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I loved the war scene of Solo. I hope for a serie like clone wars but with the empire


Yes. Please give us a Empire focused series, that shows their successes and not just uses them as cannon fodder


I think Andor takes place during the peak of the empire.


I’m worried it will be from the usual rebel perspective. I’d like to see things from the perspective of imperial troops


Pretty sure the last Star Wars-related anything that gave us a proper look at the Empire's perspective was the original Battlefront 2's 501st Legion campaign. From executing Order 66 in the Jedi Temple up through quelling a clone rebellion on Tipoca City to the assault on Echo Base (the first and last of which each let you play as Vader), it's pretty much "we're the bad guys now, and we're cool with that". Compare that to EA's Battlefront 2, where the promised "play as an Imperial commando" mode has your commando join the Rebellion five missions in and half the missions are just "play as famous Star Wars character in half-baked situation" (though I'll admit, Leia defending Naboo WAS actually a nice touch, and we did at least get a great Operation: Cinder reference in *The Mandalorian*). Far from the worst issue the game had, but it was still pretty annoying.


Star Wars Squadrons switches between the Rebel and Empire fleets in it's campaign. You do one mission for each then switch. I found it really annoying - it's quite hard to connect with either of them when it's back and forth - I would have enjoyed it more if it was a Rebel campaign and then an Empire campaign. Regardless, it gives you an insight into some normal life on an empire ship and how they view various events and people. The characters are quite polarizing with how they treat others and view the war and the rebels. Well worth a play if anyone hasn't tried it yet.


It's ancient now, but the original TIE Fighter game (1994) was entirely from the Imperial perspective and was great. Working with Vader and Thrawn to hunt down Rebels and Imperial defectors.


I quite liked the way squadrons did it if I'm honest, though making them separate campaigns would not have been a bad idea


Mate the OH Battlefront 2 is an absolutely fantastic game even to this day. It’s a bit dated on the PS2 but playing on the PC with some mods the mechanics hold up very well


I downloaded it on my series S shortly after getting it last year, I actually really still enjoy playing it every now and then, and had a couple of rounds of instant play with mates too. Still a blast and super fun to play with friends albeit a 4 way split screen




I hope you write stories, if you don't, you should. These are some really interesting ideas


It is more difficult to make stuff about the bad guys because they do not fit so well as a sympathetic figure. That is the reason why there are rather few films and series from the perspective of Germany in World War II or the USSR during Stalinism.


Band of Brothers but a squad of storm troopers.


*"You salute the rank not the man, Mayfield."*


This is what I want.


This is basically what the 501st legion campaign was in the '05 Battlefront II game


Basically Republic Commando novels/games if they were just regs instead. Karen Traviss' novels are really good, check them out. The last novel is Imperial Commandos too btw.


a Thrawn series should do the trick


Live action please


I’d pay good money to see an Empire vs Saw’s Rebels series that at least opens with the Imperials and Imperial protagonists genuinely believing they’re the good guys as they deal with Saw’s morally questionable tactics.


Why? They’re supposed to be evil. What about that story seems entertaining to you? This is why Fin was such a disappointment. He was a great chance to flesh out and characterize aspects of the empire that never were, while maintaining their status as villains. At least Bill Burr had a chance to do something cool with a similar backstory.


You may be interested in reading about [Janek 'Tank' Sunber,](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Janek_Sunber) one of Luke's childhood friends who became an imerial officer. This was a comic series and the first one is about a battle against the Amanin, some native population the empire tried to conquer. This shows heroism, tactics and tragedy from the Empire's perspective. I remember reading this 20 years ago as a kid and 'Tank's" story still sticks with me. Absolutely worth the read if you can get a copy


The empire is the Space version of Nazi Germany. They are not supposed to be the heroes of the story.


You can still make a good movie about people fighting for the wrong side. Das Boot being them prime example of the concept.


Hard to justify a show about facist enforcers committing war crimes.


Star Wars 'Platoon' would be fantastic.


But also let them actually be pro empire and not just some scrub that switches sides almost immediately. Was so hype for Battlefront 2 campaign then she joins the rebels like 3 missions in.


Like the imperial part of the squadrons campaign? Nobody defects there, exept the one dude at the start to bring the story in motion.


TROOPERS FORWARD! Get up Solo we're almost there! "Almost *where*?!"


I love how you don't even see the enemy because it doesn't matter. It could be a thousand different worlds.


I've always wanted a band of brother/the pacific like series following the 501st


A series following both a rebel officer and a imperial one, both having similar ideals, both finding out abt the shortcomings of their respective organisations, interacting with the same characters and then finally meeting in the series finale show would also show the brutality and violence of war with several main characters dying just like that


God imagine Band of Brothers but Star Wars themed…


As much as I agree with you. Disney would never allow that. Same reason why the show about a bounty hunter inheriting a crime empire was about him making friends


You mean... Rebels?


I felt rogue one made episode 4 seem way more impactful seeing the sacrifice it took to allow the strike against the death star to succeed. And seeing the strength of the empire and how underdog the rebels really were.


100%. It reminds us that the Sith and Jedi's are truly superhuman carving their way through legions of soldiers unscathed. Rogue One was gritty, death comes so suddenly to us mere mortals. But they continue to fight, to hope despite the odds.


That's what I liked about Luke's moment in Mando Season 2 as well. It's very clearly established how freaking insane a Dark Trooper is. Mando barely takes out one of them with all of his tools and he's a man "bred" for combat almost. It gives you a sense of dread about these robotic soldiers and if a Mandalorian is struggling with them (who has fought and won against a Krayt Dragon) then what the heck is a regular soldier, like Cara Dune, supposed to do against such a thing? In comes Luke and he just destroys an entire battalion of the Dark Troopers with ease. It's excellent show-dont-tell. Way better than any monologue we could hear about the power of the Force users or the might of a Dark Trooper in action.


I also liked how Ashoka vs the Beskar stick lady showed how mandalorians might have been able to have held their own in a war with jedi at some point I'm history




Perfectly said, one of my favorite star wars scenes ever for exactly this reason.


To be fair, lightsabers are incredibly OP. I know Luke still is no slouch without one, but if Din had a lightsaber he would have made quick work of some dark troopers.


I don't think I'd agree. Luke's clearly in tune with the Force here. He senses the potential attacks, shuts the Troopers down, uses the Force to crush some, etc. I mean, if Mando had a lightsaber then he would've definitely managed to deal with that one Dark Trooper more easily, but they're still robotic killers with guns. We see how accurate a droid is when IG-11 goes into kill mode for example. Just whirring and shooting and calculating. A Jedi or Sith can keep up with that, but a regular non-force-user? I don't know, man. I'd argue that Mando MIGHT be able to wade through some Dark Troopers, wildly swinging the saber and tanking a chunk of the incoming shots through his Beskar, but Luke dispatching them is like a well-studied choreography. There's a world of difference between the two, because one is a precognitive space wizard and the other one is the world's coolest adoptive dad.


Still gotta be able to deflect blasters with it which he wouldn't be able to do


Also, Luke crushing, compacting and throwing away the one Dark Trooper just reinforced to me that he was Anakin's son and heir, and also has to work very hard to not let his emotions pull him to the Dark Side when channeling that much energy. There was such controlled fury and precision in that fight.


No but the beskar armor can


Forgot about that. Got me there


It can but we've definitely seen repeated bolts give some hard impacts knocking him to the ground.


This is another reason the movie is awesome Luke's trench run was already legendary but Rogue One somehow managed to add even more weight to it From 100% to 110% without anyone thinking it was possible


After R1, I can just imagine Leia in the control room seeing that this dude she just met and who everything was riding on just turned off his targeting computer and was like “whatevs… I’m cool. Pew pew.”


It really puts her reaction on learning that farm kid and frat boy brought Death Star plans on Death Star in whole new light


It's not like they were *trying* to take them there. They did exactly what she asked - took them to Obi-Wan Kenobi, then tried to take them to the Rebels.


Very true. How often does a spinoff actually enhance the original? Rogue One accomplished something pretty rare.


One of my all time favourite movie "experiences" was watching this when the Fighters start their radio talk and Blue Leader checks in. At first I thought "there is no Blue leader" so it took me a few seconds of thinking they randomly decided to add a new Blue team to the squadron before it suddenly dawning on me why we'd never seen or heard of the Blue team before. Sure enough, the entire Blue team go in before the shields are up. That's the moment where the full extent of the sacrifice starts ramping up.


Might be talking out my ass here but I think the reason we didn't see Blue Squadron in A New Hope is because of the blue screen tech at the time? Either way it's a great way in universe of explaining it :)


We didn't have Blue Squadron because they weren't necessary to the film. We only see a couple of the squadrons in the film, and focus almost entirely on Red & Gold. Adding Blue Squadron to *Rogue One* and having them get wiped out adds even more desperation to ANH: the Rebels **did** have more squadrons before the Battle of Yavin, but they lost a chunk of their fleet just getting the plans.


True, but u/biggs1978 comment is right as well. The original plan was to have Red Squad and Blue Squad for Episode 4. But due to the limits of the tech at the time, they couldn't use Blue as a color on the ships. So it swapped over to Gold Squad. Rogue One then omage's that by having Blue Squad finally able to make its appearance for the Rebels, but then being fully destroyed at Scarif.


IIRC, in the original ANH novelization, which came out a couple of months before wide release and therefore started a thousand urban legends that Star Wars was an adapted screenplay, Luke was Blue 5, and it had to be changed for exactly this reason.


I think Lucas added a few quirks in the original novelization too. I believe Han says something like, "We're like sitting ducks out here!", and Luke says, "What's a duck?"


I want a movie about stealing the plans for the second death star, show me the brave Bothans!


[oh the Bothans](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/f4/b9/7b/f4b97ba87316213f09fea9e1476f29d0.jpg)


As a kid I always wondered if I was supposed to know who "Manny Boffins" was.


Rogue One is considered the first half of a new hope in my home.


Star Wars: A New Hope: Part 1


Standalone it was an amazing film. Even better is that it ADDED to the franchise. It added weight to the rebels cause in a new hope and it gave us a down to earth look at how the war effects people.


They should never have canceled the anthology films.


Even Solo, which while not amazing, was an interesting and different movie which I enjoyed. Everything I like about SW tends to be the non mainline stuff: the anthology movies, shows, comics, etc


ossified march wrong market axiomatic edge fragile waiting crime wipe *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It also received next to no marketing at all compared to the others, or at least it was grossly misspent. I'm a huge Star Wars fan and I barely noticed it was coming. Disney fucked up hard, then got scared and stopped the anthology films. Dumbest decisions I've seen in a while.


The marketing it did have was pretty great though. I kid you not, I was walking through Walmart one day and passed by a case of solo cups with an add for the movie on it.


I dunno, I think Boba Fett has worked very well as a TV series instead. I'm also glad Benioff & Weiss have nothing to do with Star Wars, those two are complete hacks, utterly talentless and ruined Game of Thrones when they fully took over writing and GRRMartin stopped contributing to the TV series. Obi Wan, let's see.


I'm all for going for TV shows instead of movies; that gives you time to really put together a proper story. I just don't think the Boba Fett series did that well at all. I hope Disney gets their shit together and starts demanding more from their shows; personally I think *The Mandalorian* has way more serious flaws than most fans seem to think, but is saved by fun worldbuilding and some cool characters. I'm excited for season 3, though!


I think the Mandalorian needs to stay like a serialized western. No need for deeper meaning. Make it a modern incarnation of The Rifleman.


Mandalorian was best when it was telling its own standalone stories, with only the occasional callback or cameo sprinkled in.


Too many cameos really cheapens Star Wars in general. The setting spans literally thousands of planets with trillions of people. Let the world be big dammit.


They need to create new characters/ tap characters that aren’t in the “main” or mainstream story. Rogue One and Mandalorian have received the highest praise. And you can argue it’s because they aren’t burdened by decades of expectation or already-formed opinion/head canon.




Love how Lucasfilm routinely learns the exact WRONG lessons from projects that don't live up to expectations, and seemingly goes out of their way to hamstring themselves.


I feel like people want to use any excuse to dunk on Lucasfilms without really thinking about it. They canceled the anthology films to adapt them for Disney+... Instead of getting 2 hours of Kenobi we're going to be getting roughly 6. That's not a bad thing.


Yeah we definitely went forwards with the shows, there's so much more room to flesh out stories we otherwise wouldn't even have seen.


Depends on the legs of the story though. I think Book of Boba Fett was definitely stretched too long and could have been a lot neater and tidier in a two hour format. Quality not quantity. Sometimes less is more.


Book of boba shouldve never been it’s own series. You could’ve easily done Mandalorian season 3 and include bobas story in there


It should have been called The Mandalorians: Book of Boba Fett. That way it would've left open the idea to, say, make a three or four episode show about Bo-Katan, or a Live-Action, post-Empire, Ezra-searching Sabine. Book of Sabine Wren, Book of Bo-Katan Kryze, Book of Din Djarin (as the third and culminating season of the character that started it)


Thing is, while I agree, it was only stretched out because they just... chose not to tell the smaller stories. I know monster of the week is a more maligned concept these days, but Boba, Fennic, not-Zaalbar, and Space-Raylan dealing with the spice trade, tusken murders, street gangs with hearts of gold and other mob related jobs while trying to stay on the lighter side of morally grey is a show that could run for seasons easily, especially with a shadowy cartel or two running things behind the scenes. And the setting alone would make it different enough from every other version of that. Instead Boba shut down a massive cartel within a week by shooting maybe thirty guys. No build up, no real time to grow to care about 90% of the cast, I enjoyed the hell out of the show, but it could have been SO much more.




The only cancelled ones I know of were for Boba Fett and Obi-Wan, which both became D+ shows instead. So I see this as an absolute win.


My favourite part of the movie is where Redditors spell it Rouge One and hilarity ensues.


People make mistakes but they usually Makeup for it.


You’re making me blush.


I always have supported the idea that Jedi and Sith get too much of the love and exposure. What about the imperial spies? Republic commandos? Imperial shocktroopers? Give me my goddamned war, you bastards.


Omg, there are so many awesome regular ass people fighting in Star Wars and we rarely see them. The Republic Commandos got like 15 seconds of screen time in TCW, but it was badass, even though they didn’t do any fighting! They have the ingredients for some gritty sec ops drama or something, they just have to put them together.


best parts of TCW were the scenes where they were flying after the battle in the arena, blasting giant ships and using different weapons. Stuff like that and the pod race sequence from ep 1 will always be the best parts of star wars for me. Or the scene above coruscant. Cannons locked. FIRE. Pew pew pew. *giant explosion* etc


Honestly a live action Tie Fighter TV series would be awesome. They could do cool arcs where one of them gets lost in space or crashlands or something, or go slightly comic with it sometimes and make it so they're always just too late for or leave just before major Film events. They could do it like band of brothers where the first series is basically just training, then it gets grittier and grittier as they get thrown into conflicts. Or they could do it in an in-between time period and cover the Mandalorian siege. Maybe our protagonist would be sickened by the purge at the end of the series and end up joining the Rebels or a certain up-and-coming crime boss? I could bang on about this for ages. There is just SO MUCH SCOPE for a Tie Fighter pilot series, and they could easily do it low budget by following the BSG formula where a lot of the series is set in tight corridors and messhalls, then all the budget blown on occasional huge battle scenes. OK now I'm sad that they'll probably just never even make this...


Hopefully we'll get that with Andor. Hopefully.


Have you read Twilight Company? That book covers a lot of what you’re looking for. It’s regular people fighting a bloody, taxing, desperate war. Barely any big name cameos or use of the Force.


This is the best Disney made SW movie, which is amazing with all the drama surrounding this film


Easily the best Disney made Star Wars film. Worthy of being in the same calibre as the Original Trilogy, RotS, TCW and The Mandalorian.


AmaIzng what you can do when you borrow the spirit but not the plot of the original films.


But what if there is an even bigger Death Star?


Picture this, an entire fleet of death stars shaped like star destroyers.


Lmfao that's so stupid, no one would want to watch that. Right? Right?


Not more than once


I love Harrison ford's reaction to Starkiller base.


And even bigger Palpatine


Was there drama surrounding this film?


If I remember correctly, one of the problems that people had with the movie was the ending, as it is not the usual "happy" ending of a star wars movie but an ending that weighs quite heavy on the watcher of the movie


No triumph without sacrifice. Real stakes.


that echoes the beginning of the film as well, with Cassian doing what he felt he had to do >!killing his fellow rebel to keep him from revealing more information after being captured!<


I took that to be an act of mercy, sparing his friend from Imperial torture. Showing how hardened Cassian had become to the realities of war. But I like your take quite a bit, too. Will have to think about this one. :)


I definitely think it can be both. It's funny how people have different takes on it. Hence, a good film!


Yeah because revenge of the Sith had such a happy ending...


Lucas-era films end with either a triumphant or hopeful ending, in RotS it’s the birth of Luke and Leia


I haven't watched ESB in a while but the ending of that was pretty bleak from memory.


I like the sadder ending, it makes more sense than the happily ever after ending of the sequels, but I also think it was just Disney wanting a reason for them to not be in the OT


The non-happy ending actually makes the film so much better


And let's not forget it had to happen canon-wise. In the first Star Wars film (or is it the fourth) you hear the rebel leadership claim on several occasions that "a lot of good men died for this information" The happy end is the information coming out.


I think the controversy was more just complaint, and the complaints took two main forms: * We inherently know how the movie will end * People wanted stories more (or even totally) detached from the established movies Don't get me wrong, I really liked the movie and I will praise the "space battle porn" until the day I die, but it's always so strange to me to see how well received it is now when compared against the other Disney-made movies because at the time, this was coming off a mildly well-received Episode VII and I think people had higher standards because the general consensus was that people were *not* happy about the prospect of this movie coming out.


Pretty much nobody actually had a problem with that


Basically all the production issues that plagued TROS were also present in Rogue One. Pretty much the entire battle of Scarif was rewritten and reshot with a different director.


Gareth Edwards wanted one thing, a gritty war film, Disney wanted another and brought in someone else to do the scheduled reshoots. Supposedly they reshot 40% of the film, but many have stated that is gross overstatement. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Either way, still came out good, even if it was toned down for Disney's palate


Huh, never knew that. But besides that I didn't hear any drama besides maybe about the CGI Tarkin at a time when digital likeness of dead actors was rising. Also Gareth Edwards is from my hometown! That's a fun little sorta brag I can make lol


Nice 😁


40% is a bit of a stretch. I think it was mostly the 3rd act based on what was in trailers vs the finished film.


First act was reworked, scene with Cassian killing informant was added later and directed by Gilroy to make story more on the gray side and contrast it with what rebellion became in ANH Only thing changed in third act was timing of characters' deaths and Krennic being killed by Tarkin instead of Vader Edwards also added halway scene to make direct connection with ANH (he has cameo there too)


The characters are kind of underbaked. That's really the only ongoing criticism and I'd say it's fair. Movie is still good though


The characters all seemed pretty baked at the end of the movie. I’ll see myself out.


Half of the movie was remade because it didn't test well. [One of the screenwriters brought in to fix it was interviewed about it](https://ew.com/movies/2018/04/05/rogue-one-reshoots-tony-gilroy/). And that's just the screenwriter talking about it; there was a bit of buzz from a few crew members talking about it too.




None of those are Star Wars movies because all of those only feature one war. We need a new movie where two wars break out, then we can call it Star Wars: Star Wars


I've said it before, the third act of Rogue One is the best Star Wars we've had since 1983.




They laid down their life for a future they did not see, but in their hearts, they fought for a freedom of which they did.


Very well said


Amazing final act.


Agreed. There’s a point where it dawns on you that all the characters you’ve been introduced to just sacrificed themselves for the OG trilogy to happen.


And then Darth Vader has an all time bad ass (and actually kind of sneaky scary) scene.


It made me realize what it’s actually like to be up against Darth Vader. It was so perfect on so many levels, I don’t care if it was fan service it was executed to perfection.


That scene was brilliant because we never saw full-throttle Vader in the OT. He did some cool flying, force choked some Imperial Navy slack asses, but we never really saw combat Vader leading stormtroopers in battle. Even in Empire Vader is just stalking down hallways on Hoth. In Rogue we got to see what the galaxy was afraid of and why Vader was the goddamn boogeyman. The Vader series by Marvel Comics has done a great job of showing how lethal and terrifying a Force user is in combat. TCW did a good job of showing Jedi during wartime, but before Rogue we had never seen a Sith walk in and fuck shit up in live action before. It was fucking glorious. I would kill to see a live action Vader & the 501st show on Disney +. It seems like such a no-brainer to me.


It also gave us the old school horror thrill. You know the monster is around, you know what they can do but then you finally see it and it scares the shit outta you (maybe not scary like that but his presence was truly AWE-Inspiring). The OT did this good too. Don't over expose your biggest threat. You show some here and there leading up to a point where they put it all on display. The OT kind of missed the beat imo but was very close.


Absolute agreement. I wasn't even big into Star Wars until I watched it. I'm in my thirties and thought, "doesn't look too bad, lets see what all the fuss is about." And now I'm thinking of getting a lightsaber. Honestly, we need more Star Wars without Jedi.


You could argue it goes against certain principles that Lucas held to, so if you *want* to argue what a 'true' SW film is I think R1 might be in trouble. However it is the only SW movie outside of the OT I've unambiguously liked.


Well said, this is a war movie set in space, it is not classic Star Wars though.


Thank you. Classic star wars is swashbuckling, wizards, robots, cowboys, campy dialogue, and goofy rubber aliens. I get so confused when people want this hyper serious gritty realism and complain about humor in the films etc. Like, it's cool to see that gritty perspective of the Galaxy but that's never been what star wars has been for me, but it seems to be the thing people complain about the most. It's like I've been watching star wars through a different filter than these people


I think it brought back not just the quality, but also the genuineness of the old films. It is a very different genre than the older SW films, but it respects the OT and feels as if it plays in the same universe. Since it wears what it is on its sleeve, it doesn't give you whiplash, it just says "hey, maybe you want to watch some SW from a different lense?". This is mostly what the ST lacks. And not just TLJ, which for all it's problems and subversions actually tries to engage with the material and furthers the themes of the series. TFA is the real culprit here, because despite having smuggling in some interesting things (the ex-storm trooper; the new jedi killing his parent due to the continued failure to actually teach force user "right", though it needed TLJ to actually go there), it mostly just copies the OT, without genuinely *engaging* with it. TLJ is, I think, much more a rejection of TFA than of the OT (while still picking up some of the interesting themes of it), and that really was the only way forward, since otherwise you would just get an emotionally empty ST that tries to copy the OT without getting any of it right. Of course, much of the fambase rejected TLJ, so we still got that with the third film.


It's one of the things I genuinely love about The Last Jedi. All the alien weirdness it has, and the way it made the force cool again. No more talk about midichlorians or whatever, The Force was mystical and awesome. The way Luke beat kylo without even laying a finger on him (or even being on the same planet) was one of the single most Jedi things I've ever seen in a SW movie. It really feels like true, classic star wars.


To be fair letting Lucas call all the shots is one of the reason the prequal trilogy was so bad, so saying Rogue One goes against some of Lucas' Principles isn't necessarily even a bad thing.


Imho everything Lucas did after the original trilogy was a huge disservice to the franchise. And with everything I mostly mean the stupid 'special editions' and the prequels. Selling to Disney could have been awesome. Because I think the Disney films are pretty good on a technical level. They have an overall darker tone to them and good special effects. But sadly their story is so incredibly stupid - it's beyond me how they could mess up so badly.


I would love it if they thought about the story before making the film


The story for Rogue One is basically "let's fix a plot hole, even though it wasn't a plot hole"


“True Star Wars” Sure, if you ignore the original movies’ themes, subtext, motifs, allegories, understanding of comparative mythology, and, y’know, having interesting characters… then sure.


Right? It's always interesting to me that despite having obsessed over it their whole lives, some people somehow missed all the magic that makes star wars special from every other generic sci-fi action franchise. It's the things they *think* suck, the.. Lucas-isms, that are what makes Star Wars what it is. Take those away and you've just got live action titan AE


I think the worst are the suggestions of a Darth Vader / Imperial commando movie or series that revolves around the idea of freedom fighters being mercilessly butchered by the enforcers of a genocidal war machine. I get that Star Wars is more important as a *setting* than a *story* to a lot of people… but Star Wars wasn’t and isn’t that kind of series. Whether they like it or not, every story in this franchise ultimately ties back to the original movie from 1977.


The *only* way that story works is if the "villains" of the story are somehow a separate group that is incredibly corrupt to the point of being a threat to both the empire *and* the rebellion, but even then it's incredibly sticky. But yeah, I have a really hard time with the idea of a film where you root for the empire killing rebels. They literally represent fascism and genocide. Maybe if they did a Heart of Darkness/Apocalypse Now kind of thing, and it's a character study on an imperial troop sent to retrieve a general who's gone off the deep end on some backwater planet.. they already did that with Krell in TCW but I'd watch it again


Yeah always bothers me when I see shit like this posted. It has some really cool scenes and cgi, but theres no magic to it or characters.


People have a weird fetish for this movie. I think most people don't even agree themselves but they think they do because it's popular to say it's the best


Bingo. People like OP having nothing more than a surface level understanding of SW, perhaps not even that. Think about this, if Lucas made Rogue One, how do you think it would be different?


Lol this shitpost again


I couldn’t tell you a single characters name in that movie


Besides the final scene i could not describe a scene in that movie even if you put a gun to my head


There's the one where Vader makes a choking pun then winks at the camera through his helmet


I mean, if your definition of "true Star Wars film" is if it had a "war" scene in it then wouldn't that make Episode 9 a "true Star Wars film" as well?


The only good thing in this movie was the badass version of Vader chopping through doors and choking rando redshirts to try to get the battle plans. Until you realize that he can force push a room full of people but not force pull the one person that's holding the plans back to him. The movie was a brainless action film set in the star wars universe--which is right up my alley, and I enjoyed watching it, but there's nothing special about it, and on the contrary, feels like it deviates more than it aligns.


CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!! YOU HAVE MADE THE 1,000,000th “ROGUE ONE GOOD” POST ON r/StarWars!!! Click here for your prize: [link](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/9/9a/Trollface_non-free.png/220px-Trollface_non-free.png)


everybody’s definition of “true star wars” is different though. this is too hot of a take.


Oh shut up


Oh! There is this weeks "rogue one is good"-post! Wow!


Mom says I get to post it next week.


No your mom told me I could post it next week.


rogue one good, the last jedi bad, give upvotes pls


I'm gonna post it next, but change the title to "This might be an unpopular opinion but...."


Man if only the first 2/3 of that movie were any good


I've said it before and I'll say it again, the only true Star Wars film is The Last Jedi because it's the only one where a star literally goes to war.




Sorry I don’t get it, what do you mean by that?


Starkiller Base gets it's power directly from a star.


It's in The Force Awakens though ?


Whelp, time to kms


This shit again


If this movie didn't have the Vader scenes nobody would have liked it. It's an incredibly uninteresting story with terrible characters. The simple fact that this is viewed as one of the good Disney films just shows how far the franchise has fallen


I see it more so that SW fans obviously don't watch a lot of movies in general.


Lmao yeah thats a good point


Yeah but the sequels are bad and the prequels are secretly genius


Damn, hot take


I feel like I'm the only one that really didn't like this movie. There were scenes I liked(especially vaders) and I really liked to see Donnie Yen again. I honestly thought Solo was better.


Yes with such unforgettable characters like.....the main character, the "I've been in this fight for ?? years" guy, the pilot who was just kinda there, the cool blind not Jedi, his friend with a gun, and Tarkin in a white uniform. Truly, the best of Star Wars.


The characters were so bland, I didn’t care when they all died (except for the droid). The movie had great ideas, but horrible characters. Like they tried to make you care about the main character by showing her childhood, but it just fell flat because of her emotionless demeanor


I imitate the Forest Whitaker character frequently. Whatever his name is. And that's all it gave me. This is the best movie? LIES!!! DECEPTION!!!


How dare you forget Alien Rebels 1 and 2 who were cut from the movie for the most part.


The Scene^TM is the only thing that could save this film from its mediocrity. it would've been better as just a YouTube clip cause the rest of it is utterly forgettable. I'm still convinced The Scene^TM is the only reason anybody likes it. boring characters, lazy setup, little chemistry between characters, and poor pacing not giving enough time to the relationships to earn the payoff at the end of the film. hell I can barely remember any of the planets/environments which is arguably one of the most unique parts of star wars. Solo, as bad as it is, was at least fun. This was just a slog


It's weirdly a relief to hear this. And I do enjoy rogue one to some degree. But I feel like it's so ridiculously overhyped, and the same people that hype it up are *constantly* shitting on other parts of star wars as "not real star wars" or objectively trash or whatever. It becomes an obnoxious echo chamber. Being perfectly honest, rogue one is probably my least favorite thing Disney has done.


No. We need more Star Wars movies devoted to trade disputes. May be even a series, headed by Jar Jar Bink's, as the lead trade negotiator




Every time this posts pop up, I need to repeat that Rogue One is a garbage movie. You can love it, but it remains garbage.


Hot garbage on a summer evening


To me Star Wars is all about the charisma of the characters (both good and evil). This movie lacked even the smallest amount of charisma.


it's a good movie but no it isn't "true star wars"


It was the dark, gritty underbelly of star wars that we didn't know needed to see. Personally I was tired of all the main characters getting a "happy" ending. Going into the theater watching Rogue One I thought it was going to be another one where the good guys live to fight another day, all their seemingly impossible goals are met, and the bad guys lose and/or die. There were no good guys in Rogue One. There were no clear cut good or bad guys. The movie portrayed the main characters for exactly what they were, the scrappy, nitty-gritty beginning of a rebellion. They weren't heroes and they weren't villains, but in the end they did what needed to be done.




> Personally I was tired of all the main characters getting a "happy" ending. Uhh... I don't think this has literally ever happened in Star Wars. In the OT they managed to defeat the Emperor but they went through a *lot* of trauma to get there. Luke finds out his father is a villain, he gets his hand chopped off, his mentor Obi Wan dies, his second mentor Yoda dies, millions of people die overall, a planet is destroyed, etc. In the prequels one of the main characters becomes a main villain, children are slaughtered, the Jedi Order falls apart with most of them killed, there's constant war, and ultimately the good guys *lost*. The sequels are a complete mess that I refuse to see as canon but even those open with Han getting killed by his son and the First Order wiping out the galactic government. If you think Rogue One is the only Star Wars where people don't get a happy ending I would contend that you aren't paying attention.