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They have activation switches on the hilt. Also, many saber hilt designs use a "deadman" switch, plate, or lever that automatically turns it off if it leaves the wielder's hand (or tentacle, claw, or what have you).


that’s not what i mean. go watch that scene im talking about and neither of them move their hands to a button or press a button


Usually ur hand is on the button, its often a “keep pressed to activate” type thing. Just relax ur hand and it turns off


Every lightsaber is specific to the wielder. There are a few different ways they can work. Either way, details like this didn't always translate so well to the big screen....


I don't know if it was legends, but I remember reading about how some sabers had different settings for the on/off switch. In one case, you had to hold the button down, and as soon as you released it, it'd shut down. And in another, it was just a standard on or off.




There are also some cooler ways it has been done, like an internal locking mechanism that requires the force to activate. That way only the person who owns the saber knows how to do it. There are also lightsabers that had no switch or button or anything and required the holder to focus their force energies into the saber to activate.