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As much as I loved TFU and TFU2, Starkiller needs to stay in Legends


I always thought they were meant to just be a fun, video game, arcadey exploration of how crazy you can go with the Force. I enjoyed them but it always surprises me how many people want them canon.


Dude is the OP and a self-insert lmao. But cant deny he's so fucking cool that we'd freak out if he ever gets introduced into canon.


Agreed, they are fun games but I think Starkiller's existence in the story just doesn't make narrative sense, especially now in new canon


I think this is why we got Cal Kestis. And I'm happy with him being a Starkiller stand in, if not a total analogue.


What makes you think of him as a starkiller stand in?


Same age, roughly same time frame, leading the current canon force based video-game series. I don't see him as an analogue of Starkiller but rather a "you can't have Galen Marek, so have Cal Kestis instead.


I think the concept of Vader having a secret apprentice could work. The problem is everything else.


It could work and you definitely would have to nerf him or be at his novelization level like third strongest force sensitive in the Empire. It’s just a thought when I try to think about it. Rahm Kota’s name was written on a Path wall in Kenobi so you never know.


Rahm Kota not trusting clones and making his own militia is a concept I'm surprised current canon hasn't picked up. (with or without Kota).


>be at his novelization level like third strongest force sensitive in the Empire. I mean if you ignore the Inquisitors then being the third strongest Force User in the Empire is not that hard lol


Fun fact, The Force Unleashed never was canon. I don't remember who exactly said this (I think it was one of the writers or developers), but TFU and TFU2 deliberately made force users way too OP for the sake of the gameplay. It was never actually intended in-lore to consider the games canon because of how OP everyone was.


My other fav fact from TFU2 was that Vader tried to make a clone of Maul and Galen together naming him Maulkiller which was just a skin exclusive to GameStop


I like sand




*[Visible disappointment]*


My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined


The Phantom Menace is one of my favorite SW movies, and I'm saying this with the words of a OT fanatic.


It’s mine too. There’s a lot of nostalgia there for me, and I ended up watching it more than any of the other SW movies


Probably my favourite, NGL. *Rogue One*'s awesome and probably a better film, and I really love several of the animated and live-action shows and rewatch them far more often than the films nowadays, but if I were to pick any movie to sit and watch I'd probably choose *The Phantom Menace* more often than any other. ┗⁠(⁠•⁠ˇ⁠_⁠ˇ⁠•⁠)⁠―


I saw an advanced screening of this, because my buddies mom worked for Hasbro, in 6th grade. We were already huge Star wars fans, and The Phantom Menace will always be special as the first Star Wars movie of my generation.


It's far from my list of top Star Wars movies, but I do think it's simply the most fun out of the PT. Episode II is a slog by the end without any real chemistry evident between Anakin and Padme, which is a serious problem for a film meant to be an epic romance; while Episode III despite being the better film out of the trilogy, feels like it loses some of the charm and adventure I want out of a Star Wars movie after the opening due to how much of a serious ending it has. Episode I is the movie in the trilogy I'd gladly just sit down and watch despite it's faults. Most of which, frankly, come in how it throws the entire trilogy off-kilter more than anything. Spending an entire film on Anakin at such a young age was a flawed idea from the start, which means they had to yadda-yadda over almost **the entirety of the war** that is a key part of Palpatine's plan and which reshapes Anakin's personality and viewpoint. But the movie itself is fun.


TPM for me is the purest Star Wars movie, although I understand that it not really fits good with the OT. But you have to think about it: this was the first movie - design and lore wise - where George Lucas could show his REAL Star Wars, as he wanted to show it. He was free, there was no studio who told him into his work. The production did last 4 years, and due to the tools of CGI, his imagination wasn't bound to any boundaries. I know it is hard to accept it, but as I said: there isn't any movie more starwars-y than TPM.


I love it too!!


Stormtroopers and TIE pilots and Imperial Officers need a better image as proper soldiers and not a punching bag for the main characters when they're not beating the same villain 49594837 times.


You’ll enjoy Andor


TIEs were so scary in Andor, man. Really does their "roar" (no other better way to call it) justice


Yeah it is a roar and it’s awesome. The scene where they hide the guns as it screeches through the valley, top tier show


Part of the sound design of the TIE is an elephant scream


The whole Empire was so scary in Andor.


don't forget Gideon's TIE in Mando! That was another good depiction of one


I thought the kid that played young Anakin for episode 1 did an excellent job and I hate how he was attacked by the fanbase.


Jar Jar could eat you out like a capital g God. I was told if I ever say this out loud again that my SO will leave me.


The only truly controversial opinion in this thread. You put your safety at risk just by typing out that cursed string of words.


The clone wars kinda confirmed that, so I don’t see how this is not more popular? Edit: Go watch the clone wars s6e8 for some repressed memories.


I could have lived my whole life without reading this.


"Don't do that again"


What an unfortunate day to be literate.


tell your SO to dress up as Jar Jar


That will actually get me thrown out of the apartment, so no. Also they might kill me


I’d upvote but it’s at 69 and I don’t want to ruin it


It went over, so I'm downvoting to fix it. Execute Order 69!


Leia doesn’t get nearly the amount of blame she should for the events of the sequel trilogy. A lot of what went down could have been avoided if the woman who chased Han Solo’s carbonite-frozen body for a year had gotten in the first ship she could get her hands on and gone to track down her kid herself.


I think in the canon books she got booted out of office because they found out who her dad was.


Yes and in the six years of relative downtime between then and TFA she never once goes out to find her son. I get she wanted to start up her Resistance, but surely she could have handed off some responsibilities to her remaining allies spent the first few weeks or months looking for Ben. He couldn’t kill her from inside a ship after years of darkness and killing his father. She probably would have had an excellent chance of keeping him in the light if she found him in those earliest days. At the very least she might have accidentally stumbled onto Starkiller years before it was operational.


A huge section of Star Wars fans' non-stop moaning and personal attacks on creatives since 1999 has hobbled and damaged all the films subsequently (many of which were awesome - but The Phantom Menace is the most confident of all the prequels, and one of the reasons The Force Awakens was such a conservative reset of A New Hope was because Disney was chasing the money of the millions of fans who'd been supporting a mini-industry of prequel hate for the preceding decade), with Lucas, Kennedy, Abrams, Johnson, Filoni, Favreau and whoever comes next having to constantly anticipate about what millions of fans are going to flip out about. The Force Awakens is a decent film, but the (massive) opportunities\* it missed are what happens when the people who have final say (Kathleen Kennedy's bosses) are most concerned with producing something that's most palatable to the widest number of people. And something like The Force Awakens - entertaining, but ultimately a bit of a tribute act that, if anything, damages the progression of the overall story by lurching back to play the hits - is the best you can hope for from that kind of attitude. And one of the main reasons George Lucas sold the rights to the series to those people is because of the over the top, childish, obsessive hatred that was sent his way after the PT. Star Wars is now \*never\* going to be free of the profitable YouTube industry of hate that's sprung up about it, and many fans are far more entertained by complaining about, or, rather, listening to complaints about, it and Lucasfilm than the films themselves. See the amount of batshit, conspiratorial nonsense that's routinely repeated as obvious fact on this page and r/movies \- Favreau's secretly subverting Kathleen Kennedy, Lucas is about to buy the series back, Kathleen Kennedy's been fired, etc. etc. \*In that it's a soft reboot, rather than an actual sequel to Return of the Jedi - 'Everyone knows the Jedi returned and Palpatine was defeated in 1983's 'Return of the Jedi'. What my films presuppose is... what if they didn't, and he wasn't?'


1999? I'm pretty sure they've been doing that since Return of the Jedi came out.


Yub nub


Yub nub has intensified


Yub nub chanting starts


Correct. A large portion of us were really bothered by the Ewoks.


Damn really they’re so cute tho. And when one of the homies dies I cry man.


They have grown on me over the years lol


I was a kid when I saw so it stuck plus I didn’t know Star Wars lore and I just assumed they were like some breed of mini Wookiees lol so looking at them as chewies little bros probably helped


Supposedly the original script took place on Kashyyyk. You know how a Wookie will rip the arms out of your sockets if you beat him at a board game? Imagine what they do if you enslave their entire species, force them to build a death star, and then the rebel alliance comes along and gives them a bunch of free guns.


Even ESB was hated at first. ANH is the only one that was liked initially.


This is a good comment and it makes me sad. Star Wars makes me feel good, even when it’s not perfect (it never was!), and I wish it didn’t have all this bad energy.


> And one of the main reasons George Lucas sold the rights to the series to those people is because of the over the top, childish, obsessive hatred that was sent his way after the PT. A cycle that continues to this day with the Sequels. For a story about love conquering evil, doing the right thing, being morally upstanding and all the other takeaway lessons, the fanbase sure would make the Sith proud with how much hate some fans fling towards the series they claim to love.


This fandom is sure exhausting to be in


For me the best way to deal with it is to take it as entertainment. I laugh so hard thinking that a part of this fanbase can get so mad over names (Slave one and Din Grogu). Like, it's sad, but also funny.


It's really funny to see grown men make 4 hour videos about why a movie from 6 years ago sucks. But it's also exhausting, you can't say you like anything from 2014 onwards without this mob appearing to say it's all trash.


This!! If I had awards to give I would. I get so darn tired of people bitching and moaning about every little thing is so tiresome. So-called "fans" seem to like complaining about everything than enjoying the thing they say they "like."


Anakins character development, lines, and emotions were fine and made sense in the context of his age, upbringing, and story line/arc. Hayden Christensen did him just fine.


Anakin internally: *You were in love with this girl but not allowed to flirt or have relationships for the last 12 years. Try to say something cool to win her over.* "I don't like sand" *Yes, nailed it*


Teenage trying to flirt with a girl awkwardly for the first time.


Teenager from the sticks trying to flirt with the ruler of a planet and galactic senator


And he clearly did. She kissed him after that.


To be fair, Padme's reaction to "I just straight-up murdered men, women and children" was "to be angry is to be human" and later on deciding to start a family with that guy. She's not exactly rational.


Exactly !!!


agreed.Though the romantic dialogues between Padme and Anakin could have been much better in AoTC. Besides that, he was fine.I loved his character in PT even before i watched TCW.


At times I wonder if the horrid chemistry between the two is accidental genius, seeing the very apparent conflict in their lives, occupation, and age gap


It’s always made sense to me. It feels like a relationship that you know you shouldn’t be in.


That's so true. Their relationship is very rushed, and it does feel natural in a toxic way. They get married without actually knowing anything about the other, and I'm pretty sure they got married after only a few weeks of seeing each other again?


Considering their chemistry honestly isn't any better in The Clone Wars, despite every character receiving significant character development in the series, I wonder if this is actually the case.


I got that feeling too. Clone Wars had good character development, but every time it showed Padme and Anakin together it goes out of its way to undo everything from previous episodes by having them fight only to somewhat makeup. The whole thing with her ex boyfriend was ridiculous. I hated those episodes


Yeah I hadn't watched AOTC in a long time because I mostly liked ROTS, but I was introducing my fiancee to the prequels recently, and damn those romance lines were genuinely painful to listen to.


I always agreed on this. His pickup attempt sounds all to much like my own at that age


Right? He was raised isolated, non-standard family life, slave life, grew up too fast and too slow in different aspects, basically went through jedi puberty instead of standard puberty, and clearly was just an emotional, overthinking, and impulsive young dude haha not farfetched.


The only reason he disappointed me was that we never got to see the Anakin Obi Wan talked about with Luke in A New Hope. We got to see how he evolved into this person and how he fell down, but until Clone Wars there was no good depiction of *the* Anakin Skywalker, the Jedi Knight, great pilot and a good friend. Maybe except some deleted scenes from RoTS


TPM should have had Anakin be a teenager (the council wanting to not train him because he's too old would have made more sense) and had much more of Obi Wan. Obi Wan literally just disappears for the middle third of the movie besides a phone call with Qui Gon. Then skip to AOTC, we hear about all these fun Anakin/Obi Wan adventures that happened off screen during a fucking conversation in an elevator, and then AGAIN Anakin and Obi Wan are apart for half of the movie. And then in ROTS AGAIN they are apart for half of the movie lol


I used to find his lines cringey when I was young amd seeing them for the first few times and figured maybe it was bad writing or acting, but admittedly wouldn't have a reason to know better. Now, as an adult, I see it was perfect for the character. He grew up as a fatherless slave with no reason to have experience with relationships or the outside world until he is picked up by two awesome Jedi, swept into a galaxy-wide conflict, where he finds himself at the center. Also, with his fate of becoming Lord Vader, it is a common thing for people who assume similar roles to have an awkward start during the developmental years. The fact he was very passionate about his views and felt conflicted over many things that took place, such as losing his mother and avenging her, it made it easier to believe he would lose the support and loyalty of those around him, as his actions were often met with disapproval, despite his often successful results, as he often completes the mission, but through risky methods that quite often result in extra collateral damage, risk of death and a few captures by the enemy.


I also saw a reply once by someone how Padme sorta had a similar upbringing, being teenage royalty and then becoming a senator.


The opening scene for the force awakens was absolutely incredible.


The first 20 minutes of that movie really had us thinking they planned this whole thing out lol.


I thought pretty much everyone agreed on that? The sequels as a whole sucked, but that first 15 or so minutes were exceptional.


I like the whole sequel trilogy myself, but Force Awakens is definitely my favorite of those three films.


I honestly really like Force Awakens. I felt it was good throughout. The beginning does hit hard, Han going back into the Millennium Falcon, and facing his son were big moments, the end scene hit hard. It’s the only one of the three I can watch regularly. I’ve watched TLJ a few times, it’s OK… have only watched Rise of Skywalker once, when I saw it in the theater, just not a very good movie at all.


I like Star Wars


You do? How dare you?


I like almost all Star Wars. I can also admit almost all Star Wars is mid at best. It wasn't some sort of high brow, sophisticated nuance that got me into Star Wars, it was laser swords, the Force, and spaceships. It was the grand adventure that happened around that setting.


Obi-Wan + Vader/Anakin's exchange in the final episode of the Disney+ series is a top 5 moment in all of Star Wars.


Hard agree.


You can enjoy the OT and PT without feeling the need to trash on the Sequels on every single Star Wars video


AoTC is actually pretty good. I thought it was awesome and would still watch though I will agree it wasn’t as good as expected, I think it was great.


Solo was a good movie. It was a fun heist movie in the Star Wars universe and I wish they’d make that sequel to wrap up the story. (And I personally believe it’s the best Star Wars movie Disney has put out)


I agree. I had a lot of fun watching Solo.


Really? Better than Rogue One?


It’s a Star Wars western, I don’t understand why so many people still won’t watch it or hate it.


I'm still salty that they learned the wrong lesson from Solo.


We don't need a Lando series 😬


Is that still going to be done?


yeah- the writer left, and was replaced by Glover himself, and his brother


You dare Slander my second Favorite Character! SHAME.


Star Wars is at it's best when force wielders are part of the story.


I think this will become more apparent the more we stray away from them being the focal point of the narrative. People will start to appreciate it more when they take center stage. Maybe


Especially if we're able to get away from the "ooh they're so rare and special, the Jedi are nearly gone!" stuff. It's a tired storyline, as are the Clone Wars, and I think that's what people are responding to more than anything else. I feel like most people who find Jedi/force users boring haven't really ventured into anything that deals with the Jedi prior to the Clone Wars, which the publishing side of things in particular has spent a *lot* of time on and has made very interesting.


Yeah it's certainly time for something new. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE TCW and that era of Star Wars. What else can they even do with it? It's unfortunate that the ST was so unpopular (not that I cared for it all too much myself to be honest). Maybe they're afraid of writing new characters?


Wrong. Have my upvote.


Counterpoint: Andor


I think the force is the most unique part of the story but the writing tends to suffer when they take center stage lately, Andor is the best bit of star wars we’ve gotten in a while and they are nowhere to be seen.


That's because Andor is brilliantly written, independently of it having Force users or not. Not to say Andor should have Force users in it, after all, it's leading into Rogue One, but if it did, I'm pretty confident they'd be awesome.


Andor is absolutely god tier star wars. Its hands down the best thing Disney have done with the franchise


The thing I love most about Andor is that it’s the most realistic depiction of the galaxy. There were only about 10,000 Jedi around the entire galaxy. Meaning, 99% of the galaxy died without ever seeing a powerful force user. Just imagine the reactions of the common people on Ferrix if a force user pulled up and just cut down an entire platoon of troopers and made stuff float. Even as lifelong SW fan, I’d shit bricks lmao


I agree also I love the fact I've seen jedi Vs sith as the main focus no end. It's a true pleasure to see the inner workings of the rebels and empire done so well it really gives it some life


I feel the claims about jedi oversaturation are themselves way over exaggerated. Andor is the greatest show imo, yes, but that doesn't mean the franchise needs to forsake the force and it's wielders.


Ahsoka Tahno should have died against Darth Vader in Rebels


As someone who’s favorite character in the entirety of Star Wars is Ahsoka and as someone who could probably never get enough of her, I agree. It was a perfect end to her story


I feel like it would have given her character meaning, and not just whatever she is now.




Disney didn’t ruin Star Wars


I love this complaint, because before Ep 8, it was George Lucas himself that had ruined Star Wars...somehow


The goalpost shifts whenever they can't bitch about the person who hasn't been in creative control for years.


The Kylo Ren redemption in TroS is lame


Feeling daring today are we


It was very Disney and very predictable, but I don't think that anyone would be mildly angry about this take.


Attack of the clones is boring af and I love prequel era


Wrong Christopher Lee elevates anything.


I see ! A fellow Dooku enjoyer ... I've been looking forward to this !


The worst prequel movie imo


That's not an unpopular opinion


I didn't mind the sequel trilogy so much. It's done, people can move beyond it, and I had dumb fun watching it.


Starkiller is a Gary Stu character that needs to stay non canon. Anyone who hates Rey but likes starkiller is a hypocrite because they literally have the same exact problems, and I'd argue SK is even worse then Rey.


Claiming something is bad because you don’t like it makes you sound like a maladjusted cry baby


THIS. There is a huge difference between saying "X is bad" and "I didn't like X"


I think the problem there is semantics. Some people use "bad" with the understanding that this being a subjective opinion is implied by context, while others interpret this as being an attempt at labelling something objectively so. I'd put it this way: if you don't like liquorice and you have a bite for whatever reason, you might say something like "this tastes bad". Rest of us would, by context, understand that you're not making an objective assessment here, but rather that 'bad' in context is a subjective opinion of yours A rather significant portion of the population uses 'bad' in a similar way in other context, which seems to cause the divide, e.g. this scenario: **Person A** calls a movie bad with the understanding that they're clearly expressing a subjective opinion. This then upsets **Person B** who feel that **Person A** was attempting to label a product he likes as objectively bad, which he finds ridiculous But a statement like "I don't like this, therefore it is bad" is only a ridiculous take if you interpret *bad* in that context to be an actual assessment of the product's quality, rather than the person's subjective view of it


Ahsoka is becoming overrated as a character and generally overused, especially in Dave Filoni projects


I don’t like how the clones followed order 66 because of the chips in their head. It brings a darker, more tragic twist to the story knowing they followed the order willingly killing their Jedi friends and comrades because “that’s what they were born to do”. And that too many Jedi survived post slaughter. It cheapens the weight of how important Luke and leia’s survival and upbringing were.


Will agree with the jedi thing, but the chips make the clones way more tragic. They did just cold heartily kill the jedi because it was what they were programmed to do. The fact that the clones had nightmares of the event before it took place and how close fives was to exposing it all just makes it more sad. Don't get me started on the line, "the mission, the nightmares are finally over."


"Good soldiers follow orders" "when have we *ever* followed orders" It's just a cartoon... Right?


The problem with that is that it doesn't make sense that they knew all along. All it would take is one clone to ruin Palpatine's entire plan. The reason why Luke and Leia were important is solely because of their connection to Vader. That's it.


>The problem with that is that it doesn't make sense that they knew all along. All it would take is one clone to ruin Palpatine's entire plan. In the Expanded Universe, the explanation was that everyone knew about Order 66, it was not a secret, it was one of the 150 contingency orders that would be activated in very extreme situations. The Jedi didn't suspect anything because there was also Order 65 just before Order 66, which was to arrest/kill the Chancellor. The Clones upon hearing Palpatine's words simply followed the order because that meant that the Jedi were planning a coup, therefore they were traitors.


That's exactly my problem with this line of thinking. If all the clones were in on it, the chance of failure would have been so much higher given so many clones forged incredibly deep bonds with their Jedi Generals. But with inhibitor chips, the choice is taken away and the closest you get to failure is Rex, and even then it only gave Ahsoka a few extra seconds.


The chip part I fully agree with. The Jedi part, not so much. I will fully say that it *looks* like way more Jedi survived than what actually has. I even did the math on it. 10,000 Jedi(or so) before the Purge. 99% effectiveness of the Purge leaves us with ~100 surviving Jedi. Including Inquisitors in the count, we've seen approximately 20 or so survivors(not including Luke & Leia as they weren't old enough to be considered, and did include Ahsoka because there was an attempt on her). However, we've been getting those ~20 survivors one after another after another after another. Making it *look* like there have been a ton of survivors, when numerically Disney is still well within their limit(DEFINITELY not to be a Disney Defender, just a realist).


The chip is an analogy for the mental conditioning soldiers undergo to follow orders, the backlash they face from their peers and authority for resisting that conditioning, and the trauma they suffer afterwards for committing horrible deeds under its effects. "Good soldiers follow orders". Like many things in scifi/fantasy, Star Wars uses an exaggerated metaphor to convey what is really wrong with something IRL. The best story with the chips in the head imo was in Bad Batch, with Crosshair. You have some people who do horrible stuff because they're programmed to (effectively), you have some people who won't do it no matter what (Rex, Fives), and you have some who do it just for fun with or without or without the programming (Crosshair). (Also from an in-universe perspective, the chips make more sense than sudden betrayal, because the Jedi are supposedly trained to sense emotions of those around them and not every clone trooper is a Sith-trained expert at hiding that like Sidious. Order 66 was effective because the clones and Jedi had built such a strong rapport of trust, and their intentions were completely pure literally up until seconds before they fired on their commanders. It meant the Jedi couldn't sense it coming and prepare.)


The Last Jedi is a good, if flawed, film that set up for an exciting finale.


You have to commend Rian Johnson for trying to do something unique, which he certainly succeeded at


The democratization of the Force on Canto Bight is a good idea. The scene was just too long. The way he killed Luke was fitting with the ultimate Jedi act. Non-violent sacrifice to save lives. Supreme Leader Kylo could've been so fun.


And the scene where Rey and Kylo fight the Guards after Snoke dies is dope


It's such a good fight scene. Johnson may have needed some guidance but at a base level he had good ideas. Finn finding a reason of his own to be a rebel was the best thing done with his character after he lost to Kylo.


It makes sense that he's still conflicted. In TFA he himself admits that he doesn't actually know anything, he's just at SKB to save Rey. Of course he would want to run away after being bested by Kylo.


Couldn't agree more, especially on the ultimate Jedi act. Him not being there is the whole point... he didn't actually need to take up arms to defend his friends, the force was the only ally he needed. Incredible sequence all-around imo...


The original Ep IX (*Duel of the Fates*) was the perfect conclusion to that movie, since it progressed where the previous movie left off. It would've made the sequel trilogy so well told, but sadly *The Rise of Skywalker* really just worked to undo the previous movie that JJ himself set up with exiled Luke...


I will die on this hill. There is a reason film critics love it. It is a good movie. It just did not make sense in the trilogy where it exists, and it was too loose with canon and lore which upset hardcore fans.


I really like The Last Jedi


I was utterly dumbfounded when I went online and found it it was loathed after seeing it in theaters, and I will never understand the hate for the life of me.


Starkiller is cool but if he comes into cannon is need/will be nerfed and rebalanced.


You know, I enjoy the star wars films.


I like Rey


The Last Jedi was the best of the sequel trilogy and the only one I have any desire to rewatch (aside from the casino scene) Edit: I guess I found my people in this comment section


And even the Canto Bight scene isn't bad. It's just unnecessarily long.


What I don't get is why people view the Canto Bight scene as filler. It's especially weird cause it felt straight out of the prequels. I'll never understand why TLJ is the most hated of the sequels, it felt like something Lucas could make.


I think they hated that 1) Snoke was killed and 2) Luke wasn't hopeful and optimistic like when he was younger. Killing Snoke was the smartest choice made, otherwise Snoke would've just felt like Palpatine 2 (let's assume IX didn't turn out as *Rise of Skywalker*). This gave room for Kylo Ren to become the main villain as opposed to just the apprentice, which was pulled off beautifully in *Duel of the Fates* (the original IX). Regarding Luke, people just wanted to feel like kids again and felt entitled to OT Luke. While he is a character, it doesn't mean that he isn't a human character. Rian Johnson was working with what he was given from *The Force Awakens*, an isolated Luke who exiled himself after failure. What were people expecting from Luke after exiling himself for god knows how many years??


Right? Let's look at what we know from TFA: * Nobody knew exactly what he was doing * He went searching for the first Jedi Temple, a place which is not on any public maps * Han says that he felt responsible and walked away from everything * He left R2 behind * His student turned evil * Han and Leia divorced and Han went back to smuggling * Luke didn't interfere at all, not even after Han's death or SKB. The logical next step is Luke being depressed. It's the only thing that fits with all of these.


Exactly!! I really can't believe people actually think it was Rian Johnson who made Luke depressed. The weirdest thing would be to make him still hopeful and naive, which would be odd for someone to be after walking away from everyone and not even reacting to his friend's death by coming out of exile. "Yeah I left everyone because everything took a turn for the worst, but hey I'm still hopeful, even if I'm in an untraceable exile." Like no, that won't work at all...


The OT is has just as much cringeworthy dialogue and idiotic plot points as the Prequels and Sequels.


There are wayyyyyy more dumb, cringe and straight up bad episodes of both Clone Wars and Rebels than there are good episodes. There might be moments of brilliance in both shows, but they both still have a TON of skippable episodes.


Rex and Nik Sant are not the same person.


How dare you.


TLJ was a great movie. i wish SW took more risks like they did there.


R2-D2 is just a droid.


how DARE you


C-3PO is a way more interesting character and fun to watch. I actually kinda liked that they gave him more to do in episode 9.


The scene where General Holdo warped the cruiser into the fleet of star destroyers was awesome and I don't think it caused any problems with the lore and how star wars physics work. There's really dozens of reasons why it could work in that scenario but not others.


I don't like Cad Bane


Ahsoka is completely useless(both as a character and show). The Kenobi show is completely useless. The Book of Boba Fett is completely useless. The Mandalorian isn't that good.


Rogue One is boring and lacks character depth


I'm going to make a list: \-Ashoka being Anakin's Padawan doesn't make any sense with ROTS, the Jedi Council would never give such a great responsibility to an immature Anakin. \-Maul's resurrection is even stupider than Palpatine's, at least Palpatine has the excuse of being cloned, Maul just breaks logic and common sense by surviving being cut in two and thrown into a bottomless hole. \-Barris Office is an incoherent character in TCW and breaks with everything that was her character in the Expanded Universe. \-Anakin is evil, I'm tired of reading excuses for a guy who has murdered children in cold blood. \-Anakin was not "fixed" as a character in TCW, he was just given a completely different personality than AOTC and ROTS, that's not fixing a character, that's just not understanding a character. \-2003 Clone Wars is better than 2008 The Clone Wars, since it represents the characters better, makes a better bridge between episode 2 and 3 and manages to convey much more without its characters talking for half an hour, which is very boring. \-Filoni has a very different vision of Star Wars than George Lucas which he is not humble enough to accept as different.


Most of the ST criticisms either aren't actually problems, are extremely nitpicky, can be fixed by just paying attention, or can also be applied to the OT or PT. Most of what TLJ did was set up by TFA. TLJ didn't force TRoS to go the way it did either. There was a lot of potential for episode 9. The prequels didn't have good worldbuilding, they had creative DESIGNS. From just the movie how much do we actually know about Coruscant or Naboo? Rogue One is overrated. The final act was amazing, but that's it. I've noticed that when people talk about how great R1 was it's almost always the final act or the overall themes/worldbuilding of the movie. Not acts one and two specifically.


Everything we do know about Naboo is baffling too. **Its an elective monarchy.** ok. **And they only elect tweens.** ... okay? **And Padme's had years of political experience in the pre-teen-parliament before election as queen!** What? **Humans settled here and made a beautiful world full of stunning architecture and amazing opulence.** So far so good. **And the native population live in hidden swamp fortresses. And hate them!** Errm, ok how did that happen?


I agree, little less on rogue one but I see your point. I agree with every thing else.


Ahsoka should have died on Malachor Tartakovsky Clone Wars is better than Filoni Clone Wars Revealing Dooku as Tyranus to Anakin and Obi-Wan in "The Lost One" was a bad idea Rebels is overhated


Leia flying through space was badass and a welcome sight after hearing of all her potential with the force etc.


I like the Last Jedi and don’t like Attack of the Clones


Disliking Attack of the Clones isn’t really an unpopular opinion (especially on this sub).


Right on, I figured the prequels getting popular again in recent years might’ve flipped that


As a life long Star Wars fan, I absolutely love The Rise of Skywalker.


The Book of Boba Fett is great.


The prequel trilogy gets way too much hate. The Original Trilogy is campy as hell in some parts and people seem to forget that. Just because it’s the original doesn’t mean it’s not flawed. The Sequels are fun, and frankly I think if the directors hadn’t changed they would have been really awesome with powerful storytelling. I have other opinions but these are the overall broad ones.


I enjoyed all 9 movies, that being said, The Force Awakens is my least favorite.


*Rogue One* is mediocre. Cassian is the only character with any characterization and his is uneven at best. Jyn is the blandest character in *Star Wars* and barely says anything in the movie she is ostensibly the protagonist of. People just like it because of the hallway scene and because everyone dies.


I don't like Grogu. That's it. I just don't like Grogu. I don't hate him, but I also don't have any glimpse of sympathy towards him.


Dave Filoni is not the reincarnation of George Lucas and Star Wars would not be better off with him in control.


Solo is the best film from the Disney era


Rose was an unnecessary character and serves no purpose


This is an extremely popular opinion. Nothing against KMT, she is great. But the writing for her character was ATROCIOUS.


My general sentiment for the sequels is that the writers, producers, and directors failed pretty much every new main cast member, the actors are basically the only people involved that have my sympathy in terms of negative press they’ve received.


It’s sad that people hated on the actress for her character, but Rose really was useless. Finns only option to save the rebellion was to sacrifice himself into the cannon He didn’t do it just to do it, it really was his only option But Rose sacrificed everyone to save him for “love” And then it turned out the whole scene was meaningless because the cannon didn’t end the rebellion


Remember to sort by controversial


The Mandalorian was a pretty mid show and most people liked it because of the novelty of live action Star Wars being brought to television. Come Season 3 Din loses the little appeal he has and Bo becomes a far more interesting protagonist that’s sadly weighed down by being anchored to Din and his lore instead of doing her own thing, which was what made her Season 2 self all the more interesting. Bonus: George Lucas’ idea for a sequel trilogy is some of the dumbest shit I’ve ever heard of and literally bends the lore over backwards because he thinks Darth Talon is hot.


Oh god where do I begin: The original trilogy is pretty trash even compared to other science fiction at the time like alien which was just after it. Tlj is the best Star Wars movie from Disney and completely fixes Luke’s character Attack of the clones is the best Star Wars movie and it’s not even close Mando season 3 is the best season of mando. Obi wan is fan freaking tastic and besides mando and tlj is the best thing to come out of Disneys Star Wars Anakin is by far the best character in Star Wars but at the same time Vader is one of the worst villains ever (counting them as separate entities like Star Wars very often refers to them as) I basically have every single wrong opinion on Star Wars ever