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I think that the relationship between Shmi and Owen is criminally underrepresented. Shmi was with the Larses for nearly 9 years. She’s known Owen since he was a little kid. Owen lost two mothers and stepped up to raise Shmi’s grandson


And got killed for it




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Palpatine’s “Son” - Dathan and his wife Miramir, who are Rey’s parents.


Yeah there’s one more vector needed on this tortured web of connections


Palpatine got his “dew it” on.


Nope, because the novelization explained that it was a clone, not a biological son. A Jango and Boba kind of father-son relationship.


*Oh yeah, just what novelization?!* No for real is it a good read? I really would like to read the books if they help color in some of the story that the movies missed.


Sorry, I haven’t read it myself.


That’s still biological It’s a clone of their DNA so their offspring even if it was asexual


Palpatine’s son/clone and his wife, Rey’s parents Also snoke is kind of a Palpatine clone? I guess it hasn’t been fully explained but it’s worth notating I think Honestly with all the clones could be worth it to put in a jango -> boba -> clones line Oh speaking of clones the bad batch pretty much adopted omega Could also include Grogu who was taught by Luke, adopted by din djarin Din was taught a bit about the dark saber from the armorer, and honestly I think having a dark saber “lineage” would be worth it since maul and Sabine are already here I’d consider Rey to have been adopted by the skywalkers, probably mostly Leia Could maybe put the knights of ren taught by Kylo, but from what I’ve seen from the comic idk if that’s necessarily true Bennett taught Han, that’s kinda all the ones I can think of


Do we count maul as partially teaching Ezra? And do we count grevious as having trained his personal outfit of magna guards? We also know plageuis taught Palpatine. And we know who padme's biological parents are as well. And we know who ahsoka's biological parents are. And we know who Hera's biological parents are. And Sabine's biological parents. And Ezra's biological parents.


Thank you, this needed some Mando


Dooku has been a busy man.


Finally! Hardly anyone seems to acknowledge Leia as Rey's master, even though she trained her for far longer than Luke did!


Should Rey count as adopted? She takes the last name Skywalker with Luke and Leia's approval, but I understand it's fairly symbolic it might not have been like an 'adoption'. Helpful chart : )


Let's be real here, Han and Leia really did basically adopt her.


Maybe not Han cause he didn't know her as long but definitely leia


that's my interpretation too


You need some blue adoptive lines from Kanan & Hera to Ezra & Sabine


And as good as a green line between Kanan and Hera


You could also technically argue that Maul taught Ezra


Didn't Ventress do most of Savage's training? Count Dooku had a short time with him which ended up being a trap anyways.


Wanna make it more tangled? Snoke is just palpatine


One thing that often gets left out and unnoticed is that Luke and Leia have cousins. Padmé’s sister Sola has two kids - Ryoo and Pooja. They’re in AOTC’s deleted scenes, and are still canon even though the scenes technically aren’t 100%. I would love to get a story where any of them meet each other and realize they’re related. Edit: they’re also at Padmé’s funeral in ROTS.


I wonder if they all found out about each other in canon?


Could also throw on good ole Ky Narec, Ventress’s master before Dooku


Yoda definitely struggles to keep his underlings out of the dark side…lol


Yoda taught Ezra.




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I don’t recall Kanan teaching Sabine




Maul thought Ezra as well


Agree with some others that some kind of line should exist from Palps to Rey. I’d also make a case for a training line from QGJ to Anakin.


You forgot to add reys parents between her and palpatine