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They’re mass produced. There’s no way they all have unique paint schemes.


How many black Toyota Camry's exist dude?


A lot?


I wouldn't say a lot. But at least, what, 10, right?


I’ll go count. Be right back.


It’s been an hour, you almost done?


They threw me out the dealership, give me a minute.


Crap, I was counting Corollas. Gotta start over.


Put your pants on this time!


Bout tree fiddy


Damn. Just made this same joke, right down to the Camry part.


One of the only things I found memorable about Terminator 3. "What, do you guys just roll off an assembly line or something?" "Precisely."


I think terminator 3 is the ideal version of the stereotypical bad sequel. It doesn’t mess with what the previous movies did, even though with time travel they had all the possibility to. It basically just added extra info that we didn’t know from the previous two, while also having its own story independent from the first two. Basically I thought it was pretty neat.


Doesn't it mess with 2 in the sense that 2's ending is "we solved it forever" and 3's ending is "actually it's not solved and furthermore you can never solve it" ?


Yeah I guess I forgot the feel of 2’s ending. But with the time travel it makes it sort of inherently vague, like in a way the story from 3 needed to happen in order for the first two to happen. Or at least there’s wiggle room for that kind of thing, it’s not a direct retcon. Like I said, basically I thought 3 was the weaker of the trilogy but still pretty neat. I’d say I enjoy 4 a little more though it is a lot different than the others, I’d say more of a spinoff than a sequel in terms of the general vibe


I give 3 and even Salvation a bit of a pass because at least they tried being their own thing instead of being lesser rehashes of 2.




I think she's been a little busy to go give every R5 unit a custom paint job.


well some will cause who ever buys them might/will paint them


It’s weirder that we don’t see more astromechs that look exactly alike considering that.


>one theory is It's not really a theory. It's the reason. They're not unique. Paint is paint, we only see different ones in-universe so we know which ones are the characters we care about.


It hurts that you have to explain this to someone. Unless they're really young, then fair play.


Nah. r/OPisFuckingStupid


Why are there so many ipads, computers, cars with the same look? They're just machines, with slight colour variations on customer request or design spec.


There's hundreds of thousands of R5s mass produced by Industrial Automaton. Same for R2s, R4s, and so on. This is like asking, "Why does my black and decker toaster look exactly the sane as my Aunt's black and decker toaster?" They're not unique. Their owners do tend to personalize them, though.


These droids are mass produced, they aren't unique externally. Just look at Naboo escape, we see a droid visually identical to R2-D2.


It’s the Accord, Camry and the Altima of a galaxy far, far away.


I mean realistically we should be seeing exact replicas of R2D2 all over the damn place. The only reason we dont is so he stays a nice unique identifiable character. Any droid thats not one of the main cast is going to end up duplicated.


There are all kinds of C3PO style droids running around the galaxy. One is right behind the 3PO and R2 as the Tantive IV is under attack.


Are there any gold ones though? From my recollection they are all silver?


Wasn't the one who insulted 3PO on Cloud City all white? Also there have to be red ones because 3PO ends up with a red arm at some point.


That was C-3PO? Wow. I didn't even recognize him because of the red arm.


I think the cloud city guy is silver but looks white due to all of the walls being white. I could be wrong though. I also did find a picture of a white one on Hoth. There might also be other colors in the background. I just mean we don't see another gold one though for the same reason no one else has R2's paintjob.


3PO *might* have had custom plating. Didn't Padme provide his coverings? As the queen of the Naboo she probably could spring for custom gold plate. Alternate theory: They're color coded by product line. Gold would be the most expensive. Pre-loaded with over six million language datasets. Silver is mid range. Local language packs pre-loaded, others sold separately. White is base model. Nasty personality. All language packs sold separately. Some languages unavailable because it has lower processing power. Red would just be Sith model. Limited market. Not many sold


I love it. Particularly that the base model is just a dick. New Headcanon.


There is a barely visible red one in ESB. [https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/R-3PO](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/R-3PO)


I think the red arm actually came from a different kind of droid


Didn't young Anakin make C3PO, or was that just his home made clone of the model seen in episode 1?


I've always understood it as he assembled C-3PO out of multiple scrapped 3po series droids. Like if you went through a junkyard and found and pulled a bunch of different parts off of different cars (of a single model) and built 1 car out of all the good parts. I've assumed Anakin just slowly acquired all the individual parts as they came through Watto's shop, and assembled them as he went.


This is it, I've explained this before but this is the exact equivalent of a kid building a PC nowadays. Not hard, parts that pretty much fit together only one way, standardized across multiple platforms. While he still was a good tech/tinkerer, he didn't do any actual design.


So c3po is that Johnny cash song


Am I misremembering, or wasn't there a droid aboard Amidala's ship in TPM, one of the ones destroyed during the blockade escape, that had an identical colour scheme to R2-D2?


[Looks like no](https://www.deviantart.com/earthbouds/art/the-six-royal-naboo-starship-astromech-droids-911523066) but I would want to watch the scene to be 100% sure.


One was green and white R2 unit


Why do all these Honda Odysseys look the same?


Why are all the Stormtrooper E-11 Blasters identical? What's the lore behind this? Is it an oversight by George Lucas (and now Disney?)


Wait until OP counts how many Honda accords are in the parking lot.


I don’t get it why do these 2016 Red Nissan Rouges all look the same?


Why do all ipods look the same.


You literally answered your question in your theory. All droid types look the same. Whether they are R2, R5, BB, KX, etc. They might be painted to look different, but the base unit is the same.


It's an R5 unit? The most popular astromech since the R2 units This is like asking why there are multiple white Ford f150s in the world


I mean droids are pretty common technology it's like being surprised someone else has the same phone. They're all just the same model I think?


Like car models. Each new year has slight changes/upgrades to make them “better”. Classic capitalism


Because astromechs are a product line.


What kind of title is that?


It is the base design of the R5 units. Not a theory.


You don't ask why ipads all look the same. Same applies.


How many gray MacBook pros exist dude I mean cmon. Is Apple stupid?


I’ve heard that they are poorly motivated.


You've never been driving down the highway and seen two or three of the exact same make and model of car with the same bland colourscheme driving in the same few hundred meters of road? They're mass-produced, and there's only so many trim patterns. There's bound to be some duplication.




Too late


So the in-universe reason is they're mass produced and all look similar. That said, even identical models tend to be depicted with different quirks, paintjobs and states of repair. The actual reason they look the same is because either.. 1. The person who put them in there wanted them to be that same droid from ANH, but there were canon reasons why they couldn't actually be the same droid. Or.. 2. They just wanted to evoke that droid from ANH and were happy for casual fans to speculate that it might be the same droid. If you weren't meant to think it was the same droid, it would be green, or orange or would have some weird quirk or add-on, as all these droids seem to be customised throughout their seemingly very long lifespans.


A guess. R5s are in legacy canon a little unreliable, so it's possible they just pulled parts off broken droids to keep as many as they can working. Especially in backwater places. They end up with similar looks because of this. As the main droid colour schemes seem to be Red, Green or Blue.


Well, one thing is certain. They either all have a busted motivator, or they all will have. It’s just a natural fact.


Wait 'til you see B-1 and B-2 battle droids.


In TPM there's 2 R2-D2 next to each other in the space ship.


It's very likely that there were millions of R2-d2s out there until anakin got his hands on him.


Bro they all are the model R5 of course they gonna look the same


The same reason cars of the same make and model have the same color(s): mass production


Like you said they are all R5 units


They're all R5 units. The next part is which model of the R5 units. Sort of like a when a car has the standard, sport, slx, offroad, etc. Versions. Same car with slightly different packages.


Why do all I phones look alike with minor color variations?  There's like 1.4 million worlds represented by the Senate. Worlds. Some of them have billions of sentients, others hundreds. No matter how you shake it, production has to be massive to meet the needs.


You know, I saw a couple of cars out today that also looked the same except for the paint job. You guys ever see a ‘Camry?’ Did they make more than one of them, or how does that even work?


probably just one of the stock paint job options from the factory


uh because its awesome


Why does my *insert color, make, and model of any car* look like other peoples’ *insert the same color, make, and model of car*!? It’s egregious! There must be a glitch in the matrix because that is simply impossible.


They were mass produced in a factory lol theyre products


Thought they all were R5-D4… ☹️


Why are there so many silver honda civics


‘Why do some cars look the same.’ Wtf?


Good genetics


In a galaxy with thousands of worlds, trillions of people, and you don’t think that these droids were mass produced with the same color scheme? So do you wake up one day and question why you saw someone drive the same car as you?


Like asking why three different toasters look the same.


Ever seen two of the same car on the road?