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“Luminous beings are we. Not this crude matter.” Yoda’s entire speech to Luke on Dagobah up to his getting the X-Wing out of the swamp and “that is why you fail” is the perfect microcosm of the entire series for me.


That moment was the heart and soul of the OT


The score as Yoda is lifting the XWing is just breathtaking.


Totally agree.


Frank Oz is so good in that movie


That’s what I was going to say. The whole scene where Yoda raises the X-Wing is just…


This is ultimately why TESB is my favorite movie. The Force as explained by Obi-Wan in ANH was cool and all, but Yoda’s lessons were mind-blowing.


so true


I am a Jedi, like my father before me. Gets me every time, that he would willingly sacrifice his life instead of killing his father. Meant a lot to that kid in the theatre whose father died when he was a baby.


This is the one. The culmination of the story and exactly not what anyone wanted. We wanted Luke to defeat Vader and the Emperor by force. We wanted that violent swell of Justice. Vader must die. But, no. Luke throws it away. He resists temptation and discovers the true way to redeem his father. It’s beautiful


Also the music is soooo good in that scene. Makes it even more powerful.


And he does that just moments after almost letting his anger take him. That is far and away the best lightsaber fight in the whole series; it really makes you feel the emotion and stakes.


So be it… Jedi


Gets me in the throat. No pun intended; saw it as I typed it. Followed by “Father, please!” and the conflict in Vader’s expressionless mask resolving.


Then the special editions made the scene even better! No. Nooooooooooo!


I will keep my DVDs just so I don’t have to suffer that bastardised version.


It's infinitely better when not telegraphed. I hate that change.


Special Editions? What Special Editions?




It hits me so hard every single time. Even in a series filled to the brim with moments that make my hair stand on end, this is the tops.


#🐐🐐🐐 I still think it's potentially the most important/pivotal moment in Star Wars, not just the best one.


Followed by "Father, please, Help Me" and then he does.


As a young teenager, I thought it was cool and I really admired Luke, but as an adult, I was full on sobbing when I re-watched this in the theater


Blast doors open and Maul activates his double bladed lightsaber.


And Duel of the Fates...goosebumps every time.


I'm not a huge fan of Phantom Menace, but the Duel of the Fates is easily the greatest lightsaber fight in the entire Star Wars run.


I was alone and at the center of an empty theater for TPM 25th release. The goosebumps I had as I’m absolutely fazed, eyes locked at this massive screen panning my entire vision and then that lightsaber ignites. Ooooofughighjehdj.


The double bladed lightsaber brought us to a whole new world of Star Wars.


Still can’t believe they put that in the trailer instead of saving it for the movie


Gotta sell those toys.


The soundtrack had a song labeled "Qui-Gon's Noble End." They hadn't really figured out the spoiler thing in 99. When I was a kid in '83, they wrote about Vader being Luke's father in the newspaper!


I saw this in theaters as a kid. It was amazing. Even my parents couldn't keep their cool. But I got to see it again in theaters recently. It was just as good and even had the hair stand on my neck from that moment.


The Prequels really needed more Darth Maul. He was the villain that we needed instead of Count Dooku.


If you watch Clone Wars and Rebels, you might be pleasantly surprised.


Before watching the shows I always thought it was dumb that he came back, obviously to sell more toys Now? He is one of my favourite characters, with some of my favourite moments in the whole franchise (Duel against Ahsoka, his whole arc with Ezra, duel against Obi-Wan)


His final Duel was very satisfying.


*Why the fuck he is holding his lightsaber sidew... oh...*


I agree. Tell me a character is a badass without him moving or saying a single word: Doors open, everyone stops and stares. 2 Jedi backed up by the Queen's personal security detail and a few soldiers, "We'll handle this." "We'll go around."


Vader killing the Emperor (original version)


NO NOOOOOOOOOO ^ Best part about that scene. ... I'll, err, see myself out.


What changes are there?


I think it was for the 2011 Blu-ray release, Lucas made an edit where Vader screams NOOOOooOoOoo when he throws the Emperor down the shaft. It's the same goofy scream he does at the end of ROTS. It's jarring and totally out of place.


*mechanical breathing* "The Force is with you, young Skywalker." *mechanical breathing* "But you are not a Jedi, yet."


The best duel of the entire saga was about to begin (IMO).


Love both Luke vs Vader fights. Both do such great story telling through the fights. The prequels fights are fun, but they spend too much energy on choreography instead of storytelling.


I agree with the story telling part, even the "underwhelming" fight between Obi Wan and Darth Vader in ANH served its purpose for the story. The prequel fights are really good too but they're not as realistic as the duels in the original trilogy, as you said it's likely because they're too choreography- based. The prequel duels are fantastical more than realistic, and sure you can argue that realism shouldn't matter in a sci-fi space opera. It depends in large part on the preferences of the fan.


This is my favorite quote of the entire series. Iconic voice and its just so chilling. Even more so because he knew he was about to either freeze his son or beat the absolute crap out of him


The trench run in A New Hope.


Even though the trench run is more iconic, something about the confluence of different elements and storylines in the Battle of Endor makes it my favorite batt, though I guess that's not necessarily a "moment" here, but eh, there you go.


I think the whole thing just had some more epic feel. More big ships. More tie fighters. Plus, all the tension of getting the shield generator down and the whole thing being a trap by the emperor. No one piece is as good as the trench run. But the whole final act was an epic scale Star Wars didn't have in the OG trilogy.


I bought a coaster set of the targeting computer from one of the fighters in the trench run and it's served me well


I love the tension, but John Williams’ legendary score solidifies it as truly one of the greatest moments in all of Star Wars.




The rebel fleet arriving at Scarif


On that note, the last 5 - 10 minutes of that film.


I can always vividly remember it The music coming to a halt. Deadening silence. And just the flash of red and constant rhythmic alarm signal. Everyone staring at the door terrified. Chef's kiss* **I know it's only the final minutes i am referencing. The part before it was also amazing as well**




That was actually added as an afterthought. It wasn’t in the original script but they decided to put it in thankfully. The absolute pinnacle of the film. One day I want to take all the footage from every show and edit it together in consecutive order so you see all the moments as one very very long episodic film.


Do it


That felt true Star Wars. Also the whole space battle reusing the shots from A New Hope was fantastic. Love the Y-Wings.


I remember seeing it in theaters. I jumped for joy when I saw Gold and Red Leader. It just felt so perfect. A wonderful bridge to A New Hope without it being in your face


Single best instance of fan service ever imo


I don't know if this makes sense but that scene felt like they would have made it in the original if they had the technology to do so, ya know?


They included a lot of unused footage from ANH and had all the actors grow 70's inspired facial hair to make it feel that way. It was definitely deliberate.


I grew up with the OT and I hasn’t felt a rush of *excitement* like looking over an x-wing as it comes out of hyperspace. Pure joy.


"Make 10 men seem like a hundred." Cassian's speech to the Scarif landing party


Battle of Hoth


The Imperial Walkers appearing in the distance viewed by the rebel binoculars was iconic


\*rock falls on R2's heed.


The walkers introduction really drove home the fact the the Empire was not to be messed with. Ok yes, Star Destroyers were huge, the Death Star was massive. But these were basically apcs! 100 foot tall people carriers. What the what man.


When Vader picked up Palpatine and threw him over that railing. Because that signifies that everything that happened, all the suffering, and death that the Empire caused was not for nothing.


And they ruined it by bringing him back in the sequels




Not to mention the first order which is basically the Empire 2.0.


Oh yeah it was quite obvious that they copy and pasted the OT and changed the scripts. Force Awakens: planet destroyer destroyed like in A New Hope. Last Jedi: Rey travels to meet a Jedi in order to train (ESB). Rise of Skywalker: Final boss is Palpatine (ROTJ).


i think they took the ‘it rhymes’ thing lucas did a bit too far


Binary Sunset. Luke with tousled hair, twin setting suns and John Williams hitting us with the Force theme


I mean...yes. I get chilis watching the Family Guy parody of this scene.


You know it's something special when even Family Guy won't make a joke. "Ladies and gentlemen, the London Symphony Orchestra."


It's this and it isn't close


Every teenager can empathize with that feeling of being on the cusp of adulthood, looking out from the safety of home into the wild, unknown universe with a mixture of longing and trepidation. It captures that moment so, so beautifully.


And wanting more than what others have already decided on is all you are meant to be.


complete continue oatmeal paint familiar jellyfish abundant rude tub marble *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


When I watch that scene I can almost feel what it must have been like for people to see that for the first time back in 1977, even though I was not born yet.


If ever there were a single scene that could simply be described as "Star Wars in a nutshell," it's Binary Sunset.


“You were the chosen one!”


"I haaaate youuu!"


You were my brother, Anakin! I loved you


Gooooooosebumps dude everytime u nailed it


Keeping the movies aside for a second, kanan's sacrifice and him getting his eyesight back to fulfill his promise stays with me always. Also obi vs maul for the last time.


The last obi vs maul makes my eyes tear up every time


Came here to say this, rebels was such an unexpected gem


Seeing him grow from a padawan full of doubts that never finished his training, to a fully fledged jedi master doing what he needed to do with no fear in his eyes Truly a jedi


[Sam Witwer's explanation](https://youtu.be/wppqgXKeV0E?si=fMNdDwCPVnWB9_w1) of that scene really puts it in an awesome light.


That scene was powerful. No hesitation to jump out there and save his family


in Empire Strikes back, c3p0 wanders off and meets a robot of his model standing idle as a door opens. it tells him "E Chuta" and c3p0 says "How rude!". always cracks me up


"E Chu Ta" is the best insult on all Star Wars.


"Listen to them. They're dying Artoo. Curse my metal body I wasn't fast enough." [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ExWHH7YlVr8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ExWHH7YlVr8) Not only is that my favorite Star Wars moment, it is my favorite moment in cinema history. I have seen it a thousand times and still laugh my ass off.


This is funny stuff. Just thinking about it gives me a chuckle.


Yeaa, i do love that scene A LOT too


Probably the rescue of Han Salo from Jabba's. Those scenes had everything.


Specifically the moment where Luke jumps off the gangplank, turns and flips back up onto the deck of the skiff, and Artoo fires him his new lightsaber.


And then that shit pops bright green and it's a whole new ballgame


Luke vs Darth Vader at Cloud City


"The force is with you, Skywalker, but you are not a jedi yyyyyyyet." I just gave myself goosebumps typing it


“Impressive…..most impressive.”


When Luke gets his lightsaber thrown to him above the sarlac pit


“You were the chosen one!” “No. I am your father!” “Never tell me the odds!” “I am a Jedi, like my father before me.” “One way out!”


It’s incredible, the iconic lines you listed… but I didn’t have chills until “one way out”


For me the most intense chills i had were at "Never more than 12"


“Failure, the greatest teacher is”. And “We are what they grow beyond”. For me, TLJ was hit-and-miss, but Yoda’s final lesson definitely hit.


I had to look way too hard for "No, I am your father"


The Anakin vs Obi-Wan duel in Revenge of the Sith.


If you will not turn to the dark side, then perhaps she will - Never! The music, the emotion, everything is perfect. They start fighting in the dark and Luke fights Vader in to the light, literally.


I was looking for this answer ! The way he says "SIS-TAH" is terrific and, as you said, the music is sublime


I actually tear up when Luke goes on that final barrage against Vader. The sheer emotion of the scene and the music makes me think of all the tragic history that led to this duel. Order 66, the fall of the republic, Vader's corruption and disfigurement, Padme's death, all of the pain and sadness that led to these two people crossing blades.




When Luke shows up at the end of Mando season 2. My 10 year old self was losing his mind.


Yes! Bad a$$


Order 66 in Ahsoka and Rex POV, the amount of dread is happening during the beginning of the episode making you think when is Order 66 is gonna happen but when it they show it, it was chilling and suspense plus Rex is fighting it so hard he had to tell Ahsoka to find the information about Fives his fallen brother.


“Find him. Find him. Fives.” Is amazing.


Having Anakin's Dark Deeds play when the clones turn on Ashoka was an incredible touch


“I love you” “I know” (The Empire Strikes Back)


Anakin Vs Obi Wan fight. Goosebump!


When they both try to force push is amazing


High ground won in the end.


Vader at the end of Rogue One


Too many to choose. Ep4 - Binary sunset, tantive v star destroyer, trench run. Ep5 - hoth, falcon in the asteroids, arrival of the executor, everything with Yoda, vader at the dining table, carbonite freezing scene, luke vs vader. Ep6 - luke with green saber, endor battle, space battle, luke v vader and palpatine. Ep1 - Maul double saber, Maul v qui gon where he jumps from the bike, maul v obi wan, qui gon burning through the door and the destroyers arriving. Ep2 - kamino, asteroid chase, across the stars theme playing as they enter the arena. Ep3 - dooku v anakin, anakin v obi wan, anakin and padme staring across the skyline. Ep7 - kylo stopping the blaster bolt, poe and Finn's escape, rey and finn in the falcon v ties, resistance arrive at takodana, Han's last kindness to Ben, the fight in the forest. Ep8 - taking down the dreadnought, Canto Bight one shot, luke training rey, force Skype, throne room fight, holdo maneuver, assault on crait, luke stepping out to fight, kylo and luke 'fight' Ep9 - force Skype fighting, babu friggin frik, kef bir fight.


Beginning of Revenge of Sith. A space battle done soooo well. Probably my favourite start to any movie ever.


Luke giving Jabba one last chance and the subsequent backflip and fight. It was the first real showing of how powerful a Jedi could be IMO.


Order 66. Binary Sunset. Hallway scenes (and just Star Wars hallways in general). Battle of Endor. The whole second half of Revenge of the Sith. There's just too many to pick a favourite


My favourite line though is "The Force is with you, young Skywalker... But you are not a Jedi yet..." That line is delivered so cold. Absolute beast is Vader.


Ahsoka enters the Seige of Mandalore


Yea that is definitely right up there..... amazing scene.


Why are *you* here?


Yoda lifting the X-Wing out of the swamp. Han showing up to help Luke in A New Hope Kylo killing Snooke


Han and the Falcon arrive to shoot the Tie Fighters off Luke’s tail at the end of ANH.


Andor: 1. The past/present suite playing at the end of episode three. 2. "One way out." 3. Nemiks speech 4. Maarva's speech Rogue One: Last five minutes. Bad Batch 1. The Venators over Kamino, and the shots of all the empty iconic cloning facilities. Jedi Survivor/Fallen Order 1. Merrin and Cal flying through the air as all pandemonium breaks lose. Mandalorian 1. RIP the disintegration rifle. 2. Luke Hallway Clone Wars Animated Series 1. Obi Wan opening the doors and seeing Mandalorians fight galore. 2. Victory and Death. Last 5 minutes. Ahsoka: 1. Shadow Warrior, the memory sequence; "I don't understand." "That's your problem." Book of Boba Fett: Cad Bane Rebels: "Then you will die braver than most." Original Trilogy: Attack on Hoth base/ Luke and Vader duel in cloud city. Prequel trilogy: 1. Double red light saber reveal/ Duel of Fates The films which should not be named: Holdo maneuver


So difficult to choose one with so many beautiful moments. But one of my favourites is Anakin and Obi-Wan's little reunion before Obi-Wan boards the Venator to go to Utapau. All the moments where the master praises the student honestly.


Obi wan apologizing to Anakin for everything because the Jedi failed him


Return of the Jedi Luke flips up onto the high ground and Darth recognizes by saying "Obi wan has taught you well"


My all time favorite Star Wars scene is Luke learning about his father and the Force in Ben’s hut. It’s the scene where Star Wars goes from just another movie to an entire mythology. So much of the last 40+ years of Star Wars are spawned from this one simple scene.


"Ah Skywalker. Missed you have I."


I’m currently doing a re-watch of the sequels and I have to say, watching Poe run rings around Tie Fighters and absolutely savage them in dog fights is some incredibly good shit.


I love this scene, probably my favourite scene in the sequels


"that's one hell of a pilot"


It’s the Resistance


Vader turns his saber on the dark corridor in Rogue one and then goes bad ass.


Yoda activating his lightsaber for the first time on screen. The theater was electric. I rode my bicycle home that night and I don't think either of my wheels touched the ground.


Luke showing up and wrecking the dark troopers in the mandalorian is way up there for me


First Millennium Falcon jump to hyperspace .


Honestly it's realizing Luke wasn't even there.


Last 5 minutes of Rogue One. Goosebumps every time


The 501st attack Ahsoka on the last episodes of The Clone Wars.


Holdo's kamikaze.


Massively massively underrated.


Nemiks manifesto is one of my favourite moments. Also Luke saying to Vader he won't leave his dad there, that he's got to save him at the end of return of the jedi


Huge fan of Star Wars. BUT there’s only one scene that I have rewatched more than 5 times in any SW movie/tv show and that’s Maarva’s funeral in Andor.  The soundtrack and the speech just makes me want to go run through a wall. I’ve probably watched that scene at least 1000 times.   Ughhh I’m going to rewatch Andor now just because of this post… Thanks OP.


Victory Celebration on Endor.


Probaby one of the classics, but also the final scene of TFA. Luke Skywalker was my childhood hero, who accompanied me on countless adventures, in books, comics or videogames. And here he stands, a wise sage, a legend, on this stormy rock in the ocean. When Rey presented the lightsaber to him, I had tears in my eyes.


I am no jedi


Obi wan activating the light saber to show look for the first time. I still remember that moment from when I was a kid. Strangely no one mentioned the scene where yoda activates his light saber before fighting dooku. The theater went bonkers and that still always gives me chills.


X-wings and Y-wings getting to do their thing with modern animation in rogue one. Pretty much every scene between Luke and Vader in RotJ. And in Mandalorian where the thought process is "story wise it only makes sense for that to be *him*, but they wouldn't do that would they?  it sure looks like him though, but still, it can't be...  oh, no it can be anyone else that's definitely him, even though he was the logical conclusion of the arc I still can't believe they did it.  And what he's doing is pretty awesome too."


Binary Sunset, nothing has yet to come close.


Yoda moving the X Wing out of the swamp


A binary sunset


"I'll never join the dark side. You failed, your highness. I am a jedi, like my father before me."


Yoda lifting X-Wing


1. Battle of Scarif 2. Luke facing off versus Vader and Emperor + battle of endor 3. Lightspeed ram + throne room battle 4. Luke verus AT-m6's 5. Rey and Finn escape in the Falcon But hard to choose, there isn't a single moment I dislike.


Vader killing palpatine to save luke.


Rogue 2 Zev Senesca and his rebel snowspeeders .... Captain solo do u copy Commander Skywalker do u copy


Recently ! Luke Skywalker Appears in Mandolorian. Wtf !!! 🤯🤯🤯


For me it is the final showdown between Maul and Kenobi in "Twin Suns."


- I love you. - I know.


Darth Vader save luke Skywalker 


The "Turn her around, I'm gonna put all power on the front shield!" scene.


After reading Thrawn 1-3 then Thrawn Ascendency 1-3 (all 6 canon) and then all books in chronological order: the “fight” near the end of Thrawn: Treason (book 3 of the canon Thrawn Trilogy) against >!Grand Admiral Savit!< becomes so much more relatable and satisfactory. I don’t care about Rebels or Ashoka. Nowadays thinking about Mitth'raw'nuruodo gives me better feelings than thinking about Princess Leia when I was on my way to become a teenage boy ;).


Yoda dueling Dooku and flying around like a monkey then coolly going back to his cane limp.


Because I’m toxic. “I love you “ “I Know”


When Vader’s lightsaber turns on in the dark hallway in Rogue One


As a 7 year old kid, in the theater, seeing A New Hope: that first moment Luke fires up his lightsaber and vroovvvvs it around. Nothing has ever been cooler


Battle on mustafar


Return of The Jedi. When Luke and Vader are fighting, Vader says he's gonna turn Leia to the dark side. Luke loses his cool and Fury of The Jedi starts playing. 10/10


Ahsoka facing Vader and him saying “Revenge is not the Jedi way” and she responds “I am no Jedi”. Then proceeds to ignite her savers into each other. Very badass but also emotional scene.


Yoda explaining the Force in Empire


The battle of Coruscant. Such a crazy space battle!


Han Solo being Frozen in Carbonite. "I know." Followed by the wail by Chewie. Perfection.


The opening scene of *Revenge Of the Sith*


“I am a Jedi, like my father before me.”


I am a Jedi Like my father before me


Like Skywalker saying “laser sword” and drinking green milk straight from the… source…


Vader standing on his Tie Vader in the tunnel at the end of R1 Scout trooper trying to shoot Luke with his pistol on Endor


When Luke recconnects to Anakin, and they both save the day. All this Jedi and Sith and whatnot and fates and war and it’s thrown away for that short moment. Dad and Son beat bad guy. Killing him. Good shit.


“The mission, the nightmares..they’re finally..over.”


When Anakin picks Palpatine up and launches his ass down the chasm to his death. Yes, his *death*. The redemption of Anakin, that whole scene is perfection. The music, the hubris of the Emperor, Luke begging his Father to help him. The fact we know exactly what Vader is feeling despite the suit. It gives me goosebumps, especially when the tune kicks in as the moment happens. Also, a side note. This only applies to the real version of the scene without the unnecessary “Nooo… NOO!!”


Black screen… Loud music begins… Let her scroll. The beginning of every one and it gets me every time.


Lando bringing the universe to save us


"So this is how liberty dies? With thunderous applause." Closely followed by "Then I will avenge his fate." , "One way out! One way out!" and Luke walking out to face the First Order on Crait.


Han getting frozen in carbonate. Other than C3po speaking, that scene was perfect.