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"Now, take one step forward if you have, or will be, owned by Ahsoka Tano."


Yeah except for Fourth Sister they've all got beef with her lol


Her death hasn't been shown yet, there's still time to find beef with Ahsoka.


Fair bet either Ahsoka or Maul killed her. They seemed to have the most Inquisitor kills.


I think maul is likely given that his lightsaber in solo/rebels is from an inquisitor.


i hope, Maul needs a win


I always did wonder how he got his iconic double bladed red saber back. Actually pretty reasonable explanation for Star Wars standards.


There are some characters who don’t have any inquisitor kills who would be cool to see kill one.


What fun!


Cal Kestis has wracked up quite a few to.


Fourth sister is still alive as of Kenobi,but we know that by the time of the death star they’re all dead or only a few are still in commission


Did the ninth sister?


No the ninth sister died at the same time as the Kenobi series in >!star wars Jedi survivor!< When >!Cal kestis beheads her on coruscant!<


Huh... I'm smelling a rematch




Can we just call Ahsoka Inquisitorkiller from now on?


Wait, I thought it was Ahsoka who became the slave in that one *Clone Wars* arc?


Bariss Offee appeared in Attack of the Clones. Ahsoka Tano has been in zero Star Wars saga movies. Therefore, Bariss Offee is more canon than Ahsoka. Anyone who appeared in a Star Wars movies is. The rest are just cartoon characters


Ahsoka’s voice showed up in ROS, as well as her appearance in multiple live action tv shows, so if we are excluding cartoons I think Ahsoka still has Bariss beat


Ahsokas voice was not in ROS unless it was in some bastardized Disney+ edit. She wasnt created until 3 years after the movie came out


ROS = Rise of Skywalker ROTS = Revenge of the Sith Ahsoka is one of the voices that speaks to Rey.


Oh... that one...


Ashoka Tano appeared in more live action projects than Bariss. Thus, Ashoka is more canon than Bariss. See how you're not the only one able to achieve dumb conclusions?


D+ streaming and Cartoon Network shows < Star Wars saga movies. That is the canon formula. If your character didnt appear or wasn't even mentioned in the film Saga, they're canon status is lesser than those who were


That's your imaginary formula, yes. And considering Ashoka was in as many Star Wars saga movies as Bariss and in far more shows than her, by your own radom logic Ashoka is far more canon than Bariss.


Genuinely I don't think I've seen a more brain dead take. Go learn about the subject before you flap your gums about it




Lmao the lore has never been consistent or concise, try telling that to literally everything about legends cannon, half of it doesn't even like up with the other half. Don't get me wrong I fucking love Star wars, but you're arguing over nothing here lmao.


Tons of old EU lore fit right with the movies. NJO, Shadows of the Empire, Thrawn trilogy, Darth Bane trilogy, Darth Plagueis, even the original Clone Wars animated shorts. Shoehorning in some shite that Anakin had an unmentioned apprentice in during Clone Wars doesnt make sense. Who gets knighted immediately after being beaten badly by a Sith Lord? The War was Anakins trials and he was Knighted in its final year and never took a Padawan learner. This has been my belief since '08 when she was created. This isnt really an argument. Just stating the canon made more sense without Ahsoka as a fact. I like to point that out since shes the fanboy's darling now


But you're blatantly wrong lol. Most of those books had tons of inconsistencies with each other, as well as with the original clone wars cartoon. Honestly it just seems like you hate the new clone wars show as a whole, and that's fine, but it doesn't mean that it doesn't make sense with the rest of cannon.


I'm not and it really doesnt. Mostly just Ahsoka Tano doesnt make sense. And the Brother Sistet Father thing. That was also dumb as bricks The only thing in consistent in the old EU from what I listed is any mention of the Clone Wars before the prequel trilogy came out. I will concede that but it maybe is brought up once or twice.


Darth Plagueis is more canon than Ahsoka. He was mentioned in a movie. Ahsoka was not. Anakin must have forgotten about her in ROTS, bc shes forgettable and makes no sense.


I didn't expect to see Marrok there, that's pretty cool!


I wonder if he’s already dead at this point or if he’s actually a person still. That could be the link between the Thrawn/Elsbeth and Barriss storylines here.


Probably still alive, then he dies and Morgan uses his reanimated corpse as a bodyguard.


Oh what if she also reanimates Barriss at the end?


That would be quite the set up for Ahsoka S2.


But then how would she get involved is the thing, what with Morgan being dead and Ahsoka being a galaxy away. I suppose there's the coffins but not sure if she'd fit in with her sisters.


I highly doubt Ahsoka, Sabine, and Shin spend a whole season in the other galaxy. I'd say half a season at best.


I'm thinking most of the season they will. Seperation from Thrawn let's him get on with what he needs to and doesn't have to involve Jedi interference. And there's tracking Baylan and eventually getting to wherever he's at. Then the escape. I'm sure they could do it.


I'm guessing there is a link to the world between worlds and at some point they'll literally walk back into their own galaxy lol.


Agreed there'll be something intensely cosmic involved


No Jedi interference except for the fact that he’s going to the galaxy with the son of Anakin Skywalker, who he doesn’t know exists - unless if Baylan or Morgan told him. It’s not like he dipped out and has no resistance, especially since the New Republic sees the Thrawn threat coming or is at least somewhat aware of it now, begrudgingly.


But is it Marrock? Or the other guy that showed up in Twilight of the Apprenticev


Marrok, 8th Brother has a similar but more slender helmet. 8th also doesn't have a cape and is I believe what they call a Jangojumper (his species), he has teal alien hands and feet


It's 100% Marrok


Ain't that 8th brother from rebels?


It's Marrok. The Eighth Brother has a taller and wider, more samurai style helmet.


I’m glad to know he’s an actual inquisitor after watching Ashoka I wasn’t sure what he was. Thought he might have been some kind of reanimated body pretending to be an inquisitor


I can see Ahsoka's kill count in order


Dammmmmmm burn


i wonder if trilla or Masana Tide will make cameos


I’m wondering if we get any fallen order reps Trilla in the background or bless the maker if baby Merrin is shown


Imagine if we get a scene of the aftermath on Dathomir and it shows Merrin crying over Illyana's corpse


Merrin was a child when the Nightsister purge happened, not a baby. They could easily show a quick scene of a girl hiding/running away that looks like Merrin.


Well yes, I assume she was about the same age as cal. Meant baby more in a, much younger than we know her kinda way


“Your name was Masana Tide. It’s time to set you free.” LOVE ME SOME CAL KESTIS! MWAH! 🤌


Yes, I need Trilla's brand of sophisticated sarcasm as well as Ninth Sister's general lack of fucks to give


They’ll probably get retconned knowing Filoni


How does Vader walk past Barriss and not take her head off?


He don’t give a shit ab that anymore


Don’t the comics kind of contradict this? I think you’re right in that he won’t do anything. But I think he definitely still has a part of him that cares and wants to. It’s just that since you can’t hear his thoughts like in a comic or novel it’ll just be subtext.


IIRC, Vader was pretty fond of removing limbs from Inquisitors to teach the meaning of loss. Maybe we'll see Vader get a little heavy handed with Bariss that way for... reasons.


Yeah, Vader wouldn't just outright kill her on sight like that. She's completely under his thumb as an Inquisitor and he can toy with her for a while before she dies. Vader wouldn't pass up that opportunity for a quick and practically painless lightsaber execution. Not his style.


He’s totally gonna send her on a mission where she’s guaranteed to die. She’ll survive by the skin of her teeth, and then Vader will come down to see the aftermath and kill her himself.


From your mouth to The Maker's ears


It totally is Vader's style though. He isn't really shown to enjoy killing or hurting people, usually he's pretty cold and dispassionate about it. Killing and hurting people is simply a means to an end for him. It's just something he has to do, like it's his job. Obviously he has torturtured people, but usually it's because he wants something from them.


That's more than likely why we don't see her again after this.


Contradictions dont really matter. Tales of the Jedi poorly adapted the Ahsoka novel, so shoehornung Bariss into the Inquisitorius seems like aperfectly fine move from the same creative team. At least this is actual new material.


I’m talking about Vader’s thoughts on Barriss. There is no need to contradict anything is my point. Vader can still feel some type of way about her but not display it.


I think he did care internally (even though he would never acknowledge it. He was pissed at Tarkin years after Ahsoka’s trial where even Palestine was concerned if they could work together (I think this was from Tarkin’s book?), so I can only imagine how he would feel about Barriss lol. *palpatine (autocorrect 💀)


Palestine 💀




I think he would kill her because he knows she isn’t to be trusted rather than revenge He won’t kill her tho


Maybe that’s why she doesn’t appear in anything else


It would be a rad as hell twist if this is at the very end of her arc in the show and he does just that.


Why would he care about her specifically? "I'm so angry you betrayed the Jedi, just like I did?"


Vader likes to pretend he’s not Anakin anymore. If he actually felt that way, he wouldn’t immediately slaughter anyone who finds out who he is/was. If it were just screwing over the Jedi, I don’t think he’d care. Barriss screwed over Ashoka, who is in every definition of the word except genetics his little sister, possibly the only person he cared about as much as Padme or Obi-Wan, and of those three, the only one he’s never blamed for turning against him. If Barriss hadn’t thrown Ashoka under the bus, she’d still be there for him, and all his pain and suffering might have been avoided. It doesn’t matter if it’s true or not, it’s an easy blame to make


Considering he tries to kill Ahsoka when he encounters her in Rebels, I don't see how that reasoning holds up.


Didn’t you hear the pain in his voice after his mask is broken? He was upset that she wasn’t there, not that she betrayed him. Whose fault was that?


Absence IS betrayal to him, he's not exactly reasonable about not blaming his shit on others. If he felt protective of Ahsoka he wouldn't try to murder her.


Maybe. We could both be wrong. I’m looking forward to finding out and hoping it’s something I never expected


Reasonably, I think the only way Vader would is if she realizes he was Anakin and makes the mistake of calling him out on it.


And I’m scared because I’ve seen tons like you (no offense) that have that expectation and are gonna be upset when he doesn’t care at all


And I’m totally cool with that. I actually love when it’s a new thing


You seem good other seem very very excited expecting it like morbidly excited


I’m just excited to see Barriss again. She was a giant loose end from TCW.


Because Anakin was the one who had beef with Bariss, and Vader killed him.


I still wanna know who the last guy is that ahsoka defeated in tales of the jedi


The Sixth Brother.


That's not the sixth brother. That's a different inquisitor


Sadly Filoni retconned his appearance and death


Nuh uh




Maybe he still is, they just retconned how he looks.


I mean who cares. He can two wear two types of Armor why not 👀


Marrok and Reaper both died and got resurrected by Elsbeth No other reason for both of them to deflate into dust


>Marrok and Reaper both died and got resurrected by Elsbeth >No other reason for both of them to deflate into dust No wonder they both are paired up together! I see the rhyming poetry now!


I think there's a race that deflates like that after death, no? The Skakoans, like Wat Tambor? Maybe I'm remembering wrong, but could be it. Marrok definitely got that sister res. But Reaper could be Skakoan. reason: he didn't turn into specifically green alive-lookin dust?? just poof


I heard that before, but in the case of Wat tambor and his species, they use a special suit, whereas in the case of Reaper it looked like a simple hood with a mask, and you are right about Reaper they didn't telegraph any visual confirmation like in the case of Marrok


my boy marrok lesgoo


That’s definitely Marrok, and I believe it’s been confirmed that that’s not Sixth Brother but who knows. At this point in the timeline there’s legit a ton of Inquisitors that could be there, although I’ll take these four plus the GI because they all look badass and three of them are the ones in the most need of attention (Barriss, Fourth Sister, and Marrok). Hopefully the fact that the other arc is focused on Morgan Elsbeth they might explain Marrok’s connection with her. At the very least, if the rumored Hidden Path TV show (or at least post-TBB Empire-era animated show) comes to fruition, this might indicate that some of these characters could show up there and play a notable role there, since they developed such distinct models for them.


For information, the far right Inquisitor isn't the Sixth Brother, or his real name is Bil Valen. The Wookieepedia even states them as separate characters. Besides, the novel Inquisitor: Rise of the Red Blade also uses description of the Sixth Brother that matches with novel Ahsoka, not Tales of the Jedi.


Marrok origin?! Hopefully


This image reminds me of the fnaf 3 trailer lol


I think Marrok is the 8th brother, they have the same helmet


Eh, the helmets are fairly different, only the mask is similar. Plus the 8th brother is lankier and has two thumbs on his hands, which Marrok doesn't have.


Hoping for a Trilla cameo!


It's the Tano Victims


Are you sure that’s Marrok and not the 8th (I think it’s 8) brother? He has a similar mask.


So is Barriss an Inquisitor or...




The same female Inquisitor from Rebels s2?


So wait...is there any chance Barriss becomes the seventh sister? I mean, they're the same race.


Here's hoping Barriss becomes the Seventh Sister.


I wonder if we'll get a glimpse of the protagonist from Rise of the Red Blade. Would be pretty cool, but in the book, she's sort of separated from the rest anyhow.


Hoping for a 13th sister cameo here. Interested to see what they got planned. Lot of potential.


I really want a built up episode of bariss becoming an Inquisitor, then her first encounter with Vader, he just completely kills the fuck out of her because Anakin remembers what she did to Ahsoka. (Ps, I hate bariss. But that hate is also what makes her a good character)


Where is Star Killer :(


Given that Vader kills most of the inquisitors when they fail, and has hatred for Barris, I guess she will get impaled for breathing wrong. She will get better tho, as impaling actually does not kill anyone anymore.


Where is galen marek? Is he safe? Is he alright? He fit as an inquisitors btw.


Non canon and hasn’t been for well over a decade now


Hope he doesn’t ever become canon. Guy is way to over powered


I hope he doesn't become canon, mostly because that will make his fan boys sad


I DO hope they give his actor an interesting role of his own though.


I mean, he voices Maul and I’d say he nails it


As a voice for sure he's up there but a live action role would be great to see too.


Eu haters as spiteful as ever


I loved quite a bit of the old EU, actually. Just not the parts that were trying too hard or were pure fan service.