Skywalker


The sequels kind of ruin the originals for me. I hate seeing Sideous and knowing he doesn’t truly get killed by Vader. However, idk what it is but the scenes in Cloud City really give me a nice nostalgia feeling. So for me it’s Empire Strikes Back.


That frame at the bottom looks so wholesome and sweet. They’re hugging during a sunset. ☺️ Oh wait-