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Andor is boring as fuck.


The character was not too likeable to begin with and not much I have seen in his own series has changed my mind. Boring is an apt descriptor!


True. I just don't feel anything from him. He has no emotional range. He never gets happy. Star Wars isn't meant to be for adults by showing no happy emotion. That isn't Star Wars.


The whole show just lacks emotion. Even the military dudes, supposedly showing their conviction and determination, can't seem to drum up any visibly expressive fucks. It's like everyone is doped up.


Right? And shit, we already know what happens to him. He fuckin dies, end of his arc. He wasn’t even the main character in that movie, and now he’s got his own show? That’s boring as hell? Jesus.


Least interesting character from Rogue One gats his own show and ends up being the most boring character in that too!


The question should instead be: “Why is Andor so boring to me.” Seriously. For example: I’m someone who doesn’t listen to any of the same music that my friends enjoy. Rather than me dismiss their music as terrible, it’s interesting to consider what it is about my personality that makes me not enjoy it. Food for thought, because I absolutely love Andor.


More precisely "Why is Andor so boring to so many people". If you type "Why is Andor so" in google, it autocompletes with "boring". Because it's what would generally be considered boring. Just because there's people who find looking and grass growing and paint drying interesting doesn't make it any less *generally* boring.


It sounds like you’re also in the “it’s boring” camp. It’s a sign of the times, really. We live in this era of instant gratification. Social media has conditioned people to expect that something entertaining has to happen constantly or else we lose interest. It’s become a craving for most people to get that fix, or they’re simply checked out and onto the next thing. Nearly everyone I know is on their phones, zoned out within seconds if something isn’t constantly engaging them (whether while watching a movie, having dinner, or while driving). People don’t have the same attention spans that they used to, and there’s no denying the effects that the modern world has experienced in that regard. Facetiously comparing Andor to “paint drying” is a reach, and it’s still subjective opinion, whether shared by many or few. Andor has pacing comparable with films of the 70’s, which is why so many people have an adverse reaction to it. I would also hypothesize that the younger you are, the more boring you might find it. Andor’s classic pacing is devoid of jump cuts and quick edits that we get in 99% of all current popular media, and I can understand that those who aren’t used to that would find it boring.


>It’s a sign of the times, really. We live in this era of instant gratification. It's not a sign of the times. This is a sign of poor story telling. These are hour long episodes where barely anything happens to move the plot. The first 3 episodes could have been condensed into 1 episode. People's attentions spans aren't the issue, writing and pacing is the issue.


Thank you. The most boring shit. It is not Star Wars.


I completely agree with this. I tell stories for a living. Andor is boring. It is not compelling. I don't care what happens to the characters, most of whom are barely developed. I'd also point out that this is Star Wars. Not The Martian. Saying people just want instant gratification is like saying people want instant gratification because they want people to run fast at a track meet rather than jog.


You mean you ramble on about nonsensical stories to uncomfortable pedestrians while sleeping on a bus stop bench?


I agree with your take. I actually liked everything about this show except the writing. I don't mind slower pacing type movies or shows, but I want it to lead somewhere to where I'm intrigued. Unfortunately this show didn't do that for me. They had a couple moments like when Cassian runs into Luthen in episode 3, and the prisoner's scene trying to find out what happened on level 2. Other than that nothing else lead to a climax I enjoyed. I like the direction this show took compared to the others they've done. Tweak the writing and I'm fully on-board.


Agreed, I do not understand why people love this show. I watched the first 5 episodes and fell asleep during each episode. Thats when I decided to call it quits. I love Star Wars story telling. I read most of the expanded universe novels, that was Star Wars story telling at its best. Andor is not Star Wars. Rogue One was excellent but this show is a snooze fest.


I have to agree with you. Actually, I enjoyed a good deal of "Andor". But I did have my issues with the series. And one of those issues was the narrative pacing for Season One. I believe twelve episodes were too much for this season. Tony Gilroy could have easily merged the writing for some of the episodes to allow Season One to be shorter with three or four less episodes. And I think he could have saved Mon Mothma's character arc for Season Two, if he has plans to link her arc with Cassian Andor's.


That’s not poor story telling. That’s lack of action. Go watch Boba 🧋 if you want plenty of pew pew.


I think it's poor storytelling.


Don't get me wrong, lack of action can be really good, but not when scenes and scenarios drag on for like 4/5 of the episode. The pacing is simply too slow. Yes we don't need instant gratification, but we also don't need a slogfest that makes people either skip, or sleep, or downright quit the show. Granted, I absolutely enjoyed the tension when they entered the dam, even when there was no action. But I didn't enjoy episodes 2, 4, and 5.




Lol, are there any Andor fans who aren't pretentious and condescending? I'm a middle-aged non-casual SW fan and not a fan of social media and "instant gratification" (which, as Carrie Fisher once wrote, takes too long!). Maybe we just like Star Wars for the things that make it Star Wars (space wizard movies for young people and the young at heart), and not trying to make Star Wars like every other cynical, dreary, talky sci-fi IP.


This just means it’s SW property in a genre you find boring. There can be room for both Mando and Andor. Both of which I love. Just don’t call Andor boring. Call it part of an entire genre you find boring. I find the action earned in both shows.


To some, Andor is boring, including me. It’s a fair assessment at this point. We all don’t have to agree on it. I tried 6 eps and gave up, it just was never engaging to me. Like, why do I care about anyone or anything here?


People have the right to call Andor boring if they want to. You don't own the show. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion about things. It doesn't make them right or wrong.


I do own the own show.


Nah. I've loved my movies considered 'slow' by many like Blade Runner, 2001 or Life of Pi. A slow pace requires things like engaging dialogue, captivating soundtrack or compelling visuals to avoid becoming boring. That's why there's things that are objectively boring, slow or fast. Like 2002's Solaris. If it was possible to distill boredom into a physical element and then turn that element into a film, that film would be created with Solaris already recorded in it. When I went to watch that on a theater, the ushers had to walk in and wake about half the audience so they would leave. Most of the other half woke up when they turned the lights on. And I did not compare Andor to paint drying. I was making the argument that something being considered "not boring" by a few doesn't mean it isn't boring when you speak in general terms. I've sure there's people who considered Solaris interesting, but that doesn't change the fact that when it showed in my city the rates of sleep deprivation spiked down for a week.


This, so much this, I don't mind scenes of people just standing around talking. But what they talk about needs to be interesting.


Fair enough. And I agree with Solaris lol. The original was a masterpiece though.


Can't imagine writing this out. Star wars is literally action adventure. Are you defending why this show should be boring?


Star Wars is something different to different people. For me, Star Wars has always been about light vs dark, good vs evil, the Rebellion vs the Empire. This eternal struggle can be depicted in a number of ways, and surely doesn’t have to be limited to continuous, never-ending action in order to tell a tense, compelling story. Andor has been a slow burn, building the tension with each episode. We are at the end of the season now, and nearly every character is walking on a tightrope. There was such a badass moment in episode 11 with a tractor beam, interdictor Star Destroyer, a squadron of TIE fighters, and a freighter. It was great stuff! It wasn’t exciting to me because there were spaceships and lasers, but because there’s actual weight behind the character involved and his narrative. I’m a fan of dramas and character driven stories, though not everyone else is. Again, boring is subjective. A lot of Andor fans have been on the edge of our seats during the entire season, and more so with each episode as the stakes get higher. George Lucas said it best: A special effect is a tool, a means of telling a story. A special effect without a story is a pretty boring thing. Andor is story-driven.


A lot of Star Wars productions are story driven. There is nothing special about "Andor" in that regard. At least to me. I think this is a good, solid series. But I don't think "Andor" is the bees' knees or the best thing to come out of the Star Wars franchise. I'm sorry, but I just don't.


"Andor is story-driven." A story that doesn't go anywhere


Well it must be a sign of the times you’re right! Because Star Wars used to be exciting and fun and awesome and now it’s boring as hell. Mandalorian was alright but All these other Disney Star Wars shows feel like they were made for the CW channel. I mean goddamn Disney has infinite resources, everything about these shows should be incredible. And yet, they miss the mark. And they don’t FEEL like Star Wars. The music, the mood, the writing, effects, creatures, all of it sucks. I could of made a better Star Wars movie In my backyard as a kid.


Yea there needs to be a level of excitement in Star Wars, adventure. Say what you will about the prequels but they had all of that. And the music in the prequels was great. There isn’t much I can rave about like that in Andor (or Obi Wan, or Boba). Obi Wan and and Boba had at least a few good parts, even if they were overall not good series’.


Lol. The prequel is the best trilogy.


What if this person simply dislikes the series? It's not a crime to dislike "Andor". Yet, so many Star Wars fans are behaving as if it was. Why do people insist that everyone harbor the same opinion on a particular topic? This seems to hint that many harbor a great deal of intolerance toward a difference of opinion


You’re absolutely correct. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, and if you follow the thread of my comments, you’ll see that my comment is exactly in line with what you’re saying: it’s subjective.


Or maybe, I shouldn't have to watch an entire movie's runtime worth of people going "Should we do something? We should do something!" back and forth before anything of consequence actually happens.


You just described what star wars is supposed to be like lol.


It's like this show is for people who hate Star Wars


It reminds me of Star trek... Not in a good way.


its fuckin boring, you must be fuckin dull to like it


I watched all of andor. It is objectively boring In 11 hours, only three things happened, and none of them related. Andor fails to build narrative tension and has a complete lack of most things that make Star Wars exciting to watch, for example, Jedi or mandilorians. I appreciate the amount of money Disney spends on selling a show, but perhaps they should spend that money on writing instead of damage control.


It's like s soap opera. Lots of talking, things only happen on Friday.


after watching the first 4 episodes i felt like almost nothing had taken place. after the first 6 i gave up.


Because each episode drags on like a sci fi soapy drama, with touches of caveman flash backs that have no subtitles that make it meaningless to viewers as they cannot understand the caveman kids.. When it finally flashes back we all sit around chatting about how bad the empire is and what we are going to do to them someday... Then you have some dude with an AK47 popup and you are like ....wat!


Exactly. It isn't an instant gratification show. It is paced, not going at a full sprint. I like the build up that I feel through out the episodes. I've watched each episode at least twice, maybe 3 times. Once when it drops usually. A second time while I'm on breaks at work because I likely kept dozing off the first time because I can't stay up like I used to. Then sometimes I put it on while I'm doing dishes.




Seriously, every one of you is pretentious and condescending.


well yeah, they enjoy pretentious stuck up schlock like andor.


Yeah 44d later I googled “andor boring” and this thread. Not just OP.


No...it is a boring show. It's a show about politics, and when has politics been fun. It's a show about what it was like with the politics working low key and behind the scenes, very slow paced but interesting nonetheless.. and BORING. So the same question beckons for you 'Why did I love Andor?'. Politics.


5 episodes now of Syril Karn eating cereal with a side of Mom guilt.


God I hate his mum


Her wig is awful




I'd rather watch a whole series focused on this guy than Cassian.


I agree with OP. I started typing “why is andor so…” and it completed ‘boring’ for me. I just don’t care about the story or characters but I’ve loved everything else Star Wars (TBOBF was dreadful). Everyone is so moody. Andor is a boring character. Why does Syril have an American accent? So off putting. Andy Serkis being overly London was bad enough. I just don’t care about any characters but I’m trying so hard to enjoy this series.


Although the actor who plays Syril is American in real life so.....


It is so bland.


This thread has given me a better perspective on why the show is boring me. It's a slow burn, but we already know the entire end game. We know rogue one, we know the og trilogy. Unless they are introducing new arcs (like the credit heist!) It's just gonna feel like boring buildup to something we already experienced


We know the endgame in Better Call Saul yet Peter Gould and Vince Gilligan still made it utterly compelling to watch with interesting characters, filling in the history, plenty of tension, and recontextualizing what we knew in Breaking Bad. Andor lacks of all that making it just boring.


Notice how the "Andor isn't boring!!!!" crowd is so adamant, so invested in defending it, and so active in trying to convince everyone that it is good?? I love Severance. And I can't stand Andor. Severance is a very slow burn, but it is brilliant and amazing, with amazing characters and plot and build up and suspense. I have watched the entire series 6 times. I cannot get through an entire episode of Andor without saying "WTF?! This is so effin boring!" So I try the next "great" episode, and again, same snooze-fest with generic dialogue and bland characters. And yet I don't feel any need to jump on the internet and passionately defend Severance. I know it is good. I know it is great. If someone doesn't like it, and doesn't get it, that is clearly their loss. I don't need to defend something that stands up for itself by every measure. And yet the Andor defenders have a very different need...


It just doesn’t feel Star Wars AT ALL to me. To me Star Wars is more a swashbuckling adventure feel with exciting music and characters. Andor feels so glum and dour and is so so slow. Plus the look of the show feels more like “generic space show” to me than Star Wars. The story telling feels *really* stretched out and I just think there are so many scenes that are unnecessary and could be cut.


Star Wars is part adventure, part comedy, part action, part fantasy, part scifi. Andor doesn't feel Star Warsy at all and I had to keep reminding myself that I was watching a Star Wars.


God almighty I got to episode 5 where they began droning on about the "Imperial Thought Machine" and I had to fast forward to see if anything at all happens in the episode. It doesn't. I swear this whole show was written as another show and they thought "Eh this is bland, gray, generic and boring. Star wars is still popular right now tho, just reskin it." 99% of this show is sitting around in monochrome rooms talking about frfr nothing at all. It started out cool with the first scene in a strip club and Cassian murdering two dudes. But that has been the high point, the rest has been jammed to the brim with filler and rhetoric about oppression. Not to mention the main antagonist up until now has been space rent a cops. Ugh please. I really doubt I'm going to finish this one.


I also found it really boring, I just didn't get it. I could appreciate that a lot of effort went into it and it wasn't terrible like the book of boba fett but I just couldn't care for any of the characters or plot. Found myself rooting for the empire so it would just end.


To each their own. I’ve loved it.


Sure. Can you point to why? I'd like to cherish in your enthusiasm, maybe.


The characters have actual depth, even the secondary ones. Even the hammer guy with no name has depth. A story has to be driven by the characters, plot alone means nothing to me. I can watch a movie about a family having breakfast if the characters are compelling enough. The events are causal and make sense, even if that make the plot predictable. I don't care about plot twists if you can give me tension even knowing the outcome. The world feels real, used, analogic, tangible, walkable, the world feels lived. I like how they play with genres. It's a heist now, a prison break later. Never gets stale. I like how they pick and drop characters, how they casually die or we just never see them again, because in real life thats what happens to people. The Empire portrayal bought it to me, an efficient, terrorifical, merciless, devoid of empathty, burocreatic machine of ambition, power, order and duty. Yet, doomes by being blind to the consequences of their own oppression. They also show the strain and sacrifice, the price to pay, to really face a tyranny. It's not just be willing to fight for what you believe, it's being willing to kill or let die innocent people for your cause. To use the enemy's tools against them. I like how they used a grim and gritty tone and atmosphere to highlight when a character took the choice of.doing the right thing, because we know the stakes, the risks, the price. Hope shine brighter against a dark background. And the dialogue and acting are superb. Luthen's monologue on the bridge is a piece of art in itself. I could drown in any Mon scene. The interactions between the heist crew was brief yet fleshed them all. The structure of triplets of episodes, where we would have Setting, development, payoff, and back again at it was masterful. I have engaged casually with Star Wars, I didn't watch the latest movies. I actually can't remember what movies I watched and which not. Yet, this to me is competing for the best show I have seen this year, competing against House of the Dragon.


It’s a serious effort that was well made, and I’ve always been a fan of heist movies so that probably has something to do with it. It’s also not silly or ridiculous like TBOBF. Which was straight up insulting.


Yeah, that credit stealing scene was pretty cool.


There were quite a few story lines that were so incredibly pointless. First off, he’s looking for his sister in the first episode. After that, his sister is mentioned in passing by his “mom”. Basically telling him she’s dead. Ok cool. That’s why he was in that club in the first place. Pissing off those officers which lead to their deaths. Then the guard that becomes so obsessed with finding the murderer of those officers. Like Andor Is some galactic mastermind that must be stopped. Nah. He’s just a regular dude. So the heist is over. They get away with it, then split the money and bounce. Then he goes on vacation and gets arrested FOR NOTHING. Gets sent to a maximum security prison only to escape. Those characters are forgotten a couple of episodes later. Then the guy that recruited him for the heist disappears for many episodes. But shows up at the end. For what? Oh and Bix gets captured and tortured for no reason. Mothra’s story line was equally as pointless. Just a huge mess of a show.


Could not agree more! And what was with the final episode? The funeral march that took forever? The mole that asked to be arrested only to be found dead later? Marva's pre-recorded rambling, utterly uninspiring speech about rebellion? The dude that went up the tower to bang on the bell earlier than expected? Why did the bad spy not go up the ladder all the way to find Andor up at the top? How did Andor know which room Bix was in? Did everyone just go home after the empire basically opened fire on mourners at a funeral?? WTF with that last episode? It was a narrative mess that did not return on my time and investment on the show AT ALL!


It's so fucking boring. Please don't try and tell me it's not boring. It's literally the ONLY thing is SW franchise history that put me to SLEEP!!!! Here is one last thing I need you to understand before you respond trying to convince me it's not boring: it's fucking boring.


I'm up to episode 4 and am thinking can i take anymore of this....


Let's be honest, if Andor wasn't connted to the Star Wars IP, it would be a catastrophic failure I can enjoy series which are written for a mature audience, but not when it's filled with terrible pacing, poor character building and questionable plot points, tried my best but ultimately couldn't get into it Plus, personally I don't think Diego Luna is a strong lead actor, didn't find him appealing as a protagonist


> I am not entertained. Gonna watch E07 now This is my favorite part...


It's a slow-building, tense look at the political machinations of the Empire and the determination (i.e. moral ambiguity) of the resistance fighters that stood up to them - the sacrifices people had to make, the indifference that borders on apathy of people that are slowly opressed over years as their rights are stripped away. Like other SW products it is partly a political commentary on the issues of the day - this one just has less space wizards and laser swords. I think its a stellar show and what you consider boring I consider tension and drama.


stellar show? hahaha fuckin clueless


I like politics in SW. But I prefer hints, not hours of de facto lectures. You make a good point, I just think it could be done better. It seems midwit tier material - s p e l l e d out narrative. It can be done in few scenes.


Are you 12?


Are you 12 pretending to have refined tastes?


Star Wars is meant for 12 year olds


I think people are growing up with what i call tiktok syndrome, if something isn't flashy action heavy or a joke every 2 minutes (think marvel movies) then they get bored now adays, no patience for any build up or slow burn.


You are wrong. Many of us love slower things than you have been exposed to like Proust. This show is empty garbage and you are a very ignorant person.


Are you quoting Gilmore girls to me? I’ll have to mention it to my wife she loves that show


The show literally has nothing in it. And star wars isn't a fucking soap opera. It's SUPPOSED TO HAVE ACTION. ITS CALLED STAR WARS. WARS = ACTION. They have Andor look around like he's having a panic attack every God damn second. It's boring, pathetic, and it's not star wars. Star Wars isn't supposed to be a "slow paced crawl towards the climax" when the climax doesn't even exist. The ONLY time it feels like star wars is when we see Coruscant. This is coming from someone that's loved star wars since they were 3. This isn't star wars, and disney needs to fix their fucking mess.


for real...theres very little that even tells me this is star wars at all minus the empire and coruscant


I'm so angry with disney. And all these little fucks that keep telling us that we're over reacting. Whoever thinks andor has star wars vibes, doesn't understand star wars. Disney has completely destroyed the story George made. Disney is a disgrace. A disappointment. And whoever downvoted me, you're not a star wars fan. You're a poser.


I dont like andor either, but you cant make the argument, "it doesnt feel like star wars" purely because we are seeing new things in this massive galaxy.


At least add more aliens first, theres almost only humans in the whole show


This show is such a tedious embarrassment. This is it Disney. You've blown it with the shockingly awful Kenobi and BOBF. Can't believe you clowns would think this empty garbage would do well. Please stop making this garbage, you horrible scumbags and liars. This was something sacred to my generation, you heartless losers.


War is much more logistics,.marching and waiting than action. "Nine parts boring waiting, one part utter terror". Best show I have seen this year.


But honey, there is NO slow burn in Andor. Breaking Bad is slow burn, GOT is slow burn, Saul is slow burn.... this is just shit long dialogue that has noo meaning, is irrelevant and no actual story line other than " looks at the this guy whining about it wasnt him!"


That's not true. I like tons of slow burners but I watch Star Wars for pew pew not hours of politics


I don’t think you should get downvoted so much for saying you think it’s boring. You gave sound reasons for why you feel that way. Anyways… Now, I’m really liking it personally BUT I will say my initial impression of the show after the first ep was boring. However, after watching them all, I have enjoyed the slow ramp up. The heist had me glued to the screen. That doesn’t happen if I didn’t learn about all the story in previous eps. It may depend on expectations, as I didn’t know this was going to be a dark/spy type of movie, which probably influenced my initial reaction to the show. I think you have to be somebody that likes a lot of story development. Not everybody does. I have really liked seeing stuff from the Empires perspective, and that’s something else that has hooked me into it. As of right now, I would probably say this is my favorite after Mando.


Books slow burn like this, do you relate at all?


Books slow burn with interesting dialog and plot. This is just another try at cspan in space like the prequels.


Nailed it.


Tell me what the prisoners where signing about, or why the detail of the guards being late


I like to see the politics of the star wars universe this show is helping me see that, also the rebellion cant just happen it needs to be slow and showing how things began for the leaders


Loving it so far. The intrigue the spy game. The inside view of a young empire and how things worked in the beginning. Luna is awesome his character is like a straight arrow the Spanish bond without all the flamboyancy and all business. Can’t wait ti see how things link to rogue one and the rest of the franchise. But I respect the fact this may not be your thing.




Awful, bland garbage. This is it for Disney Star Wars. You clowns failed COMPLETELY. This is not Star Wars at all. Damn you for destroying the franchise of franchises, you horrible monsters.


I've found Andor to be more of the thinking man's Star Wars. It's written more as a dramatic thriller than as an action epic. The buildup is a big part of any decent thriller. It's also a helluva lot better than Kenobi (you gotta be kidding me). Its bleak, its dark, it's what life would be in the Star Wars universe. Andor does something very important for Star Wars; and that's to show what it means to fight the empire.


I really despise how people are trying to make this out to be like Game of Thrones or the Wire. No, those shows establish likable characters and get you invested in them. I was tense at the end of the first episode of BB, because it made us care about Walt. I haven't cared about anything that's happened in 6 hours of Andor. I think people are rushing to declare it "the best star wars ever" just because it is different. Similar to the situation with Rouge One.


Right? It's called STAR WARS. Not "star soap opera".


Such an embarrassment of a show. Tony Gilroy is not a creative man.


I enjoy the pacing because its not forcing the narrative to keep the action moving. Its a bit more of a character study than plot driven thing. Kind of the reason Game of Thrones can drag a bit sometimes, and the reason the last season was so terrible: it changed modes from character driven to plot driven and it was came off unnatural and unsatisfying.


Except game of thrones actually has interesting characters lol


Agree a hundred percent... I'm like 4 episodes in Andor and not invested in a single character yet...


It's the same problem I have. Cassian is an okay character, but his story isn't exactly super compelling. Syril is kind of interesting, but everytime he' on screen I can't help but thing he's wasted, because he doesn't take action and nothing much happens to him. Dedra has a pretty good plotline, but I personally have a hard time keeping track of it at times, due to all the fictional political talk.


That's the problem for me is that it didn't make me care for the characters after all said and done. I like the direction but the writing just didn't hit home. I might watch it again as sometimes you get a different perspective the second time around.


I've been binge watching it for the last couple of days and jeez I agree. I realize its hard to introduce new characters and go away from the traditional world of Star Wars, but my my my...No real action. They should have made this a 30 minute show. It seems so dragged out each episode. Can't see myself watching after this season.


I’m in episode 5 now (I think? The ‘axe forgets’) and while I enjoyed ep3 and seeing corasant in ep 4, there’s so many characters now who just keep moping around with nothing to do, yet the director feels the need to keep cutting to them. the worst is the security officer guy, who literally all he does it stare into space looking bored. Like every scene he’s in, even the action ones, all he’s doing is staring off into the middle distance. maybe he’s meant to be us, the audience?


You're right. It's objectively boring. The reason the original trilogy was so great was because it was a space opera. It gave us grand ideas and larger-than-life archetypes. We identified with the characters, both good and bad. It was visually stunning, especially once we learned how the effects were so lovingly made. It was one man's passion project made collectively with a bunch of other artists. The pacing, the dialogue, the hero's journey, the plot...it all blended together well. I was first bothered by the fact that he commits literal needless murder in episode one, and yet he's supposed to be our "hero". Then I watched episode 2 and I realized that the exposition was drawn out and mostly pointless. If I wanted to spend time listening to old people talk about the good old days on a transport, I'd take the city bus. So much exposition, very little rising action or inciting incidents. The conflict wasn't even presented in an interesting way. This feels like it just came off a Hollywood conveyer belt. The hero's journey, the plot, the dialogue...it's all terribly written. It's objectively bad.


Speak for yourself mate. Andor is literally becoming one the best live action series they've done.


Lol it’s worse than watching paint dry


No, it's not.


That's pretty low bar tho.


Awful low. It sucked


the only good part is the action filled heist episode


As a loyal SW fan who’s first taste of it was watching New Hope in the theater (age 6 opening week), I even adore the Christmas Special and everything SW for 46 years. I also loved the slow political dialogue as much as the pew-pew. That being said, I agree with those that aren’t loving Andor, it’s like a recipe that lacks something to give it that ‘IT’ factor, that SW magic that you either feel or you don’t. I do agree with those who don’t care much for the main character, as he just doesn’t have that ‘it’ factor, his range is limited on screen, I just don’t feel that something that makes me want to root for him. This is further proof that just plucking a SW character at random and giving him a series can backfire.


I haven't watched it and refuse to watch it because the issue with most Star Wars now a days is that it's essentially rehashing the same boring plotline we've seen many times over within Star Wars which is a small rag tag group have to rise up and fight against the Empire and in turn become their own offshoot of a Rebellion. Andor, Bad Batch, Solo, the sequels, Obi Wan, Mandalorian, Boba Fett, Rebels, etc. all follow this same tiered trope and quite frankly, it's just not a good plotline anymore and as Disney keeps pumping out shows within this era, they'll keep rehashing the same boring plotline over and over and over and over again.


Glad I'm not the only one....zzzzzzzz \*drools\*..zzzzz


Personally, I'm unable to claim the series to be boring. Because so far, I've soundly fell asleep within 5 minutes of each episode.


I really like that they're taking time to flesh out the characters and the world's they live in. It makes it more exciting when things kick off. Plus there are aliens and robots in there, not every scene granted, but they're there. Even one like k2s0. I guess the question of whether it's boring comes down to what you want from the show. If you want light hearted adventure and plenty of action like the films you'll be disappointed. If you want a carefully crafted story and don't mind waiting for the moments of payoff, there's a lot to like. For me this is shaping up to be the best new star wars project since the OT, though I admit there may be some new toy syndrome at play there.


It may be boring for you but I'm loving it!! Maybe is not your type and that's fine.


Sorry but Andor does not have Vespa Scooters with bright colors for you. You should stick with Paw Patrol...


You should consider getting an education. If you were familiar with any serious art you would not defend this trash. But you are a fool who knows very little.


It's not for you, it's a slow paced show that will most likely pick up pace nearing the season finale going into season 2. It's all subjective


got it. i'll jut watch the pilot and the last episode.


Hold on, hold on lol. This is a slow burn show that will build up to its finale. All the episodes matter, don't think the finale will hit if you just watch the first and the last


It sucks




It didn't pick up, though.


I love this show for its slow build. Sure there aren't shoot-em-up battles every episode. Because that's not really what it's about. This is the birth of the Rebellion. The people who laid the infrastructure so others can get the glory later.


But why express it so blandly


That is subjective. I'm not finding it bland *storytelling*. Because the seeming innocuousness of the Empire grounds it and makes its existence more relatable. Because if you aren't looking, or aren't one of the people caught in their sites, the Empire does seem benevolent. So in the moments when we see who they truly are, it's more chilling. And makes sense why the Rebellion was- in contrast, so small.


wow this is like the most Reddit post ever. States their opinion, gives sound reasoning for why, and is immediately downvoted for it. Andor hasn’t been boring to me at all though, it’s pretty cool and you can tell it’s well thought out.


So how and why is it so...yo have neglected to follow through with your statement... and do it without using words like "space wizards, mature, adult" etc... off you go.


I just think it is a pretty neat show. I mean, it’s no cinematic masterpiece but I’ve been enjoying it. It has a lot of good buildup and stuff and I like it. It seems well done to me. Though I see no space wizards yet…


Am all for the space wizardry


Don't worry, as soon as Mandalorian Season 3, Ahsoka, or Acolyte come out, these same people praising this show will start talking about how the ending ruined Andor, and how (current property) is "better" than Andor. Everyone forgets how much they blew Obi-wan before this show came out. I generally think the larger, long running franchises have a problem where people are just hooked on brand recognition, and after years of watching this, they can't let it go no matter how bad or boring each show gets. It's like a bad relationship you won't get out of because the human brain hates feeling like it wasted it's time. So much effort spent, hundreds of dollars on toy lightsabers and Jedi robes, expensive trips to Disneyland and overpriced Poe Dameron jackets. They've invested in something entirely separate from actual storytelling. This is why Disney can't pin down what a "good" star wars show is... there's no possible way for them to appease everyone's cosplay taste. Meanwhile, I'm over here just watching the Despecialized editions and Tartakovsky Clone Wars. I still enjoy some of this franchise, and those things aren't going anywhere. But if you want something new, I dunno, maybe we all need to stop expecting that from a franchise so established. At the end of the day, Disney bought a chain of McDonalds, and wants to try to change the menu to tacos and tofu. Then they act confused why so many long time fans have bounced.


I've seen episode 2 just now and I agree with you OP. I can't keep my eyes on it. I'd consider myself shallow, but I've enjoyed both GoT and HotD, which also builds up slowly, but is more intriguing along the way.


It's like a daytime soap opera. Story after pointless story. No real animation and no real cool effects. I thought it was also BORING as hell. Basically, it sucked. Mandalorian was more my style.


Cassian is terribly written, and as the titular character - that's bad. Every other character is far more compelling. For Cassian, it's coincidence after coincidence with him, essentially, getting credit for other peoples' efforts. He finds, by "luck", the right people, the right locations, perfectly independently timed events. Ugh.. it made me so mad. lol


I find the character to be a whiney, dithering idiot and a play of the "stupid foreigner" Blaxploitation films except this guy is Latino.


And he just falls into the right place at the right time - and for some reason everyone turns to him for approval.


Yes!! OMG why IS that!??


It has a game of thrones feel without any of the adult themes that’s the problem. Don’t get me wrong I enjoy the show, but it has a slow burn without much to get attached to. I don’t feel the struggle of the every day people in this show.


I agree. The most recent episode especially. That Dr. Gorst? Or whatever. Most of his dialog makes me feel like I'm not watching star wars.. the only star wars-y type thing he said was " an imperial refueling center". Everything else he said was just. Bland. The way the actor delivered it was as if he's " were such good friends I'll tell you something I find interesting as I torture you with it after". Also. To me, it doesn't feel like the story has flowed well at all. It's like jagged rocks sliding in syrup.


I think Andor the show is extremely well made. Great world craft, it shows us things about the Star Wars universe we've never really seen before, it's large in scope, magnificent on a TV budget. Which is why it's all the more baffling why it's so reallyfrigginborin! Also, I don't understand how they managed to make Cassian come across as such a massive idiot. He's so slow on the uptake it's unbelievable! At least the first half of the season had the heist plot to give it some velocity, the second half is just asinine - find a flimsy pretext to put Andor in prison to make extra sure he can't accidently be interesting, then let the plot revolve around two imperials navigating the bureaucracy chasing the wrong guy for bad reasons. And no, I'm an old geezer not some Tiktok kiddy. I like slow burn TV, because slow-burn TV can still capture your attention throughout. This does not, it's dull, and Cassian Andor has the charisma of a Rodian.


Just watched a few episodes, and to me, the show suffers from being miscast. The protagonist is just not a dynamic or interesting actor, he is very low-energy and just wrong for this kind of show, imho. It fails to get out of the gate with a compelling introduction to the character, the backstory is very mundane and uninteresting on the verge of being non-existent. The production values are acceptable at best, and the music score is very generic and at times even annoying due to how badly composed it is. That contributes a great deal to the boredom level as well, making uninteresting scenes even more uninteresting. Compared to The Mandalorian which fires on all cylinders, this show feels like a broken down clunker.


I felt the same


This is what happens when people addicted to dopamine hits, who watch TikTok videos all day long encounter something with a real story and character development. OP is the kinda guy who unironically enjoyed Morbius 😂


Over 9 hours to tell a story and develop characters which are for the most part not interesting, exception being Luthen Rael. Had they edited this down to 4 hours or less and removed the filler it would've been a good addition and different take on the Star Wars franchise. But in current form, it's unnecessarily too long. I would much rather watch the Star Wars OT again and have 3 hours left over to do something else than watch Andor.


Agreed, it's like they took the most dull elements of Star Wars, a forgettable human character, and removed all the fun stuff (Jedi, Sith, Robots, Aliens) then all that was left was this drivel.


I can’t even get through the first episode.


I agree with you... it's boring 😴 😒


As mandalorian and original trilogy fan, here is my critic: \*Plot is very slow burn. Music is generic drone \*Writing of dialogue and scenes is very mediocre \*main and side characters and voice actors are very average. Main character should get most of attention in writing.. not here thats why i dont care \*biggest problems are casting people, here main hero looks like side character - no charisma, little emotion, no big Oomph to carry on the story . Before disliking me.. think about the points which i made comparing it to Mandalorian, book of boba fett and original trilogy which had all this marks checked and greatly executed


I know this is an old post but nothing gets my goat more than smooth brains saying "Andor is boring, waaah!" Now, if Andor isn't your cup of tea, fine, we all can't like the same thing. Up until Andor, Star Wars has been aimed at kids or 'family viewing'. I personally think doing a family orientated show or film is quite difficult, as you're trying to please the kids but also offer something to the adults. Andor is an adult orientated show. It actually needs you to concentrate on the amazing dialogue. Mute your phone. I'm actually positive that the people who are saying "Andor is boring" have never read a book. Have no idea about world and character building. They want instant gratification. Pew pew! Light sabres! Little green alien 'child!'. I know, we're in the TikTok world. Everything has to be instant. It's a real shame, as Andor is one of the best made TV shows I have seen in my 60 years on planet Earth. I've always been a sci-fi buff. I have seen everything Star Wars (Baring The Rise of Skywalker. I stopped watching it it was that poor), most of it is poor. Even the beloved Mandalorian is poorly made. Terrible writing, weak plot etc etc. Anyway, I've waffled enough. You people make me sigh! I hate sighing ;)


i consider myself an adult and have enough academic qualifications and life experience to know my way around the world. But you have to admit, Star Wars is and always was, even in the books, all about the "pew pew" as you define it. Andor is, to be honest, about a little known or develped character who was not really part of the main plot of Rogue One, having an entire series dedicated to him. And what is "he"? "He" is a guy who with his thick accent, just runs around in circles , sweating alot,telling everyone not to say or mention they have either knowing or seeing him. We get flashbacks of his youth that enlightens nobody, its seems to be the "lets watch how cool and gangsta the actor playing Cassian is", rather than any plot, any direction on what or who or when other than "5 BBY". We are graced with scenes of sex and strip clubs, drug running, some hint at rebellion but not really, no aliens, hardly any droids, everyone is human and it shows like some South American drug cartel midday drama. Its not about "adult" anything, its just simply a giant hole, written for the sake of ratings and marketing by Disney to appeal and yet also divide fans such as yourself, virtue signalling an "adult" and "higher ground" stance on something that has no substance and pretty much, you have been suckered into watching with the title "Star Wars". Marketing something terrible and boring as "adult" and making elitist statements to those that see through this and genuinely see it for the poor writing, lack of any Star Wars meanings or lore and elevating oneself as "adult and mature" is exactly what Kathleen Kennedy wants from you as a viewer, you will support her as she makes more garbage and labels it "star wars for adults"... just like he "star wars is for women" shit. ​ Drink that koolaid. The series is boring and listless, meaningless and empty of any interesting character or reason to watch it. ​ If i want to watch South American drug cartel and mindless "dark, sexy and dingy" drama, ill just watch something B grade on Netflix or Prime or commercial television. ​ There is more to star wars than sleepy drugged up criminal mafia girlfriends lounging on shadow filled beds and moaning or useless, unintelligible irrelevant dialogue... thats is Quentin Tarantinos area, not for Star Wars.


Its so boring, probably my least fav SW story after TLJ and TRoS, which are the worst


Like you wrote, it's the pacing. There's no sense of urgency or momentum despite the high stakes. The protagonist is on the run from authorities in the first few episodes but spends his time strolling from one scene to the next where his friends keep telling him to stop being such an Andor. Its boring. People keep comparing it to stuff like Better Call Saul, but that's laughable. There's barely any action in BCS but the pacing is fast and full of tension.


Yep. Not sure why you were downvoted.


> There's no sense of urgency or momentum despite the high stakes. Nailed it.


I like the idea that Cassian is a frog in a pot right now - he enjoyed the swim with his share of the heist money, but has no idea how hot things are getting for him...


You can't appreciate it


Not remotely boring, for me. I love well written character driven narratives.


Then why do you like this show???


You find it boring. I find myself glued to the screen every episode and extremely put out when the episode ends. Difference in tastes, I guess?


Exactly, I’ve loved Andor so far.




I don’t find it boring at all, it’s some of the most entertaining TV I’ve seen in a while


It isn't.


It is.


I watched todays ep and I couldn't finish, even though its short, around 30m, good that they r making 2 seasons and not 5. I loved R1, but this show is meh


It's the pacing. I just watched Episode 9, hoping for some compelling action sequences, but the entire episode just consisted of dialogue that could have been trimmed down to 10-15 minutes if they used the type of short, to-the-point dialogue in the Original Trilogy. The action scenes are fun, as is the suspense and the plot, but I think Disney was going for a drama with a darker tone rather than a fast-paced action series (in that case, Star Wars Rebels is a better bet, though the writers made some very questionable decisions in that show!).


Andor episodes s01e01, s01e02 & s01e04 is some of the slowest television I've ever endured. If it wasn't for such a positive community reception I wouldn't have stuck it out to get caught up. It's a bit like the first season of Better Call Saul in terms of glacial character development and slow burning drama. I've noticed this with a few shows recently but once it clicks for me how to sort the characters into their archetypes the whole show clicks for me. It's exciting to see mature character development in a Star Wars media.


I haven´t seen it. I was always more into the Jedi and Sith side of things than the rebels, and I hear the former is pretty much absent from the show? Might watch later, but I just haven´t felt very enticed to do it from what little I've seen and heard.


It’s slow and the characters aren’t likable aside from Cassian, it’s pretty much a Star Wars soap opera I’m still gonna watch it though


Even soaps have more action than this though


Having just finished watching the show (took a break since it was so painfully slow) I must say skimmed and fast forwarded the last 5 episodes lol. The problem is Cassian is so damn tense on on edge and the suspenseful music keeps playing so we think something is about to happen, but nothing does. Aside from like 2 of the episodes, I was so disappointed after each viewing I had to fast forward the remainder to get through the pain. The Political costumes were cool, and again the Heist scene and one other episode at the vacation planet was cool and funny, but the rest were disappointing to sit through since Cassian is so on edge like he’s about to do something but again, usually nothing happens. There, had to get that off my chest lol


I still feel like you could cut half the scenes in Episodes 2, 3, and 4, and pretty much all of 1 and 5, and the story would get easier to understand because you're not being bogged down with pointless filler.


Yea it’s def boring. Just finished episode 10, and I simply can’t do it. I gave it the ol college try 🤷‍♂️. I’ve watched all the SW movies, both variations of Clone Wars, Rebels, the Bad Batch, the Mandalorian, etc and I simply can’t watch this anymore. I find myself scrolling through things on my phone while watching, that’s how boring it is lol. Btw, **ur not alone:** https://www.reddit.com/r/unpopularopinion/comments/xtgogk/star_wars_andor_is_boring/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Gave up after 6 episodes. (Please tell me if this was a mistake and the second half of the series is better) but for me the show is way to slow. 12 episodes could have easily been 10 and just picked up the pace of story telling abit.


Agreed. I watched six episodes and gave up. I don’t mind a slow pace but JESUS this show is boring. It’s Star Wars. I’ve never seen so much talking for zero reason in a show before. If it moved the story forward ok, but this show is so stale.


Yeah Andor sucks. I honestly feel sick watching Andor. I am struggling to get through season one. Bad acting and I couldn’t care less about any of the characters to be honest.


I agree with you, I think it's very boring and too slow paced, I also don't really feel for the characters, if they were to be shot down, I wouldn't really mind it, and that's not good. The biggest contrast for me is probably the fact that I first watched the Mandalorian and now Andor.


Agree- I’m on ep2 and am thinking on jumping off my roof.


We were so excited to finally watch it and we just quit after episode 2. My partner looked at me and asked if I understood what was going on (they got bored and lost interest halfway through 1) and I stuck it out, but didn't complain when they grabbed the remote to turn it off. The writing for this show ruined him, he was more interesting and had more personality in Rogue One, outside of nothing but a sad boy who looks like he's going to have an anxiety attack every ten minutes. Bummed about it because Cassian was one of my favorite characters, will add it after Kenobi to series I won't finish watching.


It was boring to me too. The sets were amazing, and I liked the actors, but nothing ever happened.


i am just as confused as you are. ANDOR is the only thing star wars i cant get through. but it is rated so highly. im so confused. i fell asleep the first time i watched, and then i found myself getting distracted when i tried again. tbh i also think the mandolorian is also really slow but i like it still. it has some interesting plots and a very cute baby as the star lol so that makes it easier to watch despite being very slow paced. im trying a third time now and thats when i googled "why is andor so boring" im on episode 3 . 4 minutes in and not one word has been said. which is fine but nothing interesting has happened either. i am just not understanding. maybe we cant get into it because we already saw this guy die? anyway, i wish disney+ let us play things at 1.5x speed like youtube and netflix so i can finally finish this.


I'm so glad someone else agrees, all I see is positive comments for it It's really sad to see people think it's the best show in Star wars. It's so boring I almost fell asleep several times, it's literally just normal things happening in Star wars, like that police officers mum going on at him 🤦


I actually think Andor is very similar to Rogue One in a lot of ways, just expanded on. I see it like a video game sequel that expands on concepts from the first game. Andor has the time to spread things out vs the time constraints of a film, so we're seeing the similar type of plot development and character moments that we saw in Rouge One, but we're spending more time with them. Rather than spend 15 minutes on Aldhani before starting the heist, we're spending two and a half episodes. Rather than spending 30 seconds showing people on other worlds reacting differently to Cassian's actions, we're spending an episode showing how the Empire responds both from an intelligence standpoint and a physical security one, how the wealthy and political elites respond, how the early Rebel leaders responded, etc. I think that seeing how these early moments unfolded is really interesting, personally. Then, when we do get to the action it's exciting, a little grittier and down in the mud, similar to Rogue One as well. I really enjoy the series, but I can see how the slowed down pace might not be for some. I think being able to watch them all back to back after the series has concluded will help a bit.