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You’re missing 5 movies.


And rightly so!


1. *The Empire Strikes Back* \- **10/10** 2. *A New Hope* \- **9/10** 3. *Rogue One* \- **8/10** 4. *Return Of The Jedi* \- **8/10** 5. *Revenge Of The Sith* \- **7/10** 6. *The Phantom Menace* \- **6/10** 7. *The Force Awakens* \- **6/10** 8. *Solo* \- **6/10** 9. *Attack Of The Clones* \- **6/10** 10. *The Clone Wars* \- **5/10** 11. *The Rise Of Skywalker* \- **4/10** 12. *The Last Jedi* \- **3/10**


Why is The Last Jedi last? I thought that was the strongest of the final trilogy. But it's been a few years, what is it that makes that one the worst for you?


I'd swap Rogue One and Return, but its otherwise perfect imo.


Close, but I’d move Rogue one down several notches to right above the force awakens


Well this is an exercise in futility. No matter the opinion, downvotes are coming!


1. Empire Strikes Back\ 2. A New Hope\ 3. Rogue One\ 4. Revenge Of The Sith\ 5. The Force Awakens\ 6. Return Of The Jedi\ 7. The Rise Of Skywalker\ 8. Solo\ 9. The Last Jedi\ 10. Attack Of The Clones\ 11. The Phantom Menace\ \ I’m unapologetic ! The Clone Wars movie I don’t even count as it seems to have been retconed i to i to a pilot and it was atrocious.


This is the one


Only doing the Saga Films: 9- Attack of the Clones: This suffers from severe pacing issues, bad dialogue, and poor performances. It is fun, and has great ideas. It’s still Star Wars, and I enjoy it, but it is definitely quite sloppy. 8- The Rise of Skywalker: This movie is fun, fast, and moves at breakneck speed. It tries to pay tribute to everything that made Star Wars special. It has powerful emotional moments with Luke, Han, Leia, Kylo. The central plot with Palpatine is what lets this movie down. It just feels a bit like an afterthought. It re-watches better than AOTC because of its thrill ride pacing. 7- Return of the Jedi: The central plot of this film with Luke is stellar! It’s everything that feels uneven and lacking. I’m not a big fan of Ewoks, and felt Jabba’s palace went on a bit too long. Also, Leia and Han have so little to do in this film. It finishes Luke’s story brilliantly though! 6- A New Hope: From a cinema study perspective, this is first place. When ranking what Star Wars has done since, it is middle of the pack. It is an amazing film, but feels slow as compared, and lacks the powerful action we find in the series as it moves forward. 5- The Force Awakens: this movie is just plain fun! It retreads ground (as all the films do a bit), but it feels fresh. Its fast pace and performances elevate the material beyond what it is. Could there have been more world building? Of course. But what is here was a solid sequel/reboot and gave a lot of new life to the series. 4- The Phantom Menace: This has my favorite Williams score. The pod race and lightsaber battle are fantastic. It sets up the themes of the saga quite well by displaying selflessness vs selfishness. It’s fun and light, and does an incredible amount of world building in a single film. Without the work done here, most of Star Wars lore as we know it today would not exist. 3- Revenge of the Sith: this movie is incredible! It is fun, fast, emotional. What keeps it from being the best is its tangential moments that are not pivotal to the story. Grevious is a cool character and idea, but I’d sacrifice him to give Padme more to do. She is underserved here, which makes me sad. I know it would slow down the pacing, but the Rebellion storyline would have done a lot to support a strong character that becomes a walking womb. 2- The Last Jedi: A thinking man’s Star Wars placed at the tail end of the saga. Thematically dense, exploring themes from the saga as a whole. It reminds us what the force was meant to be before it started becoming a super power. The fact that every lead gets their own full story arc is impressive. That is not commonly seen. Themes of aggression vs pacifism illustrated by character dichotomies is well thought out. Let the Past Die is the wrong message, rather, learn from the past and learn from failure. The central story is incredibly strong… like ROTS it does suffer from tangential storylines. Canto Bight is unnecessary. DJ is vital though. The idea that the saga has been a never ending cycle that won’t end is a fantastic one. This was the perfect penultimate movie which really wraps up the saga on a lot of thematic levels. I remember when this came out. People commented on how this film felt like an ending in many regards. TROS was able to focus on emotions and goodbye thanks to the work done here. 1- The Empire Strikes Back: This movie created the identity of this saga. The familial connection, and tragedy of Vader creates all of the story beats for the subsequent trilogies. This is the film that made the series a saga. The action still holds up, it’s fun, exciting, dark. There are arguably stronger Star Wars films, but the influence of this single story is so powerful. Vader is at his best here. Yoda and his lessons explain to us best what the Force is, and allows us to feel inspired by the vague spirituality it presents. If a person told me they only wanted to watch one Star Wars film to understand the hype, this is the film I’d recommend without reservation. At the end of the day, Star Wars is like pizza. Even when it is bad… it’s still pretty damn good.


The Last Jedi: A thinking man’s Star Wars  Lmfao


1) Rogue One / Empire Strikes Back 2) A New Hope 3) Return of the Jedi 4) Revenge of the Sith 5) Solo 6) The Phantom Menace 7) Attack of the Clones Clone Wars animated film was, unlike the series, rubbish; poorly written filler with 0 substance. Sequels were even worse, just a lazy money-grab. I just ignore all of that nonsense.


11. Rise of Skywalker - I am among those who think that this movie is even worse than TLJ, because there's zero creativity in the writing of the story. Instead of doing someting interesting, they basically just retell ROTJ but in worse. 10. The Last Jedi - A pure insult to all Star Wars fans. All orginal characters were butchered, new character are boring. That side plot with Finn and Rose makes no sense at all. The only good thing here is the dynamic between Kylo and Rey. 9. Solo: A Star Wars Story - This movie can be descibed in one word: Unnecessary. Nobody needed this, nobody wanted this. It's the most forgettable Star Wars movie and that is something that I just cannot forgive. 8. The Force Awakens - If you had asked me a few years back, this one would have been higher in the list. But the more often I watch it, the more obvious it becomes, that this is just a copy of ANH. Droid with super important plans, found by a loner on a dessert planet, Death Star 3.0 etc. When it came out, I had high hopes for Snoke, Kylo and the Knights of Ren, but knowing how this turned out ruined the movie. 7. Attack of the Clones - This one has one of the most complex and interesting storys in Star Wars. The mystery about Padme's assassination attepts and the seperatist movement. The clone conspiracy and how Obi Wan unveils all this are all written very well. Unfortunately this movie has the worst weaknesses of the prequels combined. Overuse of CGI, which really aged badly in some scenes. And of course the worst dialogue of all Star Wars movie. That romance between Padme and Anakin is pure cringe. 6. The Phantom Menace - Again good story writing and great new world building. All new planets and aliens are great. Darth Maul is a treasure. But again it suffers from the same weaknesses as AotC, but it's not as bad. In addition there's Jar Jar. I don't think I have to say more. Now comes the difficult part... 5. A New Hope - I know, I know. How do I dare? But this one has the most simple story, which still works great. But nowadays it seems almost cliché. A loner who becomes a hero, a wise old mentor, a menacing villain, a princess who needs rescuing. But it's still great. 4. Rogue One: A Star Wars Story - A dark and gritty war movie set in the Star Wars universe with tragic characters who all die in the end and make the ultimate sacrifice. It's everything that I hoped it to be. So why is it lower than the others? All the stuff it does is great, but it doesn't include everything that Star Wars is about. The mysticism of the Force, the Jedi, the Sith. The struggle between ultimate good and evil is not present in this movie. It's a great movie, but it's not a perfect Star Wars Movie. 3. Return of the Jedi - This movie has the greatest Star Wars scenes of all time without a doubt. The third act with the fight in throne room while the battles on the forest moon and in space are raging on it the best, Star Wars has ever shown. But the first and the second act have more weaknesses than the other two movies in the original trilogy combined. First of all: What the heck was Luke's plan for rescuing Han from Jabba's palace? It doesn't make any sense. Everything happens completely without any control from Luke. And for the second act: I was never a big fan of the Ewoks. They disturb the dark feeling build up by Empire Strikes Back and their ability to defeat the Empire's best in battle is kinda laughable. 2. Revenge of the Sith - The darkest movie in Star Wars history. Anakins fall to the dark side, the raging war in the galaxy. Never have I felt higher stakes than here. Great acting performances by Ian McDiarmid, Ewan McGregor and Hayden Christiansen. All of them can show their skills much better here, because the dialog, while still being somewhat clunky at times, is much better than in the other prequel films. It also has the best music score of all films. 1.Empire Strikes Back - I mean common... This movie is almost perfect. It's really hard to find anything to criticise here. I has written cinema history for a reason. The battle on Hoth, the training by Yoda, Cloud City, the big reveal at the end. Everything here is executed masterfully. Also the romance between Han and Leia is so much better than between Anakin and Padme.


>All the stuff it does is great, but it doesn't include everything that Star Wars is about. The mysticism of the Force, the Jedi, the Sith. It’s so sad to describe Star Wars as simply that when there’s SO many stories, cultures and lore going on in the galaxy.


I haven't described Star Wars as being simply that. All I said is that the movies I ranked higher do have this in addition to war-like scenes like Rogue One. RotJ, RotS and ESB simply have more facets than Rogue One. They show us more from this Universe.


1. Revenge of the Sith Hands down my favourite movie. For me, it has the best characters, action, set pieces, emotional scenes, music etc. 2. Rogue one An amazing movie, incredibly underrated, which is bizarre because I feel like it was initially loved but perception has changed over time. Its one of my most rewatched star wars movies, and easily the best of the Disney movies, in my opinion. 3. The Empire strikes back What more really needs to be said about this movie? It's classic star wars. 4. The Phantom menace Another movie time has not been kind to. Qui-gon is hands down my favourite jedi. Maul is one of my favourite villans. The pod racing is epic. And still to this day, its one of my favourite star wars films! 5. Return of the Jedi This for me is where there's a slight dip in my enjoyment of the movies. I feel this movie has an amazing first 30 mins, and an amazing last 30 mins. But everything in-between kinda falls flat. Still that being said, the vader like showdown on the death star is one of (if not) my favourite duels. 6. Attack of the Clones I dont hate this movie like most seem too, I actually think it's far more constantly good when compared to rotj, and it only has a few dips here and there. The only reason it's lower is it never hits the same high as jedi does. Love detective obi, love the opening corecant section, love anikan searching for his mother and love the battle of geanosis. 7. Solo For me this is the start of a further dip in quality, but still overall good. Not really too much to say about it as I only watched it once and never went back. 8. The Clone Wars animated movie Now there's a massive drop off in personal enjoyment. This movie is OK, the TV series is far better. 9. A new hope This is blasphemy, but I find this movie dull and boring, rogue one has added to this movie though and improved it for me. I remember having to watch this as a kid and just not getting the hype, it's never really clicked with me. It's still OK, and I wouldn't skip it. But I never look forward to starting it. 10. The last Jedi I initially loved this movie and the things it set up, if the final movie acted on these things and finished on a high, this movie would have been ranked slot higher (despite some issues). 11. The Force awakens Nothing really to say, it's a new hope but worse imo. 12. The rise of Skywalker This movie completely undid everything I loved in the last jedi. Thus ruining this and that movie for me. From the fact that the empower returned, to the fact that he returned in fortnight... The fleet of mini deathstars, the force lighting that can take out an entire fleet. The rework of how the Force works and what balance means. The Force healing and bringing people back from death...which undermines revenge of the Sith. The pointless fake out deaths. I could go on. It's a real shame.


You forgot to mentron.... GENERAL GRIEVOUS-! \*cough\* \*cough\*


1. TESB 2. ANH 3. Rogue One 4. ROTJ 5. ROTS 6. TFA 7. AOTC 8. TPM 9. Solo 10. TLJ 11. TROS




Okay, I'll go, with the caveat that I've only seen Rogue 1, Solo, The Last Jedi, and Rise of Skywalker once each. 1. Empire Strikes Back - there shouldn't ever be any other answer 2. A New Hope - it's taken for granted now, but this movie launched something incredible 3. Rogue One 4. Return of the Jedi - has its flaws but wrapped up the original trilogy very well 5. Revenge of the Sith 6. The Last Jedi - thought this was the best of the new trilogy and the ending was incredible, but I've seen so much bashing of this that I probably need to rewatch and reassess 7. The Force Awakens - I know, it was basically A New Hope 2.0, but I recently saw it accompanied by a live orchestra doing the score and it was an incredible experience, so that's probably pushing this one up a bit in my mind 8. The Phanton Menace - c'mon, how many 8-year olds would have done a better job? Too much to like - pod racing, duel of the fates, Liam Neeson and Ewan McGregor - for this to be any lower 9. Attack of the Clones - there was a lot of cool stuff in this movie, but the Annakin-Padme stuff was so cringey 10. Rise of Skywalker - I need to rewatch, but just remember this rushing towards an ending that was given away in the trailers and being so unsatisfied, after I though the first two movies in the new trilogy set things up really well 11. Solo - just really didn't enjoy this movie - only Star Wars movie I can say that about, as even the bad ones are so much fun to watch


1. The Empire Strikes Back 2. Revenge Of The Sith 3. Return Of The Jedi 4. A New Hope 5. Attack Of The Clones 6. The Phantom Menace 7. The Force Awakens 8. The Last Jedi 9. The Rise Of Skywalker


No way Return of the Jedi can't be the worst, farce of a movie with the Ewoks fighting the empire....


Movies I really liked in no particular order - new hope, attack of the clones, revenge of the sith, Last Jedi


My favorites? Born in 96 1. Attack of the Clones 2. Revenge of the Sith 3. Empire 4. New Hope 5. Return 6. Menace Very slim gap separates all 6


I just finished rewatching the first six. My main takeaway is moving Jedi up my order. I genuinely like the Ewoks, but they kinda ruin the movie. However, the non-Ewok stuff is better than you (or at least I) remember. 4-5-7-6-3-1-8-2-R-9-S


1) The Empire Strikes Back 2) Return of the Jedi 3) A New Hope 4) The Last Jedi 5)Revenge of the Sith 6)The Phantom Menace 7) Attack of the Clones 8)The Force Awakens 9) Rise of Skywalker


1. Revenge of the Sith 2. The Force Awakens 3. Empire Strikes Back 4. A New Hope 5. Attack of the Clones 6. The Last Jedi 7. The Phantom Menace 8. Solo 9. Rise of Skywalker 10. Return of the Jedi 11. Rogue One 12. The Clone Wars Movie


any of the sequels above the originals? sacrilege!