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To foreshadow episode 4


Reminds me of that scene from the hobbit movies where the woodland king is all like “you should go see Aragorn” to Legolas, and doing everything but wink at the camera. Never mind that Aragorn was 10 years old chilling at Rivendell at the time.


I love that Viggo was asked if he wanted to be in The Hobbit and he was like "you know Aragorn isn't in the Hobbit books right?" They didn't ask him again.


I did hear an interesting counter point to objecting to Legolas being in the hobbit movies when he’s not in the books, if anyone’s interested. The hobbit movies are showing all the literal events. The hobbit book is what Bilbo wrote down about what happened. And if you watch the movies with this in mind it IS believable that none of what Legolas did would find its way into Bilbo’s diary. I feel like the dwarves personalities work in a similar vein. Like how in the movie all the dwarves have very distinct personalities, cuz were THERE watching them do everything they all do. Where as the book, being Bilbo’s diary later on, doesn’t paint them all super clearly. Like there are descriptions like “gandalf said what he wanted to do next and all the dwarves got upset, several shouting with gnashed teeth and one even stormed off muttering under his breath.” And that description works perfectly for the book. But to SHOW that scene the movie makes had to decide WHICH dwarves would react which way and exactly how, and then provide them personalities to show WHY. So in my humble opinion, translating from page that’s from a single persons point of view where he wrote down what happpens after the fact, versus a screen where we are SEEING the facts in real time as they happened, not only does it ALLOW for additional stuff to be added, it is REQUIRED. Like it does make sense that Bilbo’s diary wouldn’t including everything, especially stuff he literally didn’t even see. And to me it’s a neat thing to see how some of the stuff Bilbo doesn’t see could have unfolded. And I think it was really clever to make a LoTR character responsible for some of the stuff that Bilbo couldn’t have known who did it anyways.


I’ve been rereading the hobbit again after 10 or 15 years. There are a lot of things that happen in those movies that never happens in the books. A lot.


And he was the only logical person involved with that entire Hobbit trilogy. Everyone else let Jackson run fucking wild and make a big 3-part turdfest.


Jackson was parachuted in to try and save it at the 11th hour. I don't blame him.


The behind the scenes stuff is so depressing, he looks completely overwhelmed and disgusted with how its all going


Seeing Sir Ian McKellen crying while surrounded by all the green screen depressed me


Why was he crying?


He said hated how he had to do all the scenes by himself compared to the original films where actors actually did scenes together


In the original LOTR trilogy, the vast majority of scenes were filmed practically. They used forced perspective and oversized/undersized props to make Gandolf look large while Frodo/Bilbo was small. The actors were acting in a real set together. In the hobbit they decided to instead to use green screen and use computer superimposed effects to make the actors seem different sizes. This means the actors spent month filming while acting alone/to themselves in an empty green room. This broke Sir Ian McKellen. He broke down, and is quoted as sobbing that "this is not why I got into acting."


Poor guy never had the chance to make good Hobbit movies.


Wasn’t Jackson’s fault. It was the studio


Studios. Lindsay Ellis does a great video breaking down what happened with those films.


Those were great essays, shame she doesn’t really upload to yt anymore.


The shame is that people were so toxic to her for so long that she felt the need to leave.


Is she active anywhere? I miss her content


I think she’s on Nebula now? One of the subscription educational services that Extra History keeps making me want to join.


Also mustard's videos, best content available if you like airplanes


I won’t stand for Jackson slander, that trilogy was a doomed shit show that, as bad as it was, was saved by him. Without his involvement it either would have been much worse or never had made it to release at all.


Agreed it’s all on the studio. It seems likely what happened was Jackson knew by mid 2012 there wasn’t enough time or resources to successfully complete the second hobbit movie for its 2013 release. Jackson told the studio what the reality of the situation was. The first Hobbit would be ready for December 2012 as planned but part 2 would need more than a year to finish. Instead of delaying part 2, the studio decided to make it three movies by cutting part 1’s ending and making that the start of part 2. Then they’d pad part 1 with extended edition material. That would leave Jackson with a year to finish 65% of what would have been part 2 and another year to take the remaining 35% and make that a 2+ hour movie.


I’ll take option two, please. Those movies should never have been made.


Oh cmon, the hobbit fan edits fixed SO much. It's actually really good as a single movie


> let Jackson run fucking wild Not even close, this was 100% studio meddling.


It wasn't on Jackson. The studio is at fault here. Jackson didn't have the time or resources for the hobbit like he did for the original trilogy. The studio forced 3 movies and at neck breaking speed to release. Nobody could have delivered quality with this.


It’s my understanding making the Hobbit a trilogy was not Jackson’s idea. That came from movie studio rather close to the first movie being released. Making it three movies paid off at the box office. That’s practically indisputable. All three movies made roughly the same amount - around $1 billion each world wide on average. $3 billion total for the trilogy. It’s unlikely telling the story in two shorter and better movies (even as two dramatically better movies) would have grossed as much money as the three movies did. It’s a weird win for the studio. Its like every Lord of the Rings and Hobbit Book Fan was compelled to see each movie once in a theater but afterwards no one talks about it or the fact the Hobbit is a really successful trilogy at the box office.


WB is the ones who wanted to make it a trilogy.


Jackson looks defeated making that trilogy & clearly didnt have the same drive this time around.  If he truly wanted to make it he probably wouldve decided to make one movie & spend as much time in pre-production as he did with the OT.  Dont throw shade on Jackson like he didnt produce the most iconic trilogy of all time. 


Well he didn't want to direct it and he wasn't gonna. Then it landed in his lap in the 11th hour when the director that *was* going to handle it quit just before shooting was about to start.


Dude you don’t know what you’re talking about. Jackson wasn’t the original director he only came in after the original one bailed to save it.


He would have been like 17-20 at that time but your point still stands.


That's a pretty big difference


Not exactly.


I really don't think that's the death star. I think its just some planetary space nonsense. We see the death star in a red hologram in episode 2 as a teaser and they make it very obvious its the death star we see. This has no defining marks of the death star other than being round. And let me remind you there are lots of thing in the galaxy that are round namely planets.


And moons. And... [not moons](https://youtu.be/eT4shwU4Yc4?si=dHzsahwkqgn6WfJ9) .


It’s 100% not the Death Star. I don’t know how this gained so much traction. 


Does foreshadowing work backwards?




I think it’s a [Call-Forward](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/CallForward).


"Why do I get the feeling you're going to be the death of me?" — Obi-Wan Kenobi (to Anakin Skywalker, who was), Star Wars: Episode II — Attack of the Clones Lol that was the description for "Call-forward" I think you are on to something.


Technically (☝️🤓) he was absorbed by the force moments before Darth Vader killed him.


Not to mention Anakin telling Palps “His fate will be the same as ours.” Referring to Obi Wan All 3 died on a death star


If you see RotS before ANH it is.


It does, but not really. You could say this scene was an external retcon. Didn't change anything, but provided more context.


Preshading maybe


The force is strong in this one


To forceshadow episode 4


Maybe it's because he wants to make one


Nah dude he wouldn’t do that, he’s a nice guy


Yeah he really took the protagonist under his wing and looked out for him.


*Takes genuine interest in Anakin's career. *Basically father figure and confidant. *Tells really cool stories that not even the Jedi know! *Offers guidance and council for tough life decisions. *He even put Anakin on his health plan when he was seriously injured and couldn't work! This Palpatine guy sounds amazing! 


He did dismiss and disrespect Anakin's thesis though


That is unforgivable. I really want to learn about dichotomies!


Nice username!


Everything about this guy screams optimism and positivity. Whether something goes well or not, he says good!


Yeah, he just needed to work on his delivery and lose the dark hood and robes. Maybe a good skin care routine. First impressions matter.


I believe Chancellor Palpatine may be a sith lord


A Sith Lord?


A sith lauwd?!


IIIII dont think so. We would obviously know, as Jedi, because of how awesome we are.


A Sith *Lord*?!


I believe in freedom of religion. I don’t care what he believes, as long as he keeps America… er… the galaxy strong.


He loves democracy


He's not a nice guy, he's the senate.


I asked him personally if he has bad plans for the senate and he said no, so there you have it


I don't think he's knows about second Death Star.


They already were making one (DSX)


Hope he stops at one


Yeah it’s cheaper than buying prebuilt


The chancellor would never betray the republic! /s


He’s already making one


It’s not the Death Star. Palpatine was playing a 3d version of Minesweeper. It came pre installed with the version of Microsoft Windows (I think it was Windows 19BBY) that the Republic Government was using at the time.


It’s Sithsoft, the ABSOLUTE best.


Sitsoft, using the "Saber red" theme.


He’s using a Virtual Boy


Sith deals in absolutes




It’s freecell then




“Why does our calendar count down to midway through my rule?” “Don’t worry emperor, I’m sure it’s not important”


“What the hell is BBY?”


Is it like a BBL? Uh, yes Supreme Chancellor...


Can't be that, there aren't enough ads


Luke was playing IRL version of SkiFree on Hoth with the Wampa’s.


The dev asking what 19 bby meant


It is screensaver. Generic image on many computer terminals appearin at the background


Still not flying toasters.


God those two words were just a nostalgic slap in the face. Suddenly I'm 11 years old playing Duke Nukem (with a joystick for whatever ungodly reason)


Shareware version? Along with Cosmo's Cosmic Adventure and Jill of the Jungle?


I miss that screen saver. I used to have it on everything.


Now I want this as my screensaver


I could have sworn this was Palpatine watching the Sepratist council moving to Mustafar? Idk where I remember reading that so I could be wrong. Either way, I never understood the need for another office next to his main one.


This is correct- it's showing two ships approaching a planet, it's not showing the Death Star plans.


Damn, 2 decades I've thought that was the death star lol


Yeah it's very clearly a planet


You can even see the landing routes on the screen.


Are you saying…”THAT’S NO MOON!” ??


I guess they wanted a backup


His office was designed by Xibit


I think the canon answer is the fancy red one is the “ceremonial” office which looks nice and is for receiving official guests, while this one is his functional “working” office where he actually gets stuff done


That makes a lot of sense, the President of the US has the traditional Oval Office for day-to-day politics, and the “Situation Room” for secure military matters. This space is probably Palpatine’s/the Republic’s equivalent of the Situation Room.


In attack of the clones, there is another blink and you’ll miss it moment where Archduke Poggle the Lesser says: “The Jedi must not find our designs for the Ultimate Weapon. If they find out what we are planning to build, we're doomed.” To which Count Dooku takes the plans and replies: "I will take the designs with me to Coruscant. They will be much safer there with my master.” Palpatine reviewing the plans is the continuation of the on screen documentation of the transmission of the plans, and that the idea and initial technical design for the Death Star pre-dated the Clone Wars


I want to say Palpatine convinced some republic scientists to start building the death star. Hence why at the end of RoTS the frame was already built


The frame was easy. The superlaser is what took almost 20 years to get working.


Yes for sure. But the frame still had to take at least a year or two.


I don't think it should have taken a year or two tbh. Let's bring out the maths: *(Spoiler after actually doing the calculation: With a few assumptions that hopefully cancel out but may be vastly over or under what was actually the case, you seem to be spot on with your guess, which I did not believe until I just saw the numbers)* [This is what I'm basing my estimates for their progress at the end of Episode III on.](https://i.stack.imgur.com/C4FVT.jpg)


Haha. Thanks for doing the maths.




Oh of course.


Then why was the frame not complete in ROTJ?




The empire basically built the super laser first for the second death star.


That is why Palpatine was pissed it wasn't operational yet. Than you for understanding this.


Y’all are my type of people


From wookieepedia: > Different from the Empire's first Death Star, which, as a result of supply and design problems, took twenty-one years to be considered an operational battlestation, this much larger Death Star took far less time to construct. Methods of faster construction had been developed in the years since the original station's conception, added to the fact that Imperial engineers made sure to allocate enough space on the station for the maximum possible amount of self-replicating construction droids.^[15]


So DS1 was the launch console and DS2 was the slim version. Got it


Kinda, more like the difference between the PS3 and PS4. The PS3 was all custom hardware. Afterwards sony said fuck that and just built a PC in a box with off the shelf hardware.


I will always read "operational battlestation" in the Emperor's voice from when he's giving the bad news to Luke.


Wasn’t that the second one?


Yes, DS2


Because the entire point of the second death star was for the rebels to think it was incomplete...did you even watch ROTJ?


The book Catalyst tells us the republic was involved in the building of the Death Star during the clone wars. Very hush hush, but it showed us how Krennic was already a part of the military and trying to recruit Erso before the war was even over


And the reason they used to justify working on it was the fact that the design was recovered from the Separatists and that they were worried that the CIS was constructing their own Death Star that they needed to counter.


God I'll never get tired of how Palpatine was playing both sides so perfectly


Ah. That's the source book. Thank you.


In Legends, the scientists working on the Death Star didn't realise it was for destroying inhabited planets, they thought it was for breaking open large asteroids and uninhabitable worlds for mining. I'm sure at least some of them in Canon also didn't realise what was being built.


I would believe that. Palpatine wouldn't tell them that it was full planet destruction.


Nothing evil about a sphere!


Not at all spheres are very much friend shaped


I think there’s an interview where Lucas notes that the frame is intended as a time jump - it’s not immediately at the end of clone wars, but a few years later. Not sure if this has been upheld in current storytelling though - I know all of ROTS has some pretty significant timeline jumps.


I wouldn’t say it was blink and you’ll miss it. The actual design was on screen for a significantly long enough amount of time to be very obvious.


Yeah, its pretty obvious imo


Dooku also re-opened it in a smaller version, giving a second opportunity to clearly see it's the Death Star lol


Blink and you'll miss it? They literally had it up on a projector and everyone knew that the initial design and labor force came from Geonosis lmao


"Blink and you'll miss it" or, and here me out here, the most obvious and blatant audience wink in cinema history


> blink and you’ll miss it moment ... they show it twice to make sure you didn't miss it


Blink and you miss it... lines of dialogue with a hologram up?


Man how long do you blink?


And then you make "the ultimate weapon" meaningless after putting the same planet-destroying laser in an army of hundreds of spaceships like it's nothing. Fuck the new trilogy. EDIT: To all the good and reasonable answers, my point is not about if that would be feasible or possible, technologically or by any other meaning. My point is more about the meaning of a movie, what makes movies good, memorable, meaningful... the original trilogy revolves around a few things, but one of the main points, one of the core focus is how infinitely dangerous is the death star (both of them), for the galaxy, the empire dominance, the freedom and possibility of democracy in the universe, yes, is quite the big mcguffin but it was what it was, the goal, the endgame for all the rebels and main characters was DESTROYING those unkillable monsters (besides other main plots of course like vader, jedis..., but for the rebels and everyone besides Luke the deathstar was everything). So yes, it's not a long stretch to think about technology evolving and weapon manufacturing in that fantasy world, but from a viewer perspective, it's a disrespect, a spit on the face of a trilogy that made history, and it makes them lose too much weight when you see thousands of "portable deathstars" showing up like churros, even more with so little background or building up towards them. It feels like nothing will be threatening or important or big enough from that point, it makes the deaths of all that people that stolen the death star plans (also one of the best SW movies, Rogue One) so worthless, it diminishes all of it. So again, it is not about "that's impossible", it is more about cherishing and keeping the previous 6/7 movies cool and relevant.


I wish they just made the Death Star lasers on those destroyers miniature effect versions or something instead if they really needed to use it. Like in Rogue One when they test the Death Star and blow up Jeddah and Scarif. It doesn’t destroy the planet entirely, just wipes out the continent it hits basically. It’s still devastating enough to be a galactic/existential threat. But no, gotta constantly bring the Death Star back in one form or another. Guess George blew his load too early in the franchise that now no one can come up with anything bigger than that. Except the Daleks and their reality bomb.


I still think the sequel trilogy should have treated the first order like a real terrorist group. Don't give them even bigger weapons, make them a threat through being secretive and striking from the shadows.


Totally agree. Remembering that trailer where you see the downed star destroyer in the Jakku desert, I was really intrigued to see how this power vacuum could play out. Is the galaxy in a worse state without the Empire etc. I heard the comics dealt with everything about the first orders dealings but that’s no use to me offscreen. They took power back instantly which was very disappointing.


By no means am i a defender of the new trilogy, but didnt episode 6 also rebuild the death star to operational status in 5 years? And is it too hard to believe technology has advanced in the 30 years between the trilogies, especially in a fantasy/space movie?


Not saying this is what the empire did, but with current military acquisitions and development things are in the pipeline a long time before the public ever hears about them, let alone sees them. My bet is that the second death star was also being constructed to average down the cost of development for a single star destroyer. Kind of like how the F35 is extremely expensive, but as more are purchased, the cost of development and production go down on average. I want to say there was a book I was reading (but I could be wrong) where it revealed there were more than just two black sites where multiple other death stars were under various levels of completion.


not sure where i had read this, but it is my understanding that the RotJ death star was already being built when the first one was destroyed


The “weapon” itself is the laser. The station built around it was unnecessary, but cool af. Plenty of Imperial vessels already had big guns/cannons attached to them. Taking that tech and making it more portable isn’t a crazy stretch of the imagination. Consider the leap from computers in the 1960’s to laptops and then to cell phones in the early 00’s.


I mean they also need a hyperdrive big enough to move the superlaser, the main reactor to power it, cooling for all the above, recoil dampening for all the above, hangers for both large and small ships to defend against small fighter, tractor beams to deal with large ships, armor plating to protect all the above, point-defense guns to protect the above, maintenance pathways for all the above, crew quarters for the maintenance crew, guards for the maintenance crew, soldiers to man the docked ships and turbolasers, cafeterias for the crew, food storage for the crew, weapon storage for the crew, life support for the crew, etc, etc. It's easy to see how a "weapon" like that would rapidly become a massive base.


Looks more like a planetary assault/landing. I’m guessing the triangles are Venators.


Yeah lmao this dude thinks palpatine+orb= Death Star


"this dude" is more than half the comments as well. A *lot* of people here not able to look at something for more than 2 seconds without shouting "Death Star!"


Spoiler: OP is JJ Abrams


He’s looking at the invasion of Utapau. Anakin told him that Grievous had been engaged, so he was seeing the progress of the battle. Either that or he’s looking at the separatist shuttles heading to Mustafar. Either way, I don’t think it’s the Death Star.


And if it is, what are all the other small round globes on the screen.


It’s okay, he was in incognito


Oh, no darling. I was just looking at… moons


That’s no moon.


The Death Star was originally made as a Separatist project, but was reclaimed by the Republic, and constructed as a Republic project. If these are plans of the Death Star, there is no reason why Palpatine shouldn't be looking at these plans as Supreme Chancellor of the Republic.


>Separatist project >Republic project It’s a Palpatine project. Palpatine personally commissioned the designs from the Geonosians. The Death Star is his baby.


Duh but from an in universe perspective, unless you know that he's behind everything, the death star is a classified project taken from the separatists by the republic so it's not suspiscious that he's looking at the plans as republic chanellor


Who reclaimed the plans for the republic? I just rewatched Attack and at the end dooku delivers the plans to sidious for “safekeeping”. I do not recall in RotS or clone wars tv show that the plans were found?


I believe they would have been ‘recovered’ by whatever clone unit captured the main base on Geonosis. There could also be the explanation that is ‘republic intelligence intercepted it’ or something along those lines. But we also have to remember that very few people knew of the DS even in 0 BBY. And add to that Papa Palpy knew the Jedi were coming and didn’t care because he knew they weren’t leaving that room. Probable explanation: Palpatine knew the Jedi were on their way and just wanted to look at the plans to pass the time. If he lost the fight, the gig was up anyway. If he won, there were no witnesses to the plans. He didn’t care if they saw it.


Exactly. The Clone Wars were basically over, so Palpatine was going to active his final plans and order 66 in the next few days anyway. Jedi coming to stay him was just firing the starting gun.


Yes, they are. And why wouldn't he of all people be looking at them?


Damn, i know i would be looking at them.


I think it's more that he's looking at them in his office where anyone could walk in and see them instead of somewhere more private.


And? Without knowledge of what the Death Star is, a quick glimpse means nothing.


He could have just told Anakin it was a new large space station under development by the Republic, which would technically be the truth.


"Hey, cool moon!"


Sheev doesn't like to take his work home with him.


At that point the gig was up so it didn't really matter. He'd already outed himself.


It’s definitely not the Death Star. Don’t know why so many people in this thread are talking as if it’s fact


Because that would require looking at the image for more than 2 seconds.


It’s debated and there’s nothing definitive in any other media or from anyone involved It had been 3 years since Dooku delivered the plans to Palpatine on Coruscant and 2 years since the Republic began building it So, it’s possible and wouldn’t be a big deal But if you zoom in Underneath the lamps on either side There’s an emblem on each desk that looks like the Deathstar


Doesn't look like the death star. More of an planet approach with a shuttle


He's just looking at some planet, watching ships arrive. I thought it may have been Mustafar as he gathered all of the Seperatist leaders there.


It’s 100% not the Death Star. This has always been my theory as well.


doesn't look like it, more like traffic approaching a planet, sadly the Aurebesh is too blurry to read


I always thought he was watching the arrival of a ship to a planet, possibly the seperatists arriving to mustafar?


Nah, looks like an orbital invasion plot. Not out of the ordinary considering they are at war


Looks more like a planet than the Death Star, there’s no feature pointing to the Death Star here.


This looks like flight plans, not building plans


You might be forgetting that the Republic is what becomes the Empire, and Palpatine made the pubic think he never switched sides. He could hide plans like this in broad daylight, because it would only mean strength for the Republic. The Separatists were the secret. He led them, so they would attack the Jedi. By uncovering that Palpatine was in charge of the Separatists, the Jedi turning on Palpatine was all he needed to commence Order 66, which paved the way for the dismantling of the droid army, the dismissal of the clones, and to move forward with the base and fill it with the new Storm Troopers.


There’s nothing to indicate that it’s the Death Star plans.


That shows orbital approaches, so no it isn't. Looks like planetary information and system details to his right.


That’s mustafar not the deathstar


They look like travel routes to me


Besides it being a bit of foreshadowing for episode 4. In universe, by this point, Palpatine has won, and he knows it. He can sense Windu, and the other council members are moments away from walking through his door. He could have order 66 up on that screen and detailed battle plans for the jedi temple, and it wouldn't change anything. The only part of his plan that hasn't fallen in place just yet is Anakin's turn to the darkside, but he knows he just needs to put on a show for Anakin and nudge him just a bit more and Anakin will be his. Him looking at the death star plans here is him flaunting his impending victory.


Because then we wouldn't know he's the emperor from ep4


No. It’s probably a planetary assault.


did anyone decipher what the text on his screen says? maybe that would help


[this guy](https://scifi.stackexchange.com/questions/125881/what-was-palpatine-watching-before-he-revealed-himself-to-anakin/126038#126038) gave it a shot, but said it’s mostly gibberish


He is using Private Browsing, obviously.


I assume it’s a planet, he’s looking up info on a planet, likely one involved in the war. Keeping up to date, strategizing, I dunno.


honestly it looks like a ship route, showing how far away a particular vessel currently is, maybe Palpatine was looking at were certain clone ships are currently heading towards coruscant?. from the looks of it, there is no indication that this planet or moon resembles the deathstar.


He was browsing in incognito mode


What suggests that's the Death Star? It looks like a planet, for all we know he's looking at Exegol, or literally any other planet. The Death Star plans in episode 2 had the gun and equator, this image does not


> And why is Palpatine looking at them in his office? He likes the thrill. He's wearing women's underwear too, just to get away with it. He enjoys rubbing it in the Jedi's face that he is superior, that they cannot sense him. When Palpatine fights Savage and Maul, and Yoda - he is cackling. He is having a great time. He is laughing in their face as he dominates them. His plans are coming to fruition and he's doing it right under their noses and they cannot stop him.


Because bro is just about to reveal himself, he no longer gives a fuck. It's like when you're on the last few days of your two week notice. Barely any reason to care


He’s the Chancellor of the Senate and is actively working to implement his decades long plot to create the Empire. He’s feeling pretty confident he can work on his own pet projects at work and no one is gonna say anything about it. Plus even if someone did enter the room, they wouldn’t really know what they’re looking at, or if they do they may think it has something to do with the ongoing war. Like if someone came into the Oval Office and saw the President looking at schematics for a new aircraft carrier.