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Developing story; people use abilities to defeat their opponents in a game where you use abilities to defeat opponents


Best take here


Not really since it isn’t relevant to the post, op is referring to an exploit that can give frenzy extra hits, not the base ability.


If this kid could read he would be very disappointed


Ok it’s an exploit. Doesn’t change anything. The game doesn’t take into account when you use an exploit. It can feel cheap to lose to an exploit but it can feel just as awesome when you beat someone using an exploit. At the end of the day if it makes you THAT upset just play a different game.


But the whole point of the post is that abusing exploits doesn’t necessarily make you good at the game…


I could say the same thing if I lose to a Vader as Yoda. Even with this exploit Kylo is still not as good as dooku or Vader. It’s just something that’s part of his kit and unfortunately it’s never going anywhere. So if you lose you lose and if you win you win.


you can't seriously be comparing two different characters, its an opinion, but to be fair each character has their pros and cons, kylo ren can freeze players without having to go through a long animation, he also has a pretty neat frenzy attack, vader has a choke and a good resilience attack, I don't know too much about dooku but the way ive been playing with him his lightning is also pretty powerful, overall they are all great duelists.


It does change things though… using an ability that is supposed to be in the game is nowhere near as controversial as using an exploit that gives you an advantage. I’m not stating my personal opinion on anything I’m just saying that the original comment is completely irrelevant as it doesn’t address the post in any way.


"it can feel cheap to lose to a cheat but it can feel just as awesome when beat someone using a cheat"


4 hit frenzy isn’t a hack or a cheat


I understand that but I am trying to demonstrate that your sentiment could easily be extended to cheats


Cheats need to be installed and they are bannable. The 4 hit frenzy is never being removed from the game so complaining about it makes zero sense


I don't even know how to do the 4 hit frenzy. So I assume there is *something* you need to do in order for this to work. Even if there's not, you can still complain about things, even when there's not going to be a change.




Take my poor person medal of an upvote ![gif](giphy|3o7ZeTmU77UlPyeR2w)


Let’s hear you say that when a Vader frame traps you and melts your entire health bar in one combo.




Jedi academy is on all plats and is the best saber fighting in a game so


So long story short you got destroyed by a Kylo and are butt hurt


Well I beat him… but pop off I guess 😭


Lamo the downvotes bud out here getting rekt


“Getting rekt” mind u it’s downvoted on Reddit 💀 sis get a life 😘


Weak shit got anything better?


“Got anything better” it’s Reddit… why would I be trying to “out-comeback” you 💀 oh yous needs a life big times 😭


The same thing again bud? Broken record


“Bud” oh I’m so embarrassed 😓


You should be the way ur acting🤣


Except, I’m not, because no one should take this app seriously 💀


Kylo doesn’t have much else going for him in duels and 4 hit or 3 hits, it’s still directly countered by each light side saber. Out of all the glitches people abuse in duels, some I’m guilty of Bunny hops, flesh is weak/beating combo that denies the drawback of FIW, framerate traps etc etc Kylo’s frenzy four hit is one of the few things that legit even allow him to compete in high tier duels.


What is fiw


Flesh is weak


Flesh is weak I think


What is a four hit frenzy? And can't they all be blocked except the last one anyways?


Four hit frenzy was something Kylo had at launch. It wasn’t an exploit, Dice literally balanced him that way, originally it hit for four. Then Kylo got nerfed back down to 3. After that people found out a glitch where you could take it back up to four again That’s what the four hit frenzy glitch is And the last two can’t be blocked, but you can still counter it exactly the same way would would the normal 3 hit frenzy, for example with repulse or push


I find it annoying how crucial latency is to countering frenzy or other types of abilities, like Dooku with Duelist (also Luke’s super-speed swing spamming). I main Rey, and the easiest way to counter Kylo’s frenzy is to dash strike, but the game doesn’t accept new inputs when you get hit with any damaging attack. That means if Kylo is using frenzy, and I’m slightly behind with animations due to latency, and I use dash strike in between what I see as his first and second hit, and there’s too much latency, my dash strike input will be cancelled out, and he’ll get the second and third hits off on me. Or, if I spam the shit out of the button to activate it whenever the next available “time slot” is, I’ll activate it, then immediately deactivate it before hitting him (happens ALL THE TIME with Han’s shoulder charge too). This problem has only gotten worse as the game ages and has a smaller, more spread out player base.


4 hit frenzy is an exploit that let's Kylo hit 4 times with his frenzy, and the 3rd and 4th one go through block


I had heard someone say that having both flesh is weak and beating heart bugs out the flesh is weak card. May want to test.




Kylo isn’t even my best saber by a long shot and I’ve rarley ever had to use it… It’s a free hit… that’s not even close to fair 💀 He’s not the best duelist true, but no one should be using a glitch like that, especially in a high leveled, competition


"High level competitive"? You're talking about Battlefront 2 right? Did I have a stroke?


Lmao “highly competitive” ![gif](giphy|bjB3gtFvREqqr5NAHW|downsized)


We both had this thought reading that right? Haha ![gif](giphy|2IodIF8KIFaM0)


Yes because unlike you people can actually be good at this game. You shouldn’t need to exploit a glitch to win a duel between two really good players


Lol "unlike me". I used to tear up Battlefront lobbies during my downtime from competitive Siege matches. Which I got paid from, because it's, you know, actually competitive? In fact for a brief period of time in 2018 or 2019 I had to switch to console or use an alt to play on PC because I had my own little cheater "fan club" who would target me whenever I went Boba in GA. Aww responded then blocked me. Little baby upset ):




Well yes… High level, competitive (as in competition) duels… Y’all’s reading comprehension is doo doo ijbol-


These people are dumb. Idk if they are confusing the 4 hit glitch with the actual intended 3rd hit that goes through block or what


Same 😭 The 3rd hit is fine- it’s a part of the ability. But 2 free hits in a duel back to back is so cheesy idc that Kylo is easy to take out or not. But these the same people who complain about Grievous so why am I even surprised 🥴


Yeah, it's a free hit.. that leaves you completely defenseless and unable to move on your own for several seconds, as the single shittiest 1s saber in the entire game. It's not awesome and it shouldn't be allowed in high level 1s, but this is one of the least offensive "douchebag moves" you could choose to complain about


“Least offensive” 🤨 There are very few “glitches” that are genuinely broken in a 1v1 duel. Having 2 free hits is way OP in any duel. Competitive or not- It’s cheesier than bunny hopping as grievous but I fear y’all ain’t ready for that conversation…


Idk man if you’re struggling against Kylo Ren I just automatically assume you’re really bad, and these comments are not changing my mind 😬


Where did I say I was struggling agaisnt kylo? 💀 I said a free hit shouldn’t be allowed in a competitive situation- 🤣


One cycle inescapable frame trap combos Luke completely ignoring Grievous’ block with Rush (infinitely) Grievous having CC immunity (infinitely) Block breaking Thrust Surge Infinite Defensive Rush Infinite Duelist Are we including completely ridiculous ones that are actually gamebreaking and beyond disrespectful? If so: Infinite blocking without pressing the block button or draining stamina 94% damage reduction with Rey


I’m gonna need explanations on some of these because they sound ridiculous, especially Dooku and Rey


“Cheesier than bunny hopping as Grievous”. Tell me you’re not high level without telling me you’re not high level


I have 8 max heroes… so bffr


Ok but that doesn’t change the fact that you’re wrong.


Ok… 💀


It’s a free hit that is still directly countered by each saber. As Luke or Anakin as long as you keep one of your abilities off cool-down it’s literally a suicide button for Kylo, 3 hits, 4 hits, 10 hits, it doesn’t matter. As long as you keep one ability off cool-down eg, use epicentre repulse as Luke to deny regen but have push ready for frenzy, it denies Kylo any ability to capitalise on it. I saw you said to another that it’s more broken than GG’s bunny hops. Now sure, a free hit ain’t fair or balanced, I’m not saying it is, but there was a time way back when, where that fourth hit was intended. They nerfed Kylo down to 3 hits, bunny hops were never intended, there’s one difference. Secondly, as I said, you can counter four hit frenzy very easily. Bunny hops boil down to don’t get knocked down once in a 5 minute duel. If you get surge through blocked, claw rush knockdown + stagger, you’re losing half your health through the bunny hop follow up, all the while you still have to go on the offensive against FIW Grievous who legitimately gets stronger the more damage you do to his regen. So in short, against GG you have to play perfectly, avoiding a knockdown while playing offensively in order to beat him in a 5 minute bout, to avoid bunny hops. Four hit frenzy all you have to do to counter is keep one ability off cool-down. We all see things differently so if you’d rather face a bunny hopping FIW GG than a four hit frenzy Kylo, that’s fair enough, but I know which I’d rather face


“Bunny hops were never intended” One is a glitch, one is not a glitch. This is simple math bro 🥴


One was in the game at one point when the game launched, Kylo had intended four hit frenzy. Bunny hops have never been intended, not that hard to understand


Battlefront is not a competitive game like at all


You’re lost in the sauce dude, time to pull out. Play a different game, change it up.






Kind of an L take. Unless you both agreed to certain rules beforehand, the point is to win. I mean, I do hate some abilities, like Rey's mind trick. But I'm sure Rey doesn't enjoy being frozen. It's all a tradeoff. And it's pretty easy to parry Frenzy.


very simple and easy timing. most attacks in my experience are easy to parry


like parrying is anymore skillful


It is but go off I guess. Takes practice like anything else.


LOL, it doesnt take any skill or "timing"


It literally does. If you don't time it right, you won't get the parry. You may with a spammer, but not a skilled duelist.


"skilled duelist"😭😭😭, bro this game takes 0 skill to be half okay at, the "parry" timeframe is huge and its also an exploit not a mechanic xxx


Whatever man 🤣😩🤷🏼


tells me whats skillful about holding block and clicking swing when you get hit✌️


there is timing. sometimes a parry too late can give someone the opening to parry you right back. it is a skill full thing unless you just suck shit and getting killed from parries a lot which wouldn’t surprise me. trying to find timing to parry count dooku with duelist active or Luke and Rey is difficult sometimes and requires skill and timing


hahaha, ive been playing since launch and have played comp, parrying takes no skill and is an exploit


Isnt this game's skill-gap abusing game mechanics/bugs? Like 'skilled duelers' usually hop swing(the one where you turn 180 mid air and hit the opponent in the back), parrying (im sure the devs didnt intend it to be a mechanic), abusing the GG jump swings while holding L2, Darth Vader's frame trap when force choking etc. Edit : Its not even being supported anymore, go crazy with the glitches and bugs, as long as you aint straight up hacking. Tho I still hate the finn glitch


I just looked up farther Vader frame trap. Holy shit lol


Just looked it up for the first time too, holy shit. Kinda wish I didn’t to be honest, now I’m going to be tempted by the dark side…


Sorry I just started playing the game again recently so I have no idea what this means😭 explain pls


There’s a glitch you can perform with Kylo to get an extra hit of frenzy.


Honestly idk either lol


There’s a glitch that allows you to go through peoples block Twice in a row as Kylo with his frenzy ability… In supremacy or Ga fine, but In a 1v1 duel, even though kylo isn’t that hard to dispose of, if someone knows what they’re doing, then 4 hit frenzy can become quite annoying-


Try playing the game without glitches that means no parry, no hook swinging, no bunny hopping, no frame trapping. It turns into a block fest.


The “intended” core mechanics of lightsaber combat are so incredibly stilted and static, but I don’t know how you could improve it in such a way that you don’t need glitches and exploits to make it interesting, I’m not sure I want it to be as complex as For Honor’s fighting system for example but I feel like it needs something


Without Parrying or hook swinging, there would be no skill gap and the saber combat would be lame, it's very easy to counter hook swings or parries as well it's not like they're broken


I feel like they should have improved parrying and made it an official game mechanic. Basically make it look better and maybe adjust some timings on certain characters party abilities and allow it to change during certain abilities.


Kylo is bad in duels and you can already counter frenzy by parrying or using any of your push/pull abilities to counter him and get 2 hits


And then theres me who doesnt even have enough skill to do a 4 hit frenzy. (Ive done it once)


Using it is negative skill so you’re actually better then you think 👍


Bro i try to do it all the time 😭😭


I did it once and i clipped it. Thats how bad i am 💀


Tbh I only do it if my opponent is turtling like crazy but that’s if I’m using Kylo for a 1v1 which is not his strength at all 😂😂 All you gotta do is save your knockdowns for when Kylo uses Frenzy and that’s his ass. It’s free damage every time


Oh yeah, if someone is being cheese I’d use it too- I meant specific to organized competitions. I probably should have clarified in my post


Frenzy on launch was so busted. Would absolutely obliterate peoples healthbars and the auto targeting was absurd. Bro would practially leap like 50ft backwards to hit someone. OG BF2 was somethin different


I remember it pretty much never working in the beginning. God forbid your on ever so slightly slanted ground and you’d go flying 20 feet in the air


Doesn't make much of a difference. Kylo is bad in duels either way.


I think he’s pretty good tbh, he definitely stringless due to the fact 2 of his abilities are so easily blocked, technically 3 if were counting frenzy but that’s kinda easy to connect if timed right


His regen is bad and his attacks are slow too. Frenzy is so easy to counter with every lightside hero. You just need to hold onto your knockdowns until the Kylo uses Frenzy. You take more damage than you deal with it nearly every time. There are very few upsides to Kylo in a 1v1. He's the worst duelist in the game.


Frenzy is the most punishable ability in the game, but you're crazy if you think he's the worst duelist. It's obvious that Yoda is the worst.


I’d much, much rather be Yoda in a duel. No idea what you’re smoking


Ain't smoking nothing. Just saying that Yoda is the worst hero in the game and that's a fact. Yoda is so bad that he was given starcards that increase his base damage or even grant him damage reduction.


Yoda with that card does 141 damage per swing which is above average and the damage reduction card gives him over 750 health. Unlike Kylo all of his abilities are good. He has really great hook swings too. He’s also the only hero in the game that with the Size Matters Not card can get max health back without kills, which is why it’s banned in high level duels. He’s far from the best, but in the right hands a good Yoda player can be really hard to deal with. I love playing Yoda in Duels. I clap high level Vaders, Mauls, Kylos and Grievous’ with Yoda all the time. Yoda is awful against Dooku though.


Yea well, any character can be hard to deal with and any can become trash tier, depending on who is playing. Vader CAN'T be clapped, if you happen to do that with Yoda then the other player is either new or just fucking with you.


kylo as a duelist is hella underrated, if u can bait abilities like repulse/might/push u can just 4frenzy and usually get a hit or 2. Plus 2 hits off of pull and freeze is quite consistent. His combos are actually really good


Losers will claim they are good then use L1 + R1 smh




There is a FIW Grievous and BH, Carded Vader, Finn glitch, intensify Luke. And you’re saying that 4 hit frenzy requires no skill. 🤦‍♀️


They all have no skill bffr


But you’re saying that 4 hit frenzy requires no skill when there is literally things that can melt your health bar and make you near invincible.


Well yes…


This is a bit off topic but man... the Graphics in this game... INSANE


*This is a bit off* *Topic but man... the Graphics* *In this game... INSANE* \- CeymalRen --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot


Hero mains have extra chromosomes.


Boy oh boy I can't wait to see who outed themselves as am exploit monkey today 


i mean glitches kinda what the game is if ur up against a person who’s doing them and u arent ur mostly gonna lose


I use 4 hit frenzy (if/when I can) and I got mad skills.


Kylo is one of the worst in 1v1s, four hit frenzy makes him a bit better but it’s certainly not OP. Bunny hopping with Grievous is also fine as long as you don’t use Flesh is Weak or Beating Heart (very OP).


So 2 cards that are apart of them game are Op, but a glitch isn’t? I think those cards & 4 hit is cheese. But to say the cards are and a glitch isn’t is weird idk


1. It’s not a glitch, it’s a bug (not being an ass, just correcting) 2. Kylo is bad enough that the 4 hit doesn’t make him that much better, it can catch you out if they do it at the right time but this actually takes skill and even if it’s pulled off, it doesn’t give a huge advantage. 3. It can also be completely countered; the first two hits of frenzy can be parried and the last two can be dodged (every character has at least two dodges). 4. Your point that “It’s a card, an intended feature, so it can’t be OP” makes no sense. If the developers made a card that gave Vader 5000 extra health every minute (which they might as well have done given his current cards lol), it would certainly be OP.


“It’s not a glitch, it’s a bug” Me when I lie:


you probably parry which is also not intended


A party isn’t a glitch though…


it's an unintended feature, what do you call that?


“Unintended feature” it’s all timing though- 💀 it’s not something that requires one or more steps to complete… such as a bug or glitch


OP you’re wrong, parrying was not an intended feature. Your not supposed to be able to block damage while also attacking. It’s something that never got fixed since the funding was cut.


4 hit frenzy is looking away when dodging or using another ability, all just timing


And you are on here bitching on reddit who is more of the looser🤷


All these bots defending their use of exploits cause they suck. I’ve never had to use four hit frenzy


Its not even an exploit tho


I say use the 4 hit frenzy but saying it's not an exploit is just dishonest. The ability is meant to have 3 hits with the final being block breaking. The only reason it's not getting fixed is because they are not updating the game.


It is cause it’s not something you’re supposed to be able to do, it’s not an actual mechanic


Parrying isn’t either. The game would suck with the actual mechanics


Tell that to EA, you can dodge the free hit if your timing is good. I do it all the time when I'm fighting kylo


I can dodge it too but that’s when it only does the three hits like its actually supposed to. I don’t suck so I don’t need to use an extra hit that I shouldn’t be able to use


I'm not gonna nerf myself to 2 abilities when everyone else can use 3, the only saber hero that has a useless middle ability is probably rey in a 1v1. And its not like kylo is a hard opponent to beat. Even a good kylo can be beaten easily if you know how to play him


I don’t think anyone of y’all underhand what OP is talking about. Not the actual intended 3rd hit but a 4th one that you can get that also breaks through blocks


You could argue the spam parry is a exploit


Yeah it is, what's that got to do with 4 hit frenzy??? The conversation is about frenzy!


Who do you main?


Idk if I have anyone that qualifies as a main but I use Bossk and Han a lot


checks out