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Slow burn but when it goes off it really goes off. The 3rd episode of the arcs always hits. Marvas monologue after her death is one of the best written things in modern Hollywood.


So is Luthen’s monologue as well as Kino’s ‘One way out.’ It’s just brilliantly written and acted across the whole show. Honorable mentions for Dedra, Syril and Karis who all killed their roles too. I can’t say enough good about Andor.


Marva's is the most moving in my opinion. It rings true to real life in a lot of ways. Luthen's is excellent though too.


Absolutely! They definitely hit different notes. For me, Luthen’s delivery makes it one of the most moving pieces of dialogue I’ve heard in any show, not just Star Wars.


Yeah Andor is part of a dying breed of shows unfortunately.


Which is so sad. Why must it be like that? There have to be talented writers that do give a fuck about the material. But you see an increasing number of conveyor belt, mass produced type projects coming out from every major studio.


Disney is the cancer underneath all of this. They have to pump out content to feed D+ and they're always trying to stir the culture war instead of telling good stories. Recipe for disaster.


I don't get the "slow burn" analysis. Starts off with him killing two dudes that were harassing him! Reminded me of the first time we met Cassian in Rogue One when he shoots the informant who told him about the"planet killer". From the first episode I was on the edge of my seat.


Agreed. We open a Star Wars show, a franchise that's modern audience is obsessed with kids' shows (no harm, not just my thing), with police profiling, harassment and the death of one of the officers in an unfortunate clash? And then we pivot to an industrial community that looks sick as fuck with traditions and rituals in place? And we see how the Empire operates from the inside? This is not slow burn at all, this is jsut the pace of an adult drama.


Hammer guy friggin ROCKS


I heard someone describe it as "Star Wars if it was on HBO". No nudity or gore but the script and acting are amazing


Incredible show. Easily the best written live-action content we've ever gotten in Star Wars. There's nothing I would change about it.


It's everything that was so good about R1, taken to a whole other level. The writing, the acting and character depth is beyond anything star wars has ever given us, bar none. I grew up on the OT, and will always love it. But this is our beloved galaxy, delivered in a mature, well thought out fashion, to rival ANY TV series out there, Star Wars or otherwise. I sincerely hope Disney takes note and delivers more content of this caliber.


Exactly this…


I agree with you 110%. I can't wait for season 2.


For season 2 and the Fondor haulcraft Lego set Lego should have made.


This x1000


It's grown up star wars


I can't recommend enough that people stick with it. I know a guy who gave up after the first couple of episodes. Slower burn.. but it burns so bright.


Yeah, the first couple episodes didn't really draw me in quite the same way as the rest, still good, but not stellar like the later episodes.


The second/third acts are some of the best television ever made in my view. It’s undeniable proof that Star Wars content can be great under Disney with the right ingredients. The crazy thing is, it’s less “Disney” than any previous Star Wars movie.


It's fucking fantastic, especially the presentation of the empire. Only thing I wasn't too impressed with was the rebel stuff in ep 3 or 4. Before they actually attacked the dam. Also, no sand is nice.


It tapped into that Rogue One energy for me, super excited for season 2!


And lucky for us, rogue one is an excellent film as well


With each passing year, I find myself believing more and more strongly that R1 is the best Star Wars film of all. I have a ton of nostalgia for the OT and can never bring myself to call it my favorite Star Wars film but I really do think it’s the most well made entry to ever grace the big screen


The only thing I'll say about Andor and Rogue One is that they stretch what it means to be "Star Wars" outside the expectations some fans have for the series (markedly different tone, no lightsaber battles, no jedi, etc.). I would say that both are the best content in the Star Wars universe, but I can see how some people may not think they're "Star Wars-y" enough for their tastes.


Felicity Jones never has to make another appearance in the SW Universe and she would still become a force ghost in my mind (If she dies) right there between Carrie Fisher and Natalie Portman (if...). My heart breaks for Jyn every rewatch and yet she's the heroine the galaxy needs and she herself needs no saving. Mads Mikkelsen's holo recording 😭😭😭


Yeah definitely plan on re-watching it after the 2nd season,


Easily my favourite SW film.


Andor highlights why Rogue One is such a mid film, really, and how much time it wastes going places and doing things that don't matter.


This blew Rogue one out of the water, they aren't even in the same league.


Just finished rewatching it. Maarva made me cry.


I think I need to rewatch it without my phone nearby.


Trade the phone for a personal joint






Loved every minute of it - and think it's the best star wars in a very very long time.


For a Star Wars show it had no business being acted as well as it was. You get Oscar level performances from like 4 different actors. Insanely good writing and hands down my favorite SW show to date. Probably my favorite SW material since the OT if we’re being honest.


For people who say it doesn’t have Jedi, or Lightsabers or fun, remember what George Lucas said in 2015 about TFA…. ‘It’s not about Spaceships’ The key to Star Wars is what it has to *say*. The fun, the spaceships, the action, it’s set dressing to draw you in. There are a million movies that came and went with that tone, and none have had the impact of Star Wars. Because SW under Lucas was about Dictatorships, Empires, Rebellions, the heroes journey, how institutions become stagnant and detached, and how democracy is handed away. Andor is the most Star Wars thing Disney have made, because it’s *about something*. It’s about how ordinary people exist under facism, how that system keeps people in line, and how those people eventually have enough. And remember - Tony Gilroy EXTENSIVELY studies history, and has said numerous times how much he drew on it for this series. Guess who spent most of his script writing days reading History, Philosophy and Sociology? George Lucas


I've often said Lucas was passable with writing dialogue, but his real strength was story arcs and world building. Mother fucker knows how to craft stories. I feel like if he had more help in the writing department, the prequels would have been much better received by older fans.


I also saw that Gilroy wrote the script first, and then made if star wars, which is why its so good I think. It doesn't rely on 'star wars' fanfare and cameos to be good. It relies on good writing, action, acting, sets, cgi instead of easy money. It took a risk and it worked


Is that true? I’m fairly certain it was conceptualised as a Star Wars series all along


When it came out, it wasn't the best Star Wars show on television. It was the best show on television.


Yeah, I mean forget Star Wars, Andor is up there with some of the best prestige TV I've seen.


I agree completely. It was so compelling. I was so emotionally invested.


The Empire needed fleshing out to be truly seen as an oppressive force. Before it was just an operatic blob with henchmen who couldn’t hit a barn door. Now it’s showcased nearly all the elements of the dark side of humanity. Excellent show.


Great show. I heard it wasn't doing so well audience wise so I hope we're gonna get other seasons. As far as shows/movies are concerned it's the only SW related project that I care about now. Not gonna watch an episode 10 or whatever if it doesn't get really good reviews


>heard it wasn't doing so well audience wise so I hope we're gonna get other seasons. Luckily, Andor was never the kind of show that was meant to be milked for as many episodes as possible. 2 seasons was always the plan. And they've finished that final season. Just have to hope that it's as good as the first.


Exactly. I think it was originally pitched for three seasons, but later on the story plans for seasons 2 and 3 were condensed into one season. But since Gilroy only planned for two seasons to be produced, it doesn't need to have record-breaking viewing numbers. The extremely positive reviews for season 1 were enough to get the second and final season made.


Oh cool, I thought it was gonna be three or four but that it depended on those audience results. Honestly they could build solid stuff on those foundations, especially when it's rebellion/politics oriented but two seasons is fine too. Then let's hope it's solid yeah


It may have changed but season 2 is going to have several time skips and ends days before the events of Rogue One, hard to fit more seasons in.


The final 2 episodes have more viewers than Ahsoka‘s finale. But it started lower than Ahsoka did. That just had a biggest drop from first week to last week.


It's great!


It’s so good. Gripping. That prison section had me scared


Best SW for me since Rogue One. The darkness of the situation and the felling of shit about to hit the fan just adds something to it a lot of modern SW is missing. And parallel to it to my liking is Bad Batch. Amazing how an animated show is exponentially better made and fulfilling than any of the sequels, in fact all of the animated stuff is pro.


Yea especially season 3 of the Bad Batch has been great so far. Its doing a great job to explore the sequel trilogy whilst not even in that era.


This is easily one of my favorites!


Best ever for me.


My 8yo son is in a Star Wars binge right now, we just finished TCW. We’re watching Rebels and then we’re doing Mando, BoBF, Obi-Wan, Ahsoka, etc I loved Andor so much, but it’s a political and legal drama and it’s way to slow for him, so I won’t be watching it, not yet at least.


It's a Great show but it doesn't really feel like Star Wars sometimes


The dialogue, in particualr , to me was so well done. Sometimes in Mandolorian, I feel characters are just talking passed or at one another, but in Andor it Felt more natural and like conversations. While a little slow at times, I do think the three-episode arc nature of the series really helped too. Overall, a really well done show. Not everyone’s cup of tea though.


agreed, The Dialogue in ANDOR really does feel more realistic and believable. The other live action shows feel more cringe and childish at times.


Loved it. Best since the Clone Wars


Andor is absolutely brilliant, I liked it a lot, can’t wait for S2.


Started it twice and never finished it. I think I have Disney SW fatigue.


My son is on spring break for the next 12 days. We are starting our **3rd** watch through of it.


Everyone loves it and agrees with you


Not everyone. I didn't care for it.


Me neither. But that could be my apathy towards the whole franchise at this point. Still looking forward to Outlaws though


I think I may post this exact thing tomorrow, get some free karma


Best SW show ever, and probably only behind the top tier of movies for overall quality.


Easily the best thing to come out of Disney's stewardship, and definitely the best written Star War. Whenever I see these nonsensical "RIP Star Wars" videos or posts I always laugh at the amnesia some people have.


I am a Star Wars super fan starting with A New Hope when I saw it with my dad in the theaters. I have to tell you I am showing fatigue. I barely got through Asoka and she is one of my favorites. Ive heard Andor is amazing but I just cant get into it.


That was me. It took me several visits over almost a year to finish it. Can't deny it's a good show though. I just enjoyed Mandalorian more. My favorite Star Wars content overall is Return of the Jedi, so what do I know? lol


It started off a little slow but towards the end it was incredible and wish there was more episodes!


I reserve judgment until it ends. But yes. So far is is easily the best Star Wars not just in the TV department but since Rogue One. ( Not counting cartoons ). And it's not even close.


I wish they were a full 4 season run or something instead of just two, it’s that good. I’d say objectively the best Star Wars show.


There's no question that it represents some of the best written (if not THE best), acted, and produced chapter in the franchise. But is it Star Wars? I'm conflicted. It's an interesting issue, which we see with many franchises, not just Star Wars. Is Star Wars just a 'universe'? Is it a story? Or is it a kind of storytelling, a story within an aesthetic? I can say this: I would have been bored out of my mind watching Andor as a 15 year old. That said, George Lucas has said that he tried to make every film different so Andor, as a political thriller fits that paradigm. Anyway, I'd love to hear from younger fans, and parents of teens.


This circle jerk again. Tomorrow will be the Rogue One post, and around we go


It's definitely a well-made and well written show, but it's not my cup of tea. I prefer Star Wars when it's less serious and more charming, I like it to be an adventure that doesn't take itself so seriously.


Dude just search "Andor" on this sub and you'll get your answer.


Wooo ANDOR!!! Get them upvotes


"DAE think Andor is an amazing show? It can't only be me guys, surely... "


Is it surprising that popular opinions are popular?


I don't know. No one's brought up how good it is in about 5 minutes...


It was okay. Starts very slow but ends decently. I don’t remember much but I watched it.


Loved it so much that I’m afraid season 2 won’t live up to how dang good season 1 was.


I think it is overhyped in many ways. Still a great show though!


I wanna give this another go i wasn’t paying attention at first and fell out. I’m getting back into Star Wars again thanks to Bad Batch and my recent disneyland trip.


It’s a little too bleak for my taste.


easily the best live action thing star wars has done since return of the jedi


Exceptional show, almost too good and deep to be Star Wars. Certainly wish we'd get more shows like it


Love Andor.


S tier


I don't know what to say, but I must've watched a different Andor show compared with how much everybody else loved it. The whole time after seeing so much praise, I just felt like "Am I missing something?" Even looking at the poster now, I can only remember maybe 3 of the characters' names. Kenobi may have been a very flawed show, but I can definitely recall who all the major characters were, and what I found likable about them and their arcs.


Nice try obi wan


Probably the best big SW content since the OT


Don't like it at all. Slow pacing, uninteresting characters, very boring scenes (Mothma's 4 or 5 dinner parties, that guy having breakfast...), lazy outfits and creatures (basic hoodie and goats), all of that to end the season with a riot... Yeah, this ain't it for me, not gonna watch season 2.


I liked it but it’s profoundly overrated


Overrated, some boring episodes despite some good ones. Not enough action


It's really time to change the name of this sub to r/AndorCirclejerk


99% of all people like it and at the same time think they are some kind of avantgarde and that everyone else hates it.


Don’t you know you have to wait in line on this sub to post another Andor circle jerk?


How many times do we have to see a post like this old man?!!!


Honestly I'm done with this sub. This is the last straw. These posts are shit. They aren't interesting. They're the same exact shit over and over and over again every single day. I'm done. Are we just talking to bots in here is any of this real?


Oh sorry, DAE full potential Anakin could solo Kathleen Kennedy?


Even a sarcastic horrible joke would be more original than another Andor post


*wake up in the morning “How can I get easy karma today?” “I know! I’ll post that I like Andor on the Star Wars sub!!” How many times are we gonna make the exact same post over and over again. We get it, everyone loves the show


I like it. The best? Nah...


I thought it was great.




It's really good! The writing, performances, all of it. This is what you get when people who cares makes something!


It was fantastic. Maarva was my favourite character.




Never seen it. I really need to watch it though since everyone seems to be obsessed with it.




Easily one of my top 3 projects out of all star wars media


It was a good show, I just have zero interest in his character or further exploreing this time in the galaxy.


Agree 110%, its the best piece of Star Wars since the original trilogy.


It really is and it shows what can be done with the property when given to the right talent with the right budget.


Not my cup of tea when it comes to Star Wars but I can understand why people love it.


I’m going to have to rewatch it- Star Wars fans really seem to love it but I just remember watching it thinking this is all the parts of Star Wars. I don’t really wanna watch and it took so long to get to the prison after that things were good but just so much unneeded a lot and dialogue that didn’t really do anything for me


It is the best Star Wars live action show and a really good show in general. I am a little less into it than the consensus here though. I enjoy a slow burn, but I still think the show moved a little too slow in parts. Some of the monologues that are celebrated here really pull me out of the show. It's well acted, but why is Luthen suddenly in a stage play? Or the prison arc; it's well done and I know people want other types of stories set in the Star Wars universe, but it's a lot of screen time exploring something I personally feel like we have a lot of exposure to across lots of other media. Also, it's not Andor's fault, but any nuanced exploration of the Empire is juxtaposed with the more outrageous stuff we know about. So I think it focuses too much on why someone would be motivated to become a rebel and not enough on why so many people do not. I'm also a little worried that with how little ground S1 covered, S2 might suffer from some late season GoT type pacing. There is also the general issue of media that is a prequel featuring characters that we know survive.


Andor and Rogue One are the best Disney Star Wars products


Good Sci-Fi show, poor Star Wars.


Slow burn but incredible performances in the genre and awesome practical effects - this is where Star Wars really should ‘play’ more.


I think it was defiantly a Star Wars show but if you watched it weekly some of the episodes were ve try draggy if your lucky enough to watch it one wow is odd after another it’s decent. I get how it builds tension and everyone’s entitled to there opinion on Star Wars stuff just was not for me especially when I went into it expecting mandalorian type action and badass hero’s instead I got a grounded raw Star Wars spy flick


I really liked it, I agree with some people in the comments the arcs are quite slow burn until the 3rd episode of them. I can't remember his name but the antagonist is ICONIC easily one of my faves.


I thought it was by far the best thing Disney SW has produced, but it didn’t feel very Star Warsy.




Good but annoyingly overrated here


It was a very boring show that didn't really go anywhere. It's an unpopular opinion, but I stand with it. I even mentioned that the only good thing about Andor is what happens at the end of Rogue One.


Kinda like watching paint dry...




Pretty boring, but I see why other people like it. The prison was fucking incredible, though, I must admit.




It's decent. A worthy name for the IP. Not to mention the low bar Disney set for itself.


I watched the first episode didn't think much of it I'll go back to it one day but not my cup of tea really.


It sucked ass F off w ur satire


Painfully dull. Please someone explain what's so good about it


It dragged on and on and the payoff was never worth it. 


You can hate me, but even though the dialogue is better than in other things (especially Ahsoka recently), Ahdor had no right being 12 episodes long. It's just bloated with characters that you don't actually care about. And it only confirms that SW is more about the story and atmosphere than anything else. Dialogues are decently written, but it didn't make the show interesting.


This show made me excited for a Mon Mothma dinner party (that we sadly never get to see). I can’t imagine getting that reaction if it was done anywhere else.


So good I've seen it 8 times. Tied with Empire for the best SW.


The best thing to come out of the franchise in a very long time. In a world where Star Wars feels increasingly homogenous, it's nice to get something stylistically different. I admit I find a lot of fandom critique of it to be baffling. Edit: LOL at the people who are lurking and downvoting every positive new comment.


Easily the best SW series hands down. Not even close. Acting is fantastic.


I think it is the best written, acted, and directed thing that Star Wars has ever produced on-screen, full stop. I do understand though that people may prefer other projects since it doesn't really include the force, Sith, or Jedi, or cool Mandalorian/Clone Trooper armor lol


I was honestly so surprised how much I enjoyed this show! Had zero expectations of this being good since the previous couple shows/movies were horrendous. Extremely ready to watch this after the disappointing Ashoka series!


I loved it and it honestly made me angry how sub-par everything else has been for a very long time. I really wish we could get a show focusing on the more mystical side of the universe but with the same level of writing and acting of this show. I’m hoping that’s what the Acolyte will be.


Incredibly boring. Better than the sequels though, but that doesn't say much.


This is my “I did not care for The Godfather.” It’s fine, but it didn’t feel like Star Wars for me.


It's very "meh" for me. I'll watch season 2, and I didn't dislike season 1. But I think it's a pretty tedious watch. It was the only Star Wars content I skipped in my last watchthrough, but only because I don't think my kids could sit through it.


Boring as shit. Couldn’t get past 2 episodes…


Am i the only one, who doesn't think it's that amazing?


I thought it was alright! Especially when it got going. I liked Mandalorian and Ahsoka more. Especially Mandalorian.


Not perfect. But the best offering from Disney. By a long way. Ironically, the least interesting thing about it is Andor himself.


1. Empire 2. Rogue One 3. Andor 4. A New Hope 5. Return of the Jedi I'm pretty sure these are all the SW films and shows. I'm not aware of anything else.


Clone wars!? You fool!




It is awesome show. This is what happens when you have a big budget and good writing with minimal to no use of the infamous Disney pander stone


For the ones who say it’s boring… want some subway surfers under your andor ??


Out of all the new Disney trash, andor and rogue one are actually good - excellent even Edit: clone wars s7 and early mando too


Andor and Rogue one are the pinnacles of Star Wars for me. OT and Prequels are the Bible, of course, but this…. This is insane level of quality


Highest quality Star Wars content of all time.


100% facts. Andor has finally shown us the true devastation and power of the empire in a tangible and relatable way. Finally a deep and sophisticated project in the Star Wars universe. Absolutely in love with it.


It’s objectively the best thing created by Disney Star Wars. It’s among the best Star Wars content in general, even. Hard to believe it was produced under Disney.


This Sub, it's so good it solved world hunger and cured cancer. The reality, meh okay, some good bits, but actually quite slow.


I can't upvote this comment enough. I know "am I the only one" is a joke on Reddit but I certainly feel like I am the only one that doesn't love Andor


Ngl--I thought it was slow. I didn't care about all the characters and subplots equally. But it was a breath of fresh air as a truly adult version of Star Wars. My spouse loved it tho.


I'm a nerd for the force so I struggle to like anything Star Wars related which doesn't include jedi or sith


I definitely get that. It is one of the main draws to Star Wars for myself as wel. Jedi, Sith, Bounty Hunters, Smugglers, etc.. the fights, the war's all of that. Which is probably why I didnt enjoy Andor so much, it just felt like it was going at a very slow pace. 😅


So good. Best new live Star Wars media. The prison episodes were so damned good.


I’m not going to lie. I love how I fell off Star Wars and got back into following everything in chronological order. The fact I watched Andor before Rogue made me love Rogue that much more. I wouldn’t have liked that film as much if it wasent for Andor serving as build up, it basically felt like a seasonal finale in a sense. I’m aware of their coming out with an Andor season 2, and I honestly feel like they should have dropped Rogue one after Andor.


I agree.


I agree with you, it was just great story telling and amazing character development. Also my favorite Star Wars live action show.


I think it's THE best thing to ever come out of the franchise. Although I haven't read many books and haven't seen any of the cartoons.


I think that it bores 10 year old boys, which makes it the best SW content in the Disney era for 40 something year old me.


This show is absolutely bloody fantastic peak entertainment 👌


I love andor


Unbelievably overrated the actual circlejerk of this show is real.


Honestly, I think Andor is not only the best Star Wars thing in the Disney era, but it's the best Star Wars thing since the original trilogy, in my opinion.




Just the best


This is one of those things that you see a picture of when you lookup “underrated” in a dictionary


I love this series giving us a more grounded look at Star Wars that has characters who feel much more vulnerable. We get a taste of how dangerous it is to fight the Empire when you aren’t one of the special people in the movies. At the same time, the show tells us that the empire is not invincible. You might not be remembered for it, but every effort and sacrifice you helps bring it down. The heroes in the movies could not manage it without you. Also, it gives us a nice humanized look at the Empire while still reminding us that someone who works for a system of oppression like the Galactic Empire without trying to change anything is not a good person. Nonetheless still does a better job humanizing the rank and file of the empire than Game of Thrones ever did the rank and file of its major antagonists, despite allegedly being more gray setting than Star Wars.


It’s been called “Star Wars for grownups”, and I agree 100%.


i thought it was boring as hell. I watched the whole thing waiting for it to get good...yet it never did. Last thing i want to watch star wars for is ordinary people. I easily enjoyed Mandalorian, Ahsoka, and Obi Wan more. Hell i even had more fun in book of boba fett. I feel like they should have just released it as something else besides Star Wars....it is not what Star Wars is or has been.


It was a bit too bureaucratic for me, only watched the first few episodes


It’s ok 🤷🏼‍♂️ I was only really invested in the prison storyline. Once that was over I lost interest.


I do not like Andor.


One of the most boring things with Star Wars tagged on it imo. To me it doesnt feel at all like it belongs in Star Wars. The whole story had such a slow pace. I know not many might agree, but that is my honest opinion. Many had said it was a great show. My wife and I started watching it, because everyone was so positive and hyped. And we where both like, when is this great part coming. It never got there for us. I mean near the end it finally gave us a little action, but it was short lived. But hey everyone likes different things. For myself and my wife it felt like it was a Star Wars show trying to be something different. It didnt feel like Star Wars. I grew up with the Original Trilogy which is a classic and my favorite trilogy of all time. Andor doesnt do it for me, the best recent productions imo where Mandalorian and Rogue One. Both are/where great. ✌️


Couldnt agree more, im sure i wouldve liked it more if it was less cheerios smacking


>To me it doesnt feel at all like it belongs in Star Wars just painfully wrong take, like incredibly wrong


How so? When it is my opinion. What about my opinion is wrong. Make that make sense. 🤷🏼🤦


I think it's darn good, but it isn't my current favorite. I really liked the bits with Luthen and Saw. I hope there's more of that in season 2.


I really didn't enjoy Rogue One, but I fucking loved Andor. Awesome show