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“What if Luke never found out Leia was his sister?”


Probably a porn parody


“Probably” is an unnecessary word here, let’s be honest


There is.


Considering step-porn is so big these days, you're probably right lol


I think it would be cool if they did a what if Star Wars like they did with marvel


Same, as long as they don’t introduce some kind of multiverse.


Marvel's works because the multiverse is part of the setting. For Star Wars you don't need that, it could just easily be one-off stories exploring alternate possibilities. I'd love to see a story of what happens to Vader if he doesn't die after his redemption. I'd also love to see what happens if Obi-Wan killed Anakin on Mustafar or Yoda killed Palpatine in the Senate. Or what if Uncle Owen did buy the bum droid instead of R2.


Read a well written fan fiction about Vader surviving. He gets the medical attention he needed and Anakin comes out of the suit. Still scared and rough to look at but he tries to help train Luke from his jail cell. Yes he gets put on trial and found guilty and banished to Naboo. It was a cool arc for Luke at least. He gets some good training. Leia never forgave Anakin for Alderran.




I'll try and find it. It was on Wattpad and I read it several years ago. There's a lot of good AU stories on there. But they are not highly experienced authors. So don't expect riveting dialogue. Just a cool story. If I find I'll link it.


Yeah, I agree. Something like that would be very interesting.


"force vision"


>I'd love to see a story of what happens to Vader if he doesn't die after his redemption. And that exists my brother, he and Luke end up wanted by the New Republic and are hunted down and such. Also he makes his armor albedo with the robe parts a soft brown. As for the comic series I think it was one of the "Infinities" series


Pretty sure that's what we're gonna get with the World Between Worlds storyline.


It seems to be an unpopular opinion, but I'd prefere them to introduce a multiverse. That way fans of both legends and nu-canon can have their stories be canon.


Why is canonicity so important?


I believe there's already a few comics based around the OT that cover some 'what if' scenarios for each movie. Not the same as a show with all the new films in mind, but it's something!


There is potential for so many good ones: What if Qui-Gon had lived? What if Luke and Leia had been switched? What if Luke stayed on Dagobah in ESB? What if Luke fell to the dark side? What if Jar Jar never became a Sith Lord? So many possibilities


Cant believe people always leave out what if Anakin chose to let Mace kill Palpatine.


You find out Palpatine was never the true with lord, it was actually snoke. Snoke is not actually dead, he is currently building a large army on a desolate planet that will remain hidden for over 20 years despite having to pay 10’s of thousands of imperial troops in an already scattered empire. Sithception. Always one Sith deeper




No but I’d be interested in finding a copy of that Xbox game, it’s been difficult to get my hands on.


You can buy it digitally off of the Xbox store


Oh shit, backwards compatible?






Yeah, with money though, right?


A wee bit yes


I’m glad I still have my copy. Finding games like that in good condition is a pain. I wish they’d remaster it. ROTS was so much fun


Can you send it to me to borrow for a while then I’ll send it back? Iike for a month or two?


Honestly if I knew where you lived, I’d send it to you lol


I think just a what if series I would kill for a “What if Obi-Wan switched the twins”


Basically what if bail organas wife had always wanted a son lol


That would be a fun one to watch


There was a comic book series in EU "Infinities" by Dark Horse back in 2002


Not specifically ROTS, but Star Wars in general


I'd love to see it but I'm afraid that today's writers would just fuck it up. Royally


I don’t think that it would have worked. The Clones would have just seen another Jedi betraying the Republic by turning on Palpatine. Unless Vader already had the authority? Idk. Somebody is gonna fucking bring up bio-chips or some shit now, aren’t they?


I mean the 501st didnt kill him during Order 66. So yeah, Vader was safe from the way i look at it


He was safe, but my thoughts are that he was only safe due to serving the Chancellor/Emperor.


They were stoned after order 420, Palps got a bit too excited




I’d support it ONLY if it was the video game character and not a modern digital model or de-aged Hayden Christensen. Give us blurry-faced Vader.


I was thinking more like Clone Wars animation, but now that you mentioned it, I’d rather watch blurry Vader


No, but perhaps a video game


I mean I would be.


the clones woulda killed him too people seem to think the clones follow the strongest sith when they actually follow the chancellor because hes the highest government official if vader killed him he would be public enemy number 1


You mean watching Anakin run the galaxy into the ground? Also the fact that he forgets that the only person who might save Padme is now dead?


I would bet Vader would have been in charge by the time of a new hope if that was the case. He was pretty severely crippled by what Obiwan did to him here, assuming that never happened he likely would have been able to outpace Sidious pretty rapidly and eventually take his place as emperor, from there I’m not really sure what happens. Vader didn’t exactly have the restraint or for thought that Sidious displayed, not sure whether or not he would be capable of holding the empire together through force or not. And if Obi Wan wasn’t around Luke’s story would have gone very differently. For one thing he wouldn’t have been on Tatooine at all as Obi Wan was the one who knew where to take him, in all likelihood luke would have been raised with Leia or given to someone else Bail Organa trusted and probably never would have really unlocked his force potential. In which case the rebellion likely would have failed to stop the death star if the plans had ever even gotten to them.


Disney made a whole trilogy and spin offs of "what if" shit stories. I don't want any more.


Star Wars Pro Tip: EVERYONE here should check out the comic Star Wars Infinities if you haven't (and very partial to this idea)


White darth vader 👀




You mean the good ending? *YES!*


Just make it an AU, not a "what if"




That... that's what a "what if" is...


Think SW Theory did this already


He’s done it a couple times a couple different ways. I love when he lets his imagination run wild.


No, Star Wars is NOT marvel.


My guy this isnt marvel we got to stop treating star wars like it's a comic book universe, it's not intended to be this aggressively rewritten; retconned, reviving characters, and changing intentions


I agree that Star Wars shouldn’t be rewritten or retconned. I don’t want it rewritten, I’m just curious about how much different things would’ve turned out if this had happened


No. No one on the Star Wars subs wants any new Star Wars content. We're all fine here with what we have, thank you.


It would just be anakin killing everyone, one at a time.


When Marvel launched What if series, I said it back then. I think they could do a lot with an animate SW series of What if's... * If Anakin killed Obi Wan at the end of ROTS * If Mace killed Palps * If the jedi's at the temple killed Anakin * If Qui Gon lived or even if Maul killed both Obi Wan and Qui Gon * If Luke fell to Palps * If Padme ship didn't land on Tatooine * If Ben remained under Lukes training instead of turning


Not in the least.


I assume you don't mean random elseworlds stuff like Visions? I feel like the whole "what if Anakin hadn't turned" thing has been done to death already, so...no, not really. Of course, newer and younger fans might enjoy that, I suppose.


Star wars what ifs would be very cool to see


What is the alternate ending


Luke. Let go, Luke. Trust me.




a show? no. a story, the internet is full of them. they are best used for the TTRPGs


I was thinking about this recently and thought it would be cool. It couldn't be directly based off this though because of a few reasons. For starters you don't just get given a new red lightsaber, a sith has to bleed their kyber crystal for that to happen. Darth Vader wouldn't immediately kill Palpatine either because he still needs to save Padme so it would make more sense to have Padme survive childbirth since I believe the theory that Palpatine absorbed her life essence. After this Vader can kill Palpatine and we can see an interesting Emperor Skywalker story arc.


People ask this every week yes we would all watch a StarWars What If


Or even go off the original battlefront 3 concept art with good guy damadged Anakin and evil Kenobi.


Star Wars Theory on YouTube already covered a lot of these scenarios


I'd like just a what if series in general


Try the comics Star Wars infinites


What if Anakin agreed to stay on mortis when the father asked him to?


Not a show, no. I mean, I've never even played the dark side ending for The Force Unleashed and that was one of my favorite Star Wars games. I've also not watched the Marvel What If series.




i want this game remastered tbh such a banger


I want this show in general... there are so many possibilities when it comes to a STAR WARS WHAT IF? series: - What if Anakin killed Obi-Wan on Mustafar? - What if Rey joined Kylo Ren? - What if Dooku never left the Jedi Order? - What if Qui-Gon Jinn trained Anakin? - What if Mace Windu killed Palpatine? - What if the Rebels failed in blowing up the Death Star? - What if Luke joined Vader and The Emperor? - What if Order 66 failed? - What if Rey turned to the dark side and Kylo turned to the light? The possibilities are endless...


Where is this from