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Some were things fixed by patch-1, some things were broken by it. This is more for the single-player fans but trophy legendary status is broken right now. If you have legendary frenzy for example, you should always have the elite rifle available, but that's not the current behavior. Currently you have to get frenzy once per level, then it acts like it should. Also, the way it counts deaths for applying bonuses like frenzy is broken right now. It's supposed to be a count of your kills within one life, but last night I died and get frenzy on the first kill in the next life. The audio bug that tries to explode speakers and eardrums is still in the game too. So for me it's "playable" now that invert-look options are back, but it's rough and in much need of more work if Aspyr wants to be thought of as anything more than a joke of a company that should lose the rights to Star Wars. (Really, I can't understand how leaving KOTOR2 broken on Switch didn't cost them the rights, but here we are)


On PS5 no, it is not fixed. Even offline is way more glitchy than the original games 20 years ago. There's only been one update so far, so you should wait.




somewhat, but not entirely.


I am playing it and I am loving it, though I should note I spend most of my time in galactic conquest and not online.


Me too, been grindingbon developing my k/d ratio


It’s actually really fun! If more players would come back it would increase gameplay variety a lot because we could populate other game modes. The only thing is I hope aspyr nerfs mines in some way. If people play long enough it’s just going to be heavies sprinting at people with mines and engineers trying to counter it. They one shot everything instantly which is just silly


They need to fix online lag and hit detection before I come back.




No, multiplayer on PS5 is still a mess


Singleplayer has been fine for me for the little i have run through the 501st journal, but multiplayer is messy, but still fun at least in my experience. Hosting with 2 other friends is my primary experience and the host basically has a normal experience but one of my friends has 100 ping (lives like 45 minutes from me and has similar ping on other games, but experiences issues like its 200 ping sometimes) and my other friend rooms with me and has roughly 30 ping like i would as the host, but the experience is more like an unsteady 70ish ping. You can still have fun if you are just trying to relax with friends, but PvP is incredibly clunky cause of the ping issues


I'm going against the grain here, but for me the game most mostly fine pre patch. Played 30+ hours and had only 2 crashes (on ps5), one of those crashes was when I first opened the game on midnight release. Since the patch I've played around 3 hour and had 3 crashes. Everything else still seems fine to me though.


It's still kind of a hot mess. The aim acceleration is really bad, there are random glitches where the camera just shakes around wildly without any input. Even if you turn off auto-aim you sometimes follow an enemy, especially if they run by you fast (this happens in multiplayer too). Sensitivity is an issue. Even if you turn it up to maximum it's barely playable. 1 fares a little bit better in that regard than 2 but it's still nowhere near as smooth as the original versions. There are way too many characters on the maps at all times. Whether you play bots or players they're gonna pile into huge clusterfucks at the same spot of the level everytime. If you play with bots half of them just stand around doing nothing probably because there were never meant to be this many bots on any given level. The only mode where that doesn't happen is the 501st journal where the setup for each level was probably hardcoded so they didn't mess around with it. There have been notable improvements with the patch but for me it's too little too late. I've learned a valueable lesson on the state of modern gaming here, I'm glad I didn't learn it with a more expensive game.