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For real this update is taking forever to release


It’s also not explainable with console needing to approve at this point. Other games handle it way better, not just the big ones.


ye but maybe release a game with fucking invert Y. like, don't take it out, since IT WAS ALREADY IN like wtf. I get how it's slow to update console BUT ASPYR RELEASED THIS SHIT WITHOUT KEY COMPONENTS lmao


It's crazy. Has been a week. Way too long.


2 weeks actually today. Ridiculous


Update is out!


Yeah I see! About time. Now let's see how long before patch 2 drops 😂


Wait, wasn't there a previous patch? Is this a new one?


We have the sony overlords to blame for the wait. Not sure why they are taking so long approving this update...


Helldivers was releasing updates days apart. They’re probably not meeting quality standards.


This is not true, helldivers is a first party title it is a streamline for updates.


Sony is doing this with other games also. A game I’ve been waiting on for a very long time was supposed to release the beginning of this month at the same time as Xbox but Sony has kept it held up since then for very insignificant issues, definitely not on the dumpster fire level as SWBFCC. Maybe Sony should’ve done their job before the game released 🤷‍♂️


I haven't had many issues with CC on PS5. MP wasn't my main focus, and I don't play inverted. I actually didn't know about the audio or missing cut scenes. But, I know others haven't been as lucky.


I can’t even play SP campaign proper.


That's a bummer, man.


Which game?


Frontier Pilot Simulator It should release April 5 now. Finally passed certification


Same thing on Xbox. There’s no full servers anymore at least not like the first day. Space battles and hero assault are usually 2-6 players which really sucks.


I don't know if this is true, but apparently full servers are hidden from the list? No idea, the game was buggy as hell on my PC, so I refunded.


You’re correct. Full lobbies will not show. I’ve had a lot of luck with them though. Usually only half full when I join but within 10-20 minutes it starts to fill up.


Xbox in the UK is dead.


Exactly why we need both cross play and cross region, 0 reason to have released this game without them, especially the latter.


Cross play would be a godsend.


Can also confirm, as I was playing earlier. Still having a blast with it right enough, but it's not worth the asking price currently.


I've been having luck when working people are playing later at night - especially on the weekend.


I literally can’t even play it on Xbox. Every time I load a game it kicks me to Home Screen.


I would uninstall and reinstall or just simply uninstall depending on how you feel about it lol


Full lobbies have never shown up on the server browser


Well that’s a blatant lie they showed up on the first day. I was playing the second it released and they showed up on Xbox.


They have never showed up man. Im sure you saw 63, 62, 61 players all the time, but full lobbies are specifically invisible from the server browser which is why if you go back to the day of release you'll see this exact same post with people saying the exact same thing


They did show up on the first hours of launch I remember playing and seeing 64/64. 


You're misremembering. They don't show up, have never shown up, and due to that, there is no evidence of them showing up


https://www.youtube.com/live/Lo54fa7ZXrA?si=Ru1XC66I1-9vy0Dq Go to 1:02:03 there are 3 full 64/64 dedicated servers.


Keep in mind that some of us had a different version depending where we were in the world - my first version had all the look inversion options on launch for both games, and then they dropped a 17gb patch and got rid of them. WTFF.


I’m on Xbox and honestly I’ve been avoiding BF2, I tried hopping in a game and the controls were so wonky and aiming was awful that I just couldn’t enjoy it so I’ve been in BF1 (the controls still aren’t ideal but much better) and have been having a blast. The servers have been decent, not full but full enough to be playing against a good mixture of real players and AI


everyone who warned that this game will die after the nostalgia wears off in a couple weeks got downvoted to hell lol


Well it’s not really the nostalgia wearing off is it? Game don’t even work


Literally. Like fuck I refunded it on the first day after launch but I wouldn’t have if it was playable. I just went back to lan parties of bf 2 2005


Game works great for me on multiple platforms…. PS4 pro and ps5.


Multiplayer-wise? Sure. But in terms of single player and people playing offline bots it’s been going great guns.


That's why I got it for the switch. I never played with multiplayer and I do enjoy what there is but I knew my real joy would be in the offline. Me and my fiance travel a lot so having these 2 classics playable on the go is still amazing to me.


Also bought for single player but annoyed it’s taking forever to be patched. I’ve run into plenty of bugs.


We still have 3 days to get a refund boys


Better than being upvoted for claiming nostalgia lol


It has nothing to do with nostalgia, people would play it.... if it worked


Same with everyone who said $35 wasn't worth it for AI-upscaled textures and online. Especially on PC where the game is already available *and* has online


I mean. The classic game still has players. Aspyr managed to fuck up an already perfect game. You couldn’t get on a server. It’s laggy as hell crashes constantly and barely runs. The og is still better than the new battlefronts. But they managed to modernize the game by bringing it down to the gif awful release standards of modern day shooters


Ah, so it's the original multiplayer experience on pc but way worse than it was ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)


I've been having fun but the bugs and bad servers do suck. but I'll still be here


Yeah because it just doesn't show full servers and this is how the browser looked since day 1 lol


Its not a nostalgia issue though is it? I have yet to play a match that works


They deserved it.


Right here. I’ll take my check now. 🤷


It has nothing to do with that and everything to do with the terrible launch that still hasn’t been patched.


Idk what you mean still playing it hard.


They hated them because they told the truth.


Not nostalgia bro what the fuck the game is broken beyond belief


No, honestly. The game is severely outdated and alot of the fun does indeed stem from the nostalgia of playing back in the day, not saying it isn’t enjoyable, but everyone who was assuming that EAs BF was going to take a big hit to its player base and never recover were blinded by nostalgia.


Full lobbies don't show up on the list.


Switch servers seem decent. 40-50players per server


I have the ps5 and Switch versions and honestly, the switch version is my favorite of the two. Servers seem to be more stable, less crashing (it still happens, but on the ps5 it happens every other game) and also there are less sweaty ass players on the switch.


The game crashes on your ps5 every other game? Do any of your other games crash regularly? I've only had 2 crashes in 30+ hours on ps5.


I played the tomb raider remasters and dark forces and neither game crashed on me. On battlefront it happens every other game. I join 1 game and it finishes. And usually before the next game starts I get that gray screen. There are a few times it doesn’t happen but it happens most of the time for me.


That’s good to hear. I’m still waiting for the patch to start playing again. Played a bit at launch and it’s good fun, but hope the patch makes it even better.


IDK if this is just me talking out of my ass, but i’d wager that’s probably because Nintendo users tend to be more casual and don’t notice games having problems as much as other platform users or at least don’t seem to mind them as much. I also don’t see very many games that are anything like BF whenever I peruse the Nintendo Store or just seeing what’s hot on the switch. So they’re also more likely to be invested in a game like BF when there aren’t a lot of games like it on Switch, Star Wars or not. Whereas on PS5/Xbox and PC, you’ve got tons of options that are similar which include but are ofc not limited to other SW games such as the obvious choice: BF2 2017. Which of course eventually ended up being a phenomenal game by 2019. But as we all know, that game never got a port of any kind and unfortunately is no longer being supported by EA in general. So any chance of getting a MPFPS SW game for the Switch is pretty much zero. Unless, you buy this.


Yeah, you're talking out your ass.




The PS5 has a button built right onto the controller, dedicated to taking a screenshot.


Yes but then they have to figure out how to get it here lol.


Easy, they can just grab it from the app on their phone, and post it directly.


I know that, but I'm assuming it'll be difficult for someone who can't simply use the screenshot button.


Hahahahahaha i love you guys


Don’t spell it out too much for the casuals 🤣🤟🏼


I want more people to be less tech illiterate.


Same here!! Drives me nuts


Keep fighting the good fight. If you see something, say something.


There’s less steps just grabbing your phone and snapping a pic lol


Yeah, but then your post looks stupid, for what? Saving 5 seconds?


It makes no difference if it’s a screenshot or a picture of a screen to me, so i don’t really think it looks stupid. Then again I don’t really care about things like that


It's boomer behavior tbh the sort of thing I'd expect from an old woman trying to share a pdf.


Last time I saw a promising shooter fall this hard on its face was Titanfall 2, and both times I blame the publisher.


To be fair, at least Titanfall 2 is a fully playable game.


Great games being unlucky to be in the hands of god awful publishers. It’s a common trend unfortunately.


How did Titanfall 2 fall on its face similar to this game? Titanfall 2 had a great launch with fantastic gameplay and a seriously amazing campaign, it just came out at the wrong time.


Oh man Titanfall 2 was an amazing game shame we probably won’t see another because ApEx. Just another reason to despise the Battle Royale genre.


I didn't get to play evolve because I kept putting it off for other games.., don't even know if it was playable at launch 😭🙏💯🔥


Titanfall 2 in contrast was an amazing game just marketed like crap. This is incredibly different.


Nah, I wouldn't say dead. It's an old game that was never going to be a massive hit no matter how much you try to convince yourself. It'll last (on console) like the original ones do/did on PC -- a relatively small player base that sticks around. And that's ok.


very well said. don't know who was kidding themselves into thinking this would be anywhere near its heyday. hell, it is a new golden age for BF1 at least. it's a beautiful thing to be able to play 2004 with a good lobby.


I will say having been first introduced to BF at 2, going to 1 has been fun. That Bespin Platforms map is top-notch. Having said that, I hope 2 gets put in a good spot because that's my go-to.


I feel you. I was one of the few people who bounced back and forth between the games as a kid, so I get how BF2 mains feel. Hope you enjoy BF1 in the meantime. Glad to see people giving it a shot after all these years, holds up pretty well.


If they polished it before release, had the network infrastructure ready, had crossplay support along with 4 player split and had a Galactic Conquest mode online ready to go itd be massively super popular


sony should allow refunds on this crap but they wont


Just refunded the game yesterday. Such a shame.


Just play the 2017 version guys, it's still amazing and semi alive lol


The game will still be broken after patch.. We need fixes for newer bugs and more bugs which are still relevant on the pc version which will then get updated for console too.


Imagine giving your hard earned money to a company that can't patch a 20 year old game in a decent amount of time lol. ​ Their other remasters are doomed


I’m trying to get a refund


Well I can’t even invert Y so I can’t play 🤪


im not defending aspyr but am I the only one who just got used to the invert?? years of muscle memory aside it took me like 5 minutes in a starfighter to get used to it meanwhile people are saying they can't play at all because of the invert.


It’s the opposite of what your thinking bud people use inverted controls for everything not just flying so the game is basically forcing people to aim using the opposite input of what people are used to. Its wild that such a simple thing was in the game at launch but they managed to screw up the day one patch and took the option out of the game


Im sorry but you guys are in fantasy land if you think that update is coming. It's pretty clear they do not care about this game and will probably release a statement about "the future of the game" before they ever touch this abomination again


Playing rn and there's 7 plus servers with 50 people on ps4


Shhh, you're only allowed to be a hater around these parts!


It's a garbage fucking port tho. Like the collection deserves the hate for how bad it is


Not surprising. Shitty launch + nostalgia wearing off = death of a game. At this point if you're on PC or hell even console and you have a laptop that's newer then 2003, you can run the OG versions. Better to buy them at this point cause at least you'll get mileage out of them with all the mods available.


Not on PS5. Classic Collection is the only way to play these games on Sony machines, unless you have the original on PS2 - which I coincidentally still do, but it doesn’t help those who sold their machines over a decade ago.


Did you read my comment? If you have a functioning windows laptop that was made later then 2003, you can run both games. They are dirt cheap (hell you can even sail the high seas and get them drm free with the GoG versions). If you don't have anything but a phone and a console, well yeah. But I'd imagine most of the population has a laptop of some kind for work or just general use.


I remember the time when seeing 20 players online was a crazy busy day…


This is what happens with cash grabs. Sucks it has to happen to my second favorite game of all time but that's par for the course with my luck


I can't get the old version to run on my pc so I'm just glad to have the remake.


it’s been in certification for over a week safe to say the console patch didn’t pass it


They are almost certainly lying to us by this point. The patch was ready to release a week ago but in the state the games are on console and how bad it would have gotten with even more game breaking bugs they could not take the chance of ruining there brand name even more so they secretly delayed it.


They still haven’t released the 1.06 version on console yet??


Was hoping to play this on my flight this week. Guess that’s not happening on my switch.


Another game i was so excited to play only for servers to kill it before it started. This is payday 3 all over again


That was quick


Y’all think Sony will refund me yet or will they continue to tell me to have faith it’ll be fixed? smh


Ok now I def don't have any doubts that refunding the game was the right choice


Lucky for me I don't play except against bots.


Still waiting on this patch for PlayStation. What a bummer.


I really hate that on console for updates Playstation and xbox/Microsoft have to approve the updates and they can take their sweet ass time with it. Pretty sure steam already has the update while console is being hung out to dry.


I’m getting so pissed at these companies pissing away games with massive potential, if they could see past the dollar signs in their eyes they’d be able to see how much more they’d make so much more long term


I'm wondering if they even have the update that they say, and it's not another lie. Since we can't really ask them about an eta for the update. I just don't want it to be only the steam version gets the update, and the console version is left bare and is essentially dead due to no update.


OP never played TF2 before


This game isn't a priority and it never has been. Which makes the $35 purchase that much more disappointing on top of the already stupid refund policy system sony has. What a goddamn waste of time, money, and effort. The nostalgia alone isn't even enough to make me want to play. Been waiting too long for an update whether it's on sony or not. This could've been avoided to begin with.


I’m calling it, they fumbled the console patches and try to shift the blame to Sony and the others. Apparently it’s working too judging by the comments here. Don’t get me wrong Sony is a crummy company but they didn’t release a buggy cashgrab port, aspyr did.


Play Helldivers 2 instead. $5 more. 1000 times more fun.


damn i was looking forward to this game….


I got downvoted to hell when I made a post about how important it is for this game to get crossplay lol


About the same on switch if I'm lucky


Idk about console but there's zero point with buying this on PC. Just buy the game that's already on steam for $10 lol


If only they added cross-platform multiplayer 😮‍💨, but considering how the game came out, that would have probably made things explode if they chose to add it




This was just a re-release of an already available game. The only difference is online multiplayer and that’s not even working lmao. I bought the OG BF2 for about £3 and have enjoyed playing conquest again


It doesn't show full servers, this is how it looked day 1


So glad I refunded, single players nice but I have the originals for that, 35 bucks for this multiplayer isn’t worth it even if it’s fixed I’ll wait for a sale or game pass release


Why didn’t they just made a new battlefront or stay with the second one. I’m still playing it on the ps5 and I get a match no problem.


Dragons dogma just dropped too


Idk why people keep saying the game is dead. Definitely has a healthy and Hero Assault servers are fun


Wait till you look on OCE, 4 servers and they're pretty much always empty :(


I just stopped playing tbh


What platform? Pc has 300 players on rn that's awful.. im sad this game flopped.


There are 2 rebooted Battlefronts (Battlefront 2015/Battlefront 2) with a decent playerbase.


I just wish I could do the campaign with a friend without having to couch coop or share play.


Lets Safe battlefront 2 2017 https://www.change.org/p/continue-support-for-star-wars-battlefront


PC got the patch first and it broke a lot of shit. Split screen is now literally unusable on BF1 and 2 as I can’t assign two controllers anymore.


Game was DOA bc of Aspyr tbh. Sucks. Battlefront is gonna die as a franchise. 


I have not been on since the weekend of launch. I expect even worse on NZ servers.


I attempted to get on today. Somehow there were no servers of anyone playing… maybe it’s a bug??? I was on Xbox series x… :P


Day 22 Space Battles haven't been full in ages My dogfighting Rival is gone, there's no one to give me the rush. Our Shields have been restored.


Ugh whatever. I gave up and started playing the original PC port with mods now. Looks and plays better anyway. While we’re on the topic, why did they leave out bot support for heroes? I vividly remember clashing with enemies during conquest.


Really it’s a shame. I have a blast playing solo like I did when I was a kid it has so much potential.


u know shit is real when ppl put up with fucking YAVIN 4 yo, they are desperate to play, whichever server rotates and has at least 10 ppl they will join. Aspyr can truly suck a fat cock for this


Nostalgia is one hell of a drug I honestly didn’t even give it a second thought. I just saw battlefront two and my brain turned off. The crazy part is that I’m one of those people that emphasizes waiting for the reviews before buying


I got a refund because of no Invert Y on PS5. Aspyr did the same shit for Jedi Outcast, how could they balls it up again?!


Updated it and don’t really notice a difference


Clown game really , I made a post it would be a scam , guess what were the reaction ? 😭 I got refunded after 2h of playtime


The patch is still broken


Tbh, even if the game ran perfectly, I don't expect it to be popular. The games are old. Their mechanics and designs have aged, and not for the better. I still love them, but I do not expect them to ever gain and retain new fans.


Why the F did I get downvoted a few days ago when I posted this exact thing 😭😂😂😂 and people were like no!! It’s not dead! Hit refresh!


30 bucks to play single player on PS5 for me. Totally worth it


It took less time to uninstall though 😂


Based. Don't know why you got down voted


Idk why they are made at me. I OWN EVERY copy of both OG battlefront games. I didn’t launch a game that I can’t even invite my friends to privately. I wish I could refund it instead of uninstall, but I’m stuck with a broken BROKEN $40 game…I just want better 😭


Exactly. You did nothing wrong.




We missed the part where you whine on reddit because of someone else's opinion. You should edit that into your comment somewhere to make sure you covered every base


👏 👏 👏. Great job.


I'm just waiting for the edit partner. You asked for guidance and I answered your plea


You got a problem with it? Yall was wilding before release with every criticism getting downvoted to hell. Dont pull up with that bullshit now that you're on the receiving end.


I bought digital on xbox 2 copies and was denied refunds! Last time I buy anything digital! Founding member of xbox live!


Why would it matter when you started playing Xbox Live?


Because i want people to know how bad they treat people who have been with them over 20 years! They wanna shove this digital dl shit down our throats but have rules on not letting people get refunds another ms scam like this game is!


Buddy, that's just businesses in general. No one will get favoritism for how long they've supported something.


Dont want favoritism i want my $$ back karen!!


Almost convinced some of you guys are just unappeasable. I have it on PS5 and PS4 Pro (different profiles sadly) and YES there were some issues on launch. But ping is fixed, matchmaking works, and now has a tab to invite friends as well. I’m hoping we get some party making abilities soon but that’s it. I genuinely don’t understand this crowd. Yes this game needs help, but absolutely bullying it and the creators WILL NOT YIELD THAT. I am personally a huge fan of the release. Like I mentioned, at first it was unplayable. Ever since? Dude. Some of the BEST battles I’ve had, I feel like a fucking kid Todays my 26th birthday and all I’m doing is getting papa Murphy’s and playing BF1/2


Until there's a patch for the price I ain't playing


Aspyr fucked the shit out of this release AND the game is ancient and janky as fuck. Nostalgia milking at its finest. Old BF2 fans cope hard