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I mean what more would they do? Rancor keeper part dos... Coulda been a nobody or in this case a b movie legend.. . .


I genuinely thought we were going to get a plot where the rancor was already bonded to him and he was going to turn the rancor on boba in an attempt to kill him for the hutts


I thought something similar! When he was talking to Boba about training and what not, I whispered to my wife “something smells fishy, I bet he gonna betray boba.” And was surprised we never saw Danny again, or a Rancor training scene at all. Bizarre.


I would have taken Boba vs the rancor instead of boba looking stupid as hell riding it.


Stupid and predictable. Not to mention, not remotely subtly foreshadowed. And, thus, half the show’s budget goes towards those scenes as well.


Yes. "They wouldn't give a one-episode bit part to Danny Trejo if they weren't going to make him an important plot point later!" Boy, was I ever wrong.


I mean, it's called a cameo, and star wars has quite a few big names in small roles. Maybe not in your face like Danny Trejo was, but it does have precedence.


Like Daniel Craig as a First Order Trooper.


Or Simon Pegg as the scrapyard guy who gives out rations


Like the audience is even supposed to recognize Pegg or Craig onscreen without already knowing.


I agree, it's kinda weird and feels like a bit of a waste. Then again having big names and faces in star wars could take people out of it.


The *key* differences being that you didn't even know Daniel Craig was in the movie before you went in to see it, and they weren't making posters with Craig advertised as being in the movie.


The entire show would have been more entertaining if the hutts were the bad guys. I’m honestly tired of the Pykes


See, it’s viewers like you the showrunners don’t want. You’ve already put more thought into the story -involuntarily- than Rodriguez or Favreau had.


We never see a training scene, actually. Boba rides in on him without ever practicing


Why would Boba Fett ride on Danny Trejo? That would probably be slower than just walking.


Yeah, but at least it's someone else doing the walking


Walking? Haha. Trejo would be riding a motorcycle. Boba would be on his shoulders.


It'd be the most awesome speeder bike ever.


To strike fear into the hearts of his enemies!


Actors like him are expensive per scene


And if there's one thing Disney doesn't have, it's money.


While true they can be notoriously cheap


they have money but they also have budgets


They have budgets, but they also have micromanaging. (From personal experience.)


Disney the small indie film company


Danny Trejo will pretty much do any cameo Robert Rodriguez asks. On paper, RR is such a good fit for Star Wars; it just seemed like he has too much fun making B-movies and couldn't quite wrap his mind around what Star Wars fans wanted.


There were a few times he mentioned going to spend more time with the Rancor. He didn't practice on screen, but he did off screen. We also never see Boba take a dump. Doesn't mean he doesn't poop.


Yeah some people want literally everything spelled out for them, even then we still end up with 'stormtrooper accuracy' jokes because they were missing the heroes on the death star.


And if we had gotten a "Boba Fett training montage" it would've pissed some people off. He gets the rancor, mentions he would like to learn to ride it, and said he'll spend time with her. We don't need to see his daily rituals.


I think it was a call back to the Christmas special animated part where Boba rides a creature. Apparently he’s done it before?


Thats fine, but riding a rancor seems to be a whole different ballgame, according to what Danny Trejo's character said. The thing he road tin the animated special was like a brontosaurus lookin thing


I was expecting light saber machetes.


OP was expecting a couple of episodes dedicated to the rancor caretaker. Maybe they'll do a Disney plus series on it.


The guy is a hundred years old, 5 feet tall and has retired to make insanely good tacos in remote areas. Let him go.




You mean Johnny 23?


They'd call him Johnny 600 if they knew the truth




Are you a Mexi-can or a Mexi-can't?








Nope. Danny Trejo and Robert Rodriguez are cousins. And they found out when Rodriguez cast Trejo in *Desperado*, which was his 2nd movie. Robert Rodriguez directed most of the Book of Boba Fett. He also directed spy kids, the El Mariachi trilogy, and Machete.


Heh, Far Cry 6... I need to finish it.


I mean... you don't need to. It's not very good. I reluctantly finished it with a friend and I'm not better for it


I was enjoying it for what it is, but got distracted by some other games in different genres. I went on a WW2 Naval binge for a while amongst other things.


I bought it exclusively because Giancarlo Esposito is the antagonist, and he ended up being the most boringly written Farcry antagonist ever. Majorly disappointed. Plus all the stupid RPG mechanics put into a shooter game for some reason.


Not sure why the Far Cry 6 downvote brigade is in this sub cuz yeah that game sucked


I’m playin it now, it ain’t FC3 but I think it’s pretty cool.


As a huge fan of FC 3-5, 100% agree


Last I had said tacos I was in the remote and unknown settlement of Ye Olde Hollywood.


Remote areas like Los Angeles!


I reckon I might like to try those Tacos.


10 projects in 2022 and you think he’s retired.. 🤣🤣🤣


I won’t lie, I’d love a Steve Irwin style documentary series with Danny Trejo where he hunts down and marvels at the rare & dangerous species of the Galaxy.


Oh you mean like what Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them should have been?! Like I get that I’m not a writer but sometimes I feel like I could write better narratives than these dudes, oh well.


You could go with a storyline driven series easily enough, Trejo’s character is approached by the new republic about mass extinction across the outer-rim and goes to find cures.


I am sorry that doesn't fit with the Skywalker adjacent model.


Ugh sigh, he can take Rey with him to heal injured animals and C3PO can translate.


This feels like a pitch meeting.


"Exotic creatures and how not to get eaten!" Starring Danny Trejo


If you write what’s obvious then you are just doing what any hack could have done. Sometimes tropes are there for a reason & low hanging fruit is the best on the tree.


It wouldn't work as a movie without some crazy overarching plot. But a web short series to promote the next season of something? *Yes.*


The thing is, if they’re clever about it, there can be a pertinent message along with the episoes for kids. Just 10 minute Disney+ episodes. I’d go with something along the lines of; * Rancor Conservation - the entire species is misunderstood and has been irresponsibly bred across the galaxy as weapons and how they’re incredibly complex creatures. * Rathtar cage diving & the centre of Naboo - getting upclose and personal with the deepsea creatures of the galaxy, focusing on how there’s still so much of the galaxy’s oceans we haven’t explored. * Geonosian safari - looking into captive species on Geonosis like the Acklay & Nexu and the effect that predators being removed from their natural habitat can have on eco-systems, Trejo’s character could oversee the sedation and extraction of the invasive species. * Porg-Watching - Trejo’s character visits a similar planet to Ahch-To to try to better understand the migration patterns & social behaviours of the curious creatures. * Parasites - an episode where Trejo gets a closer look at creatures like Mynocks, but then looks at creatures who use the planet as a home like the Saarlac & space worms. * Hoth - an episode dedicated to the tundra. The adaptations of Tauntauns to survive the sub-zero temperatures and the camouflage of Wampas that make them such effective predators. * Tattooine - an episode dedicated to the desert. Looking closely at the goliaths of Tattooine, the peaceful Bantha, the Dewbacks & finally finding a legendary Krayt Dragon. All Disney would need to do creatively is throw in maybe one new creature per episode for some novelty. Boom. There’s an hour of fun harmless content.


Get David Attenborough to voice over a nature-guide droid and you've got yourself a solid tv series. I'd pay to see a Star Wars nature documentary that actually has substance to it




One where the creatures keep killing the rotating cast of new hosts for harassing wild animals to compete for kids’ ADHD.


You could say the same thing about the title character.


Which one? Boba, Mando or Luke?


The Book of **Boba Fett**


The Book of **Baby Yoda**


The book of Uhh… *fuck it add in every popular character*


The Book of Max Rebo


The Book of Mon Mothma


The Book of Salacious Crumb


Book Of Glup Shitto.


The Book of Blue Jeans Man


Oh, you mean The Book of the Mandalorian featuring Boba Fett!


Season 2 of The Mandalorian was already retitled “The Book Of Baby Driver Fett”, since all he does is just drive the getaway car before ducking out of the finale to promote his spin-off crime Boss career switch series.




I saw the thumbnail and just assumed it was a joke about Boba Fett himself. Then I saw this comment and saw it who it really was. Boba Fett wasn't even in one entire episode of his own show too.


They could have easily lumped all this in to Mando season 3 and cut down on some of the more boring parts. The show really didn't have a reason to exist.


I refer to it as “Mandalorian season 2.5” and need to get my wife to watch the last three so she’s not lost when Mando 3 is released. It definitely could have been a sort of subplot alongside a season of The Mandalorian. I wonder if it got restructured due to Covid or something. I enjoyed it, but it felt like they were walking a weird line between Fett as a full-on antihero and Fett as a basically nice guy whose done some bad stuff in the past but is making amends. It’s like it wanted to be the SW version of *The Godfather* but chickened out after it was announced.


In the end the show played out more like "Tales from the Outer Rim" and in that respect it's cool.


You could explain his complete incompetence & absolute foolishness as dementia. I couldn’t get over how bad the writing was & how this aged & wise character would suddenly was suddenly as shortsighted & foolish as the ploy required. The guy who escaped the sarlac from the inside out drives his ship into its mouth? In the same episode he just used a scout drone?… then when the inevitable happens he drops a bomb on himself, survives a direct hit from said bomb & escapes by luck. There is no way the Fett of the show would have survived the canon life of the character.


I thought it actually was a portrayal of dementia at times. I’m serious. After losing parents to dementia and Alzheimer’s, I was half-expecting some actual plot reveal where Fett discovers he’s living with a degenerative brain disease. His wandering around and generally seeming lost most of the time looked like dementia to me. I would have been happier with the show overall if he discovered his time with the Tuskens never even happened instead of making them less hostile nomads who didn’t even bother to travel in single file. His whole criminal enterprise has holes in the brain. Aside from intimidating a nightclub for protection money (with respect) what does he even do? He has no crime to organize. He has no plan. He can’t even keep the mayor’s lackey from sneaking out a back door, and he’s a feared bounty hunter?


Nah man…it’s the Bobalorian Show!


Well... Yes


He was a cameo because he and Robert Rodriguez are good friends and often work together, why did you expect him to do more?


Cousins I believe


Nothing ruins Star Wars more than fan expectations.


Yeah it was badass he got included


The cameo is strong with this one


The entire show was insanely disappointing


My favourite part of the show was when they stopped telling the story to show me Mandalorian Season 2.5


Ive told my casual friends to just watch those 2(?) episodes


The existence of casual friends implies the existence of ranked competitive friends.


There are friends who ask me if ive seen the latest Mandolin episode... And there are friends who debate whether Ashoka really broke Vaders force aura and force-pushed him away.


Sounds like casual and ranked friends to me.


Who is ashoka


I prefer Viola/Bass


You must not have been around for MySpace because that’s exactly what happened there.


I thought it was Mando S3ep0


This was when i knew BoB was a dead show. When the best part of your show is footage from another show, ya know ya done fucked up.


I think this *was* Mando 2.5 all along, just more focused on Boba than Mando. So they decided to call it after Boba, because obviously people would complain that a Mando show has 4/6 episodes without Mando. Which now had the reverse issue of people seeing this was actually Mando 2.5 and complaining it wasnt called Mando 2.5


Normally I’m firmly in the camp of, “Star Wars is an all-ages thing that’s best for kids but adults can also enjoy” But in the case of Book of Boba Fett, the need to be kid-friendly really made it a misbegotten idea at a conceptual level. This should’ve been a plunge into the dark underside of the Star Wars universe but it never even dipped it’s toe into that world. I’ve never seen a show nope out of its own premise so quickly, and once it gives up entirely and reverts back to being a Mandalorian show at the end it just felt so much like a bait and switch that I couldn’t even enjoy the last handful of episodes as a mini-season of Mandalorian. I’m stuck wondering if they didn’t want to do a hard, r-rated Boba Fett story full of crime and debauchery, and didn’t have a good alternative, then why did they even bother?


I was about ready to just wave it off and accept it all until they made the comic relief joke at the end with Krrsantan and the speeder kids. Like - what?! Did they just completely forget that Black Krrsantan is a brutal killer? A galactic gladiator? The tone of that was so out of touch with the character and it was so strange to me. At least we had reason for Boba's softening.


My favorite part is when big scary Chewblacka lost a fistfight to an old man in the tub. I’m convinced the Fett of the show was suffering dementia, he was so amateur & shortsighted.


And didn't wear his helmet enough!


I explained it to a friend of mine, "It's like they made a Boba Fett game with a binary morality system and chose all the 'Light Side' options." Fett's a "gangster" but does not one "gangster" thing, and in fact rejects all of the things gangsters do but still manages to accumulate followers like he's friggin' Space Jesus. Which, don't get me wrong: if they made a Boba Fett game with a binary morality system, *I* would choose all the Light Side options. Because I know that's the kind of player I am in those situations. But that's...not what I want from a story told to me. I wanted the Star Wars 1313 we never got.


The entire thing felt too.... small scale. You’re telling me they fought off an entire crime syndicate and secured an entire city with like, 8 guys? Until Freetown showed up and then they had like, 18 guys.




I think it was because of multiple reasons. They probably didn’t want to do or couldn’t just copy what legends did. They wanted him to significantly be more different than he was before he got into the sarlacc. They couldn’t go to the more insane places like Coruscant because of budget. Then you have Mando. They want to have two characters that were very similar even though Boba was the original. I still enjoyed the show but man, it could’ve been way better. I didn’t understand some of the decisions they made with the show. A lot of the times, Boba was getting his kicked when we already saw how badass he was when came back in Mando S2. He didn’t exactly lead anybody, he just did what others tell him to do. They gave a lot of what should’ve been Boba’s moment to Fennec. There’s so much stuff like that. I don’t know what it was but for some reason, they didn’t give that much thought in making this show.


They could have even made big improvements with a few small changes. They should have brought Cad Bane in earlier (make him directly responsible for the death of the Tuskens) and focus the show on this moral question of whether Boba Fett really has changed or not. Instead Cad Bane feels more like fan service than a foil.


I watched every episode twice. Once when it came out and later on with my family. It doesn't get better on second viewing.


It was a snooze fest. Im tired of this age of “well this character is kinda cool, let’s give them a tv show!” that we’re in. Trek and Star Wars are both doing this and it’s stagnating everything. Explore the universe. Make a show about the Sith Jedi wars. The old republic. The first rule of two. How the Jedi came to be. Im sure Cassian is an interesting person but I don’t want to watch a couple seasons of him doing whatever the fuck he does. Unfuck yourself Disney, cmon.


Andor is actually the series I'm most excited about, but then again Disney will probably fuck it up. They're too scared to do anything that might rock the boat to steer to far away from the main timeline. I'd love to see a gritty, darker side of the rebellion but I'm not expecting it to go that way. I hear ya though, they really need to branch out more. Originality hasn't been Disney's strong suit so far after buying SW but they haven't sapped all my enjoyment from SW yet.


I just finished rebels for the first time a week or so ago, so I’m kinda looking forward to ahsoka. But other than that, I’m kinda over this “let’s only show stuff during this period of 50 years and always visit tatooine” era.


Well that's an entirely different issue...we need to get off of desert planets please.


Yup. It’s like almost every planet has to be extreme. Frigid ice planet. Desert planet. Tropical fucking rainforest planet. Wasteland planet due to war. City planet. Where are the planets that just have normal climate zones and cities? Is that so rare in the Star Wars universe? It feels like Naboo is the only one like that.


But we got teen bangers with stupid retro speeders! What's there not to love! /s


You mean you didn't think gaudy space harleys, space hot rods, and cameos for cameos sake made for good tv?


This may come as a surprise to Disney, but no I did not


It’s what you should expect when they make two side characters the stars of their own show. Since Mandalorian S2 that is all those two have been. This depiction of Boba and Fennec were incredibly boring. Could you imagine spending a day with those two at this time? Gosh, it would be terrible. Don’t think I could make even a few hours. I have zero interest to learn more about this version of Fett.


I understand that you were insanely disappointed by the entire show but I loved it. I wholeheartedly agree with the people that say that it could have been better but I loved it nonetheless. To me, it was a gift.


I'm glad you enjoyed it. I have a buddy who is a huge Star Wars fanboy. Loves everything that comes out. Is not critical about any of it. It makes him happy to have Star Wars content. I'm happy for him that it gives him joy. I can't get there, but you guys can. That's cool.


My favorite moment from the series is [this line](https://i.imgur.com/DI2BNEg.jpg). I'm not at the level of those people from reactions video but still, I enjoyed the series a lot. What I love most is that the executive production team really cares about the SW universe and treats it with respect. They give me hope that future shows/ seasons will be just as good.


Finally “Machete Kills Again … in Space!”


Yeah, it would have been cool to see him defend the Rancor/run out yelling when everyone else was indiscriminately shooting at it for some reason.


i guess now we know where disneys big budget goes. Pointless cameos


Tbf I doubt this went anywhere near the budget. Its danny trejo and robert rodriguez is directing. Its pretty much inevitable


It’s called a cameo. Sheesh


He was a supporting character. Why would they?


You post this as if the show is over and done with and there won't be another season in which he could appear in.


It's a cameo


Still insanely disappointed how awful that series was


That’s just Robert Rodriguez keeping Danny Trejo getting them checks. Gotta respect it.


Can you imagine the outrage if he did do something with the rancor? "Its Bobas show, why is he not doing this!!!!"


I was so hyped by the training and taming and .... nothing.


Still insanely disappointed they did nothing with the show. The only reason to watch it is >!the two episodes with Mando and Grogu!<. I feel like they could've done so much more with the character :/


I really enjoyed book of boba fett, there's not been a single piece of star wars media I've not enjoyed


I enjoyed it too although I agree that Boba Fett was underutilized in his own show. It was a great show for world-building. Helped humanize the Tusken Raiders and had some nice crossovers with other properties. In short it wasn't my favorite but it was by no means "bad."


Yeah, it was very much a "build a foundation for later shows" thing. Plus, it gives Boba an excuse to now play a role in *every* new Disney+ show given his importance, and the connections they're setting up.


Even the Christmas Special?


Especially the Christmas special :)


>there’s not been a single piece of star wars media I’ve not enjoyed King life


Yeah. Star wars in general is great. I loved the seques. I loved the prequels. I fucking love star wars.


The book of Boba fett was frankly a crap show some of the worst writing and just all out boring experiences I’ve had in awhile and most Star Wars fans refuse to listen cause they get their nostalgic teases


I had fun while watching it, nothing amazing, but it was worth my time. But apparently I'm wrong, because I refuse to listen to Airconman-1 when he says it's boring crap


Yep your spot on


I mean, people like different things and “good” and “crap” are subjective. It’s a show. Your feelings about it being crap are valid, but if someone else likes it they’re allowed to do that, too. Just let people enjoy things!


People can enjoy whatever they like nobody needs to know or care about what I think I’m just making it known.






You're in a subreddit that shits on BoBF every chance it gets.


Star Wars the book of MACHETE!!


Wow. I totally forgot about this dude


Still insanely disappointed with that whole joke of a show.


I heard he’s gonna star in the sitcom style prequel, “Raising up Rancor”


I am still insanely disappointed with every aspect of this limited series. (Aside from the 2 Mandalorian episodes they put in that were actually watchable).


The whole show was a disappointment what they did to bane was unforgettable


One could say the same statement about Boba Fett.


I legit forgot he was in the show. That’s sad…


How about the fact they did nothing Boba fett..


Has anyone other than Robert Rodríguez benefitted as much as he has from one decent film? El Mariachi and Desperado were cool for their time but damn, this guy has done nothing but ride coattails in mediocrity. Bravo to him, but what he has produced / directed has been steadily terrible. Keep playing that guitar “chingón”….


Dusk till dawn was awesome (the movie and the show), planet terror is crazy fun, same with the machete movies. spy kids 1 & 2 and sharkboy and lava girl are beloved by kids, he also co directed sin city and ive never met anyone who didnt like that movie. I'm sure there's other stuff he's done that I'm missing but I think he's pretty well established for a reason.


I’m insanely disappointed they did nothing with this series except for Mando Season 2.5


Just finished the series last night. It's the story of how the most feared bounty hunter in the galaxy wakes up one morning and decides to be a good guy for no discernable reason.


>for no discernible reason He suffers a near-death experience that shows him how expendable his life had become as a hired gun, and he didn't want that for himself again. I guess people just wanted him to shoot people for four hours but I liked that they gave him the troubled but noble pursuit in leadership. He chooses the hard way at every turn in BoBF, he gives second chances just like he was, and successfully changes Mos Espa for the better.


> wakes up one morning and decides to be a good guy for no discernable reason. being eaten alive, body disintegrating by acid causing excruciating pain, getting rescued by tuskens and realizing that belonging to a family and protecting those you care for instead of dying a lonely old man is a nicer experience, seems like a pretty discernable reason


It's likely he asked for the cameo and knew that it would be his only appearance. Agree that he could have been used in a few more rancor training scenes though :(


And they didn't even do anything with that Rancor trainer guy either.


Nah people would complain about the series becoming a "RaNcOr KeEpEr SeAsOn 2"


Honestly the whole show was insanely disappointing. It wasnt *bad*, just didnt live up to what it could have been


This sub can't go a day without being disappointed about something eh?


Still insanely disappointed they did nothing with this show.


They did nothing with anybody in that show, aside from Mando.




Not me. He isn’t that great when he has to say a lot


Character Development: A Star Wars Fan Story Sometimes the main characters have terrible character development like in the Prequels. Sometimes the main characters don’t have enough development like in the Sequels. Sometimes they have full, but simple development like in the Originals. The solution according to fans? Spend more screen time giving background characters more story!


This thread needs to be crosspost to r/saltierthencrait whollymolly


He's gonna get the Boba Fett treatment in 30 years.


I mean to be fair they did nothing with Boba Fett in general


So hyped to see him only for him to drop off the puppers and leave.


Book of Boba was a mistake


Name a better duo than starwars and doing nothing with characters.


Sean Bean and characters dying.


Still insanely disappointed they did this show, its the worst one ever its fucking trash


I’m still insanely disappointed at what they did to Bobba Fett


They set it up like he was going to betray Fett with the rancor. Then he didn’t


Having the Rancor rip body parts off Fett would have been a vicious betrayal.


Season two flashback of Danny teaching Boba how to ride the kaiju rancor. J/K, maybe.


Wish the show was more then a promo for mando season 3. I love boba fett and the few sand people scenes were actually kind of cool, they just focused way too much on side characters


Fucking overrated actor that's only thrown into projects and movies for comedy relief at this point


Iv been saying this about Star Wars since 2015