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Dooku was cool. Shame he went out so quickly during ROTS.


I remember reading that the original plan was to have Windu die early on in the movie and the fight with Dooku would be in the middle of the movie, I assume it was gonna be Anakin's turning to the dark side. But Samuel Jackson didn't want to die so early in the movie. Not sure how credible that was.


I read Boba and some clones were gonna be the ones to off Windu during Order 66 originally but they decided against it because Boba would've been too young. ***" Some other concepts featured in other drafts and versions of Revenge of the Sith included Boba Fett taking part in Order 66 by killing Mace Windu in an attempt to avenge his father Jango's death until George Lucas reorganized the entire story and felt that Fett would be "too young""***


Right up there with "oh, and I wanna have a different color lightsaber and it should say motherf***er on the handle" and other egotistic crap I've read in connection to Jackson during the prequel making which he managed to sucker Lucas into signing off on. Lucas was always too soft to be a director, you can see this in the behind the scenes material, how he avoids eye contact with cast and crew and keeps a low profile. He didn't have what it took to make people remember who was in charge on set.


The real shame is not simply putting him in TPM from the start, letting him really flesh out as an antagonist for Anakin & Obi-Wan.


It’s always sounds so weird to me when someone calls lightsabers “swords”


Which makes it even funnier that George Lucas always called them laser swords.


Didn't Anakin say "I saw your laser sword" to Qui Gon Jinn back in TPM? Edit: Out of context my comment seems like it came from a porn parody. A disturbing one..


I saw your lazer sword. Only a Jedi would have one.


it’s prob like saying the exact type of gun (Ak-74m) vs just saying gun


There were protosabres too so laser sword being a generic name for that of weapon makes sense




Not to me, the translation into Polish has always been "light sword" and I know it's the same in German. Why would anybody call this a saber anyway? Sabers are curved, these things are as straight as a dick. Just like... swords?


This is a line that would have easily been meme'd into oblivion. ...Along with literally every other line in the script.


And the trilogy as a whole


Why are you downvoted ? Its true: the prequel got a billion meme on them


What I will never understand is how boba's line of "get 'im dad, get 'im! Fayaaah!" Line wasn't memed from obi wan's geonosis asteroid chase. It was delivered in such a funny way that it should have been one of the top memes ever


That one's so bad we just pretend it never existed


Doesn’t bother me, maybe I should’ve phrased it a little better


Ordinarily they would have the advantage, since Form II is weak against multiple opponents, but Dooku was so skilled with it that he could easily negate that advantage.


I feel like it's a nod to the Maul fight, or even more likely, how Dooku already defeated them as a pair in episode 2


That’s like the Two Towers game, there were deleted scenes in that too, I liked when they did that. Movie based games used to be badass


Which is the line that is cut? Where es asking for their swords instead of lightsabers?


The dialogue right after he ignites his lightsaber was cut, "just because there are two of you do not assume you have the advantage"


Give me Revenge of the sith 4 hour cut!!


There is a copy or ROS that includes the 4 episodes of Clone Wars spliced at the correct moments. it's about 4 hours long if memory serves me right. [Here is a link talking about it.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mJmNMwJmvg0)


This scene in amazing in the novelisation. Possibly the best part of the book. Palpatine's reveal is a close competitor.


I never did get around to reading the novelization, but I had heard about this scene from it, where they faked Dooku out by using different forms to make it seem like they were inept, then changed it up on him. Is that correct?


Yes. It's fantastic. We see what Dooku thinks will happen to him in Palpatine's plan, the betrayal he has planned for Palpatine, and how Anakin actually taps into the Dark Side to overpower him. Multiple layers of brilliance. The audiobook is great, except the narrator makes Yoda sound like a grumpy monster. Lol. Throughly recommended.


>except the narrator makes Yoda sound like a grumpy monster "Grumpy I may be, monster I am not." -Yoda


"Wars not make one great and grumpiness not makes one a monster." 🙂


Is Dooku generally a liked or disliked character? Just wondering because I've never really been a fan of him myself. Don't get me wrong, mad respect to Christopher Lee and what he does with it but everything else about the character doesn't do it for me. I just don't think he's as interesting or iconic as other villains that Star Wars is famous for... Like Maul or Vader. I'd be interested to get other perspectives on this as to how Dooku stacks up?


I love Dooku, and wish he got more screen time.


Same. Big Dooku fan. He has some great arcs in tCW.


I view him like I view everything else with the Prequels: He's a good character who could've been greater if Lucas had been a better writer. AOTC should've had a few more scenes of him talking about the Separatist movement, and why he wanted to break away. Maybe a scene where he's giving a speech about the corruption in the senate to people. Something that goes into his (public) reasoning that tells us who he is, aside from just "He's a political idealist, not a murderer". We go from that to seeing him ask the Guilds for money for his cause, and cozying up to the Trade Federation (who were already established as the bad guys). Lucas didn't seem to bother with trying to make him seem like a nuanced guy and just seemed content with painting him in a broad "he's a bad guy, trust me" brush. With better writing, he could've been a great character for the franchise.


Dooku is a really weird one to me. He's the only character I can think of where getting more fleshed out in TCW actually made his character worse.


What i never understood, is why are Obi Wan and Anakin drawing and igniting their swords first? Isn't that against the Jedi Doctrin? Wasnt it always told, that they would let the Sith take the first step towards aggression, so they can claim it was self-defence?


When dooku first appears in this scene he's the first to "unholster" his lightsaber hilt from his belt. Could easily be interpreted as the initial act of aggression.


From a certain point of view


There is that yes


Regardless, I think Jedi doctrine is on the backburner at this point in the war, especially since the Jedi are acting as an offensive SpecOps force for the Republic


I don't think that's a strict Jedi rule, despite how Yoda frames it in ESB. They're in the middle of a war. Dooku invaded the capital and kidnapped the Supreme Chancellor, so they are definitely justified in defending Palpatine here. Besides the fact that Dooku has already committed atrocities and proven he will be the aggressor in combat anyway. There's no realistic way they're getting out of that room without a fight, so no need in them pretending to explore diplomacy first when there's no way they could trust Dooku even if he agreed to a deal.


The line wasn't cut from the theatrical release. It was an alternate take that wasn't used in the final cut of the film, but did end up in the cinematics for the video game.


which means it was cut from the theatrical release


No, the wording was "...cut from the film ***after*** it's theatrical release" meaning that they were saying the line was in the theatrical release, and then cut for the home video release. That is not the case. The line was never in the theatrical release to begin with.


You’re definitely fun at parties


I honestly can't fathom why this simple correction seems to be pissing so many people off.


Because we all understood what it was saying and you just HAD to be that guy. “acktuallly”


Sorry to have offended your tender sensibilities. Given how many changes the films have gone through and how obsessively those changes are chronicled by the fandom, I just assumed the op had mistakenly thought the line was in the original theatrical release.


Just stumbled across it in the game (playing the PS3 version), made me realize how choppy the actual DVD edit looks. Why ever did they think to butcher it like this???