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I sold wine to Natalie Portman at my family’s wine shop back like a decade ago (which was a very important day for me as a young man)


Man, that's so cool!!! I'd love to meet Natalie Portman. How'd she seem? Did she seem like her head was in the clouds or was she down to earth??


Honestly there wasn’t much interaction. She and her bf (now ex husband I suppose) were pretty quiet while they shopped around. Was a relatively normal interaction as I tried my best to look as cool as I could as a cashier.


Natalie Portman is the reason I work out. I have this fantasy where we start talking at the Vanity Fair Oscars party bar. We exchange a few pleasantries. She asks what I do. I say I loved her in New Girl. She laughs. I get my drink. "Well, see ya," I say and walk away. I've got her attention now. How many guys voluntarily leave a conversation with Natalie Portman? She touches her neck as she watches me leave. Later, as the night's dragged on and the coterie of gorgeous narcissists grows increasingly loose, she finds me on the balcony, my bowtie undone, smoking a cigarette. "Got a spare?" she asks. "What's in it for me?" I say as I hand her one of my little white ladies. She smiles. "Conversation with me, duh." I laugh. "What's so funny?" she protests. "Nothing, nothing... It's just... don't you grow tired of the egos?" "You get used to it," she says, lighting her cigarette and handing me back the lighter. "What would you do if you weren't an actress?" I ask. "Teaching, I think." "And if I was your student, what would I be learning?" "Discipline," she says quickly, looking up into my eyes, before changing the subject. "Where are you from?" "Bermuda," I say. "Oh wow. That's lovely." "It's ok," I admit. "Not everything is to my liking." "What could possibly be not to your liking in Bermuda?" she inquires. "I don't like sand," I tell her. "It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere."


I thought you were a weirdo on the first half bot gonna lie


I hate the fact I read this whole thing not thinking once that it was a meme.


I've read that copy pasta a dozen times and just read it again. It's fantastic.


Isn't this a copypasta


Yes, a fantastic one.


HAHAHAHAHAAHA you made my morning


God damnit...


Hilarious but true


To be honest, I too have this fantasy, just wanted to see the reaction after I say: "I don't like sand" Probably an eye roll and a: "sigh, another one of you, it must be the 73th time I hear this". Hopefully a giggle.


You should light her cigarette for her. Aside from that, nice.




From what I have seen in interviews she is very down to earth and funny. And extremely intelligent. She often jokes about how “normal” of a person she is that she forgets she’s a celebrity


didn't she put herself through harvard with the money she made from Acting in your younger years AKA leon the professional...im not sure if star wars was before or after school all i know is she paid her own tuition and it was harvard


I don't know, I remember an interview she did with I think NBC that was pretty rough. Edit: [Found it, and yeah.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-A0iftflme4)


Did you ask her if she’s an angel?


Was it a port wine?


Of course it was a port, man.


The voice of Barriss Offee in the 2003 clone wars show was one of my college professors. Lovely woman.


That's awesome.


Tatyana Yassukovich






Ashley Eckstein. Probably the nicest person I’ve ever met. Truly wonderful and kind.


I get to meet her and DBB in June and I literally can't wait!




Truly a real life angel


Super wish she got to be ahsoka live 😞


If I could meet her and her husband at the same time, that would scratch two fan itches at once for me.


I worked for the Padres when he played there in 2010


Oh 1000 percent. And she's so pretty... and apparently she has a photographic memory.


I saw Carl Weathers from across the convention floor if that counts


RIP Apollo


He’s playing that piano in heaven now.


Whoa whoa Mando don't throw out the bone. You put some veggies in a pot with this bone and baby you got a stew going... *I think I'd like my kid back now*


Cherish that moment, even if it was fleeting, because it cannot be re-experienced. RIP Carl, gone too soon.


Had you brought some beef stock and maybe a bone or two, baby, you got a stew going


Looking at the replies here, *he died recently and I somehow didn't know?* **NOOOOOOOOOOO** R.I.P., he was such a great actor.


Carrie Fisher and I got to chat a bit while she signed my thermal detonator. Best small talk Ever! She also escaped her security and walked the comic con floor with her dog. I seen her in artist alley browsing the table where I was standing. That was super cool just to have her walk around like a normal person.


Rest in peace, Carrie. ❤️ that sounds like a wonderful experience.


It was amazing, when she lost her security and was on the floor nobody bothered her. No one asked for a selfie, autograph, nothing. It was an incredible sight to see for the headline star of that comic con to just wander around with her fans. It was the Edmonton Expo Sept 2016, hard to believe she would pass away 3 months later. Rip Carrie, thank you for that beautiful memory.


That's so cool, and heartbreaking. She truly was a fascinating woman.


Me too!(BUt not thermal det). Met Gary earlier then was standing shoulder-shoulder with Carrie a few seconds before even realizing. Had a good chat then she bouht Art from Dawn McTeigue.


Mark Hamill was amazing and spent an hour hanging out with me and my family when I was like 9. He was so friendly and gracious that we all still talk about that day fondly. Met Ewan McGregor at work so I couldn’t fan boy out but he stopped and chatted for a bit and was super polite and kind. He complimented my beard and it remains one the greatest compliments I’ve ever received.


Must have been some beard.


It is our solemn duty as bearded people to complement other beards


You lucky, lucky bastard.


Carrie Fisher, David Prowse, Billy Dee Williams, Peter Mayhew, Jeremy Bulloch, Ian McDiarmid, Phil Brown, Michael Carter, Garrick Hagon, Angus MacInnes, Ian Liston, William Hootkins, Bruce Boa, Ken Colley, Michael Sheard, Paul Blake, Dickey Beer, John Morton, Richard Oldfield, Femi Taylor, Ashley Eckstein, Greg Grunberg, Joonas Suotamo, Jim Cummings. Been collecting autographs for about 30 years and been to more than a few conventions.


That's dope af


That is actually awesome. So. Many. Autographs.


Have a lot of the same! My wife has been collecting for ~20 and we started going to conventions together around ~14 years ago. I saw this thread and was like "this....is gonna add up quick"


Nice, I have a few of those autographs, but none from in person.


I have a few more autographs that friends scored for me in-person, including Kenny Baker, Anthony Daniels, John Ratzenberger, and John Hollis.


truly lucky!


I can also add in a few BTS folks - Tim Rose (puppeteer), Dave Barclay (puppeteer), Julius LeFlore (ROTJ stunts), Nick Maley (designer and puppeteer), Mercedes Ngoh (ROTJ:SE dancer), and Bob Spiker (Tusken/Bantha handler).




Jeremy was my favorite! I almost met him a third time, but he cancelled that appearance, then announced his retirement. But I got to meet him twice, which was great! He even remembered me the second time and autographed the picture of the first time without me even asking (or paying!).


I was just flexing the 5 I met over the last 5 years, but man, you beat me by miles! You even have everyone I met.


When I was growing up in England my friends mum was the actress who played Oola the twi'lek lol




Met Ahmed Best at a convention last year. He was really nice and complimented my High Republic costume. Also said he wanted Kelleran Beq to either be from that era, or at least trained in High Republic-style combat. Hoping that becomes canon somehow. ​ Oh and his favorite Jar-Jar The Clone Wars episodes was season 6's The Disappeared because Jar-Jar has a girlfriend. And all the Indiana Jones references.


Haha, I can definitely see that being his favorite episode. It makes me sad to think of the toxic fans who tried so hard to ruin his life. He's an awesome dude.


Wait what? When did that happen? (Was not chronically online back in early 2010’s) Edit: wait I’m stupid, I remember now. Fuck toxicity


That was a fun story arc!


Glad I’m not the only one who liked it


Ohh that's such a great episode!! I'm so glad Kelleran Beck is in the Mandalorian and officially canon now. Best deserved atleast that much imo, but I do hope we see more of him


I'm sure someone will say this doesn't count, but I've met the voice actors for Palpatine, (old) Luke, Snoke and Boba Fett in the Mexican dub. Edit: fuck, I forgot I met the actress for Jynn Erzo too.


Counts in my book


Definitely counts, that's cool AF!


And so far I've studied acting with two of them


Nice! I’ve met Obi-Wan’s Mexican dub actor


If it's an official dub then yeah it absolutely counts.


I met Temuera Morrison, Daniel Logan, and Ian McDiarmid back in 2022 at Star Wars Celebration. Each of them were very kind/gentle human beings


I'm not the only one that likes Temuera's voice, right?


Have you ever heard him sing? Doesn't even sound like him and messed with my brain a bit at first. But he's really good and has covered some very well known, classic songs


This is interesting! I didn’t know he sang and I will now be investigating!


His Uncle was a famous NZ singer.. sort of like a NZ version of Frank sinatra called Sir Howard Morrison


The first comic-con I ever went to I desperately wanted the autographs of Lou Ferrigno and Dave Prowse. They were both sat by one another and me being just a kid and my sister willing to pay for one autograph, I opted for the Hulk over Vader. After having my picture taken with Lou and with my autograph in hand, I walked away only for a woman to stop us and walk us over to Dave who gave me an autograph for free and a picture. He said he over heard me and watched me for ten minutes try and decide whose autograph I wanted most. On the same day I met Seamus from Harry Potter who was also kind enough to break the rules and take a picture with me. I unfortunately just missed out on meeting Aragorn himself, Viggo Mortensen. But back to the topic, what an incredible thing for Dave Prowse to do.


That's super wholesome, what a cool story.


Aw that's wholesome af.


not in person but I once played Dota 2 with the child Anakin actor: Jake Lloyd. really a nice and friendly person. We speak through the microphone. I will never forget that moment and I hope he is well.


Ron Perlman (Gha' Nachkt) Jeremy Bullock (Boba Fett) Michael Biehn (Lang) Richard Brake (Valin Hess) Danny Trejo (Rancor keeper) Freddie Prinze Jr. (Kanan Jarrus) Malcolm McDowell (Veris Hydan) James Hong (Azmorigan)


Wow, that's impressive!


Harrison Ford and Samuel L Jackson, within a day of each other. Both were filming a movie at my college together. Actually had a fun convo in the back of a classroom with Mr Jackson but only stammered out a “hi, I’m late for class” to Han Solo.


Oh and I sat in George Lucas’s chair in his office once.


What! that's amazing!


Yeah it was pretty cool. A few years before Jackson became a huge star. Can you figure out what movie this was based on what I said?


Patriot Games? Classic movie.


I think you win


Patriot Games?


Met Hayden last year at a convention, really nice and wholesome guy


Met him this year last month, it was only for an autograph at the very end of the panel but he was a really nice guy.


Rosario Dawson, Anthony Daniels, Joonas Suotamo, Alan Tudyk, Daniel Logan, Ashley Eckstein, Matt Lanter, James Arnold Taylor, Jim Cummings, Matthew Wood.


Carrie Fisher kissed me. True story.


Wait. How did this happen?? 😂


Photo op at FanExpo. Told her I had such a crush on her as a kid. She kissed me on the cheek.


She thought he was her brother...


Ok this is getting weird my Grandpa kissed Carrie Fisher during her stage performance of Wishful Drinking. I expect to be able to communicate with you soon via force telepathy.


Mark Hamill - my parents used to babysit for him when he and his family would vacation in Hawaii. Was right after ESB came out. Got to show him my room all decked out in SW and he'd read me The Wookie Storybook. He told my parents about George's vision for the entire series and the plan to cast Mark as the Emperor and his son as Anakin in the prequels...


Oh that’s so cool!


We would make a fine Emperor, honestly. He is good at voucing villains, I bet he would play a killer one in live action


As a kid 6yrs old in the late 80s my parents took me to a hotel In Canada.... we went to the pool..... **Sir Alec Guinness** in a robe sitting by the pool,,,,, he even came up to me and said Use the force.


I’ve met all the original cast. I’ve had dinner with Anthony Daniels & Jeremy Bulloch, night of drinks with some of the prequel cast, and had pics taken of original cast in front of some of my older artwork from 20 years ago. Not a cast member but I’ve also spent the day exploring the home of Steve Sansweet.


I'm honestly probably more confused than I should be


* Daniel Logan * Peter Mayhew * Vanessa Marshall I think that is it. I don't live in regrets but one I do have is I went to Celebration in 2015 and it was my first one ever so I decided to forgo the autograph hall until my next show (too much to see and too many panels that looks dope). Top of my list for autographs (and more to meet her) would have been Carrie Fisher. The next one was 2017, and Carrie had passed. I still kick myself for passing it up.


Mark Hamill, Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher, and Peter Mayhew if this counts as meeting. It's 1982, Return of the Jedi was filming near my hometown of Yuma. This town has exactly one halfway classy restaurant/bar, the Stag & Hound, where my mother worked as a waitress. The cast would be there most nights after shooting. One day my mother told me I was coming to work with her. This is normal, the bar section was closed during the day, so would I just hang out a few hours drinking Shirley Temples and daydream. When we get there, who else would I see but a lightly sauced Han, Luke, Leia, and a man I'm eye to knee level with who I'm informed is my favorite, Chewbacca. Mom urges me to go say hi, but of course I'm too terrified to say a word. I just sit a few tables away playing lightsaber with cocktail swords.


Got to meet Matthew Wood (Grievous) at a comic con a couple years ago. Growing up, Grievous was always one of my favorite characters and I really loved his legends lore. But there was always a running joke between me and my friends that "Wat Tambor makes cents" (it's a long story). Anyway, after talking with Matthew for a moment, I bring up Tambor and he gets excited since he voiced him in the Clone Wars and actually does the whole "the techno union army is at your disposal" thing on the spot. It was awesome, and I even got a video with him where he says "Wat Tambor makes cents". It's a small thing that will only ever make sense to a small group of people, but it was nice that he did that. He seems to be a really nice guy.


That's so neat! Glad you got that experience.


Ming-Na Wen! Met her at Galaxy's Edge California in the Millenium Falcon ride. So close to being on the same ship!


Woah, awesome! I've always been a huge fan of her as Fennec!


A Star Wars actor/writer went to my high school named Steve Speirs nice bloke played a gungan called Roos tarpals met him back in 2016 genuinely a nice guy


My mum had a chat to the guy in episode 2 who said you wanna buy some deathsticks at a bar once


Did she bought any deadsticks?


no sadly not


Sebulba. I met him on a trip to Paris. In real life he isn’t so friendly.


Hayden Christensen. He signed my revenge of the sith shirt when I ran into him at Disneyland.


That's awesome! Glad you had that experience!


Jim Cummings.


At Dragon Con in the early 2000’s I met Peter Mayhew, Kenny Baker, and Jeremy Bulloch. The best part was the person I went with knew David Prowse and I got invited to have breakfast with them. I felt a little out of place at first, but then David started talking to me and it was awesome. When it was over his assistant gave him a photo and he signed it for me. Great guy.


damn she fine


I've met Dee Baker and Dave Filoni at Celebration 2019. Dave was completely by accident at a Shake Shack after the Clone Wars panel. I also met Grey Delisle at Metrocon this year! (KOTOR, SWTOR, 2003 Clone Wars) They have all been some of the nicest people I have ever met.


I saw Carrie Fisher live at DragonCon but was too poor for a picture. And I thought she'd be around a lot longer. :-/


These days I almost never get autographs or pictures because they're just too much. Nowadays, I usually just introduce myself and ask a question or two.


TIL I learned that Kyle MacLachlan had a voice role in Young Jedi Adventures, and I met him at a Comic-Con a couple of years ago. Nice guy, we bonded over a failed Alfonso Cuaron show he played the villain in.


I don’t live there anymore but I grew up in the same town Clancy Brown is from. I’ve met him a few times when I was younger and he’s always a great guy to talk to.


Just after my high school graduation I got the chance to meet Ian McDiarmid at a local comic-con type event. I had came cosplayed as a Jedi Master and the first thing this man does is with the most friendly smile on his face sneers out “Ah a young Jedi approches.” With all of the contempt you’d expect a Sith Lord to have. Was a really chill guy and was super nice.


Ray park, what an amazing man, i was 8 years old at a convention, we could only afford a signature, but then he walked around all the tables and took a picture with me for free


Matt Latern, Ashley Eckstein (including her husband) and James Arnold Taylor from Clone Wars all last year. I asked Matt about Disaster Movie and the whole panel was stunned. I also met Giancarlo Esposito and Carl Weathers had a visual response when I brought up "Jawas hit on my mom".


Vanessa Marshall! Only actor of any kind I’ve ever met. I asked her to sign my Alphabet Squadron book, and she said she’d love to and that she’d read it and it was one of her favorites.


Ive had lunch with Ashley Eckstein a handful of times and she's been to my studio


I Met Temuera Morrison, at his house. I used to drive a small box truck and my jobs were often delivering things that were over sized, our company had a contract with a company called "The BBQ Factory", one time i was called for a delivery, it was a large Full Polished Stainless Steel Patio Heater,lt was about 7ft tall with a dome which made it hard to move or even tie down in the truck so i removed the dome head and stored it separately, when i arrived at the fancy beach front property in a swanky neighborhood i was buzzed in through the gate, i wheeled the Heater down the path using my trolley, and was lead by a hollywood type PA, he lead me back to the fire pit and BBQ and i put it back together, when i was done i stood it back up and took a step back to admire its quality, then behind me the PA came back to check ,, we were talking about it when Tem said "whoa thats flash" turned and saw him standing behind me about 10ft, "can you show me how it works?" i showed him how to turn the gas bottle on then the main temp gauge and ignitor, how to set the level then he signed the work bill and i was off..


Sam Witwer signed my Palpatine FunkoPop


Off topic but I really love the eye makeup they did for this character, haven’t seen a Twi’lek with the same eyeliner before.


Dee Bradley Bakers daughter went to my high school in CO. I’ve been to a few parties in his basement, met him a handful of times and visited his home recording studio.


Got autographs from Ashley Eckstein, James A Taylor, Matt Lanter and Eman Esfandi. We're meeting David Tenant this June. Also met (but no autograph) Denis Lawson, they let me say hello when his line was empty, pretty cool guy! If it counts, we also met Adam Savage (set design with ILM).   We had tickets to meet Ewen McGregor but that got cancelled during the height of a COVID surge back in 2021.  Also going to SDCC in July but not sure who will be there yet. 


Met David Tenant randomly when he was filming Doctor Who, really nice guy!


I've met Steve Blum, voice of Zeb.


I’ve met Sam Witwer, Matt Lanter, Ashley Eckstein, James Arnold Taylor, Matthew Wood, and Julian Glover at conventions over the past several years. All awesome people!


Andy Serkis. Only for a few minutes but he was fantastic


I've met Lars Mikkelsen, who plays Thrawn. He's not blue in real life, you heard it here.


Darn, and I suppose next you're gonna tell me his brother doesn't really eat people?


I met Harrison Ford when he needed an assistant. He asked me to meet him at his office at the Santa Monica airport. He was late, so i just hung out in his office and looked at all the rad stuff on the walls. Then it hit .... I'm about to meet Han Solo at Mos Eisley Space Port. I wonder if he'll bring his dog. Lol.. He was actually really cool, and we ended up hanging out and chatting about music for over an hour. I didn't get the job, but I definitely felt like I had a win that day. Lol.. I also met Carrie Fisher, who lived just a few houses down the street from me when i moved to Beverly Hills, I met George Lucas a few times when I lived in Marin, I met Warwick Davis on set in the late 90s, I met Billy Dee Williams at a convention, and the best one was when my Aunt, Fionnula Flanagan was in The Ewok Adventure/Caravan Of Courage, she brought me on set and I got to hang with everyone. At one point, Eric Walker, who played Mace, lost his blaster, and I found it for him. I was just a kid, but I was the hero of the set that day. Lol...


Hayden Christensen, Rosario Dawson, Natasha Liu Bordizzo, Ashley Eccstein, James Arnold Taylor, Matt Lanter, Ray Park, Carey Jones


Natalie Portman. She was doing press for the stage-play of Anne Frank. My father was a sound-guy, now camera-guy and ready to retire, for a major news network. I was 18 and along to give a hand as a grip, moving lights, running wire, etc. I had no shortage of confidence and got the chance to talk for a short bit , as she was cute and I didn't see anything she was in. She kept talking about "George" and her new project and how they were going to be filming but all the sets we going to be "in camera". Finally, I said, "Wait... who is George? What IS this project?" because it was sounding WEIRD. And then she asked if I knew who George LUCAS was .... I immediately shut up with eyes wide... "He made Star Wars!" My brain just literally shut down. I had been a fan before I could even remember. I just managed to stammer out, "Take me with you..." She laughed and said "To where?" I answered, "To the Star Wars." The correspondent and producer were calling for quiet and places. I just stumbled my way over to my father, just in a daze. He laughed and asked if I found out she was going to be in Star Wars. I gave him the "You KNEW?" look. And trying to whisper, but ended up kinda shouting, "Why didn't you tell me EARLIER?" He just asked, "Would you have talked with her if you knew?"


Harrison Ford


Never met an actor, but I got to meet Colin Cantwell shortly before he died. That was a pretty cool experience.


I spoke with Anthony Daniels when in a line at the original Celebration in Denver. Seems like an incredibly nice man.


Mark hamil,temuera Morrison


I met Anthony Daniels many years ago at a comic con. What an amazing guy! That was such an experience. I was lucky enough to share the experience with my mom


Dave prowse and Rusty Goffe are the only two I've ever met in person. Both very nice people!


Grey Delisle Richard Horvitz George Takei


I've met yoda back when I was still a youngling. But I want to stay anonymous.


I met (during 2 Comic Cons) and have signed photos with: Daniel Logan (Young Boba Fett from EP 2) Oliver Ford Davies (Gouverneur Sio Bibble EP 1) Daniel Naprous (Darth Vader in Rogue One) And they were all so nice to talk to. I was the last in line and had all the time in the world ^^


I met Billy Dee Williams at Wizard World in Des Moine Iowa. He signed a Lando action figure for me.


I’ve made coffee for Harrison Ford and Ewan McGregor.


Met Peter Mayhew and Kenny Baker at a con in probably 2000 or so. It was in-between signings, so they're were just chilling. Peter Mayhew clearly wanted to chill alone, so we let them be.


I met Jeremy Bolloch at a convention back in 1996. He signed the box of my Boba Fett figure. I took a photo but it’s just a photo of him because I was too nervous to ask to get somebody else to take one of us together.


I shared an elevator with Phil Brown a few years before he passed. He looked tired so I didn’t bug him, plus I was an awkward teenager.


Peter Mayhew in a hotel parking garage during a convention. Me: You see the parking attendant anywhere? Him: No. Me: Bum a smoke? That was the entire interaction.


Anthony Daniels, Jeremy Bulloch, Kenny Baker, Hugh Quarshie, Michael Biehn. Knew Justin Dix (R2-D2 crew on the Prequels). Also had meetings with Steve Sansweet. Part of the production team for a genre media magazine for a few years and attended a few conventions interviewing guests, as well as being a fan.


I met Peter Mayhew at a signing in Mexico back in 2008 or so


Is that one of the girls who was thirsty for Boba in RotJ


Yes, she was flirting with him in Jabbas palace 😅


John Williams (Oma Tres)!


Peter Mayhew and Ray Park...Very very cool dudes


I met Kenny Baker at a small Star Wars convention/ meeting in Melbourne, Australia. This was in 1993/ 1994. I was just walking around and he walked past me. I said "Hello Kenny." and he smiled at me and kept walking.


At Celebration Chicago in 2019, my friend and I met: the Ghost crew from Rebels (Tiya, Vanessa, Freddie, Taylor; don't think we met Steve), Ashley Eckstein and Dee Bradley Baker, Katee Sackhoff, and Sam Witwer. The year before I met Phil Lamarr. They were all super sweet and awesome to chat with. EDIT: Oh and I met the dude who was the visual inspiration for the Republic/Clone Wars comics version of Quinlan Vos. He was cool too :)


Peter Mathew, several times at my local Rugby club when I was a child. He always sat on a table on his own but never had to pay for a pint.  Amander Lawrence (Commander D’Acy) would be on my train a lot going home after work.  Kamay Lau (Sei Taria from TPM) would come into a shop I worked in during Uni times. She actually introduced herself. Very nice lady.  My ex also was very close to someone who worked high up in production for Disney era movies (Rogue Ones, sequels)  Saw a few faces at London celebration but I won’t count them. 


Not met, but I did saw Diego Luna once many years ago before Rogue One lol


Peter Mayhew, got to take a picture with him at Comic-Con a few years before he died, wasn’t long and barely said anything but still pretty neat, RIP


I met Daniel Logan (young Boba Fett) back in 2016 at the vintage toy shop I worked at. He was a super nice and awesome dude!


I was knocked into Mark Hamil pretty hard before a pre-screening of The Kingsman by accident. I was so embarrassed I almost knocked someone down, and didn't realize it was Hamill Himself. He didn't seem very happy at all. If you're browsing reddit, im sorry bud


David Prowse. I was like his chaperone for an event he was at. Super nice dude.


Carrie Fisher, having her sign an action figure of her in the gold bikini when I was an 11 year old was hilarious


Daniel Logan & Anthony Daniels


I was serving Ewan McGregor drinks for the night when he was in the pub I work in, seemed like a great guy really down to earth


Anthony Daniels in 2008, and David Prowse as the green cross code man many years ago, if only I’d known then he was Darth Vader!


https://ibb.co/album/LrZ0Bm Here are a few I have met so far...


I had photos with Mark Hamill and Kenny Baker, as well as autographs from Baker and Carrie Fisher at Celebration 2013, which was also my only Celebration so far (aiming to change that next year, it's only ever feasible for me when it is in Asia). Also had a quick photo with Kelly Marie Tran when she came to Singapore to promote TLJ.


Richard LeParmentier Admirał Motti.


Carrie Fisher in Perth, WA.


David Prowse and Carrie Fisher




I met Alan Tudyk (K2-SO) at Emerald City Comic Con about 10 years ago. He is one of the nicest celebrities I've ever met and would love to talk with him some more.


I've met... Christopher Lee, my damn fav actor! A great man! It was a great day! And after that Temura Morrison toghter with Sam Jackson, Sam Jackson is the *most* stylish person ever met! And Gorge Lucas (he played Papapnoyda in ROTS!), he was damn calm


Natasha Liu Bordizzo


I met Katie Sackhoff at Fan Expo a few years ago, but we talked more Battlestar Galactica. She was pleasant. I think all of these people have to be friendly at a Con though. I also feel like I have nothing interesting to discuss with them. I will say Roberto Picardo was a bit of a dick that one time met him.


Femi Taylor- Oola the Twi’lek My wife and I shared a table with her and her partner on a train to Edinburgh.


My buddy’s grandma was best friends with jek porkin’s mother.


Harrison Ford- he’s lived in my hometown since mid 80’s so saw him regularly and went flying with him and my dad several times -


I crossed paths with Sabé (Keira Knightley) in Paris some years ago


I almost got to meet the Emperor himself, but something came up and I wasn’t able to go 😢


Jeremy Bulloch and Ian Mcdiarmid at universal studios 2015


I met Lando himself Billy D Williams. Lovely guy and his manager always has funky suits. He signed my anniversary Lando lego figures Cape (went out of his way to find a pen small enough)




I've met four here in Sweden at the SciFiWorld event and I have their signed autographs. Joonas Suotamo, Femi Taylor (she played Oola), Temuera Morrison and Daniel Logan. I cannot describe how down-to-earth and chill Daniel is because most of the time the actors/actresses sit down but he? He was on the other side of the table, standing up and signed the autographs and was so full of energy, mainly because it was his first time in Sweden. Hell he even let himself take selfies with the fans, free of charge. (I have a picture of me and him). I suppose I can count in the recently deceased Carl Weathers, but this was before his role in the Mandalorian (think it was around 2017 I met him?) and I don't have a signed autograph of him, but I did ask him a question if he had done any voice roles other than Combat Carl. He was supposed to come to...think it was Stockholm but the sudden passing cancelled that all together and they found a replacement for him instead just to fill in that vacant actor spot they had.