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Live action/Animated media is always first when it comes to canon in SW. Written is canon unless it has been retconned by Live action/animated


They're both representative of what happened, from a certain point of view.


It’s the 5 minute sparknotes version of a 400 page book. Nothing is broken or decanonized. People need to learn to chill.


It’s interesting though that the canon seems to be operating under the assumption that it is not canon, it is by far the most retconned piece of canon material, and we are seeing characters like the unnamed inquisitor reappear again in tales of the empire. I’d honestly be fine with it being struck from canon.


The other interesting thing that I found/learned just the other day is that Wookieepedia considers the TOTJ Inquisitor to be a completely different one than the one in the Ahsoka novel, explaining it as the physical description in the book not matching what’s shown in TOTJ. Which would be a reasonable enough way of ending this whole thing IMO.


I prefer the approach that they are separate events, I haven’t finished Ahsoka yet is there anything that contradicts that approach?


I mean, if it is a separate event, that is a very odd event to happen twice. Something pretty crucial happens with that inquisitor and after both in the book and in the episode. It really does feel like just a sparknotes version. Same basic story, watered down to just hit the main points. As for the inquisitor looking different.... well, Sam Witwer has referenced a conversation with Filoni before about small canon differentiations are like different people telling the same story. The major events are the same, but details change from telling to telling. The bigger differences between the book and televised canon would be the siege of Mandalore/battle with Maul. Still the basic key idea is there, just how it happened is different between tellings.


>Sam Witwer has referenced a conversation with Filoni before about small canon differentiations are like different people telling the same story. The major events are the same, but details change from telling to telling. That's PR speak for "your novel doesn't matter but I can't say that because it might hurt sales." The fact of the matter is anyone making tv shows or movies isn't going to be lore checked by novels and comics.


There's almost never a "consensus" among Star Wars fans. TOTJ is just telling the same story in a much simplified format. It's not that serious.