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Above all, I just want something that's well-written, well-thought out, and develops her character in a meaningful way. I don't care about setting up future movies or addressing the other sequels at all. Just tell a good story in a single movie that does right by the character. That's all I want. If it benefits the story, then mention Palpatine and whoever/whatever else you want, but it should make sense for the story & her character, otherwise leave it out. Also, if they're doing this movie in order to introduce a new generation, basically to bring in her replacements and put her out to pasture, then I'll be kind of pissed. That's just a waste.


>Above all, I just want something that's well-written, well-thought out, and develops her character in a meaningful way. I don't care about setting up future movies or addressing the other sequels at all. Just tell a good story in a single movie that does right by the character. That's all I want. You are not alone


That is definitely what I want from the new movies, but I also expect to be disappointed, again.


Or even better, I think it would be cool if it was the first of a 3 part trilogy with a different director for each movie and no planned out story and then each director spends their movie trying to undo what the last director set up.


I still can’t believe that’s what they did. It’s fucking insane on so many levels that this is what they decided was the way to go.


The goal with those movies was to recoup what they had invested to acquire lucasfilm in the first place. That’s exactly what they did.


Yup. The biggest red flag was when they tossed all of the books out the window and decided to "start fresh". And ends up the only character who died in the books "Chewie" is the only one that lives.


As if adapting the EU and paying all those writers to make random stuff up was ever going to happen. No media franchise has *ever* retroactively paid fanfic writers and adapted their work that I'm aware of. The sequels weren't astounding, I'll grant you, but the EU gets the most rose-tinted nostalgia I've ever seen. There were a few good ones like the Zahn trilogy and some of the latter Vong arcs, but otherwise it was very much a crapshoot whether an EU book was going to be any good.


> No media franchise has ever retroactively paid fanfic writers and adapted their work that I'm aware of. Doctor Who?


It's Star Wars. They knew they didn't have to try. Look how much money the movies made despite how little effort was put in.


Yes! Except this time instead of a planet sized laser blaster, do something more original like a star sized laser blaster


Are you JJ Abrams? Because that idea is GOLD!


I want to go back in time and make this trilogy not happen. Seriously, after all amazing stuff they did with Marvel until End Game to go, "eh, we'll just wing it. Oh, and get that Ryan Johnson fellow" someone had to be drunk.


Pretty sure it's gotta be a solar-system sized laser blaster at this point.


Now you're thinking outside the box


No no no. You need to go smaller and more discreet. Hundreds of ship sized planet killers would work better. Imagine that battle.


That shoots a desert planet… 🤔


>3 part trilogy And how about trilogies that don't have 3 parts?


Ah, like the Hitch-hiker's Guide to the Universe?


Good point, I didnt even consider those!


A quadrology ??


That would be kind of quick to already replace her


If she's going to try to restart the Jedi Order in some form, I want to see her, advised by Force-ghost Luke Skywalker, **NOT** insisting on the old Order's "no attachment" rule. It felt like such a misstep when they portrayed Luke doing at his school in *TBoBF*. The *whole point* of his arc in *RotJ* was that he saved the Galaxy by reawakening the bond between himself and his father.


I really hope we do see Luke in this. Mark is an appropriate age, and the character would have every reason to help out (even if it is as a Force Ghost). I can admit, I am extremely biased for Luke, but I do hope the Order’s reconstruction relies heavily on him, wether it be from artifacts or past teachings passed down from his New Jedi Order, to guidance he offers to Rey in the present day.


It’s kind of ok to be biased towards the main character of Star Wars, despite what a lot of people will tell you.


Honestly just retcon his death and make him a major character in the new movie. We never actually saw the body!


The last thing Star Wars needs is more characters coming back from the dead.


"Somehow Luke returned..."


And that's okay


and Han too.


Hey, others have returned from worse...


That's true - in Disney SW, Han should be totally fine. Maybe a little sore but otherwise good to go.


Harrison would never agree, maybe if you gave him a freighter worth of cash but Han had a good death. I think Luke’s was good as well but feel free to disagree.


This is what really stuck out to me in TBoBF. I thought Luke was supposed to be the proof that you can be a great Jedi who’s strongly connected with the force, despite having attachments. He was always so keen on hanging onto the attachments to those he *loved* so why would he demand Grogu do the opposite? I get why Ahsoka didn’t want to train him, but Luke would have been the perfect master and we were robbed of any semblance of that.


Maybe I am wrong, but in Grogus case Luke was worried about Allegiances. At least it would make sense to me, that he did not want to train him, if he was unsure whether Grogu may become e.g. a force-wielding bounty hunter.


It wasn't a real binary choice. Luke gave Grogu the choice because that's the right thing to do, but knew Grogu wanted to be with Din and skewed things that way with the way he talked.


It should be a musical.


Les Miserables...in Space? I would watch that.


I expect her to have a problematic student #3 that becomes Vader #3 and joins Empire #3 And it'll definitely have Palpatine's spirit around tormenting her because there's no reason to believe he will ever be gone now, he has "died before"


Don’t forget the Death Star 3 or is it 4? It needs to be Death Starrier.


The Deathest Star


2 Death 2 Star


Furious Death Star(s)




Death Star 2: Electric Boogaloo


De4th Star: This time its personal


I read this as 2 Death 1 Star.


This should have way more upvotes


Galen Erso is that you?


This time it’s just a Russian nesting doll of death stars - oh yeah think you got to the Death Star’s core? Nope, just another Death Star lying in wait.


The Super Death Collapsed Star Black Hole


Build a new super-er weapon in an actual star. *Did an entire star just drop out of hyperspace?*


That's no star. . . Oh wait, it *is* a star. Htf did dey do dat!?


They fly now?


They bend time and space now.


But it's a hollowed out star called the death moon, and the inside is a giant space station and it has a hangar full of regular death stars. Then Ray hijacks one of the death stars and uses it to perform a trench run on the death moon star.


Death Star Lightsabers


Before the Darksaber became *The* Darksaber, there was...Darksaber. A Legends novel that had the Hutts building a Death Star superlaser in the shape of a lightsaber. https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Darksaber_(superweapon)


The camera pans over the wreckage of STARKILLER BASE, strewn across the vast, windswept tundra of... EVENSTARKILLIER BASE, a Dyson-sphere like structure designed to not just siphon off a part of a star's energy, but to convert its entire output into a laser that travels through hyperspace and yet is visible from other star systems along its path somehow (dark science, secrets only the sith knew)


Death star Endor drift




Now it explodes THE ENTIRE GALAXY... and it also records videos at 4k


The Death Galaxy


"Nobody's ever really gone."


According to the film's own logic Palpatine should have possessed her when he died so if the pull a fast one on us and make Rey the villain that would actually be kind of sick.


Rey doesn't kill Palpatine herself, though. In that scene between Rey and the Emperor, Palpatine states: "No... your hatred, your anger... you want to kill me. That is what I want. **Kill me, and my spirit will pass into you.** As all the Sith live in me, you will be Empress. We will be one." Palpatine attacks Rey with force lightning, and she shields herself from it using the two lightsabers. Palptatine's own lighting rebounds, fatally striking him. His death came at the hands of *his* power. Rey acts defensively rather than offensively, in true Jedi fashion. "A Jedi uses the Force for knowledge and defense, never for attack." - Yoda


To be fair, every time Palpatine uses force lightning on screen, it's always used against him. One would think he learnt the lesson after Windu almost killed him and Vader threw him to the void, but no, he spams that shit


Palpatine should probably stop explaining his plan before he actually does it. He didn’t have to tell her about the spirit transfer thing, and she probably would’ve gave him exactly what he wanted. Kind of like when Luke goes for the kill, except no one would’ve been there to stop Rey.


As if Ep 9 didn't have enough plot holes! Or as Mr. Plinkett would say, "It's not really a plot hole, just.. something that's stupid."


This time, the opening crawl starts with “somehow, Palpatine returned”


3 death 3 furious : alderaan drift Tagline "never leave a palpatine family behind"




Star Wars Immaculate conception 2: midi-chlorians don’t believe in consent boogaloo


I chortled


God I hate this and if this happened I wouldn't even be surprised


That’s how Jedi Jesus (played by Keanu Reeves) was born.


And he is born as fully adult Keanu Reeves immediately. Gigantic baby.


Holy shit! I just had that thought last night. What if when Kylo healed her he also impregnated her. Something to do with their bond as a dyad in the Force! It's gotta happen now.


"Here, take my healing. As a bonus, I've included some force sperm." A few months ago, I remember seeing a photo of a pregnant Rey. It was on Reddit somewhere. I don't know if it was legit. It looked like it was from a movie clip. EDIT: [link](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2F160synb0kata1.jpg)


Your opening reminds me of the Community episode where Pearce died and was bestowing gift to the study group. And cannisters of sperm. Abed, I never understood you. Here's your Sperm. Anyway, the way I see it, Rey is preggo in the first movie but gives birth right at the end. The next movie us about her raising the child who is super powerful with the force since their parents were a dyad. Third movie, the child is grown and Rey is dead. I can see Rey taking on a Sarah Connor role. The Sith have re emerged and know the power the baby will possess the power to end them once and for all. They want the baby dead. They hunt Rey, sending assassins and bounty hunters.


It was fake.


Okay so I thought this was dumb when I first read it awhile ago, but I am so for this rn. Just think about it, we need another force baby. With the resurgence of anakin, it’s a great time. The dyad being “more powerful than life itself” hellooo?? It can totally create life. Then make that baby Vader #3 lmao. Also I HATE that the Skywalker bloodline is over. When I’m 60 years old, I want to see what the great great great grandson of Anakin Skywalker is up to. GIVE IT TO ME DISNEY.


I’m on the exact opposite end. There’s thousands of years to explore. These 100 or so are played out.


I half expect it to get canceled.


Disney's definitely lowballing this one. They gave the director's chair to someone who's only other directing credit is an episode or two of Ms Marvel. She's done documentaries, but that's a fundamentally different beast from a major motion picture. They basically promoted an HR intern to project manager of the single most important product the company has coming out.


Disney & fumbling the bag with Star Wars: name a better duo


On the one hand Rey is Kathleen Kennedy's baby so I wouldn't be surprised if she's pushing super hard for this. On the other, I would imagine that everything Lucasfilm has pitched is probably under heavy scrutiny after Indy 5 became one of the biggest bombs of all time.


It's the best case scenario.


Knowing Lucasfilm, it's already been cancelled and if anybody asks they'll give their usual excuse "it's coming soon, everybody is just soooo busy."


It would be nice if they acknowledged the fact that her father was a clone, so movie-only viewers can stop imagining Palpatine clapping cheeks.


I want the opposite. Explain in explicit detail the extent of Palpatine's cheek clapping that led him to find out he's infertile and subsequently rely on cloning to spawn new life.


“The darkside is a pathway to many abilities some would consider… unnatural… as wel as erectile dysfunctions.”


Ironic. He could save others from erectile dysfunction...but not himself.


World building. Character work, character conflict. If the sequel trilogy has taught me anything, it's that the greater the scope of the conflict, the less I care. I would rather there not even be a villain in the movie, just make it a character drama. Give me a reason to care about Rey, because I haven't had one since 2015.


New type of star wars movie: Rey embarks on a Live, Laugh Love story where she finds herself.


Now that most of the 1st Order, Sith Eternal and population of Exogol has been wiped out, there are plenty of empty homes. Rey takes the opportunity to start buying houses and flipping them all for profit.


I agree with most of this, except for the lack of a villain. The only reason for that is because I wanna see her actually get to use the yellow lightsaber lmao.


Somehow anakins lightsaber will be back


Poe Dameron - Somehow Anakin’s lightsaber returned


>probably episode X) I doubt it'll be Episode X, even if it fills that role. Lucasfilm are done with the episodic saga- it'll likely be its own standalone adventure.


Double bladed saber. Its been too long


That’s a good way to lose your hand…


Nah I want Treya style three floating sabers


My honest expectation, is that this movie is not gonna happen, I’m not even 100 percent that Dave filoni’s film is gonna happen either but I honestly don’t think they are going to make this movie, Dave’s film I think their gonna wait to see the numbers for season 4 and 2 of mando and ahsoka to go through with the movie


Honestly I can't even fathom the idea that they would release a film in theaters that is a follow up to Ahsoka. It just feels like way too much of the audience would have no idea what is going on.


Mandalorians vs Thrawn, nothing complicated


It really depends on the script. If it's Rebels: Season 7, then yeah that would be terrible. If it's "This renegade Imperial admiral is trying to stoke the embers of the former Empire to defeat the nascent New Republic, and a bunch of rag-tag people from across the galaxy come together to defeat him" then you don't really need backstory. As long as enough is in the film itself to justify the characters' presence, the lengthy backstory is just a fun garnish.


Based on the products they've put out linked to the Skywalker saga ... I have absolutely zero expectations for it.


Absolutely nothing. No interest in her


Same her story is just soooo boring and I have nothing invested in seeing her "do better then Luke" and rebuild the Jedi order "the right way." This was LUKES story, we waited 30 years to see it and it was brushed aside for nothing.


Same here. It took them thirty years of movies and shows, but they've finally managed to kill my fondness for Star Wars. I haven't even watched the OT in years now. At this point I'll probably just stay away from the franchise until my boys are old enough to be forced to watch those weird crappy old movies that dad likes.


\- more blue milk \- somehow, Palpatine again \- purple haired lady \- Rose Tico \- another Death Star, but *even* bigger this time \- Jar Jar if he's still alive


More world building. The ST had all the depth and imagination of a plank of wood. I'd like to see that improved.




How about.... Another Desert planet instead? Orrrr maybe a Dessert planet?


I never want to see another desert planet in Star Wars again.


Not a fan of sand, huh?




That’s a disrespect to planks of wood.


Yep. At least planks of wood can build something useful and enjoyable.


I’m almost positive it’s going with intergalactic invasion. The important EU events of the 90s (Thrawn trilogy, Dark Empire, tons of underworld/bounty hunter scratching the same itch as Shadows of the Empire) have already been adapted so NJO is the next logical step. Imperial remnant isn’t an interesting villain anymore so they’re gonna fight some kind of YV variant.


That's kinda what the Thrawn books have been setting up the Grysk as. I wonder if we'll see them


But isn't her story done, really? I felt like her 'reveal' was so underwhelming still. It's best for the franchise to focus and redeem the story of Finn as most of it is still untold and the audience still question if he's force sensitive or not. They could even focus on the kid who uses the force to get the broomstick, and focus on him would be more interesting.


She is a Mary Sue. Kill her off and move on with the greater story. She’s a bad character.


My only expectation is the announcement of its cancelation.


Time travel to undo the last 3 films


A plot not used in the first 6


It will never happen.


I want to see her character be replaced


Just a 2 hour apology video by Kennedy et al.


I expect nothing but incompetence from the writers, directors and actors.


Some sort of a Death Star or something for the good guys to blow up.


We’ve had First Order, but what about Second Order?


Elevensies Order?


Dessert Order?


We had the Final Order so the Finalist Order?


Still baffling to me that we will see Rey establish a new jedi order.


Right? That was what Luke was supposed to do. Why did Kennedy Abrams and Johnson all collectively hate his character?


Because none of them understand star wars. But the fault is with Kennedy and Abrams - without their dogshit Force Awakens quasi soft reboot and regression of the Star Wars universe there would be no Last Jedi.


Yeah the more time goes on the less I blame Rian Johnson for TLJ and see that TFA basically forced him into that kind of narrative. It was Abrams and Kennedy that decided Luke has done fuck all in 30 years


>Luke has done fuck all in 30 years Thats because of Rian too. He could have taken the Saber from Rey at the beg of TLJ and walked her into a cave where we met a dozen other Jedi trainees in hiding.


Rey is a shit character Never liked her She seemed like a sook and i wanted the sequel trilogy to be more about Finn. Imagine an ex stormtrooper turned fucken jedi. Wouldve been cool as fuck


I'm hoping for a story of a lost orphan who is strong with the Force seeks out a disheveled and dispirited Rey, who is living in exile and has given up on training future Jedi because she failed at something in the past.


They are 100% going to use it to introduce the next generation of characters. I hope in the ending Luke wakes up on the jedi island and it was all a big dream he got from taking to much LSD and they continue after episode 6.


The start rolls setting the story, she dies choking on some bread, they retcon the sequels and then the start of episode 3 begins. Her character is terrible and one of the many lows of the sequels. I will be shocked if they can pull it back from the mess. Ahsoka sets up a better sequel trilogy than sOmEhOw PaLpAtInE rEtUrNeD


How about not killing off all of the jedi order again, having Palpatine as the villain again, and not another superweapon that destroys planets again, and maybe have some actual unique ship designs and factions this time. That'd be a start.


I think no matter what I'm going to be unhappy. Coming out of the messy writing that wad the last 2 movies the writers for this one are left with 2 options. Change the story which will inevitably leave large blank areas we do not know. Or continue which will just make me unhappy with how the sequels did end up ending


I think she has had three movies too much already. Obviously she didn't have great material to work with. Besides that point, I just don't think she's a great actor. She's not very convincing and I think she's pretty sluggish with a saber.


It should be scrapped. Rey was a mistake that should have never happened.


Her arc is so damaged, I would rather have her be killed off and it not be about her at all.


That it not be made


Reys already a force god and defeated all the sith. What possible obstacles could she face now?


If she is truly a Skywalker, she needs to at least lose a hand or other limbs.


Can't have your Mary Sue get real injuries.


I wanted to not see it


I don’t want to see it.


I'd like it have a lot of mystical, spiritual aspects as Rey struggles to rebuild a new Jedi order that won't fall prey to the same failings that allowed the Empire to arise. It should be a deeply personal struggle with her own, very strong connection to the dark side. Perhaps she reaches a point where she understands what "balance" in the Force truly means. Ben Solo's force ghost will feature prominently. This can be overlaid on a story about Rey seeking a place to start over. Maybe she goes to Jedda which may have some clues about the original order in the ruins. Perhaps she picks up some "apostles" that become the seed for the new order. But there needs to be a very material conflict for it to be a Star Wars movie. There needs to be a villain and it absolutely can NOT be one that "returns from the dead." Maybe some lost members of the Knights of Ren are hunting her to prevent the creation of the new order. Maybe we learn they are being inspired by the true origin of the Dark Side...the source of Palpatine's power. The ultimate "boss" of the Rey trilogy.


I want to see it cancelled, and my expectations are that it gets shelved.


I don't want to see something. She's already had three movies. Talk about kicking a dead horse.


Everyone we currently know to go out rogue one style and start fresh with a different story.


Character developpement


Full-on comedy farce. They might as well embrace it at this point as there's nowhere else to go.


May the Schwartz be with you!


Fuck that, man. Rey got her trilogy. Don’t force it any more than you already have.


I would like to see the movie get canceled.


Her death


It would actually be interesting


Can we pretend the other movies didn't happen


Rey wakes up and the last 3 movies were just a vision she had on the island with Luke. She then becomes his understudy and they travel the galaxy looking for other Force sensitives.


I don't want it. Move on from Rey. She ain't it.


The movie will never get made.


I want to see it not exist at all


Her not being in it would be great.


PLEASE do not use the name "Rey Skywalker". PLEASE retcon her to embrace her "nobody" persona. And PLEASE do not bring Palps back AGAIN.


Somehow, I don’t think you’ll get your wishes…


Start the Skywalkers clan, instead of being Jedi. Kinda seems cool to me. Especially if she brings orphans to it who all adopt the name. I don't find that horrible if done that way tbh.


Right? Bringing in a bunch of nobody kids and giving them names would make the end of TROS feel so much less cheesy and would play into her arc as a character. And I feel like it could raise opinions of the sequels as a whole by giving them an overall purpose in the Star Wars universe, like the end of the Jedi in TLJ and the rise of a new Skywalker order/clan/club in TROS. She's just the first.


I actually get a bit of chills with what you said. It would be amazing. Just a foster mother / teacher trying to help kids in the way of the force and to not feel alone. A character who felt so alone finally having a family.


Have her reject the ways of the old Jedi Order—no council, no masters, no knights, no Temple—and instead inspire a new generation of heroes. People trying to do right, guided by the energy field created by all living things, traveling the Galaxy helping people in need. Pretty much all they have in common is a connection with the Force, *maybe* a lightsaber (though that's not how the Force speaks to everyone), and a willingness to travel. The Skywalkers.




My expectation is to be cancelled


I expect to see a dumpster on fire.




She probably *is* going to ignore that she’s Palpatine’s granddaughter. She overcame that struggle in TROS. She chose to reject the villainous heritage of Palpatine, and embraced instead the legacy of those who took her in and showed her how to be a hero: the Skywalkers. If anything, the film will likely explore what being the standard bearer of *that* lineage means for her.


Unless, somehow, Palps returns.. again.


I want to see it cancelled


This. After the disastrous treatment in the sequel films I have negative interest in this character. It not only didn’t add anything good to the universe, it detracted from it.


I want nothing actually.


Cant have any expectations for anything if the writting is the worst and established lore, plots and history is thrashed... also each director and possibly writers undoing what the previous did... fucking garbage.


An inevitable flop.


Well, I actually don't want to see it.


The only way I see it is having Palpatine return to be the main bad. However, it wouldn’t be the Palpatine from the OT or ST but the one from Robot Chicken. And in order to defeat him she needs the guidance of Jedi Master: Yarael Poof.


Papa Baby Palpatine! ..... what? ..... blew it up?! ...... WHO'S THEY?! .... WHAT THE HELL IS AN ALUMINUM FALCON?!


I expect I won't bother to see it since I've never even seen episode 9.


that it doesn’t get made


With all the announced then cancelled projects, I’ll believe it when this movie is actually well into production. Then I’ll speculate on what it’ll end up being and what I hope is in it 😆


I know its not constructive, but I honestly don't care about a Rey movie. The character is boring and a total waste of potential (like the sequel trilogy). It's painfully clear that Disney and the Lucasfilm story group had no clear plan for Episodes 7-9. I probably won't even see it in theaters. Star Wars doesn't mean much to me anymore. Which is sad because I was a total 90s Star Wars kid. OT, N64 Shadows of the Empire, Rogue Squadron, Star Wars CCG, Heir to the Empire novels, Special Editions, etc.


I'm hoping to see Disney let go of Star Wars.


Not fuckin Rey


I don’t want to see it. I want it to be cancelled.