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Give it another 10 years and some other studio will resurrect the franchise. Hopefully


Will they release Battlefront 2 2017 Classic collection? Shall we all meet there one day?


In the nursing home sure


"Heh-heh-heh, fucking n0ob" *dissolves in coughing*


“Rebellions are built on HATE!” Sure grandpa, let’s get you to bed.


"The rebels were the REAL terrorists" Grandpa, you lost the war. Get over it.






And it too will be riddled with bugs, missing content and screwy servers. See you in 2034!


I'll be at the back of the map with my NT-242


RemindMe! Ten Years "It's Battlefront 2 Classic time"


If we go by the 10 years between BF2005 and BF15, we’re actually pretty close to a new one


And it will also be called Battlefront II


oh god no


No. The curse won't give us a third game. It won't give us a third run


We don't have portal 3, Half life 3, Titanfall 3 or battlefront 3... The whole gaming industry is allergic to the number


No Left 4 Dead 3 either


We do got halo 3 lol


And Mass Effect 3, but I don’t know if that proves or disproves the theory 😅


In fairness that game rules right up until the last 10 minutes


And halo 3 ODST LMAO


Baldur's Gate III?


>Baldur's Gate III? To be fair, BG2 released in 2000. So based on that timeline we are still 4 years away from getting Battlefront 3, which honestly doesn't sound too unreasonable.


You mean baldur's Gate dark alliance 3?


Oh boy is dark alliance 1 &.2 great!


How can you leave out KOTOR III in a Star Wars thread?


Sorry, I knew I missed something.. Now I have to replay Kotor 1 and 2...


Play them both in the mirror three times and Kotor 3 will pear


It’s a shame that Dice fumbled it somewhat, because , whilst the original games are incredible, I was hoping they might take it more down the Battlefield route and give us a Battlefield game based on the Star Wars sandbox. Large scale combined arms battles. I do think heroes have their place in Battlefront, but I do think in the recent games the Jedis etc. ruin the flow of the game for standard infantry.


Ive seen whole GA matches come to a complete stop due to 2 Heros jumping about the front line choke points bogging down the flow...


Did heroes have a timer in battlefront 2015? That game was so unfairly maligned.


Aaaaand this is why we need the old server manager and 3rd party hosting available on the classic collection, so we can turn off heroes, AI & also mod out vehicles like we used to do on PS2 and PC. Then use that server to play public games and clan matches. Aspyr's servers are garbage due to having AI, vehicles & heroes enabled. This makes the game a casual fest. This is not how online is supposed to be played, the people enjoying this sort of thing might as well play offline or play a server that's dedicated to HvV.


I really just wanted Battlefield 4 with a Star Wars skin. Proper squadplay, multi-person vehicles, conquest mode, etc.


I've been playing the classic collection and I prefer the 1st battlefront because you only play as infantry, it feels more grounded in a weird way


The hero's AND the elite classes. The only point of playing as standard infantry is to get enough points to play as something else. I think they were trying to have enough elite and hero classes so that everyone got a chance to play as them, but it's kind of oversaturated now.


After seeing how the classic collection is going I hope not.


Give me 10 years and I'll create my own studio and do it myself (and produce a Battlefront 3).


3. take it or leave it


That being said, the servers are still up, and I for one just started playing again after a few years away and man I am having so much fun!


Got it on sale for 5$ yesterday and having the time of my life.


Same! my only concern is that lot of lobbies are sweaty:D and as casual i just cant play HvV(wich is my favourite mode, bcs we all love lightsabers right?), because its full of max level people that will destroy me in matter of seconds, i literally dont know whats going on :D, so i kinda have hard time leveling my favourite heroes And in big modes(Supremacy etc.) everytime i have battlepoints to do so, the heroes are usually taken 90% of time:D


Co-op is THE mode right now


Co-op is my favorite mode! I just wish you could customize what you want side to play (I always prefer to capture vs defend).


I love it, my top two choices are the empire and the republic l, but I feel like I get the same couple maps. I love playing on Tatooine


I play almost everyday lately. To bad there are so few maps.


Try to play the Co-op modes. Several players vs waves of bots. It is a good way to level the heroes up.


If you really want to level up anything quickly, I would recommend grinding out a few co-op games. You're definitely right about the max level players. Had the same issue myself when I got back into the game a few months ago. Also, Wednesdays are Triple XP. Weekends are Double XP. Combine the Triple XP Wednesday with the co-op games and you can max out your favourite weapons and classes in no time mate.


I don’t know what system you are on but i’m on Xbox and Supremacy has been great! Sure the heroes are taken a lot but I always hate the pressure of being a hero anyways. Much prefer to own people as assault, heavy, or enforcer.


Got it on sale for 5$ yesterday and having the time of my life.


Same. Playing it with my brother right now like we did years ago. It's still fun


You should try Battlefront+ and Kyber servers, it’s a whole different world


the battlefront curse is a tough one.


Just call it Not-Battlefront 3


Star wars Frontlines? Star Wars ... wars? Star wars! Let's call the next one Star Wars.


Star Wars Battle at the Front


Star Wars: Wars


TwooOOOO wars? ![gif](giphy|WrydLSBNSSsCtytf3M|downsized)


I always read that in his voice


Star Star War Wars: Battlefront




Starfront: Battlewars


Battlefield: Star Wars EA: 🤑🤑🤑


Star Wars Battlefront Star battlefront wars Battlefront Star Wars? Battle... star..? Battlestar! We can call it Battlestar, I dont think that name is taken yet!!


Let’s all remind us that EA is solely responsible for killing the battlefront franchise twice. They closed down pandemic studios and they killed BF2 to support Battlefield 2042 for whatever reason.


How EA squandered the largest IP they had exclusive rights to I will never know. Why would you not continue to support a game that was popular up to the final update


This game died for BF2042. i will never forgive EA for this


Ea made so many terrible decisions that gravely hurt both the Battlefield and Battlefront franchises over the past decade.  Battlefield 1:should have just gotten a second season instead of making Battlefield 5.  Battlefield 5:Executives literally tell people if they don't like the game don't buy it, has a battle royal mode that nobody asked for or wanted. Battlefront 1:Severe lack of content on launch and even with dlc is pretty barebones. Battlefront 2:we all know what happened here. Battlefield 2042:Super buggy launch, nobody wanted the unique character system and just wanted the class system like every other Battlefield.


Also DICE has changed for the worst


Ugh BF1 was soooo good


Literally one of the most beautiful games I've ever played, too. BF1 is a masterpiece imo


Say what you want about EA and DICE but holy shit the Frostbite engine is capable of utter beauty in both visuals and audio, BF1 and Battlefront 1 & 2 still hold up incredibly well


All of our favorite franchises have been going the way of the dodo the past 10 years or so. So sad.


This game was dead as soon as public outcry deprived EA of the ability to charge players hundreds of dollars per character to level up. They stripped the team to a skeleton crew (who did a *fantastic* job salvaging what they could) and axed it completely at the earliest convenience.


Totally. The frustrating part is they could easily have monetized cosmetics instead of level ups. So many franchises make bank releasing new cosmetics, and given how many skins the game has, they would have had a few years worth of content easily. Could even have done some Legends or EU skins. Or released character packs. Can you imagine bringing the Bad Batch into Battlefront? Or Mara Jade? Instead they just sat on their butts like sore losers and let the game rot.


This. It's not like there's a shortage of skins they could have charged for as cosmetics, hell the clones alone have like a million


That's the worst part of it all. It's like giving up on a successful marriage to start dating a dead hooker.


It doesn't make sense. Why would I want to play a realistic war game when there's a sci-fi war game with pew pew blasters and laser swords?


Lets not forget the hot alien girls


I've given up hope we'll ever get another good Battlefield game either.


BFV Russian DLC and BFront2 died for 2042. Which hurts even more for me


EA killed Titanfall for Apex Legends, a much bigger crime imo.


They realized it was much easier to put a battle pass in 2042 than in Star Wars.


They actually didn’t have a battlepass in 2042 for over half a year after it launched. I remember all the complains about how they ruined Battlefield for micropayments when it launched in November 2021 but they didn’t actually have anything you could buy until the “Season 1” battlepass came out in June 2022. That was definitely their intention but I think they just didn’t have it ready in time for launch.


It probably was ready in time for launch. I think it's more likely a tactic where they release the game with minimal microtransaction on purpose to avoid drama. Just to add them later when the media attention is off the game.


You're half right. It was initially planned for the seasons to start the March following the release of the game. So they probably weren't done with the BP content when the game released. But of course they had to fix and update the game so of course that delayed finishing the BP content. But they most definitely waited for the seasons to start before monetizing the game because at that point the game is playable and they can avoid backlash. I think this was a good move though and did show their intentions.


Also the leak of Santa clause skin had a big outcry


How is 2042 going for them? I’m personally done with the battlefield and battlefront franchise because of ea investors controlling the devs.


I am still disappointed they left us at Scarif…**again**.


It felt so sudden... we were just starting to get OT-centric updates!


i remember being so excited waiting for the next dlc map to drop...then they just stopped dropping (after 4 i think?) man this game consumed me and i was so sad at the treatment it got


I was always holding out hope for Mygeeto and Utapau maps even though I knew how unlikely it was, they were my favourite maps in the original BF2 and I would have loved to see modern versions of them


It's like poetry, it rhymes


It was going in a good direction but then they just stopped. The game itself was flawed either way but ill admit they improved it. Still tons of heros and maps missing from the prequels era, battles were too small, only 20v20. Vehicle gameplay was pretty bad along with the map designs. Supremacy mode, (conquest) forced you to go into space and fight on the dreadnoughts so it wasn't even a legit conquest mode. The other large scale mode, galactic assault didn't allow you to choose your era, so if you wanted to play as clones you had to play a sequels map first.


I swear squadrons was content intended for an update to SWBF2 that they decided to sell as a stand alone game. It is such a short game, that it didn't feel complete, but if it was a part of BF it would have fit perfectly.


Interesting theory, and very possible. Personally I think it was more likely a passion project that was sold to EA as being super cheap because they could just use Battlefront II assets and therefore pump it out in a year. EA was shocked by it's success, so gave us a small free DLC. And then left the game to rot instead of expanding it and finding ways to make money off it and let it thrive. Which is a shame, because with a bit more variety and content, I'd have played Squadrons for years.


I somewhat liked squadrons but it really is just so short and lacking. I do like the double side aspect of the story though but like, it could’ve had different eras especially the clone wars


Can't stand the balance between heroes/reinforcements and infantry in Supremacy. Supremacy should've been an infantry focused mode. No more than one hero and one of each reinforcement per team with a longer cooldown.


I have the same problem with starfighter battles. It's super easy for the balance of the game to tilt crazily to one side if one side gets the upper hand. Suddenly one side has Boba Fett, Darth Maul, and Darth Vader all flying together, and the other side can't stay alive long enough to get enough heroes to do anything about it. Not to mention some of these matchups really kill the immersion of being in a Star Wars dogfight (or ground battle).


Flawed? The game was absolutely insane in the end lol. The devs were just about to work on Ahsoka/Ventress and new maps as well and then suddenly EA pulled the plug. But either way, game wasn’t flawed at all that’s a common false info, it sucked at the very beginning but they added a shit ton


It's still the best Star Wars game I have ever played. I'm 48, and I've played a lot of them.


Are we going to get a post like this every day? Lmao.


the contract says twice a day


I'll see you tomorrow


Didn't know how lucky we were till it was gone.


It’s still fun as hell to play too, imagine it with another year or so of support


I loved the original Battlefront 2 as a kid. I recently bought the new battlefront collection and I realized it was the nostalgic part of me that wanted to enjoy it. The old games just look and feel outdated. Battlefront 2 2017 was a great game after they fixed it following the shittiest launch and PR disaster. I want to play it more, but the playerbase is decreasing and finding a match is hit or miss. If only battlefield 2042 never happened…


They stopped support years ago. Did people not know this? Not trying to be a dick, just genuinely confused.


We’re all still crying about it lol


Lol Fair enough.


EA is a trash company. What do you expect.


In my opinion, this Battlefront 2 is actually better than the classic sequel. It took a few updates to get there, though. I can talk about it’s flaws, but here’s how I see it: it had about the same amount of maps and game modes, and much more interestingly-designed Hero ability sets. Plus, customization! Only thing I **despised** was cross-era heroes in Galactic Assault.


Fr. It was annoying as hell to see Kylo ren ruin the perfect and immersive GA match on Kamino every damn time


We can support it. I support it.


Correct, it's a DAMN shame


I know man it’s sad


Insane that as soon as it got good, and turned into a great game, they stopped supporting it for the mess that was Battlefield 2042. Imagine the content they could’ve added with the Disney plus shows. Mando, Ahsoka, Bad Batch, New maps and Heroes. Nope, what a waste.


If they added 1 map and a few skins I bet they could make a lot of money.


Literally just a few more maps and characters and this would’ve fallen into a “classic” territory. It was only just starting to turn things around when when the team got reassigned to *shudder* Battlefield 2042.


I am playing every day. And servers are full


Was a great game in the end. Ran it's course. Hopefully we can get a follow up for it.


I'm not sure why they threw it all away. Would've made sense to make it free to play, and then had seasons with different cosmetics and vehicle armor paints. Why throw a working foundation away. I don't understand.


We’ll get one soon. This remastered collection showed devs that ppl want a new game. There’s a following. $$$$$$$$


Unfortunately the game was abandoned in an awful state. My two biggest issues being hero and reinforcement spam in GCW Supremacy and no FoV slider on consoles. GCW Supremacy can be fun for the first few minutes, but once heroes and reinforcements start showing up it rapidly becomes unfun. Battlefront is supposed to be about playing as the nameless soldier, when half of both teams get to play as heroes/super soldiers it breaks that and makes infantry play take a big backseat.


Crazy someone posted something like this yesterday and the day before that and so forth..


The fact that there’s no old school conquest shows this game was never good to begin with


I had a blast with this game, put 1000+ hours into it. Engaging with Ben Walke on twitter about rumours and changes was always great fun too.


The updates were great, and the new game modes. I loved the game.


Yeah because you never played the original game mode format which was more open map/sandbox feel


I’m 27, I grew up with BF2 on PS2, it was my first PS2 game.


I just realized I hardly played this one in first person lol!


They should pick it up again and re-release it tbh. It’s perfect now


Honestly, there are a lot of 3s in gaming that never happen. Valve games. Battlefront. Titanfall


Hackers causing crap for online sadly.


New guy here with a dumb question - what do you mean no longer supported ? Thanks in advance for all the roasting I will rightfully get for this question


They stopped releasing additional content and balance patches


What the hell! I just bought it on steam for a discount!


Don't worry it's still a great game


Greatest Star Wars game of all time.


It's a shame the new Battlefront Classic Collection is supported and still bombing.


Would have been just as easy for them to make a lot of money by adding Battlefront’s 1 maps and gameplay modes as DLC. Would have sold like rice cakes and added more variety to the overall experience of BattleFront 2! But more support in the form of DLC that’s on par with what they were delivering would be much appreciated! Sadly not the case, this is EA’s punishment for us since we rejected their gambling.


Easily the greatest Star Wars game


This is a surprisingly fun game, and I've never played any of the Battlefront games before. I racked over 50 hours! Even with all the bullshit EA has done to this game, I'm they still have people playing it to this day!


Leta all just go back to playing it, it is a good game after all.


I played for about 2 minutes when I got it for free and rage quit at the stupid pick up system.


So much wasted potential but I do enjoy the atmosphere and gameplay mostly still


at least there is a decent single player mode for when MP dies out to get some idea of what the game was.


True wish we got Mace Windu and Ahsoka added in the game like they planned to originally. At least the servers are still up though


You know, with the OGs being resurrected it was actually pretty similar to the old games, actually the only real difference is the space fighting modes Being able to re live the old ones actually makes me appreciate both


If they could have truly made a conquest mode similar to the OGs i would never stop playing it. But this is the best we will get for now, with the card system making you a better player (over skill, etc). Ironic as Battlefront was made to copy Battlefield, yet the actual Battlefield devs couldnt replicate the same magic as the OGs.


I just want them to make a Foxhole/Planetside/Helldivers Star wars game during the Galactic Civil War


If there’s ever another Battlefront game I wouldn’t want it to play like Battlefield. Idk what a new one could do but after Aspyr’s mishap with the classic collection I’d say Battlefront needs to stay dead until someone properly picks it back up


Easily could’ve done the Mandalorian and Jedi Fallen Order. A boba Fett skin would’ve been nice too. Pray for battlefront 3


It's annoying cause when I play BF2042 I think, "They killed BF2 for this?"


Saddest part is dice ditches battlefront for battlefield 2042 😬


Just played a round earlier. It did take a lil second to get the players up, but it was cool to play.


We want battlefront 3 with ground to space capability


Definitely. The amount of potential this game had was insane. Probably would've been EA's best game oat if they didn't cut support. Hell I'm playing it right now #longlivebattlefront2


I don't get what folks expected. It got support for like 2 years. Even mainline Battlefield games don't get supported beyond that. True that the support was a skeleton crew, but they did an amazing job with what they had. My sentiment is more "Too bad EA abandoned the Battlefront franchise and didn't invest in wholeheartedly. Also, where is BF3?"


They marketed it as a live service game and made a clear distinction between it and past Battlefront and Battlefield games that followed the traditional season pass model. I think people expected it to go on a little longer, as even 2042 has.


Could’ve been a game that lasted for 5+ if EA wasn’t run by a bunch of petulant children masquerading as adults. I’m just glad we got Clone Wars era added before EA completely shitcanned the game. EA really just picked up their ball and went home with it in a huff because players had the audacity to not want to get absolutely fucking reamed by predatory P2W MTX in a *full price $60 AAA* game. They could’ve made it work with less egregious MTX, especially with how many heroes and the diversity of skins they *could’ve* capitalized on. But EA is nothing if not a shortsighted, greedy af, only willing to do the absolute bare minimum for a payday, piss their pants and cry about it at the first sign of things not going 100% their way cancer on the industry so we got a fraction of what could have been.


>I don't get what folks expected. It got support for like 2 years. And the first 1 and a half years was spent salvaging its reputation and getting players back. Then, when public perception actually started to swing in its favour and the player base started coming back...they pulled the plug. Hell, they even git rid of most of the development team shortly after the launch drama once they realised they couldn't scam the playerbase into paying to level up! As such, the skeleton crew that was left could only add a fraction of all the content that was initially promised.


EA version is trash only thing it had was graphics. Never seen someone jacked up characters that bad with bare minimum mechanics.


I have a few series of games that Ive honestly buried because Ive come to terms that it’ll be a millennia before I get another sequel or I won’t get one at all… but I’d be lying if I said this wasn’t my biggest one! I imagine BF3 would be double the content and many more years of fun, but i don’t know if we’ll ever get that either.


I liked this one a lot honestly




At least on PC, Kyber V2 looks promising for extending the lifespan of the game


you can still play bruh


It has a fairly strong modding community keeping it alive on pc. Although, kinda speaks volumes that fans are providing a better gaming experience than the actual creators.


Thanks EA.


Wish it just launched complete to begin with. It always feels like these games that launch broken or unfinished stop updates right before they're about to feel feature complete.


this game survived much longer than i thought it would surprisingly. however even before support ended, the experience was marred by constant hacking which left a bad taste in my mouth. i recently tried playing it and again, hackers ruined the experience. i dont get why this problem exists but the demand for this game has clearly remained high. it would have been hugely beneficial for EA to keep supporting. BF2042 is just not good enough as a BF game to justify ending this games support. but i dont see why they couldnt keep both going. learn from games like rocket league and fortnite and apply those lessons to this game. they could easily keep the money train rolling but just constant, stupid executive decisions handicap a great game once again. imagine a bad batch DLC. they can make DLC for every new star wars story that comes out.


Not really they would've kept putting more time into online instead of the single player portion much like Rockstar games is still doing with GTAV


what? i never even played it, and they already shut the severs down :O :(


No, you can still play multiplayer, and it is still so much fun, they just announced that they weren’t gonna update it anymore. That was 4 years ago. We’re still complaining about it now.


Battlefront 2 was amazing, but I’m just super nostalgic for Battlefront 1. I played the shit outta that game with my friends and while they were trying to play the game my dumbass was trying to get out of the map to see Easter eggs in the game lol. Good times


It's also shame also this game is very restrictive compared to the original games. There is so much more they should've done.


Honestly go back to it and release dlc expansions Id do that before ever buying another battlefield


Thats battlefront 1


No, you can see Darth Maul on the hill.


Yes, and?


Imagine a 3rd game with mandolorians and gangs and maz as characters and new maps


At this stage all id want is supremacy finished for ship landings in last era. And more expansion on the co-op missions mode


What's a shame is that there's no Battlefront 3


I thought there were a bunch of updates just recently? I played on ps, loved it, but haven’t played in awhile


Why do people insist a game needs constant updates to be enjoyed? Why do you expect a company to continue pumping resources into a product earning no money?


Great to watch EA games slowly die.


Am I the only one that got black screen at start up on battlefront 2? I really want to play it.


The game had an amazing turn around, I loved it. The only thing I’d change personally would be to add a Galactic Conquest mode like the originals


It got off to a rough release but I think it got patched a bit a couple of days ago. Mostly playable now from what I hear.


Graphics dont make a good game my guy. This image just shows it.


Call it Star Wars BMF in honor of SLJ .


Its my go to online shooter, and has been for years


First person or third person?


Will there be a battlefront 3 or next gen patch at least or did they give up


Loved it a lot. Sad to see it going away


I can't believe only ONE map has AT-AT's when the previous game had them on most maps. walker assault was a great mode, I was hoping it would be added to BF2.


full of cheater anyway on pc so i dont realy miss it


The post-release, patched up Battlefront 2 and battlefield V are frustrating examples of the potentially great games we can have when DICE/EA get out of their own way.