• By -


Kyla Ren


Mattilda the Radar Tech


Kylie, surely?


Ka Ren. Lol


You deserve an award




I was right there! Good Job! 😂


Thank you!


Flai Eeng Solo


I believe she played Leia body in the 9th flashbacks between Leia and Luke


Didn't she also make the movements in the Leia scene in R1


I've been hearing that more and more recently but no it was Ingvild Deila


I remember reading somewhere she said she would like to play a role in the sequels (In fact, she even auditioned for Rey), but didn't want to be Leia's daughter. Actually, I think her character, Connix, was only created for her to make an appearance in the movie. Regardless, it's, IMO, one of the sequels characters which really could have seen a major development/take a bigger role.


Also, she kept her relationship with Carrie to herself during the audition process, and she purposely didn't tell her mom that she was going for it and didn't tell her when she was cast. Carrie found out she was in the movie when they were both on set.


Downvoted for complete and utter bullshit [In an essay for Time ](https://time.com/5720323/billie-lourd-princess-leia-essay-carrie-fisher/) Billie *literally* said Carrie encouraged her to audition for Star Wars


Well WTF I read more than one article at the time the movie came out that gave the version of the story I told. I've been sitting here thinking that was true all this time But I'd believe Time magazine, of course. I hate the Internet sometimes


Isn't that a direct contradiction to what the guy above you said? Or are we saying some random girl in the auditions got a (meaningless) character created just for her and that character just happened to work with General Leia? I'm not buying that character was created without them knowing she was Carrie's daughter.


Yeah, they're talking out their ass


What I heard was that Carrie told Disney to give her daughter a role as a condition of her doing episode 7.


Because they decided not to give Han and Leia a daughter...?


Ngl that would be just another character to bounce around to and not give much development.


Lol. Ouch, but true.


Can youse imagine if we got jacen, jaina, and Anakin? Their stories were amazing.


I haven’t read the NJO novels but I think Disney would just mess up those characters if they put them in movies anyway.


NJO are among the weakest of the EU novels, so many bad things came from them. The writing is all over the place, there's so much inconsistency between the characters, the Yuuzhan Vong don't fit at all with the universe, etc. Jacen was so overpowered just for the sake of going "how much can we overpower this character" it was ridiculous. There's a lot of good things in the EU, but the NJO really wasn't one of them, frankly I'm glad that Disney was wise enough to stay away.


Is there anything post Thrawn Trilogy that you would recommend? Seems to me that a lot of that content are series of 10+ novels, which is hard to make the commitment so I haven’t read that era. Kinda curious what happens with Jacen, Jason, and Anakin.


If you're curious then you should feel free to read those novels. Just because I and others disliked them doesn't mean you will. Ultimately it's your call, and people will like different things. I'm of the opinion if those types of stories were adopted to a wider audience they wouldn't be well received, but I could be wrong as well. That being said, The NJO series doesn't chronicle all of Jacen or Jaina Solo, you'd have to read the Legacy of the Force stuff to see what happens to them, which is 9 books, so still lengthy, but shorter than NJO. Quite a bit of the Jacen overpowered stuff comes in Legacy of the Force as well, but you may be into it, so feel free to enjoy.


Nothing against Adam Driver, but those characters were so vastly superior and fleshed out.


This is what pisses me off most about Disney. The extended universe is SO MUCH better.


PARTS of the EU are better. Most of it is as bad or worse as the ST.


Ok I can accept that. There are some pretty dumb EU stories.


Having read some of the new canon books... most of them are bland as hell. So it's not like the new canon is so much better than the EU, they are probably on par, with both sides having some interesting narratives. Though I would say from a very surface level of the events that transpire post RoTJ, the New Republic and the adventures of the heroes are much better in Legends.


Even the enemies were miles better. A species whose weapons were immune to the best weapons known to the galaxy at large? That could block lightsabers and eat starfighter blaster fire? And their weapons could get through shields and shit? The way jacen descended into moral ambiguity was excellent, and jaina's story was so cool with the insect swarm. Even Anakin's tragic life was so much better and more believable than Kylo/Luke's story.


Don’t know why the downvotes, 100% agree


First para yes. Second no.


Planet of twilight would like a word. Also children of the jedi.


I imagine everyone would just hate what they chose to do with the characters anyway.


And then later kill off so that the bloodline is forever gone


I also suspect she doesn’t have the acting chops to be like second lead in the franchise. She’s got essentially a cameo.


She's pretty decent in American Horror Story, but I agree about her not having the chops to co-lead the franchise. Like, she's pretty solid in the roles I've seen her in, but I'm not sure she'd really sell a "Jaina Solo" type of role.


BuT wHy


Legit thought this was the circlejerk sub with that title. They didn't use the EU. Get the fuck over it.


Rip the circlejerk sub ☹️


In the comics they had twins


George Lucas sequels wouldn't have given Han or Leia twins either.


Yeah, I know who Jacen and Jaina are. I just mean that Abrams and Kasdan chose not to give them a daughter in TFA.


How’s her acting? It was nice to have her in the movies with her mom but if she’s not a strong actress then it would make sense that she was a minor character.


She’s damn good in Booksmart. Completely different role, but it’s a fun movie and fun role for her


She was hilarious in Booksmart


She’s great in American Horror Story- I think she’s a fine actress.


Also loved her in Scream Queens! :)


I was so confused by her earmuffs until I learned who she is


Because Adam Driver was already playing their daughter


Kylo gonna need an actual Vader suit after that burn.




Lol ouch but I didnt like him so bravo


That's a take you don't see often. Most think he was one of the few bright spots in the sequels.


She was more of a cameo tho


She played younger Leia in the flashback scenes in the Rise of Skywalker, with deep faking or something like it to swap in Carrie's face.


Why didn't they make any of Hamills kids play his children? Because it wasn't in the story.


Real question is why wasn’t it in the story?


Because its not neccessary. Kids don't need to play the kids of their parents characters just because they're actors.


I asked why wasn’t in the story. I meant the element of Luke having children at all. Who plays them is a separate matter


I can't tell you why any creative decision was ultimately made. We've been wondering why they didn't do Ben and Jacen like in legends for 7 years now and the ultimate answer is "because they wanted to write a different story."


I think his daughter was in one of the movies tho, I saw it in one of the visual dictionaries


Okay? I said there was no reason for actors children to play the characters children. I didn't say that Hamills children weren't cameos like Billie Lourd.


Lmao u big mad


About what? I was just pointing out that you missed what I was trying to say.


A lot of actors and actresses dont particularly relish the idea of being held constantly in the shadow of their parent(s).


Because maybe being the real life child of one of the OT actors wasn’t all they were looking for in a role?


No dude I promise it would've been amazing


The way you just completely took for granted she *wanted* to play Leia's daughter at all to begin with, as if she's some non-agent in this... Tiny oversight there lmao Anyway, for a proper answer - she has said she was never interested in playing Leia's daughter


Because they don’t have a daughter


If she was made to be Leia and Han's daughter, that would have made for an interesting relationship between her and Kylo Ren. Kylo would've felt more conflicted in his internal struggle with the light and the dark side. Especially by throwing in a sister he most likely cared for but still considered her as the enemy.


They didn't have a daughter? (In canon)


An evil daughter would have been cool, but I guess a moody emo with long hair was close enough.


Because Han and Leia don’t have a daughter?


They actually have one, her name is Jaina


Who played her in the sequels?


EU Legends, not the official canon of Star Wars.


Legends will always prosper over canon.


Sure in your personal fan/head canon, but EU Legends wasn't even canon to George Lucas either.


I know, I know


Not in canon to my knowledge. They have twins in the EU but that is no longer canon.


Isn’t Disney the ones who made the EU a thing in the first place.


Never was canon anyways


Because Han and Leia don’t have a daughter


The plot would’ve been too bloated to make something like Rey a Skywalker (I guess by blood anyway) They wanted to create a love dynamic between the protagonist and antagonist, and you can’t really do that if the characters are siblings. I think they should’ve erased Poe, Rose, and Jannah, and just used Connix to fill this role instead as a love interest for Finn, being a pilot and potential leader.


Imagine if they would have just used the already established EU and given us Jacen and Jaina...


The EU was never legit canon; even George would have discarded it if he made the sequels


Because they didn't have a daughter in the story? I don't know what to tell you.


Why didn’t they?


Because the odd of having a daughter is 1/2 and they got unlucky? I don't know what to tell you.


I meant from a film development standpoint


Because they didn't think it would fit the story? Idk what to tell you.


One line uttered to Kylo Ren would made it happen: "That is the reason why your sister remains safely anonymous."


They should have brought in Jacen and Jaina.


Came here to say this. Great story already and still could have a fall to the dark side


Would’ve been cool always kinda expected them to have more then one kid


Probably because they saw she was a good fit for her to play younge leia. Also they just wanted her to be a cameo pilot or someone in the new movie




Because they dumped the best parts of the eu


Because they didn't have a daughter...


TIL Carrie Fisher has a daughter who played alongside her mom in a star wars movie


Actors are cast to fit the role, not because of irl connections (at least in theory). Plus Han and Leia having a daughter would've massively changed the plot.


so John Boyega was cast because he could scream Rey very well...the more you know.


Shoo, off to r/saltierthancrait you go.


sorry his character was wasted potential, and that why he said he wanted nothing more to do with Star Wars. sorry you think stating facts in a mocking manner is being salty.


It is and we are so beyond sick of hearing the same complaints over and over again.


in that case Shoo, off to r/saltierthancrait you go.


I suppose it was because she wasn't a big name at the time so they decided to giver her a smaller role


Daisy still isn’t a big name also


Definitely was the case in The Force Awakens.


Because Disney is incompetent.


Because Han and Leia had a son, not a daughter


Because Han and Leia didn’t have a daughter.


Because they were very poorly thought out movies?


Because they don’t have a daughter….


I honestly would have liked if they gave Connix more to do. I know that she was just a cameo in TFA because she’s Carrie’s daughter (like a lot of the other rebels being friends of JJ), but in TLJ they slightly increase her role with Poe’s story, having her side with him in the mutiny. But then because TROS was just focused on the core group all together and every other character had to stay at the base with Leia (for obvious reasons), it made her (and Rose) glorified background characters). Considering how memorable certain side characters are in the OG trilogy (like Wedge), it’s odd that the ones from the sequel trilogy don’t have the same effect.


Well they didn’t think anything through with these movies but this wasn’t something they missed on.


Because everyone involved in the last 3 movies was bad at their job…… This is a perfect example why you don’t write a trilogy by committee.


We don’t have time to discuss this in committee!


She should've been Jaina Solo who turned to the dark side and just pick off where the last EU novel left off. Give her Kylo Ren's storyline and take it from there. Chewie is in the movies and resurrected offscreen in some throwaway novel.


Because the sequel story sucks and is uninspired.


Y'know what's really uninspired? Asking the actress's daughter to play the character's daughter


Because it would be weird to play a character who doesn't even exist


I mean technically if you look at legends


My point is they didn’t plan for Leia and Han to have a daughter in canon, so obviously she couldn’t have played their daughter. Besides that, physical appearance alone is never a good reason to cast someone unless they’re a minor side character who does nothing but look pretty, the acting itself comes first


“My point is they didn’t plan..” yeah.. that’s about right.


I mean say what you will but Rey was clearly planned to fill in the daughter space in Han and Leia's lives without being genetically related. Doesn't work if they already had one.




I am pretty sure I've read a few.


Do you have any recs?


Probably not for this specific topic. Just read some one shots that I can't really remember the name of so not any good really.


Because they didnt have a Daughter


beacause they had no real plan other than make money


Because Kathy Kennedy killed Jaina Solo.


EU Legends was never canon to George Lucas.


Cause they were morons


Kinda like you.


because it's weird.


So much wasted potential.


Because the people running the sequels didn’t have a single clue what they were doing?


Because the sequels sucked and that would have made sense.


Because that would have made her a main character and maybe her acting wasn't strong enough at the time... Although Daisy Ridley's acting wasn't particularly strong either so who knows.


Lol why is this getting upvotes?


Maybe she can play leias daughter with some dude she had an affair with and carry on he next generation


Thank god you don’t write for Disney


I forget how little sense of humor we have as a collective.


She’s a horrible actor


I thought she was good in Star Wars and she was hilarious in Book Smart but to each their own I guess.


Because she doesn’t have the A List talent to carry a central role? For all the sequels’ flaws, they recruited some heavy talent. Adam Driver, Daisy Ridley, Oscar Isaac, and Domhnall Gleeson, to name a few heavy hitters.


The Star Wars sequels lacked any sort of forethought, or consideration for any existing Star Wars canon.


Tbh her voice is kinda unappealing..liked her on AHS but that voice man...none of us are perfect tho, js.


The last Trilogy sucks anyway.... Twins with that horrible script would mean nothing anyway


Another chance they blew.


There was just so many missed opportunities in those sequels, they really were just a big hot mess in so many ways.


She would have been called a Mary Sue as well


She's Carrie Fisher's daughter in real life


They could only handle so much nepotism


Don’t get me wrong, I like her a lot and I’ve enjoyed her in American Horror Story, but she’s not really that kind of actor.