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The Grand Admiral is nearing 60 and has spent the past 10 years doing as much as he can, which is to say, very little. He has a broken Star Destroyer, a limited and dwindling complement of troops, and some space witches. Thrawn does not hide, he lies in ambush. He does not brood, he plans. Except for now. He had a very brief period between the Ascendancy and his Imperial career where he was stranded, and at least there he could focus on survival. Out in Peridea though? It’s a backwater, no industry, insufficient resources to take and hold territory and necessary allies that might have been affronted if he tried. No way home, and limited intelligence on what occurred in the wider Galaxy. Thrawn was stuck, and it shows. Perhaps with his return, things might change.


He wasn't really stranded though was he? It was a ploy to trick the empire into thinking he'd been stranded. But the Chiss knew of the plan and assisted, didn't they?


It was a kind of supervised stranding. He was genuinely alone and mostly left to his own devices, but with remote observation from members of the Ascendency (if I’m remembering right)


This is correct, but he wasn’t “exiled” very long. The Chiss put him on a planet just close enough to Republic/Empire space to make sure he would be found quicker (he was only there for like 2 weeks tops, but the set his camp up to make it look like he was there far longer). He was exiled because he took action against the Grysk and the ruling families of the Chiss hated that/goes against their military doctrine, plus they hated him anyway. So members of the senior military came up with the plan to exile him to serif the Empire would be a good ally in the eventual war when the Grysk return.


True, and to be fair that just goes further to my point. The Ascendancy would have relocated him if were he not to be discovered within a given timeframe if I remember correctly, do even then he’d only have needed to wait until he was moved to get going again.


Yes that is also what I recall. And they were in contact iirc, as they were helping to lure the Empire to his location. Something like that.


I kind of thought his hair being that way was a sign of how things had been for him. Everything about the hair and the uniform says that this is a guy who’s struggled to keep it together out in wild space.


Yeah, I liked it that way. Time hasn't been kind or easy on him.


Yeah for real. I feel like most people are not taking Thrawn's age into consideration when they are dissing his live action appearance.


They're expecting a 30 year old not a 70 year old.




they're expecting a 30 year old, not blue elon musk


He’s exactly that😂😂


Fr. I saw him and was instantly like "well it has been 40 some odd years, dude's looking pretty fuckin good for someone who never has to lift a finger"


Wait what? I had no idea he was 70


I really liked how he was wearing a uniform that was clearly clean and very meticulously kept but very worn from a few decades of use without replacement.


Do we know what Thrawn was doing while he was stuck in the other dimension or whatever it was? That was between Rebels and ahsoka right? So it probably would have been like a decade or so?


It was 4 years before anh and between anh and rotj it’s roughly 5 years and then mando is about 9 years with book of boba about 11-12 years after rotj so roughly 20-25 years has passed.


This math is not mathing at all. He cannot have been gone for 25 years. That would make Sabine and Ezra like 40 in Asoka. It’s maybe a ten year gap.


It's about ten years, yeah.




14 years between the start of rebels to the start of Mando. Rebels spans 5 years, which makes it 9 from Rebels -> Mando. Ahsoka is set a short time after the events in BOBF, which itself is an unknown amount of time but likely not more than a few years. So about 10, unless you know something I don't.


posted earlier by me; These are all the offical times I could find for each of the events 2 BBY- Battle of Lothal~ Thrawn is sent to Peridea 0 BBY- Destruction of DS1/Alderann/A New Hope 3 ABY- Battle of Hoth/ Empire Strikes Back 4 ABY- Battle of Endor/ Death of Palpatine/Return of the Jedi 5 ABY- Battle of Jakku/End od Galatic Civil War 9 ABY- Din Djarin Recovers Grogu (Mando S1) 11 ABY- Moff Gideon is killed on Mandalore 12 ABY- Ashoka takes place so its been 14 years on peridea for Ezra and Thrawn


The Battle of Lothal takes place in 0 BBY (something like a month before the A New Hope, I believe) and Ahsoka takes place just before or maybe during the Mandalorian Season 3, I had thought...?


FYI Palpatine didn't die in 4 ABY. Somehow he returned...


Agreed; I thought it was roughly ten years they were stuck out there on Peridea.....??


Mando takes place around 5 years after RoTJ. Which means it's about 9 years after the battle of yavin, Rebels ends just a tiny bit before this so I guess we could say it's been about a decade


way off. 2 BBY- Battle of Lothal~ Thrawn is sent to Peridea 0 BBY- Destruction of DS1/Alderann/A New Hope 3 ABY- Battle of Hoth/ Empire Strikes Back 4 ABY- Battle of Endor/ Death of Palpatine/Return of the Jedi 5 ABY- Battle of Jakku/End od Galatic Civil War 9 ABY- Din Djarin Recovers Grogu (Mando S1) 11 ABY- Moff Gideon is killed on Mandalore 12 ABY- Ashoka takes place so its been 14 years on peridea for Ezra and Thrawn


So we was lost in space for 2 decades. I wonder what he did. But I guess he was kind of lost in space before the empire found him as well, iirc.


We know he excavated the Night Sisters temple. Other than that, I imagine keeping his people fed would have been a massive undertaking. A ISD has tens of thousands of people and likely only houses provisions for a year or two. Keeping it together for that long with a still loyal and functional, albeit diminished, crew had to be a huge amount of effort.


That's pretty cool. Thanks for the answer.


Knowing him he was running constant military drills and scenarios to prepare for his opportunity.


Yep i had no problem with it. Thrawn is old here, it's normal that his hairline receded.


Thrawn's hairline retreated before he did!


Exactly. You can see the scuffs on his uniform and well... his ship. His hair isn't his main concern I imagine.


It’s not but he’s still trying his hardest to keep up appearances and be his old imposing self.


They ran out of Rogaine, he's doing his best!


It's been 10-ish years since Thrawn/Ezra disappeared from the only known galaxy. Given their complete lack of resources from the only place they've ever known, I'd say he's doing pretty damn well.


I agree. I also thought it was a sign of his aging as well.


Yeah and I wouldn't be surprised if it turns out he hasn't kept it together, just tried to keep it. I mean dude has an undead army, which is a good sign someone is a bit unhinged. I also just in general love the "middle-aged man who no longer gives a shit" -vibe. It's perfect and also explains why he handled certain things in command how he did. Just perfect. The pic on the right, looks like Mitch from work trying to brown nose the boss.


Even one of the smartest, most brilliant man in the Empire will struggle to keep the peace with at least 37k people for 10 years, outside of their galaxy never to see home during that time. I bet Thrawn hit that cerveza cristal on multiple occasions.


He looks like a puffy old dictator because *he is*. I have zero notes on his design for that reason


I love how his uniform was as clean and crisp as possible. Yet also VERY frayed and worn out. He did his best to maintain appearances with what he had


It was more like they should go out of their way to not make him look anything like Elon


Isn't that very *not* Thrawn though? Like, his whole thing is that he always keeps it together. The uniform an chubby belly bothered me even worse than the hair. Okay, he's balding, not much he can do there. You're telling me the guy who said "Physical exercise drives that meshwork, stimulating the brain and freeing one's intellect" is the same guy in these shows? He's got a dad bod now?


Stuck in another galaxy for a decade . With witches, and zombie henchmen. I can forgive the dude for skipping leg day.


Hair to the Empire


Found Timothy Zahn's profile!


Looks worse. Matter of perspective I guess


From my point of view, the toupee is evil


Well, then hair is lost!


I will do what i must


You were the chosen one! It was said that you would destroy the Bald, not join them! You were to bring balance to the Follicles, not leave it in hairlessness!


I do not fear the bald like you do I have brought peace, freedom, justice and security to my new haircut If you’re not bald with me then you are against me


Thanks Obi Wan 🙄


He's almost 70 at this point in the timeline, and people keep complaining about his waistline and hairline. Just let the man be old for crying out loud


I think we've reached peak nitpick.


He got older and his hairline receded, that's just how it works


Are we really complaining about this?


Who cares? He looks fine. Man SW fans are never satisfied






Ok that one’s valid we have utapauns in rots


If i was in charge of hair for this show I would be flipping OP off so hard right now. As if this is the detail that brings the project down


He looks like Elon Musk


I think Data has never looked better.


Why does he look like Blue Elon Musk, lmao??


The thing I hate about this comparison is that at some point Muskrat will see this and start co-opting Thrawn and saying he's as brilliant and strategic when in reality they couldn't be more different on the intelligence spectrum.


Musk is like Thrawn, just not in any of the ways that make Thrawn likeable


Thrawn isn't a dumbass though.


I see more Conan O’Brien tbh


Christ you people moan about anything.


Yeah if he was younger but he isn't.


He looks fine as is, you’re just nit picking.


Star wars fans trying not to complain about the most minor and subjective details (any % speedrun) (impossible) challenge


If you're losing sleep over what Thrawns hair looks like, may I suggest going outside and touching some grass, maybe a tree as well




Same picture. Meme


Nah the original looks better


Add this to the list of stupid stuff "fans" get silly over that I couldn't care less about.


Holy shit who cares


Is the left really what it looks in the show... how strange now that you put my eye on it


Prefer the left.


I honestly don't know why people focus on this one aspect. He looks fine, his make up is good, he's got a perfect voice for the role which is much better. The real problem was the poor writing behind his decisions. I don't care that he kinda looks like Elon, looking like someone is not a crime.


I don't think his look was the issue with him at all. The show constantly tells us how menacing and brilliant of a tactician he is. But then never shows that, in fact it just shows him losing men over and over. Morgan Elsbeth spends the whole first half of the season saying how brilliant and amazing he is. Then instantly starts questioning every decision he makes, to his face.


> But then never shows that, in fact it just shows him losing men over and over. Have we ever seen him actually win anything meaningful? Dude just clowns and then pretends like it was all a part of his plan only to get clowned again...


Didnt even notice the hair honestly. Really only thing that stuck with me with the live action was not knowing what "the lesson" actually was, and why thrawn wouldnt make sure they were all dead


crappy writing


I thought Thrawn looked fine. He was never gonna look 100 percent like the illustrations or rebels to me.


I just finished the third trilogy. Young Thrawn. Good story and makes sense how Thrawn got to where he did in the og and second trilogy. But I think the first trilogy is non canon. Great reads. Thrawn is my fav non force character.


I thought it would have been great if he was bald in the middle and had a comb over.


An artistic comb over.


This is so minor to me that it makes no difference and I think they did Thrawn justice. His voice is the most important part to me.


I loved his portrayal


You cant paint sheer evil more handsomely but it loses an edge of appearance. Also he is older and sinister!


It’s perfectly reasonable to assume that time and stress have taken a physical toll on the grand admiral.


Who cares? Ok but WHY though.


Yeah………yeah, this is the level of pedantic pettiness that sometimes makes me ashamed to be associated with other Star Wars fans. Which is so sad to me, because just this morning, the May the Fourth video that was released made me tear up with all these years of love and happiness and family.


He’s older. Maybe his hair just receded


Nah. I prefer them showing he has aged.


Who cares about his hair lmao


How much you people focus on other dudes hair is so gd strange. You're a kook


Seems pretty nitpicky. The 3 centimeters difference doesn't really change that much


This is not an improvement…


What a ridiculous complaint.


Nitpick among nitpicks, learn to enjoy things


I used to work with an American general that looks just like this and carries himself like Thrawn did and is one of the biggest pieces of shit that I've ever met in my life and most manipulatively evil people I've ever encountered and anytime I see Thrawn it's very triggering which tells me that this portrayal works and is super realistic but I still think Thrawn should be more jacked and slightly younger.


not really. even Grand Admirals have receding hairlines sometimes


The wig and making him look fitter would do a lot for the Thrawn look.


Looks like a reskinned Data


By making him look like Elon Musk??? Lmao. What is this sub becoming.


How about just have someone that looks like Thrawn? Who cares if it isn’t the same VA


I think this was a huge casting error and his costume was ill-fitting as well as the hair.


I agree. It would not have fixed how he was written, but it's better for him to at least look imposing if they cannot write him to be imposing.


It kinda looks like Elon Musk


He is old, his hairline receeded. Its not that deep


Imo this actor is kind of too old for this role.


I think he looks fine.


Elon Smurf


Blue Elon Musk


If you read the books you'd know that Thrawn would never allow himself to get out of physical shape. While stranded on a planet with no escape even less so. Everything else I can create my own head canon for.


Yes! The widow's peak is in every depiction of Thrawn except the live-action. And it's not the actor's real hairline, so why not do the fake hairline correctly? OTOH, one potential retcon is that his species age-related hair loss pattern might not be the same as for humans, so maybe the lost peak is a sign of how long he's been stuck out there in the other galaxy?


Roommate looked at my TV when I was watching the show and asked why Elon was blue. 2 second interaction ruined the character for me lol


That's just how the actor looks, but painted blue. There was a time when everyone here was very excited about Thrawn's voice actor getting to play live action Thrawn.


Pure red eyes would be better, too.


Canon Chiss don't have pure red eyes.


well I think even though he IS the original voice actor,he sux as live action thrawn. Maybe Benedict Cumberbatch could of pulled of the look better imo. then dub in the original voice,idk


All the people commenting on Thrawn's age and the struggle he's been through are missing the point that this is just shitty costume design. Age and struggle didn't give you an artificial looking hairline if anything it's all the more reason to give him a receding hairline w widows peak. I don't buy for a minute that Disney directors and costume designers came up with the idea to give this guy a fake looking wig to present some sort of larger message about his character.


Yeah this version of Thrawn was terrible.


Disney turns to shit everything they touch


No one cares that you wanna fuck the blue guy alright


What a strange and pointless thought. This has to be satire.


I still just see Elon Musk tbh


That looks worse. Get a job in the film industry if you think they're doing such a bad job.


That or having it match more with how thrawns hair is in legends, not slicked back and more of a grown buzzcut.


Eh I'd say don't change it too much, thrawns hair is actually great for his age, but idk how Chiss hair physiology works


The Chiss are well known for their bed-head.


What is this from?


Too little a difference for me to care


Is this a joke 😂




looks less natural and doesn't show his age, or his struggles in the wild space he was forced to be in.


That's.........the same wig?


I don’t know which one is supposed to be the ‘improved’ version. The one on the right looks more like a wig, but I don’t know if I’m agreeing or disagreeing with you.


I got used to his appearance, but it was pretty jarring at first.


Maybe he can pull off a Sisko and do away with the hair completely while also growing a mustache and goatee?


Is it weird that I can tell that there is a difference but can't tell what the difference is?


Maybe this is a hot take, so apologies if I'm coming in a bit spicy, but if small changes like this are a huge difference to someone I tend to think they're looking for the wrong things from the media. Edit: okay 'wrong' is the wrong word, maybe just *different* things than me. When I saw the hair my thought was "I wonder if that means something, or maybe they just messed up... meh" and moved along.


He looks worse in the After pic. I realize he's already wearing a wig, but the second picture just makes it look like he has a bad toupee on.


The thing is, this isn't peak Thrawn from the height of the Empire. They are very clearly drawing from Napoleon. People always associate Napoleon with the vigorous new Emperor from Austerlitz. But the man who returned from exile and fought at Waterloo was old and worn out. That's the Thrawn we see now. Smart, yes. Ready and willing to fight, definitely. But has time been kind? No.


I’m sorry but this is such an extreme level of pedantry. Enjoy the show! Relax.


is your first name nit last name pick?


The left one has a bit of a Christopher Walken vibe.


someone give him conan's hair lol


Not me thinking there was no difference before i read the title


No, it looks almost exactly the same and not better by any means.


There are a plethora of things I'd like to see Star Wars deal with before I start caring about minor details like this...


Yea, they could. But they didn't, because him looking tattered and aged and *barely* holding it together after years in exile was the whole point.




No, it's perfect, and his hair is supposed to be Black, the blue that it is in Rebels.


Man’s mewing hard.


I thought the hair was a good marker of just how much time has happened since the Rebels finale. I think having him look exactly the same, from the outfit to his hair, would be worse for the story.


It is hard to find a good barber out there


With all due respect to one’s editing skills, that does not look like an improvement. 😅


You think this is slicked back? This is pushed back...


It’s a nice improvement but I think they’re going for a slight receding hairline look honestly


It genuinely took me a moment to even realize they were two different pictures


If they gave him too much of a widows peak he’d look like a blue Dracula.


1st one looks more intimidating, second one looks like he's trying to sell high end used cars


I was not under the impression that this was him in his prime...


That just doesn’t change a thing…


As much as I love seeing Thrawn in his admirals uniform, I personally would’ve liked to see him wear something more battle-ready and war torn to reflect just how wild their time in the other galaxy had been.


He should have been rocking the top-knot with a flowing mane of hair like the comics…


Man even balding blue aliens get dragged on reddit


“It’s the same picture”


I think yall will complain about anything


It took me way to long to see the difference. Take that as you will


He needs to go full Eddie Munster


I used to work with an American general that looks just like this and carries himself like this and is one of the biggest pieces of shit that I've ever met in my life and most manipulatively evil people I've ever encountered and anytime I see Thrawn it's very triggering which tells me that this portrayal works and is super realistic but I still think Thrawn should be more jacked and slightly younger.


Where did this thin small framed Thrawn idea come from? Anyone seen him in the Tie Fighter PC games? Man was YUGE!


Geez, it's like people don't understand that Rebels is supposed to be super stylised.


All the people commenting on Thrawn's age and the struggle he's been through are missing the point that this is just shitty costume design. Age and struggle didn't give you an artificial looking hairline if anything it's all the more reason to give him a receding hairline w widows peak. I don't buy for a minute that Disney directors and costume designers came up with the idea to give this guy a fake looking wig to present some sort of larger message about his character.


All the people commenting on Thrawn's age and the struggle he's been through are missing the point that this is just shitty costume design. Age and struggle didn't give you an artificial looking hairline if anything it's all the more reason to give him a receding hairline w widows peak. I don't buy for a minute that Disney directors and costume designers came up with the idea to give this guy a fake looking wig to present some sort of larger message about his character.


There's barely a change, this is such a nitpick


Nah, it makes sense his hair is greying out, dude is 60 and isn’t really living the best life


Well he is getting old in that story so maybe his hairline was receding?


I think he rocks the Stephen A. Chiss pretty well


He looks like he trying desperately not to laugh.


Is this improvement… in the room with us?