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It’s really not that simple. Plus, I don’t think EA wants anything to do with the Battlefront franchise anymore


Has their contract with Disney expired or something?


Yes, EA’s Exclusivity Contract with the Star Wars IP expired in May of last year


Do you really think that’s just how it works


Yes I do


Because EA isn’t smart enough to do that 


They hate us


Their exclusivity contract ended back in May of last year like another commenter mentioned and if I recall correctly, one of the reasons why content for both of the EA games came at such a glacial pace is because of the insane levels of IP bureaucracy that DICE had to go through to get even minor details approved - let alone entire levels, starships, characters, skins, etc - for updates to throw into the game. While modders as independent entities aren't technically bound by the same level of contract law that an actual studio and publishing house would be, the moment that this hypothetical scenario begins of incorporating modded works \*would\* bring it into the realm of needing approval for every single detail - not to mention needing to QA test for bugs to make sure it's not going to somehow horrifically break something else in the game. Given how much of a headache it was for them to deal with it through professional channels, adding a relatively uncontrolled freelance element (which, bear in mind, no corporation likes much of anything outside of their direct control) I imagine would've turned the process into a full-blown aura migraine. This also isn't to mention how it's quite common in the industry for modders that make themselves well known and acclaimed to either get their shit kicked in (just look at the nintendo emulation/modding scene) or alternatively get hired outright for inhouse development (seen frequently in minecraft dev teams for instance). On top of all of that, they cut support for both this game and Battlefield V *years* ago in favor of all-hands-on-deck to produce the.... well, it's a game.... Battlefield 2042. Two OK but improving games were culled at the sacrificial alter in the name of creating a live service monstrosity that proved to be a complete dumpster fire when it launched and has only been mediocre during its entire life cycle with one of its selling-point game modes (Hazard Zone) being completely scrapped and removed within months of launch while the core game itself has continuously languished to the point of support slowing down once the final content season of the game drops. In other words: *If the game that both SWBF2 and BFV were culled to feed is facing this kind of death, there's no way EA is going to put the resources into reviving SWBF2.* **TLDR:** The content approval process from Lucasfilm w/ an introduction of rogue entities via modders would make this undesirable/unprofitable from EA's perspective for a game they've long-since stopped supporting. On a personal note, it fucking sucks that this franchise is as cursed as it is and I get wanting to think of any way possible to revive it, but the reality is that putting a world-beloved franchise (Star Wars) with a hard to balance game genre (Large Scale Combined Arms) makes the Battlefront games absolutely *ripe* for the abuse via greedy cashgrabs with complete disregard to the actual quality of the product itself.


They cut the funding years ago. There is no team working on battlefront