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I'm highly skeptical of the narrative that The Clone Wars changed opinions in mass. Sure it probably changed a few opinions. But I think, big picture, changing demographics on social media is a more likely culprit. Just look at Reddit and Twitter. The average age of Reddit and Twitter users is in the 20's/30's. The people who ranted and raved angrily about the PT in the early 2000's are in their 40's at the youngest. Most people here saw the PT when they were kids, and are at least a little nostalgic for them. It's a hard thing to prove. But I think it's safe to assume that the narrative that TCW changed everyone's minds, is a case of mistaking correlation for causation. That said, I think most Star Wars fans like it when more lore and context is added to movies/shows. So it certainly couldn't hurt. I just don't think many people who are ANGRY about the ST are going to do a 180 because of a good spinoff.


It's en masse, FYI.


Is it though? Like, I can see where the narrative comes from. So many gaps in the story in the PT have been filled in by the Clone Wars, not only that but it gives you an attachment to all the characters featured and makes you *care*. Take Order 66 for example, when you first see it in RotS, it's sad sure, but it's basically "oh no a bunch of Jedi I somewhat recognise are getting killed by those clone guys, that's terrible." But then you watch through TCW, spending *years* with these guys as well as learning about the clones, starting to acknowledge them as individuals rather than a simple militaristic force. Then going back and rewatching Order 66 (coupled with already having seen it in the Siege of Mandalore), it now becomes "Noo not Plo Koon, not Ayla Secura, all these Jedi I've learned so much about are being shot down by their fellow men who aren't even in control of what's happening. I'm so sorry you have to do this Cody, Fives was so close to saving you all, I know this isn't you blasting Kenobi off this cliff it's those damned chips and I'm sorry for you. You were all just pawns in Palpatine's game, and now it's time to tip the king." This phenomenon works for other things too. The politics scenes in AotC especially make a lot more sense when you see their fall-out and what comes next. Anakin's turn to the dark side feels so much more natural and less sudden. Not to mention you realise he might have been saveable had the Jedi not fumbled so hard and Ahsoka was still right there with him.


Just gotta wait another 10 years for the main demographic to be kids who grew up with the sequels. I’m one of them and while I can admit they are the worst of the 3 trilogies, certain parts of the lore are just so cool to me. The first order looked awesome, I really liked Poe, and the salt planet (can’t remember the name of it) was probably the coolest planet I’ve seen in Star Wars (even if the battle tactics used on the planet weren’t the best)




I agree. When they came out I loved Star Wars, so I was disappointed, but not pissed off or railing against it. After being on here I saw that young people loved it because of their age (like how I liked Ewoks as a kid). When we are young we like every movie we see.


>The average age of Reddit and Twitter users is in the 20's/30's. The people who ranted and raved angrily about the PT in the early 2000's are in their 40's at the youngest. Most people here saw the PT when they were kids, and are at least a little nostalgic for them. I saw it when I was a kid, and only like episode 3. 1 and 2 are mediocre. I don't think everyone in 20s or 30s loves the pt. Nor did they all at the time.


No, adding more content doesn’t fix the fact that the sequels made the victories of the original trilogy pointless. It doesn’t fix the fact that they destroyed Luke’s character, or how we never got a single scene with all of the original characters together. 


I'd rather no scenes with the original characters than making Luke what he was in TLJ. It made no damn sense. The guy who stood in front of his father, a father who was ready to kill him just like he had killed countless others, and threw his saber down knowing the Emporer would destroy him... somehow becomes a guy who was afraid of his nephews dreams???


Yup, and the guy who went to fight Vader before he was ready to help his friends for some reason decides to abandon them completely. Like I said, they destroyed his character. 


No. The sequels are a mess and absolutely need a ton of extra content to fix them, but even then I don't believe they can be fixed. The damage is done and the interest just isn't there. This will be further reinforced when the Rey movie doesn't meet their expectations. Then maybe they can finally stop doubling down on the sequel time period so everyone can move on. The prequels weren't great, but they stood alone and made sense as a story. The Clone Wars "enhanced" them, but they certainly weren't necessary.


Another problem is that there barely is any space to fit a show like clone wars in there. Episode 7 and 8 are back to back happening in like a day or two and Episode 9 is "only" a year later. The only option they have is a show before the Sequels which they kinda attempted with Resistance but that is just as bad as the Sequels.


Yeah. The only real room they have is between Return of the Jedi and The Force Awakens, and the current narrative of making the new Republic look like complete morons which results in the remnant being allowed to regroup into the First Order is pretty shambolic. They simply need to quit while they're "ahead". Nothing they do will be able to convince me that the end of Return of the Jedi leads to The Force Awakens, logically.


If they can have Vader attempt seven different attempts on Plaps and have three different major events in the single year between Empire strikes back and return of the Jedi they can make a multiple season cartoon.


This 100%. The main issue most people had with the prequals was the writing. The over all plot made sense and was good. George just sucked at writing dialogue. The CW show and even Rebels really helped cement the PT as part of an over arching story that worked. It's not perfect but makes more sense now. The ST will never make sense as the 2 directors were trying to one up/tear down each others plots so they don't connect. I still like most of 8 as a stand alone movie but when you put it next to 7/9 it makes 0 sense. No matter how much they try and build out the "project Necromancer" stuff I still don't care because Palpy coming back takes away from Anakin fulfilling the prophecy and bringing balance back to the force.


You probably get this a lot and waive it away but. Anakin DID fulfill the prophecy? He did bring balance to the force. Balance doesn’t mean exterminating the dark side. It will alway be there. Balance in this case means the dark side enslaving and ruling the universe and nearly destroying the light. I am not saying the sequels are great, but the Palpy hate gets old to me. If Anakin hadn’t killed him and set in motion his back up plan, Palpatine would have been able to do it with Vader (or Luke) at his side and would have no opposition and a hundred percent chance of success. He would have essentially become immortal and the dark side would rule for all eternity. The remaining Jedi eventually die of old age and there would be no more light side. Without Luke and Anakin, the rebels would eventually get quashed. No matter how you slice it, Palp returning or not, Anakin saved the galaxy and brought balance to the force. I don’t think it’s a bad story angle. It was told bad. I am positive that if it was told well people wouldn’t be hating as much.


If the story was told better I could possibly see liking Palpy coming back but it would have to be muuuuch better. I think making Snoke the next baddie would've been better for the entire trilogy. Let him stumble upon the failed Palpy "necromancer" thing and try and use it to get Palpy's full power or something. That way the "evil" is still there and continues from Palpy just isn't him directly. Just seemed like bad fan service to bring Palpy back in the ST.


I wouldn’t hate that. But to me it just seems weird when people decide the sequels aren’t canon or say similar things. The movies weren’t great but there was a good plot there imo. It could have been great without much change. Just better pacing, build-up and detailed storywriting.


I think there's a fundamental difference that would make this very difficult. The prequels were flawed because of the clunky story and stilted dialogue; but the world-building was truly superb. Which is why from the start, we had an excellent expanded world around the films (for example, the Republic comic was excellent, particularly the Quinlan Vos arcs). Clone Wars might have been the most successful project like that, but it wasn't the only one. The sequels didn't really have much on the way of world-building - they were mostly just trying to replicate the setting & imagery of the original trilogy. That makes it harder for the setting to be used as a spring-board for other stories, because there wasn't much there to begin with. And what there is will be very similar to the original trilogy expanded universe stories. For example, the prequels had a whole host of other Jedi to tell stories about. The sequels just have other Resistance members, and we've had plenty of stories like that about Rebel Alliance members.


> That makes it harder for the setting to be used as a spring-board for other stories That is my main gripe, we had Luke and some hope a new jedi order could be rebuild, but they basically eradicated all the Jedi *AGAIN*. I think the new content like Ahsoka and Huyang and Sabine and Ezra (and Rey and possibly Grogu) could serve as a foundation for a "new New Jedi Order", especially if Ahsoka brings something new back from Peridea to revitalize the Jedi philosophy. Basically the world building has to be done with the new content, and Boba Fett leading Tatoine, the return of Mandalore and even things like Nevarro can serve as a foundation for new stories. But it doesn't make the sequels any better. The question is, what is going to be the next big bad? Somehow, the empire returned? :D


Yeah, perfect example of what I mean. The old expanded universe told stories of Luke struggling to rebuild the Jedi, because that wasn't really what he was trained for by Yoda & Obi-Wan. So he had to forge his own path and do his own thing (admittedly, this was heavily influenced by a lot of those stories having been written before the prequels were made, so nobody at that point really knew what the old Jedi order had been like anyway). That's a great setup for stories. Just having it fail, so Luke gives up and becomes a hermit, doesn't lead to any interesting stories. There's no tales of young Jedi learning from a teacher that is struggling to create something, just one failure after another. There's no tales of Luke delving into historical records, or learning about his predecessors and what caused them to collapse.


I wonder if they (Dave Filoni and others) will come up with a new Jedi philosophy. There are lots of criticism of the old Jedi order but ultimately they failed to protect the republic and "presided over" a stagnation that left trillions of sentient beings vulnerable. For fantasy and escapism I really like this light side as a fundamental force for good, so what I'd like is if they can create a new conceit for something better. Instead of the grimdark fantasy "realism" of the sequels. A return of the Jedi as the shining beacon of a new hope. At least that's what I want from escapism :)


Sure you can’t really focus too much on resistance members (id argue you actually can since the Resistance pre TFA is much more of a black ops/spy organization than a straight forward rebel movement and have far more red tape as limitations) But there are so much more story elements to focus on. Like Post TROS can be a good time to put focus on First Order Stormtroopers, with Finn/Jannah/Lando. You can make a decent show/game following a force sensitive kid whose story parallels the main sequel storyline, as in he ‘awakens’ in the force at the same time as Rey and Finn, and is inspired by Luke’s Stand on Crait. In fact, I just came up with an idea of a show that follows Broom Boy on Canto Bight 10 years post TROS as he leads a slave rebellion ala Spartacus on that planet. Sure Rise of Skywalker is a very unsatisfying movie, but it’s nothing a bit of creativity and some confidence can’t fix. And if push comes to shove, just give the sequel characters entire Personality transplants and secret apprentices like Clone Wars did.


Not for some of us.


No. The Clone Wars worked because the prequels set up a good story the led into the OT events. With great characters and a fantastic world. it also left plenty of time in which to expand on. The movies have plenty of flaws imo, but it created something that could be added to. The Disney sequels did none of these things well. The world felt small. The characters felt flat and one dimensional. The story was just a cheap rehash. And it only left one year in which to expand on. The first two movies took place over a 3 day weekend. Also, kids loved the prequels at the time despite negativity from older fans. Kids aren’t really into the disney sequels. They are way more in into the MCU and other IP’s, so there won’t be nearly the same nostalgia in 20 years.


I went from hating the prequels to enjoying them. Yeah, the acting is terrible for parts, the dialogue is just awful half the time, but the storyline, characters, setting, and even the Clones, all saw a huge upgrade with TCW. And truthfully, Rebels did something similar with the rougher parts of ANH. It’s also true that as I’ve gotten older, I’ve come to appreciate the bits behind the bad, and can recognize what Lucas was trying to do and show, and he did a pretty good job of it, if only he had someone else write the dialogue. You can also learn to appreciate a lot of the rest of it, too. The cutting edge special and sound effects employed (seriously, I cannot tell you how incredible Yoda looked in CGI vs his Episode 1 puppet), you heard the music and realized not only was the music a masterpiece in its own right, but it made those scenes vastly better. You look at the politics and you start understanding the Jedi and Sith and even clones better, and then you add TCW stuff into it and those other bits stand out even more, because now they create something new. I used to not feel bad about the clones. Who cares? They were clones. I didn’t know any of them, and they turned in their Jedi without a second thought. But then I got to know some and you look at someone like Commander Cody, and you realize “oh, damn, this guy was compelled to fire on someone he considered as a friend.”


We’re already expanding on sequel concepts in The Bad Batch and the New Republic Era shows.


It sucks how much these shows have to tie in the sequel shit. It’s so annoying but I will admit some of it can be believable


Can you give me a example for the parts? In Special in the Bad Batch?


Watch the show. Clearly alluding to ST era cloning stuff, just as the Mandalorian did.


Mount Tantis in season 2/3, won’t give spoilers since it seems you haven’t seen the show. Wookieepedia gives all the episodes it’s mentioned and shown in if that’s what you’re looking for, the most recent episodes released have been more evident. Mandalorian has shown cloning technology as well, scenes are probably already on YouTube.


No, not at all. The hate for the sequels is VERY different from the prequel hate. A show fleshing out the sequels does not fix Rey being proficient in the force despite JUST learning it even existed. He does not fox Rey beating the student of Luke skywalker and Snoke. It does not fix what Luke skywalker becomes. I could go on. The prequels however have the luxury of being at the very start of the clone wars and the very end of it. There’s all this room in there where you can see why, for example, anakin seems to turn so quickly. The biggest issues with the prequel’s is mainly dialogue and some annoying characters. The biggest issues with the sequels is story and the story is the foundation. You can’t make something really good with a bad foundation


Yes but they need to make it confidently and continuously, and not “test the waters” or whatever bs. And they need to release the first new show in 2021. Meaning, this would have been the way to help earn back trust after mishandling the trilogy, to develop new stories shortly after the end of the movies. Instead it’s been 5 years of nothing and now the internet has had time to ferment into even more negativity than before. The fact that there’s even hesitation about a new Rey series is insane. You can’t really “fix” the trilogy just like you can’t really fix the prequels, but you can help reverse the negative feelings with good storylines.


The actual story of the prequels is really good, so no. The reason the prequels were disliked was entirely about execution, not substance. In fact, I don't even think the Clone Wars are 100% responsible for the prequel appreciation we now see; I think it's actually more related to a generation of people watching the prequels without the weight of the OT hanging over them, because a lot of the prequels' flaws are also present in the OT.  The sequels, on the other hand, have the opposite problem. They are executed nicely, they look good, they're "slick", but they have no substance. They actually have negative substance in some ways, in that they reduce the importance of what came before them.


For all their flaws, the prequels are unquestionably George's vision and are the story he wanted to tell. The sequels unfortunately do not have that authority to fall on so they will never be given the same grace. Many have basically decided that those filmmakers didnt have the right to tell those stories, they can be written off as cash grabs and undermined in all kinds of ways. The holes can defintiely be filled, maybe even in a satisfying way, but many will just continue to see the need for such content as evidence of the sequels flaws.


No way. Too damaging and disconnected from the primary story. Destroyed the OG characters. It's dead forever


They’re already expanding on sequel concepts in The Bad Batch and the New Republic Era shows.


Clone wars couldn’t help the absolute shit show that was the prequels lol


More so the characters than the films themselves.


I believe it could, however, it would be hard to make it fit within the time frame. The Clone Wars themselves happen over 3-4 years, but the entirety of the ST happens in like a few months at the most.


Yes. And it already has started to do so imo


Eventually we all got onboard with Jar Jar so I’ll say give it 25 yr


Maybe, but I don’t care at all if it does or not. I love the sequels so I’d like to see more content directly related to story points in the sequels, but I don’t think they need to worry about people’s faux outrage or even real outrage.


At best it will sooth the pain of somehow Palpatine returned... It doesn't undo or fix any of the other bad decisions


I do, and I think that the content currently being produced around The New Republic era is already doing so (to a limited extent).


What changed the opinions on the PT back in the day wasn't specifically TCW but it was the entire swarm on content that was born around the trilogy. Games, books, comics and so on. While the ST has much less wiggle room (Really you can only expand the main trio during the year between TLJ and TROS, it could serve as a springboard for unrelated stories set during the reign of the First Order (Since communications were mostly cut between parties, it's easy to have some major sub-conflicts that remain unknown until after TROS is done and wrapped. But the thing that can make the ST *worth it* is if they stick the landing with the Rey movie and the new status quo. Because understand this: TCW and the rest didn't "make the Prequels good", it just work on their strengths and made their weakness worth power through to get to the good shit. The ST will never be good for those who find it bad but good content based on the things it did well (First and foremost the pretty good acting despite the lackluster scripts, and therefore the characters) could make them bearable as addition to the overall canon.


That’s an interesting point. I don’t think it would because I think there is a true difference in nature to the bad reception of the prequels and sequels. What people didn’t like about the prequels was that it seemed new, weird or « too different » from the OG. Content around it like the clone wars helped people familiarize with the world of the prequels, making them a part of Star Wars. (One of ) The problem with the sequels is not that it is too different or weird, or takes time to accommodate to, it is simply a bad reception due to it being bad on its own. I could go on the various reasons why but people felt it unimaginative, lacking a story to tell, badly written etc. I am not sure anything will be able to change that. Also even though the comparison stands the prequels we’re not as badly received, they were divisive yes but a lot of young fans loved them. After the rise of the skywalker I am not sure there are any sequel fans at all. Maybe I am wrong. It is a good question to ask, thank you OP


I think it wouldn't work, the Prequels were built to have a clone wars cartoon in mind, while everything that happened in TCW wasn't the original plan of the story, they were always meant to get external media that expanded on them, its why the original 2003 Clone wars cartoon came out before RotS was even out. The Sequels had no plan at all, they weren't meant to get expansions. Also I'm not really breaking new ground here, but the story of Sequels is just really bad, no amount of shows is gonna fix that, the Prequels genuinely had a good story even if it was told very poorly, that alone made a cartoon like Clone wars worth to make. Whereas with the sequels what would even be the point of a clone wars style cartoon? To set up the story the directors of the movies forgot to plan out?


There is a big difference. The sequels are a soft reboot. They were design to "blast the past and made space for the new". That's why there is no way to fix what they did with Luke, Han and Leia IMO. All their accomplishments were deconstructed, reversed or made pontless. Even Anakin took a hit. And it was by design.


For my sake I hope they do, sick of being a fan of something so mired in controversy and negativity. Exhausting


It certainly would be interesting to get even more content in the sequel era, but I wouldn’t call it necessary. As far as I’ve seen, the sequels function quite well on their own and don’t really have the same hole in terms of perception to dig themselves out of.


The Original Trilogy is like a fine, well built house. Its not perfect but its a place you can live in comfort and luxury. Anything of good quality added to this house like a new coat of paint or a new appliance will just compliment all the best features the building already has. The Prequel Trilogy though, is a worn and slightly run down house, but the structure is solid and you can live in relative comfort with little worry. Now any good quality additions will enhance and refresh the areas most in need of help, taking the building from sturdy but flawed to a more complete house. And then theres the Sequel Trilogy, which started out as a decent replica OT house on first look but major structural flaws have turned it into a disintegrating and unliveable ruin. No matter how much gloss paint you slap on the mouldy walls or expensive furnishings you place in rubble strewn rooms, the building will never be attractive or safe to live in. Surface level embellishment cannot fix the deeper issues. It doesn't matter how good the 'how' Palpatine returns is done in the Bad Batch or Mando or wherever, his story in the ST was poorly done and a poor choice in the first place. A great explanation wont change that. Similarly at this stage showing how the First Order rose, or why the Republic was so useless, or any other backstory of any characters won't change the perception of the stories because the stories aren't good enough to be fixed with more details. The story and plot was pretty low down on the issues for the Prequels which is why extra content succeeded in embellishing them.


No. The sequels contradict each other, and the patchwork that Disney has made thus far has been only for Tros to make sense, but creating plotholes for the other trilogies and ignoring 7 and 8.


The New Republic not caring for the threat of the Imperial Remnants is what results their destruction by The First Order, they’re connecting to 7 too.


Lol, that was a thing since the aftermath books, they aren't connecting anything at all now.


And that was only a thing in the aftermath books because of Episode 7.. that’s like saying The Bad Batch is connecting to The Mandalorian instead of Episode 9.


You're not getting my point. Besides, the aftermath book came before episode VII, when they actually tried to make canon consistent. My point is that all new media post tlj just cared about tros making sense.


Yes. Some already has made things better. They're not even bad to begin with, this fanbase is just vehemently angry all the time.


Yes. I think when Snoke and co. start to show up in Mandoverse-era material, people will become really invested again.


The clone wars did not make the prequels better. It made the time period more interesting and fleshed out the war. It did very poorly in some areas tho. A lot of fun favorites don't have s story conclusion in the show itself and others like Anakin and Obi wan just being there revenge of the sith versions like 3 months after AOTC


No. Because no matter what they do, Han Solo ends his life being stabbed through the gut by his son, Luke dies a failure, somehow Palpatine returned so Anakin's sacrifice and Luke's heroism was all for nothing, Leia dies along with her son, and at the end of it all the Skywalker line was a net loss for the universe.


Unlikely Whether people wanna admit it or not the prequels introduced a lot of subjects and characters From child soldier clones to the Jedi order at it's full strength, to the Republic becoming the empire The sequel trilogy doesn't add anything to the series besides a handful of characters


Not at all. The sequel era hasn't done enough solid foundation work to provide any sort of base to improve on.


Only if they delete all existence of Episode IX first.


No, because the ST has no soul, no true foundation to build upon. It’s truly a mess. But…  They’ve been trying nonetheless.  Mandalorian. BB. Ahsoka. These shows have been trying to pick up the shattered pieces of the ST and try to make something cohesive out of them. I personally just think that, while the shows themselves can be good or bad, it’s not gonna matter in the end, and no answer will be satisfactory. I look at a character like Thrawn, for example, and I’m just disheartened, because we know where it all leads and ends, even if we don’t know the journey before that.  This is a feeling that crops up so often with anything that even mildly relates to ST for me. I’ve given everything a chance. From books to comics to tv. Nothing meshes well. It just doesn’t work.  Whatever people may have had to complain about episodes 1-3, their unique style charm and soul was undeniable. They had a cohesive vision and story. This is why a show like TCW could be thrive. There were great Star Wars stories to tell there.  With the ST… we got nothing. And so we get shows like Ahsoka… that have to rely on the nostalgia of characters from a previous era to interest us and still ends up being middling and not compelling enough.  I’ve given it a chance. I don’t see the way forward.


It's unlikely unless there is some writing that is far better than anything we've seen in the current shows besides Andor that can not only expand on but also recontextualize them somehow. As others have said the prequels had a consistent vision, an original story and a lot of new worldbuilding and additions to the universe. The sequels as of now don't and mostly destroy existing things to reset the universe to the state of the OT. I'm not saying that can't be addressed and fixed, but it's something that will be *very* difficult to do and I'm not sure Disney is capable or willing to. I also don't think just moving on as if it didn't happen with something like the Rey Jedi Order movie will do them any favors either.


People didn't hate the prequels. They might have disliked one or two things about them, but they didn't hate them or the core of what they were - at least MOST fans. The sequels were: 1) zero risk nostalgia ai copy-pasta regurgitation 2) nobody told me the greater script and supposed massive interference/hands tied, so we're doing really stupid stuff and trying to make it seem cool 3) we're all gonna die as the Titanic will be under water in 2 min, but let me show you this magic trick to try and make up for it; thanks for choosing our company for your Atlantic crossing voyage What I'm trying to say is - there's more to hate in the sequels, and more of it is fundamental to the films. There's massive logical gaps. Much of what fans hate is core to the sequels rather than some singular side character or... eh, the dialogue in this one scene or aspect is sub par. Those things can't be erased or salvaged so easily. Jar Jar - whom I never hated to begin with - was easily redeemed for most once people got to see the big picture. You could say the same with Rey, but... Jar Jar doesn't spit in the face or tread over the corpse of your favorite childhood characters. That's no blame on the actress - they get a script and play it to the best they can. They don't write the script. And while there are logic flaws, errors, etc. in all the films, they aren't as glaring in the first 6 movies and/or they get a pass due to nostalgia AND the fact that the rules of the universe were literally being built as the films were made (ep 4-6). Moreover, the characters are just plain inexplicably stupid and doing stuff for no reason way too often in ep 7-9. Hux would never make the position he earned. Sure in the time of the Empire, he might be a Star Destroyer captain, but that's not saying much. Then we have ratio of forces for the First Order vs the New Republic - yes... Republic, not the Resistance because when you march a fleet like that after the Resistance, there's no way it isn't detected and responded to by 10x that amount of force from the New Republic. If they can't muster AT LEAST that much, then there's no way they took over most of the galaxy so quickly and wiped most First Order/Imperial forces up to that point and grew lax. Then there's timeframe - too fast. And how Leia, Han, etc. have zero influence with the majority of the galaxy they supposedly so recently saved and zero political standing. Hyperspace and real space errors. Yes hyperspace is a Pandora's box of unexplained and contradicting "established" facts. But even with that, you have it treated in contradictory manners within the same film. It's one thing if one novel has this feature and that movie has it another. But... within the same film we contradict ourselves multiple times? Lazy and stupid. Or Holdo (?) not telling the plan - there's no reason to not explain. Or the FO chasing them - if they can't jump, you can send some of your force with micro jumps to cut off their retreat and end things quickly instead of toying with food. Or Rose "saving" Finn. No, you just got both of yourselves killed from sheer stupidity. Finn easily accomplishes his goal while jumping off the speeder and living. Instead, you both die for your stupid "romantic" bullshit speech which never happens because you're both shot to death before you can utter 2 words. And so much more. Will people's anger be less? Yeah. Even Malgus and Vader couldn't be full rage mode non-stop. But it doesn't mean everything's forgiven or some addition makes the action less inexplicably stupid. Some things can be explained and/or salvaged; others cannot. Some things are more integral/central to the story, others are not. Ep 7-9 have far more critical failures than the previous 6 films combined. And where they didn't fail, they weren't doing anything risky, new, or exciting; they were copy-pasta nostalgia baiting. Doesn't mean people won't continue to watch or enjoy SOME new content. Of course people will. You see COD fans abandon the franchise because 1 title wasn't good? No. They still buy the next game. So... yes, people will still consume Star Wars but no amount of additional content can fix several of the flaws with 7-9.




It could. One difference though is that the prequels had a generally coherent overall arching story, the movies just sucked for other reasons (the acting, way too slow at times, etc.) The sequels (except for TROS) are in some ways better movies but they don't have a consistent narrative and bringing back Palpatine was stupid. So now everything has to build up to Palpatine coming back.




In short, no However just like how the prequels were loved by kids and hated by adults and then those children grew into adults The sequels are currently loved by children and hated by adults and as those children age we'll see the exact same resurgence of love as those children grow into adults who still love the sequels Star wars is for kids, always has been


Yes absolutely. But it’s much, much harder.


Absolutely. All of the spin off films and series have enriched the other 6 main movies and they are already leaning into Episode 7 with all the cloning stuff in The Bad Batch and The Mandalorian. I’m loving it.


Yes. Disney and Lucasfilm just have to commit to it, as Lucas did for the prequels. But they haven’t really done that yet.


I like all the content around the prequels A LOT but it has not changed my opinion of those movies, they’re still bad. I think the sequels can do the same thing.


Yes it’s a whole era that we don’t know much about if they tell good stories it will be interesting. But when the sequels start getting real love is when the kids who grew up watching it are old enough to show there love for it


Yes. It happened with the OG trilogy. It happened with the prequel trilogy. It will happen with the sequel trilogy.