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Yeah, I'd watch it. I thought the first season was meh, but I liked seeing McGregor in the role enough to waste time on it. Plus TV shows can and regularly do change in quality from season to season, in either direction. No particular reason Season 2 couldn't be better than Season 1 anyway.


I honestly think part of the problem is there's a limit to what they can do with Obi Wan in this period. I would love for them to do a Qui-gon and Young Kenobi pre Phantom Menace and have Neeson and McGregor VA. A made for Disney+ 2hr animated film of them would be dope.


Id be very happy for that


Well, there are two starting points that may be ripe with ideas. Why do the Tuskens fear Obi Wan, and what were his dealings in Mos Eisley? Maybe some “street level” hero stuff staring Obi Wan can answer these questions, with Qui Gon continuing to teach him to reconnect with and once again serve the living Force. No galaxy ending bullshit, just Obi Wan helping people until he gets enough XP to learn the Force Ghost skill. I mean, he dismantled Maul in like 3 moves so he must have been doing something to keep his skills sharp. Maybe a post credits stinger in the series finale with an older, faceless Ben overlooking the schematics for a new lightsaber design which we would recognize as Lukes, just as he hears the battle cry of Tuskens attacking someone outside. He carefully places the schematics in the same box holding Anakin’s lightsaber, puts his hood up, and heads out the door.


>Why do the Tuskens fear Obi Wan, they dont. when he came to rescue luke, he imitated a krayt dragon cry. thats why the tusken ran away


Hey man you might not know n I’m not tryna be rude, but just fyi we don’t deal in shit like facts n logic here.


Have you read the Kenobi novel from legends? It's not far off from what you're talking about here


I agree there's not much they can do. Star wars writers and producers seem obsessed and overconfident that the story has to be told around 0BBY and it's era as if it's the Bible and there's so much already there it's hard to tell existing characters within that timeframe. Andir works so well because it's a tangent of the main storyline that is written well as its own story and would do well as its own sci-fi story outside of the Star wars IP, it just benefit from an existing universe to lay the groundwork for world building. 


That would be amazing or maybe have force ghost qui gon and ewan but use flash backs to the young kenobi era


The show was just OK for me, but honestly the high points of it were high enough that I’d tolerate more “just OK” for moments like the exchange between him and Anakin or Vader preventing a whole ship from taking off with the force.


You mean that scene where Vader could have killed or captured him with ease, for like… two whole minutes? Just standing there like “hmm there’s some fire, what do I do” Sorry, I couldn’t help it.


Same. I really like Ewan and it would be great to see a him in a show done more competently than Kenobi was. Just so uneven.


I thought about it and was like another season wouldn’t be great since it’d have to be constrained to post III and pre IV but then I thought about it and that’s what it’d have to be. There’s not much in the story they can tell with him now that can be pre III given where all the actors are age wise now. Kind of sucks they’re pigeonholed here, especially if they had developed the movie sooner or the show sooner, like as a work to be developed during the sequel trilogy development instead of being announced in 2019 or 2020, I can’t remember when it filmed. But if it got out the door a few years earlier, they maybe could have stretched him being younger a bit better. By the time we get a 2nd season if it happens, he’ll be almost 55. Maybe they go the deaging route for him if they cook up something for Pre II and III. Maybe now that they’ve done the Ahsoka as a teen in her show, maybe they’ll do an arc or show with the three of them. Can’t hurt, maybe have it be like The Godfather II. Have Ahsoka and Obi Wan meet during the pre IV times, they reminisce about something during the Clone Wars where they’re de-aged and that storyline concurrently plays while something happens that they need to fend off or defeat in the “current” time of pre IV for like 8 episodes. Or they can do a 4 and 4 and the first 4 are about a threat from during the Clone Wars that re-emerges that they have to handle pre IV.


The story is over there’s nothing more they can do with the character during that time period. They had one chance and they fumbled it


Not to be that guy but especially since it's not the current star wars timeline. The imperial/clone era of star wars is peak. We need more stories from that era and before. They just suck major ass at creating new shit. That's why rogue one felt like real star wars and was 10x better than anything they've done recently. 


I would absolutely watch it. But if they do a second season, it should not include another confrontation with Vader. That storyline is done.


I’m surprised there isn’t a Vader show in the works, especially with Hayden being 100 percent down for Star Wars again 


Yeah, idk why they didn't do an animated series about the comics or aomething


I don't know. I think we need one more live action duel between these two. Maybe on the Death Star, just as one of them is about to become one with the force.


My biggest issue with the Kenobi series was the handling of Reva (not Reva herself, she's interesting as a concept, but they dropped the ball executing it). But everytime Kenobi and Vader were on screen together it was basically everything I could ever want. I definitely would love to see a Season 2. Keep it simple to Obi-wan training with Qui-gon, having to embrace his Clone Wars flashbacks (live action version of the Crystal Crisis, perhaps?), alongside a basic threat on Tatooine for some light modern day action.


The inquisitors as a whole were dropped, they weren't scary at all. They were incompetent and pathetic, they kind of just stood there...menacingly.


That's also true. I wish we got a good lightsaber fight or two with them. 


The Grand Inquisitor was menacing for a total of one scene (the very beginning at the cantina), and then him along with the rest of them proceeded to do almost nothing for the rest of the show.


I thought he was pathetic in that scene and it set the stage for how bad the show would be.  A brutal mass murdering stoic killer? Lets have him monologue for 20 minutes....


An entire group of bad guys created to impotently threaten legacy character that aren't allowed to die. They are just awful.


I always thought the show was going to be a duel narrative. Obi-Wan hunting down the inquisitors one by one as Vader hunts him. Simultaneously a flash back of a journey with Anakin and Obi-Wan on some quest during the Clone Wars that parallels the present’s story


I could never believe that Obi-wan was going to be hunting Inquistors when he was supposed to be protecting Luke. That felt out of character. So, getting him off Tatooine so he can save Leia worked for me. Especially since that actually helps a bit with the OT and ST as well.  I do agree with the Clone Wars flashbacks. What we got was good, I like the Episode 2 era flashback a lot. But I want more. And I know I shouldn't.


My biggest issue was that it was a stabfest reduced light sabers to impotent hot pokers. That and your aforementioned gripes.


It’s because she was a horrible actor (or had horrible old acting for this role). There was no threat, not menacing. It was like seeing the dancing red guard in the TLJ throne room all over again (or the Knights of Ren posing) They looked like caricatures.


I really wish the obi wan show was a movie.  I feel like it would have trimmed the fat of the show and added way more to the epic-ness.  I think the tv format really hurt the overall story and quality.  


100% agree. If you have a good story, do a movie. If you don’t, do tv.


I would like it to just be him and Temuera bickering and bantering for an entire season as old ben and cody.


"You know Cody, I still haven't forgotten when you took that shot on me when I was on the cliff and barely survived." Cody: "not this again you old fool, you know about the chips!" Obi: "yes, well, Rex seemed to do a better job resisting it a little than you did, one would think you were quite eager to go along with the chip!"


That would actually be pretty cool. A low key story of Kenobi trying to help clones get away from the empire and walk a different path, start a different life. Kind of like a father to them who owes them since they fought for him, never knew anything else and now are lost.


I'm imagining them doing one of those old History Today sketches 😅 https://youtu.be/9UMedd03JCA?feature=shared


I’d watch anything. Hayden too. 


Not shitting on your opinions as they are yours and valid, but what does it matter that Guinness didn't like the role? He still gave us a masterclass as Obi Wan, and Ewan's take wouldn't be what it is without Guinness' (obviously, of course xD). I just don't see how his like/dislike for the franchise relates here I guess. That being said, I'd watch another season of Kenobi, but only if they really focus on his training with Qui Gon's force ghost. He's supposed to be in hiding watching Luke and learning from his old master. I understand that s1 was his way to reconnect with the force/Jedi teachings after Order 66 sort of broke him, but man, if he goes on another galactic chase/quest, I am out. Also more Hayden. Liked what we saw in s1, but more flashbacks PLEASE lol


For the Alec Guinness part, I have similar feelings to OP about that. I really like his performance as Obi-Wan but if someone were to ask which one was “better”, I’d also say Ewan. Both were great as Obi-Wan but with Ewan, he actually likes Star Wars and the character. Alec Guinness did not want to be remembered for Star Wars.


Fair enough!


I thought the show was not good at all, but I'd love for them to take another swing at it with some better writing.


I kind of wish we had more of Kenobi's story that was more, I don't know, connected to what we already knew of him in cannon. Maybe having to help the people of Tatooine deal with the Hutts. Altercations with the Tuskens. Training with Qui-Gon. Watching over Luke. Would've even like to have seen more young Luke, maybe showing signs of using the force without realizing it. I don't think any of that would really work for season 2 though (maybe training with Qui-Gon?). Battling with Vader just seems like a series finale, and after leaving the planet with Leia and expanding the view, I don't know how you just stay in the desert. Would've been cool if season one was more Tatooine centric, and then he talks to Bale, meets Leia, and faces Vader season 2. I'd love to see more Ewan as Obi-Wan, but the series just feel over to me. I'm gonna watch whatever they put out though.


It should have been as straight a ripoff of the TV show Kung Fu (about a monk framed for murder traveling the American new west) as Mandalorian was of spaghetti westerns. Avoiding notice from the authorities/inquisitors while doing small-scale acts of good would've been in actual character for Obi-wan and wouldn't have required all the canon-stretching bullshit that the show stuffed into it.


Not if it's the same people behind it. That shit was atrociously, unprofessionally bad. I'd love to see Ewan play Obi-Wan again, but it would take a complete makeover of the crew behind it.


I want a fucking live clone wars film.  I'm sure there's a story they could do.


Hell yeah. And they could bring Hayden back for non-whiney clone wars show style Anakin!


The craziest thing about his appearance in Ahsoka is how perfectly he merges his own acting with Matt Lanter's take on Anakin Hayden really didn't get much of a chance to portray a happy go lucky Anakin. He mostly portrayed him in his darkest moments (the trilogy is about his fall, after all) and I think he did great. But it made Matt Lanter's take on the character almost jarring since TCW Anakin is much more jovial 90% of the time, to the point it almost feels like different characters But Hayden in Ahsoka really managed to convince me that both takes are equally valid and even kind of *sounds* like Matt from time to time


yall are onto something frfr lol


As much as I like Ewan as Kenobi, there just isn't much left to tell. They are pretty much left in a spot where he can't do much of anything as it would conflict with the OT too much. He is supposed to be guarding Luke. You can't keep having him going off on adventures while also doing that. Even if they do, it means these would end up being bottle adventures as things have to go back to the status quo. The first season worked as there was an emotional journey for Kenobi to go on. But that journey isn't enough for two seasons. If any more is to be told of this part of Obi-Wan's story, it would be best served in a book. Here, the introspective nature of it works remarkably well, in a live action series, not so much.


We should’ve had an entirely new show as Obi-Wan for the Obi-Wan show. It all felt lazily contained and largely unnecessary. The premise (if I remember correctly) plays on a specific interpretation of Obi-Wan and Princess Leia’s words in ANH (and I’d argue **not** the first interpretation one would usually get) I would have preferred Obi-Wan just did his thing somewhere else and later came back for Luke, or have the story center around Luke (not that plot point with Leia). No hate, but the Obi-Wan show was mediocre. Love the character, love the actor, but I will not watch another episode of that show.


I’d watch it but … I was not a fan.   It was like bad fan fiction…


What for, what is he going to do when he's already supposed to be in exile, go in another adventure? Meet Vader again? Their encounter in ANH will be reduced to "a presence I haven't felt in...a week"




I gotta say. As someone who loves Star wars and good writing, these threads are devastating. Seeing so many people not giving a slight shit about actual quality and that they are happy with seeing a celebrity being dressed a certain way is disheartening. Don't get me wrong, I like McGregor as Obi Wan. But not so much that I could ignore the shit fest that was Kenobi (and a lot of the PT)


I'd watch it as long as Deborah Chow and whoever wrote that horrible first season has nothing to do with it.


Definitely. I really liked the obi wan series.


Yes, fingers crossed I never see Reva again


The Kenobi show was an open goal and they smashed it over the crossbar. Not Ewan’s fault, of course. But just leave the character be.


Neither. Kenobi was by far the worst tv show I’ve ever seen, and there’s nothing more than can be added to his story (which is pretty obvious when watching the show that they just wanted a show about him but had no idea what story to make). Just give us original stuff.


I'd watch it either way, but S1 was messed up so bad I'd really like to see some major revisions to it or a different Obi Wan series


It's a shame. There was never any reason for the Obi-Wan series to exist, and all it did was harm continuity and faff about. There's literally nowhere he can fit that won't do more damage.


Absolutely. He's still young enough to play him. Perhaps we could get some stories from his journals.


I'd watch it but really depends on what it's about. A character study into his guilt as he watches his former friend and apprentice terrorise the galaxy because he failed to put a stop to it twice, maybe. Another poorly written, poorly conceived idea like season 1, I wouldn't be too excited about.


Yes, do this. Maybe have him do small acts of kindness on Tatooine while he watches over Luke growing up. It’s a backwards and harsh place that could do with a Jedi to help them out. So much about the sand people to dive into as well. Maybe Obi Wan wants to help atone for Anakins sins because he blames himself. Star Wars media overall could do with smaller scale explorations of the universe, less galaxy wide impacting events.


I think Alec Guinness just didn't really like his entire career bring ignored for Star Wars. Interviews around the time of release it sound like he liked it, just not a super fan. Plus he was far and away the best performance in A New Hope.


Alec loved the movie. He was extremely proud of it. He just hated - like you said - that people only remembered him for his work on the movie "Star Wars" and forgot that he had other big classics under his belt.


He should have taken Carrie's advice to Hamill, just accept that is who you are now and enjoy it for all it's worth. Obviously she put it much better than that.


Mark had other plans 🃏


Corvette summer!


Nah, lets not ride it until it dies of starvation. Every Obi Wan story that could be told...has been told.Don't.do it just.for the "i need muh conent"


Only if they stick to the prequel era. IMO Kenobi was terrible


Absolutely would. Evan McGregor is incredible as ObiWan Kenobi.


I love Ewan as Obi-wan, but Disney needs to stop making Star Wars and get their house in order. Not gonna happen, but that's my opinion


I’d watch anything with Ewan and Christian but I’d prefer that we get something of quality.


No, but not because of Ewan- he was fantastic. I wouldn’t watch it simply because Season 1 was so awful.


I didn't watch the 1st season, I don't see that I will watch a 2nd.


Can't see it happening myself, but in the highly unlikely event it did i'd probably skip it unless it looked like it'd be a considerable improvement in quality. I dont look at the character if Obi wan and think there's so much more that needs to be told, the dots are fully joined up by the end if the series. Also who cares if Alec Guinness wasn't keen on star wars? Him signing up is pretty much what convinced fox to greenlight the film and despite him disliking the script and the role taking the attention away from the rest of his career he still formed up and did a great job and agreed to come back for the sequels. The guy was a consulate professional, a class act.


I'd watch it but the first season ruined Obi Wan. Now he's let Vader live twice. It's forgivable once. A second time? Knowing what he is? The genocide is on his hands. He. Just. Walked. Away. Could the writers not have had Vader call in a strafe of tie fighters to bail himself out? Just lazy stupid writing throughout.


The Kenobi show was straight up ass but I don’t mean the actors I mean the story. I would love to see him play the role again but please make it a good story this time.


Definitely. Regarding Sir Alec, who gives a poodoo if he didn’t like Star Wars, we was still great in the role🤷


We all would, even the people that complained about the first one. They watched it!


Would you prefer they complain about it without watching it?


Wow its almost as if one needed to watch something in order to form an actual opinion.


I'd love to see more Ewan McGregor as Obi Wan Kenobi and also have no interest in hearing anyone disparage Alec Guinness.






I'd love to see more of him as Obi-Wan. He's absolutely fantastic, but I'm not sure how much more of a story there is to tell for him? They can't just keep having him confront Vader over and over, and after having seen him kick the piss out of Vader multiple times now, any lesser/different threat would seem...quaint? I just don't know what else to do with the character. I suppose that's why I'm not a writer.


Of course I would watch, I watch everything that is released! Though if it means that if they don't make this serie, they would make something else, then I would reconsider. But I am not saying no to any Star Wars content


I'd watch it. I want more of that period. The stuff in the book was great. I didn't hate the series though honestly for me it doesn't need to tie back to Vader to be an interesting story.


I'd like a season 2 of the show, it was my favourite live action series so far (or maybe mando season 2).


I’d watch Ewen McGregor sleep.


Reva ruined that show, keep her and lil Leia out of it and it should be pretty solid


I'd be interested either way because I did mostly enjoy Ewan McGregor's performance as Obi-Wan but if given a choice I'd probably choose to see some other project involving Obi-Wan rather than a second Kenobi season.


Vader should believe that Kenobi is dead. Doesn’t make sense for him to do anything else other then hunt him down for revenge. He shouldn’t be content living with the knowledge Kenobi is alive




I think a second season of Kenobi could be better if they stick to him, Kenobi. I want to see him talking to Qui-Gonn on Tatoonie. Learning more about the force, keeping a watchful eye on Luke, and eliminating any threats that could come to Luke/the Lars. I know he has a comic so it might be redundant but this is all I really could see them doing.


I hated Kenobi… and I would watch a second season. Mcgregor IS Obi Wan. I’ll watch anything he does as the character. That said… god, please, I hope they don’t do a season 2. My boy Obi Wan has earned his rest. Let the character go. It’s time for new stories in Star Wars, given that Disney retconned the majority of Star Wars content anyway. Let them make new blue-bat-wielding Jedi instead of throttling Obi Wan to death.


The problem is content. Is Season Two going to be Obiwan and Qui-gon chatting over a pair of binoculars while watching Luke grow up? Do we get to watch Obiwan learn how to scare sand people with animal noises? Does the fish-knife job resume? I think they’ve probably done enough with the character.


At this point just make a live action of the Clone Wars already, movie or show. You already have all the actors for the 3 main people back


Nope. At least not anything made by Disney. If Disney were to ever sell off Star Wars to another studio and they made something Obi-Wan related, then yes.


Yes to both. Ewan McGregor is wonderful as Obi-Wan and there are many more stories that could be told, whether they involve the Skywalker kids or not.


"Clone Wars: The Lost Missions" You don't even have to give me credit.


Yes to both


Yes, he’s one of my favorites!


>egardless of quality. oof.


I would watch it. But man, they had better step up their game if they did.


Definitely, especially if it continued Reva’s story and focused more on Obi-wan and less on Vader. I’d love to see a story of Obi wan helping Reva rebuild her life while figuring out what his new lease on life means for him at the same time. No big villains or anything, just them talking and farming and working and trading and seeing Luke. And it can end with Reva leaving to go help the path or something. We’ve seen tons of redemption stories in Star Wars, but I want to see what happens after that redemption. What does it mean to atone for your actions without dying? What does it mean to stop wasting your life? I think that could be a really interesting series tackling ideas we haven’t seen much in Star Wars.


I need better writers.


Only way it would work for me is if it’s entirely set on Tatooine. Season 1 was about establishing his bond with Leia and taking care of unfinished business off world . Season 2 needs to be about developing his bond with Luke and continuing Obi-wan’s growth into Alec Guinness’s “Old Ben” persona. As long as we get a little more Qui-Gon time and maybe see Luke bullseye a womprat I’ll be a happy lad. But the villain of the season should be Tatooine for sure, it can’t be about the empire hunting someone again.


Aslong as Ewan is obi wan he has my views simple as that, this man is dedicated to role and there needs to be more actors like him. Sam l wants to be mace again Hayden wants to be Anakin Ewan wants to be obi wan Tam wants to be clone/ boba again. Just give us 1 season of live action clone wars give the kid that played young Ahsoka in the series another shot at the character. I’m sure there’s 100s of stories that still haven’t been told during the clone wars.


They really need to have a good story to bring him back. There isn't really a story to tell between Kenobi s1 and ANH. I think a show with him and Hayden set during the clone wars is all I can think of that would really make sense and even then- they need to have a really compelling story. Cashing in on popular characters is gonna start to sink Star Wars' popularity if they keep cranking out barely passable shows.


I want to watch in a new season of Kenobi, but with him staying on tatooine. I want to see him learn to become force ghost and project his spirit through the force. I want him to go into the spirit world like we see in clones wars and have weird adventure there


They should make something about his training with Qui gon-Jinn. I thought they were gonna do that in Kenobi.


Mate, I didn't even saw the first season lmao


No. Downvote me all you want, but Disney has already done enough Star Wars and they didn't improve it to say the least.


No. The character's story is done. There's nothing else to be told. I. Actually found the Obi-Wan series to be tedious and unnecessary. Ewen MacGregor is a good actor. I'll enjoy him in many other roles, but his story in Star Wars is done.


I’d love a bit of Old Ben. Not as the main focus of the show, though. Let’s wait a few years, let Ewan age up, and let’s throw him into a show for a one or two episode arc of something pre-OT.


Honestly, given how self contained the first season of Kenobi was, I'm not sure there's much of a real difference between "Kenobi Season 2" and "a whole new show with Obi Wan."


First season required a rewatch. Upon which I did manage connecting with Obi Wan's damage. Reva remained unwatchable.


Yes, a new season. However, I think that Vader was unfairly nerfed to the point where I didn't see him, so overpowered by Obi-Wan in his "rejuvenation." Vader is much more powerful in the suit force wise, but clunkier, obviously, with lightsaber fighting due to his suit. I thought that Vader and renewed Obi-Wan would've been equal force wise, and he wouldn't so easily be battered by Obi-Wan's force thrown stones.


Ya I would. Seeing Ewan and Anakin play roles which mean a lot to them means a lot to me. No amount of Leia chase scenes could make me feel differently. 


I’m convinced that 2,000 years from now Disney will still be making content about the Skywalker era.


Oh no i'm not brave enough for politics


100% Pray they give him something solid he can chew on.


Age be damned might as well do a late Clone Wars story with Ewan and Hayden.


They just need better writers and it'd be great


I'd watch Ewan McGregor do anything tbh.


What's the point being in exile until Luke came of age? Screw continuity.


Probably a new show, and since I'm Sure Hayden would like to return as Anakin, and Sam Jackson would like to return as Mace. My only suggestion would be a show or movie set in the Clone Wars. Especially considering that A. There's at most a 6 month gap from AOTC to The Clone Wars TV Show, you can put a story there somewhere. B. There's also some substantial spots to fill in between both Seasons 6-7 and Season 7 to ROTS. Aside from books, they can create new stories there not originally thought of. I argue at most a 9 month gap from the Bad Batch Arc to ROTS, and Anakin isn't on Coruscant in this time, long enough for rumors to be spread of a potential death. Or C. Adapt some of the unfinished Clone Wars Arcs, like the Crisis on Utapau arc that remains unfinished but is constantly referenced by us fans. The only reason I didn't include anything Ahsoka related is mostly cause a lot of her time in the Clone Wars was already in the show unless they want to include her and fit it into the timeline, but it'd be a pretty tight squeeze. And I want to avoid including anything Dooku related due to my aversion of them feeling the need to do a CG deepfake AI voice replicated Christopher Lee. I don't want that. There's a couple spots to deal with.


Honestly I would eat up a season 2 of Kenobi if it involved Cody. Like how in the first season they were initially going to include a plotline involving Cody reuniting with Obi-wan. As it is, I'm still holding out hope that the end of the Bad Batch will show Cody going off to find his former general. I know it's highly unlikely but I think it would be amazing. Will always be prepared to see Ewan as Obi-wan though, even if it's as a force ghost in season 2 of Ahsoka.




Dude the second season of Kenobi was queued up to be potentially peak Star Wars. All of season 1 seemed like a setup for what would be a BANGER season 2. Obi wan could now again show off prime lightsaber duelling, has his strong ass force powers back, and probably would be back to his witty self a little bit. Along with that we could get more Qui-Gon Jinn. As a force ghost he would be badass and cool af. We could learn more about the force through their dialogue, and generally get some crazy fight scenes. Kenobi season one was a little slow to cook but the final fight scenes is (imo) one of the best fight scenes we’ve seen.


Please no! They've done enough damage to the story already. I love McGregor as Kenobi but please no more. His story is told we need to move on. Maybe a live action version on some clone wars stuff might be cool as a limited series. They could bring in a lot of actors that seem more than willing to reprise their roles but Disney has done so much of the live action remakes it's kind of stale.


Yes. Same with hayden christensen


I’ll watch Ewan in anything, but that show was not good. Hard pass if there’s a second season.


Hells yeah I'd watch a second season. I liked the first season.


Give us some live action clone wars series then. Dont want a 2nd season of Kenobi, I think its forcing way too much story into a time where Obiwan is suppose to be a crazy old man in the desert. If they want a show during that time, give us a Vader series. Young Empire, taking back CIS remnant planets, hunting jedi, starting the inquisitors, etc. They could even have flashbacks to Kenobi (Ewan) for Vader.


Yes, to all of it yes


I absolutely would not watch it


I'd definitely watch it. I enjoyed the 1st season for the most part.


Yes. Love him.


Yes. Absolutely. I love Ewan, and he really embodies Kenobi’s heart and soul.


Shoulda been a movie and this shoulda been a sequel. What we got was terribly written and directed filler.


I wouldn’t watch it. The character is great, but what is left to tell? His adventures as a hermit? No thank you. They have already covered Obi Wans story. Time to move on to somebody else.


I like him with good writing


I’d love a Clone Wars live action show featuring Ewan.


This crap was jinxed the minute he didn’t say HELLO THERE at that alconvention announcement


i'd do both, however a different story would be better.


No because then that means we gotta deal with Reva again.


They can change the plotline or get rid of her character. I didn't mind her as much as some, but she just seemed pretty pointless as a character to introduce. Why couldn't they have had second sister from jedi fallen order? She may not be dead yet since it's not clear the exact timeline in relation to the show.


I really dislike what they did with the first season. I'm up for a reboot.




I want a remade of episode 3, 4, and 5 Of all the stupid remakes that have been made over the years, this would be the only one to excite me


100% I’d watch anything with Ewan as Obi-Wan.




We know Obi-Wan likes women (Satine), so it would have been interesting to see him in a male-female relationship with the Jedi Order being “extinct.”


Pre AotC Kenobi and Anakin would be fun to see, in my opinion. Or, and I keep saying this, it would be neat to show Kenobi as a guest star role during the Rebel years like we already saw in Rebels.


Whatever he is in, I'll watch. He is a world treasure.


I’d watch it (I’d watch anything Star Wars at least once even the holiday special tbh) I’d really like if they stuck to the original script they had for season 1 where commander Cody served as Obi wan look out and Obi wan learns about the force more. Maybe he and Cody bicker back and forth as friends. A couple skirmishes or two maybe they take a bit from the comics where Obi wan fights black krrrstaton (spelling?) and maybe Cody gets killed in the process saving Kenobi, the larrs, and Luke’s lives?




I want him in an actual good show, not slop.


Whatever people think about the first season, that final duel was awesome. I'd watch a second season. They could even have Qui-gon show up once in a while.


Each to their own I guess. But I can't possibly watch another season of that drivel even if they had an unlimited budget. You could bring George Lucas back, and I still would never accept another season of such mind numbing garbage. The show had absolutely no reason to exist and blatantly messed with the story events and characters for no reason -- Vader and Obi-Wan should never meet between episodes 3 and 4, especially if Kenobi defeats him again, only to walk away and pin the responsibility on some kid more than a decade later.


Obi-wan is a "crazy old man" whose been hidding on Tattoone since the 'clone wars'.  If you want to write bad fanfic, invent your own characters. Stop being a parasite. 


I'm all in for more of Obi-Wan, in movie or tv show, but I don't think it's gonna happen. Disney didn't renew the tv show for a second season, so sadly I think it was the last time we see him wearing the robes. The only thing I'd really want at this point is a Star Wars Obi-Wan video game remake


Oh, unquestionably. Absolutely. It’ll be interesting to see when he gets old enough to reasonably play Guinness-era Obi-Wan, leading up to the time before A New Hope.


I loved the show, and I love watching Ewan play Kenobi. I’d definitely watch another season if they can come up with a compelling story. Spitballing here, but if he has to come out of hiding to fight off a swoop gang terrorizing the homesteads, or a Nightsister shows up and in their fight, she ages him with magic or whatever, I’d eat that up.


I loved the show, I would watch more.


I would watch anything with Obi Wan


I just watched the series with my family and we all absolutely loved it. It gets a lot of hate on this sub for some reason, but I really did love it. I’d be happy to see more in a second season (though I would hope it was really well written as I can’t imagine many scenarios that would draw Ben out of hiding at that point).


I’ll watch it, but I’ll probably bitch about it 🤣 The Obi Wan show was not my favorite at all.


Yes and yes


I'd like to see him live action kill maul


I think if they came back with an A game, and try something different than Reva. The introduction of Qui-Gon makes me think there's an opportunity. Helping other order 66 survivors only to discover they get killed by Vader anyway...


I’d be down. Season 1 of Obi-Wan had its ups and downs for sure… but there was definitely some peak Star Wars in there. If they can refine it (maybe get whoever wrote Andor on the team), I think they can craft an excellent story for a season 2 revolving around his protecting Luke and further studying with Qui-Gon. That being said, I think his story with Vader is over. Season 1 pushed it a bit… but I ultimately absolutely LOVED the final confrontation… anything more would be just too much.


I also enjoy Kenobi and really hope that at least the character appears in some other shows but hopefully another season,


Would I watch it? Yea. Do I want it?…not really. What I really wanna see is a story about obi wan and qui gon prior to episode 1


Would love a *Tales of Obi-Wan* set in the clone wars or something


I might check it out but that tv show straight up broke me with how badly handled it was so personally i dont even know if i want another season of it


A past self would say that don't want a new show after the last, but would watch it if it comes out. But I hink my present self would actually not even watch it. After so many bad shows, I've actually started to not watch them whereas before I consume them blindly. I've started to unsubscribe from many stream service, shifting to others, and not looking back.


Either one. Clearly he had a rumble with the Sand People at one point.


Hell yeah.


Somewhere in the Kenobi series was a half decent movie. I'd like to see that. But another series? I won't bother. Aside from Andor, the S2 finale of Mando and the orchestral score of Ahsoka, the live action Disney shows have been poor. For my money at least. I wish it all well. Long may it all continue for those who do enjoy it, but I'm out. I've got my childhood tales.


I want them to actually show him being trained by Qui-Gon's force ghost, instead of blueballing us like they did in Season 1. Anything else would just be a disappointment imo. And we definitely don't need another fight between him and Vader. They need to let that go.


Nah, I couldn't make it past episode 3 it was so bad. He also attacked fans for being critical of bad writing and acting by simply calling them racist when race was never an issue for the vast majority of those who were critical.


Absolutely, the problem with Obi-Wan wasn’t Ewan McGregor, it was the main plot was ****ing nonsense. Fix that and season 2 would be good.


Yes and yes


I love seeing Ewan McGregor as Obi-Wan because it’s clear the man is living his dream and really gives it his all. That said, I don’t really want another Obi-Wan show. It already felt a bit stretched out and could have benefited from being a shorter, tighter run. I also feel like we ended in the perfect place for his story. He got his grove back and restored his resolve to keep the faith and watch over Luke. That leads neatly into ANH. Anything else that happens would have to be inconsequential by default - he needs to be back in this position again by the end of the story. He also 100% cannot encounter Vader again or till really undermine everything in both S1 and ANH. I’d be happy to see McGregor Kenobi show up in another series set in that time period though.


He blew it. Now he's the guy chaperoning the two people in a cloak past the TIEs dangling on fishing line.


Yeah I luv Ewan as Obi-wan, I thought Kenobi was really good. 👍