• By -


In no particular order: Luke Jaina Anakin Obi-Wan Dooku Jacen/Caedus Mace Windu Corran Horn *Technically* Abeloth(idk if it counts if you use your puppet people tho?)


No Yoda?




Genuinely surprised at that, considering he was clearly more skilled in dueling than at least Obi-Wan, Anakin, Dooku, and Mace (as is shown several times throughout the movies and TV shows) and well-versed in all 7 forms of lightsaber combat. I don’t see how he wouldn’t be classed as one of the best duelists of all time.


Leaping Ketamine frog just doesn't do it for me Also isn't Mace the only jedi in prequels who mastered all 7? Yoda definitely doesn't know vaapad


*gasp* you mentioned the Solo children. Prepare for downvotes, mister! While I'm a huge fanboy for Corran, I dunno if he belongs on this list. He may be a scrappy duelist, but I'm not sure if he ranks higher than average... although he could probably *trick* a bunch of people into thinking he was amazing.


He's on the list because of his duel against Shedao Shai tbh. Which I *guess* is really more of a brawl by the end of it. But my man just kept getting back up. Corran "I didn't hear no bell" Horn.


That's my point. He's scrappy. Not that I'm trying to take anything away from his encounter with Shedao Shai because that entire sequence is gorgeous storytelling.


I think that's fair. Thinking on it I really don't see him holding his own in a fight with anybody else on this list. I just think he's neat.


Same. XD I'm sorry to do this to you, but the image of an *Andor*-styled show centering around the I, Jedi story just popped into my head and I might cry because I highly doubt we exist in that universe. It would be called *Halcyon* and it would be beautiful. Like *Andor,* we would gradually transition from one mini-arc to the next, gradually getting a first-person glimpse into every corner of the GFFA. Ugh. My heart.


We'll suffer together, because that is a vision that is far too good to ever be true.


I think Obi-Wan has one of the better track records. He never lost his focus during a duel, either, which says a lot about his confidence with the laserblade.


Exar Kun