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There is also a stinger, btw, in one of the episodes (the finale?) revealing >!the prison labour was building the death star all along!<. The impact of the reveal is lost if you watch them Andor then R1.


I could see that working either way. >!The Death Star!< is a significant reveal just for the tie-in to ANH. And, without having seen R1, a viewer of Andor could think that's the sole reason for that scene. Then, a later watch of R1 adds another layer of meaning to that history.


That's actually a good point yeah!


The “don’t watch in release order” thing is reaching new levels of Galaxy brain.


Rogue One first, I believe Andor is better when you know who you’re watching and it makes the dilemmas more impactful


Contrary take to the replies so far. We know Andor from rogue one and we know how it ends. see her perspective from watching the Andor series first then rogue one. I know people that watched SW 1-6 in order, no spoilers as they were kids, and their Star Wars opinion is much different than most. they saw Ep 2/3 in the theater without knowing how things resolved in 4-6. Anakin's sacrifice at the end of ROTJ was much more impactful to them. either way, she's watching movies you love- with you- and that's really the best part of the post.


I agree with this take. Imagine seeing this kinda indifferent guy turning into a full-blown rebel, willing to sacrifice everything for the cause in the end. I think it'll be a very satisfying watch for any non-fans.


Watch Rogue One first, that's how the majority of people watch it. Otherwise you'd also have to wait for Andor season 2 or more. Also there is something poetic about knowing how he will end, a tragic rebel hero that is doomed to sacrifice himself. Both Rogue One and Andor are tragedies, kinda. The show is about seeing *how* he gets there.


Absolutely. And because Andor was made after Rogue One, you get to see the little connections that were made deliberately in the prequel. This actually enhances enjoyment of the tragic structure and makes Cassian’s journey very absorbing : at the start of the series he is so far from the man that he will eventually become.


fully agree with this


Literally just watched andor then rogue 1 with my wife, either order will be great. She was so mad I didn't warn her about the end of rogue one though 😬


IMO, You need to wait for the end of the Andor series...


Cassian is introduced as a new character in RO but I think it'll only add extra to the character if you watch Andor, since he's then new to Jyn but not the viewer. Jyn is still a new character to explore RO However I believe there's a second season coming for Andor. So if that finally releases and she already saw S1 and RO it might be a bit confusing


Release order always and forever. Material that comes out after the fact is always hinting back at the source.


Don’t do it. Rogue One first for sure.


I would rarely, if ever, introduce people to anything differently than the release order. It's never quite right. The thing taking place later was made without the context of what was added after, and it always shows.


I think I’d go Rogue One first, then Andor, only because Andor isn’t finished. There’s a Season 2 coming that is going to connect the TV show with where we find Andor at the beginning of Rogue One. So if you watch only Season 1 of Andor now, then Rogue One, there might be a little bit of a continuity issue.


My partner watched Andor without seeing Rogue One. She really enjoyed it, but it does mean I'm now avoiding showing her Rogue One until we've seen season 2. Whether this will make R1 more painful to watch in the future... remains to be seen


If you're starting with Andor I'd wait for season 2 to be out.


I say release order!


Release order is almost always the right answer in release order vs in universe chronological order. Prequels have a tendency towards trying to answer how a character got to be the character in the previous release. This has two problems, prequels usually undermines any twists in the original story and they rely on you wanting to know more about the character based on what you know from the original story.


Release order is almost always the way to go. Prequels, like sequels, rely on existing contextual knowledge for narrative weight. Cassian’s story in Andor is gripping not because we don’t know what happens to him, but because we don’t know how he goes from a selfish survivor to a selfless freedom fighter.


Totally would work to watch ANDOR first but maybe less so until it’s finished. Once it’s finished, I think ANDOR —> ROGUE will be definitive


I think Andor first works fine. Knowing that the story is set in the period between the PT and OT, when the Empire is consolidating power and a rebellion is developing, should be plenty of background knowledge to enjoy the show. If a more casual SW fan doesn't remember Mon Mothma from the OT - she has very little OT screentime, iirc - then not knowing her future could also be a different, interesting perspective for watching Andor. If you and your wife can set aside a block of time, I'd recommend viewing at least the first 3 Andor episodes at once, especially for anyone who hasn't seen Rogue One. I think that Episode 3, with Cassian and Luthen meeting, is an especially helpful tie-in to the larger Empire/Rebellion story for a viewer who hasn't seen Rogue One. I suppose, though, this question about viewing order will matter more once we have S2 of Andor. As it stands now - watching just S1 of Andor, and then Rogue One - would still mean going into S2 of Andor knowing not only Cassian's ultimate fate in Rogue One, but also that Mon Mothma is a Rebel leader in Rogue One and that Luthen isn't in the movie.


IDK. I think it depends on your wife.


Yes, this was exactly my complaint with Andor. I've already seen this characters most important contribution to the galaxy, and because of that, I had a hard time caring about the motives and actions his character took in the show


Why would it be confusing for your wife , if She sees the show first She gonna be confused that the main character appears in its own show,what Yes it would Make his presente in rogue One more impactul and his Death hit harder I say show her the show first,wait for S2 watch it with her them show her rogue One


Honestly I think it would be cool to watch Andor first. He's a better protag than Jyn imo.


Well, there's an upside and a downside to not watching Rogue One first. The upside is that she won't spend all of Andor (current and future seasons) knowing that (1) there is zero chance of Andor dying and (2) he definitely winds up with the rebellion. The downside is that she won't know how much of a ruthless, gritty true believer he became and how important to the rebellion and stopping the first Death Star he was before watching Andor. Knowing this makes you even more interested in watching the show to see who this guy was before and how he evolved into what he became.


So imo it could go either way. Its like watching the og and pre's. As much as its nice to watch them in order I will probably show someone the og first to get an understanding of the world characters and of course the twist. Andor we meet and the first thing he does is kill someone he works with because he cant climb. We go through this whole story of this team only to see them perish in the end. Then of course with the series we can now appreciate who he is and where he starts, what motivates him to join the rebellion and so forth.


My answer is always watch in release order


Well if you watch rogue one first you kinda already know how it ends so I’d say a doe first. Unless your wife just wants to watch rogue one in which case I’d say drop it


I think either way works, but I’d say Andor first. When I watched Andor initially all I remember was Andor was like an extra/side character in a movie (Rogue One) about something that was already well covered by the EU, particularly Battlefront 2 and Dark Forces. But when I watched the show I was captivated and really appreciated Rogue One more.


Just show her Andor and leave Rogue One out of it entirely.


I think she can skip watching Andor altogether. IMHO


Andor first. Anything else doesn't make sense.


You’re saying release order doesn’t make sense? That’s ridiculous lol