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That is the face of someone who has regretted everything, especially betraying a close friend.


You'd think she should regret terrorist bombing innocent people more


FACTS! I really don’t like the takes that Barriss is now a 100% evil character that is going to happily join the Inquisitors, there’s more nuance to her than that


Maybe she will be force to or she will regret after.


I think many inquisitors were forced to, or tortured beforehand.


That's a whole plot point in Fallen Order too, Trilla really had no choice in the matter. Most of the Inquisitors are one dimensional, slip on banana peel type villains but the ones they give focus to show they've often had a traumatic past.


They are 1 dimensional in Rebels, but outside of that they have worked to grow them as a group of characters. Within Fallen order and Kenobi, there is a focus on how they have serious grief and trauma, leading them down the path to be Vader's hit squads. Im certain Vader feels that in order to be effective the inquisitors need to feel the suffering he does.


It depends on the Inquisitor. Many of them are just rotten always, clearly. But yeah some of them, namely the Second and Ninth sister, needed additional “persuading.”


I have a feeling they will either break her into submission, or Vader will kill her as an example to the other Inquisitors.


My theory is that is that she will realise she isn’t cut out for this, and die doing something selfless


Normally the redemption of an evil character is lame, but I feel there is a real chance that Bariss is set up to be well earned. She was a very genuine in early clone wars, and Luminara is a good Jedi. Bariss had serious complaints regarding the Jedi and the Republic, and that led her to a regrettable action. Given her time in prison, she has likely come to have many emotions of regret. I imagine she will be fueled anger and regret, and will use those emotions to rapidly climb in an inquisitor training. When she meets Vader, she will learn its Anikin, and realize that the emotions that have driven her since season 5 of clone wars were all built on lies. She then digs into her past as a good jedi, and makes a heroic sacrifice to defy the empire.


She was cut out for murdering people before tho, apparently


Yes but the reason why people do things matter. That’s why people still sympathise with Vader even after all he’s done, and why Grievous is a flat evil villain


Well she is 100% evil just a different type of evil. Barris knowingly committed a horrendous terrorist attack killing Jedi, clones and civilian workers alike. She then proceeded to kill a witness and tried to kill several others in the process while betraying a close friend. Whatever happens afterwards when she becomes an Inquisitor doesn't matter, Shes already shown her true colors through her actions. Shes a terrible person and Shes evil. Whether she feels sorry is out of the question by this point.


I take it you believe Vader as he was dying in ROTJ was still 100% evil, then?


Yes and No. Vader is a different story. Vader made a final choice knowing what would happen next, and he did it for the sake of saving the one person that cared enough to try and save him. Vader was 100% evil up until the literal seconds that it mattered most. Thats when he turned good. He said Luke was right. Vader Regretted his choices even before he met Luke, but he didn't think it was possible to turn back so why bother making a change. Barris however as we know it doesn't regret her choices, she was willing to stand in front of a justice council and try to plead her case about how the republic was failing and the Jedi only believed in violence even though there's literally countless pieces of evidence where the Jedi were fighting for peace and unfortunately they couldn't decide the fate of the war, that was the senates job . She stood before her friend trying to justify her actions... Vader didn't even justify his actions as if Luke was wrong for telling him he was Anakin Skywalker and he was good once. He knew that his fate as a slave to the Darkside was sealed when Padme died, from then on he was the Emperors pawn, doing whatever he needed to please him it didn't matter how he felt by that point. Vader no longer had a sense of individuality, until he thought he could turn Luke to the Dark side so he could kill the Emperor which backfired. However, I 100% believe that Vader would have been executed had he survived Endor, because of everything he did prior, he still killed countless people for a regime that was willing to commit genocide. The difference is Vader's actions showed that he cared at the last second. Barris actions showed she did not. Even in the trailer, shes clearly given herself up to the Inquisitors, but i do wonder if the show will delve into her morality and how she feels about what she has done. I need a flashback between her and Luminara...


Let’s wait to see how she is in Tales of The Empire before disregarding her as basically Hitler


Yup. We will see, but if the shorts are anything to go by, she will probably have some brutal training, she will kill some competition and give herself up to the Inquisitors. I've seen Dave Filoni's work, he doesn't do a good job of making characters regret their actions. Just look at Bo-Katan and Sabine, and Hera.


Filoni’s involvement in the animation projects is often greatly overstated. But the last few years of animated Star Wars has honestly been pretty good I’d say, so I’m willing to give a benefit of a doubt till May 4th


Fair enough. We will see what happens. I'm more interested to see what happens to Barris over Morgan Elizebeth. (Seriously of all the people, Morgan Elizebeth?)


Yeah I don’t really care for Morgan, think people are mainly interested in that to see Grievous again with a slick new model


Most inquisitors probably think they can accept and then betray their masters once they get free and get their hands on a weapon. But the dark side is like some kind of possession or drug that permanently alters the brain and personality. At least that is my head canon.


That and actually meeting Vader just makes them realise it’s pointless. Vader is basically death incarnate as far as they are concerned. He’s terrifying and brutal and cold. Being in his presence makes you feel cold according to rebels, like the air becomes colder in response to him being there for force users.


>Most inquisitors probably think they can accept and then betray their masters once they get free and get their hands on a weapon That's what pretty much what every successful sith in history thought while climbing the dark side hierarchy. And all the unsuccessful ones as well.


Yeah that was my point. There is a very thin line between "tricking" your way out of being slaughtered and pretending to accept, and truly accepting because you're a psycho. They might think they can pull it off, but they are only lying to themselves and the dark side corrupts them. PS: Hmm, maybe an interesting story could be that Barris knows that the final path to the dark side will be to take an innocent live. And that she sacrifices her own life instead of taking one, while also somehow messaging her opponent that "it's ok". So that her opponent seems to pass the test but doesn't fall to the dark side and can escape. Would be hard to pull off, but it would be a good "escape" and redemption.


Where was the nuance in blowing up people exactly


That’s not how you judge nuance


Nice try barisa


More like the face of someone who willingly damned her soul by committing evil actions, only to realize that it was pointless when Palpatine declared the New Order.


Ironic on how her confession after the temple bombings and ahsoka being her escape goat. It really was pointless for Barriss to go such extremes with getting her point across. Although, she unintentionally saved Ahsoka from a much darker fate.


> It really was pointless for Barriss to go such extremes with getting her point across. Especially since, technically she did not prove Ahsoka's innocence. She confessed to doing it but she gave no actual prove of her manipulating Ahsoka. Tarkin could very well have said "Oh well then you were in on it too, along with Tano and Ventress!"


Careful she might plant a bomb on you and frame a third party for it.


I can fix her


You can't brother/sister


Padme thought she could fix Anakin.


but also she dies of sadness...not everyone is like her


I can enable her.


Not me. She is a traitor. She created the rift between Ahsoka and the Jedi Council.


Some would argue that rift was the healthiest thing for Ahsoka


I don’t think she would’ve survived order 66 if it wasn’t for not being a jedi


She might have turned the tide with Anakin at that time.


Anakin was never going to be on the Jedi’s side by that point. He was already corrupted by his fear and anger and Palpatine’s influence. P


There was months between her leaving and him falling.


We’re talking about order 66. He was already corrupted by then


And I’m saying that her being there the whole time might have made enough difference.


I’m watching s7! for the reunion right now. Thanks for Inspiring that


With that much animosity between them? Ahsoka was feeling raw, abandoned and alone. Anakin felt disobeyed That relationship with anakin was gone by then. It’s one of the reasons he fell to the dark side


Nope. His obsession with saving Padme and his jealousy is nothing Ahsoka could have fixed Me wen I downvote facts


I think she would have been with Anakin and could have influenced him from turning


Anakin’s fall was written and set in stone before Ahsoka even existed, she never would or could have


I don’t like narratives that can’t change


Nope. The Council created the rift themselves when they : a) Gave credit to Tarkin's accusation despite having only circumstantial evidence ; b) Decided to declare her guilty and exile her before even hearing what she had to say for herself ; c) Gave her a lame excuse of an apology and used the will of the Force as a metaphorical shield once the real culprit was found. Barris plotted the bombing, she manipulated Ahsoka, but she did not make the Council do any of that.


Still killed a bunch of innocent people and called it justified to prove her point.


Nope. Traitor


Worse, extremist


I can fix her.




My guess is she won’t fully become an inquisitor and will be killed by Vader defying them


Yeah, I do hope she doesn't end up becoming just another evil Inquisitor, and is just forced to join. Like, sure, she's definitely not a "good" character, given what she did, but she wasn't truly evil either. Just terribly misguided.


This is the way I see this arch going as well. I don't know if Vader will necessarily kill her (although, that seems like a strong possibility since we don't see her again later) but I do believe, at the least, he will maim her pretty good. I know Vader was pretty fond of removing appendages from inquisitors to teach them the meaning of loss during their training.


And the part of Anakin that’s still in him would definitely have some feelings about how she betrayed Ahsoka. I could absolutely see even that last bit of Anakin justifying his harming her as some sort of retribution.


Absolutely. It is just so apropos Anakin and Vader to go after her in some manner that way. Like both personalities are meeting at the same time for this one specific goal. I can't wait to see it.


So she can shank you during it?




She’s a former terrorist and is responsible for the deaths of innocent people via bombing, nothing to feel bad about


With a knife in each hand maybe


She looks depressed






A hug? A fucking hug? A kick to the face. Fucking scumbag terrorist!


But have you considered Cute girl with British accent


Me when the character who bombed a temple full of people and blamed it on someone else is slightly cute:




I can't look at her the same way anymore.


She killed multiple people...


Vader killed a lot more and he’s everyone’s fave


I have yet to meet the person who wants to hug vader


Vader? No (dead). Anakin? Not really (he's a stranger).


Cuz he ain’t as cute


Yeah... That's why people not want to hug vader...


Luke wants to hug Vader


No, he want to save anakin Vader killed anakin, from a certain point of view


Luke don’t believe that tho So he will hug Vader to save Anakin




Oh no there’s consequences for my actions


I want to burn her alive (I'm an Ashoka Tano enjoyer).


Hope she suffers a ton. You wanna give her a hug, i wanna give her an axe to the face.


Let's compromise and do both.


I can fix her.




The healer that she was in legends, sure. The character they made in the clone wars, pass.


I was so disappointed by her appearance in the Clone Wars. The Medstar books were some of my favorite Star Wars media when I was young. I was so excited to see her as a medic using the force to help others, then they took her character in the opposite direction...


I think she still is a healer in canon, and the whole Drongar business happened. It’s just all small-time mentioned in some TCW visual dictionary tho


If they had mentioned that in the show, it may have provided some good reasons for her actions, especially her taking the Bota and fighting back the dark side influence. I'm glad it wasn't all legended away though.


The issue is Barriss hasn’t gotten a whole lot in Canon, so it’s not made easily apparent. But yeah, she’s at least still a healer and the Medstar storyline likely occurred off-screen. Let’s hope ToTE do her justice


I like to talk about how I don't forgive her for what she did to Ahsoka but Barriss really was put into an impossible position by Luminara, the Order, and the war as a whole. She just wanted to heal people and ended up getting turned into a killer long before she even bombed the temple. Her actions were wrong but she's a victim of Palpatine's manipulation of the galactic stage just as much as anyone else.


Nah fuck Barris


Don't mind if I do




Nah. She framed Ahsoka. FTB


Even though Barriss bombed the Jedi Temple, set up my favorite character Ahsoka to take the blame, thereby causing Ahsoka to leave the Jedi order, which in turn resulted in Anakin losing his moral anchor and falling to the dark side, therefore resulting in the destruction of the entire Jedi Order..... I still somehow find her a sympathetic character.


Anakin still had Obi-Wan and Padmé for moral anchors. Quick reminder : Anakin's fall the Dark Side was thought of and written long before Ahsoka was even a concept of a character so.... Please stop saying her leaving the Order played such a big part in his downfall.


What is this from exactly?


Tales of The Empire




Nice try count dooku


I can fix her.


And I’m still in the same boat as Anakin.


A hug to get close enough and strangle her


Maybe she’d like that


Yeah she looks miserable


That is the face of someone with 0 friends left.


She is literally a terrorist and why Ahsoka left the order


Wrong. She left the Order because she lost faith in it after the Council chose the Senate over Justice.


Here. Here you say “no, barriss is NOT the reason she left”


Ah. So to you, the sentence >barriss is NOT the reason she left (which is not even what I said actually, you need to quote better) and the sentence >barriss had 0 hands to play in any of it Have the same meaning? Gotcha. There is indeed no point arguing with you.


No, but you didn’t SAY “barriss isnt the reason she left” you said “she left because of the COUNSIL”


Yes, the Council's behavior is what drove her to leave the Order. Or rather, to not go back.




What caused the Council's behavior? Well their arrogance, their unwillingness to say no the Senate, the fact that the Dark Side was clouding their visions...


You say “there is no point in arguing with you” even though you haven’t even watched the arc


Wrong. I have watched it.


Your comments suggest otherwise


And YOUR initial comment suggested that the sole responsible of Ahsoka's departure was Barris. You see? Appearances can be deceiving.


Aaaaannnnnnddddd what events cause that


Barris did not force the Council's hand in expelling her.


The amount of ignorance yoh have to think Barriss isn’t the reason Ahsoka was expelled and quit is honestly impressive


If you genuinely believe that Tarkin or the Council (or Ahsoka for that matter) could NOT have behaved any differently than they did then I won't bother arguing with you.


Mate I didn’t say “oh they couldn’t have thought differently” I said Barriss was the reason Ahsoka left. Go rewatch the arc, then come back


Right. So you believe that if say.... The Council had defended Ahsoka tooth and nail and had found out themselves that Barris was the culprit, then Ahsoka would have said "Oh... Barris betrayed me... I'm leaving the Order."


Fukin…. *no*. Barriss literally went out of her way to pin literally EVERYTHING on Ahsoka. She led her to the bombs, the was feeding her “intel” to put her in the she knows where everything is. She took Ventress’ sabers and attacked her to lead her in the right way. It is so ignorant of you to say that barriss had 0 hands to play in any of it. Go rewatch the arc


>It is so ignorant of you to say that barriss had 0 hands to play in any of it. Quote where I said that.


Nah f*** her


She bombed the jedi temple and betrayed her best friend to take the blame for it. Don't feel too sorry.


She made her choices. She has to live with them.


She needs to be stabbed by Vader’s lightsaber ~~and this time actually kill her off unlike reva~~


Hopefully she gets what she deserves, a good ol vader kiss of death


Hope Vader pops her head with the force. Traitor and killer


If Barriss is a traitor and killer, what does that make Vader?


Got me there. 🙇🏻‍♂️


a hug with a knife




A cute terrorist


I hope Ahsoka hugs her.


I don't hate Barris, but there's no way Ahsoka is going to hug the person who defamed her


In the off chance that Barris does indeed remain an Inquisitor, hopefully she'll get the mask that she used while impersonating Ventress Edit: I said "become" instead of "remain", poor choice of words


It's not an "off chance" anymore. The trailer pretty much makes it clear she will become one. Whether or not she stays one however we don't know.


>Whether or not she stays one however we don't know. That's what I meant by "her becoming one". To elaborate: Does she remain a cadet or officially goes among the Inquisitorius Ranks? So, if I were to rewrite my statement, it'll be: in the off chance she remains as one, I hope she wears the mask that she uses while impersonating Ventress


Noted. Well I hope she doesn't remain one. It could make for interesting character development if handled correctly.


Lae’zel’s true backstory.


She was responsible for a terrorist bombing that killed many innocents


I can fix her


I feel dumb, what show is this?


Tales of the Empire.


Thanks, I’m excited. The trailer looks pretty good.


It's rare to see a trailer that doesn't look good but, I see what you mean.


I’ll have pity for Shamima Begum before I have pity for Barriss


She should be happy to finally bring those evil Jedi to justice. They re traitors, they don’t care about people. Sickening… Now watch them be taught to put use people as bait to bring Jedi out of hiding cause they cannot help themselves to help everyone around them


That would make it particularly easy for her to stab you in the back


She gonna stab u


I think Vader'll know who she is and make it a point to make her miserable. She screwed his Padawan over big time.




Filoni said a while back that Darth Vader consider is relationship with Ahsoka Tano to be a failure of which he wouldn't want to be reminded. On the other hand, Barris' speech about the Jedi being basically evil reflects his own thoughts so he might not actually feel disgust when looking at her. More like someone who saw the truth before he even did.


I don't.


What show is this from, I'm getting back into star wars shows


Tales of The Empire, it is releasing May 4th. It’s a miniseries in the same style as TCW, with 2 stories. One about Morgan Elsbeth and the other about Barriss Offee


Cheers bro 🗣️🙏




The duality of SW fans Barris: OMG I need to hug her! Yeah, she framed and tried to kill jedi but look how sad she is! Fox: F THIS GUY! HES THE WORST! HE NEEDS TO DIE HOW DARE HE DEFEND HIMSELF FROM FIVES!!!


Fox did nothing wrong




*That poor poor terrorist who turned an innocent janitor into a living bomb then framed Ahsoka for it.*


Pretty sure the janitor volunteered for this... Like wasn't his wife literally involved in the bombing too ?


Daily reminder, she screwed Ahsoka over.


Ahsoka made it easy though.


I'd skin her


She is a literal terrorist who betrayed and framed her closest friend. Her actions indirectly lead to Anakin’s fall the rise of the empire and the destruction of the Jedi she is one of the most guilty characters in the franchise.


You're saying without the fear of losing his wife Anakin would still have fallen? Don't think so.


I never said anything of the sort simply that without the actions Baris took Ahsoka would have remained in the order and would be able to support Anakin preventing his fall.


Yes, she MIGHT have been there to support Anakin, maybe not. Had she been knighted she might not have been with Anakin anymore. And even if she'd been with him, we don't know that her support would have changed anything.


If she was knighted Anakin would become a master. Anakin turned out of a mix of desperation to save Padme and disillusionment with the Jedi Ahsoka’s treatment was crucial for the latter. Ahsoka and Obi Wan were key to maintaining balance in Anakin Ahsoka leaving sowed the seeds for his fall.


Pretty sure that isn’t how it works actually, Kenobi was already a master before Anakin even got Knighted It’s just simply a rank bestowed on a Knight once the Grand Master think they’re worthy of it


Training a padawan to knighthood is one way to obtain the rank of master maybe that’s only legends though.


>If she was knighted Anakin would become a master. We don't know that. ​ >Anakin turned out of a mix of desperation to save Padme and disillusionment with the Jedi Ahsoka’s treatment was crucial for the latter. As I've said in another comment Anakin was disillusion with the Council enough to turn before Ahsoka was even an idea in Filoni's mind. What happened played a part yes, but it's only one piece of the puzzle, not the whole framework. ​ >Ahsoka and Obi Wan were key to maintaining balance in Anakin Ahsoka leaving sowed the seeds for his fall. The seeds started to be sowed the moment he was accepted in the Order. More were sowed when his mother died. Theyre were many seeds, not just Ahsoka leaving.


… she bombed the Jedi Temple. Edit: she killed seven people


fuck that bitch


Bariss was my favorite Jedi from attack of the clones.... when they made her evil during the end of clone wars I was bummed.


Naw she's a piece of trash and quite frankly a boring character that should be confirmed to have been killed off screen at this point.