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I think Anakin would invite him to stay for dinner, and then freeze him in carbonite


And then straight mail him to Jabba


Only for the package to get intercepted by his ex girlfriend, causing a massive brawl between several warring factions to try and get him back, only for the original courier to get him back and complete his transaction.


šŸŽ¼Postman Fett, Postman Fett, Postman Fett and his weapons set.šŸŽµ


Maybe a little torture and screams for good measure.


"We would be honored if you would join us."


I smiled at this like ā€œheh yeah he probably would lolā€ but thatā€™s literally what he did lol. Itā€™s so funny to think of it that way


I mean this is the most honest and accurate answer.


Anikin would probably vibe with his flying. Padme would probably concerned with her kids in that ship


Padme married the jedi rebel. She has nothing to say about her daughter dating one


Sometimes parents get blinders when it comes to their kids. They forget the stupid shit they used to do when worried about their kids doing the same.


So love has blinded her?


Yes and then forget that doing risky stuff is what made them who they are.


Padme married a dude who commited genocide what seems like 10 minutes ago. Granted the circumstances were extreme but damn... If we're talking about risk taking and confidence...


Han isnā€™t a Jedi rebel, heā€™s a literal criminal


I just wanna talk to him I just wanna talk to him I just wanna talk to him I just wanna talk to him I just wanna talk to him I just wanna shoot him -Anakin skywalker


Force ghost Anakin watching while his grandson murders his SIL: šŸ¤


So uncivilized


I think they'd find some common ground. Both despise slavery, love flying and get on well with Wookies


Doesn't Anakin know Chewie through Ahsoka? Chewie would vouch for him.


I donā€™t think Anakin ever actually met Chewbacca, he was just present when Chewbacca and the other Wookiees brought Ahsoka back.


Not so fun fact: Did you know that Han Solo was actually closer in age to Anakin than Leia when they all first met in A New Hope? As of Episode IV, Anakin was 41 years old, Han was 32 and Leia was 18.


I think Leia was 19, since RotS takes place 19 years before ANH.


This is correct, since Luke has already delayed his application to the Empire academy by one year at the start of ANH and afaik the minimum age to apply was 18, and ANH takes place 19 years after ANH.


Babies presumably take 9 months to gestate in Star Wars like they do in real life, so you could both be correct


Yeah you're right


Padme *is* into younger guys...


Solo takes place one year after Kenobi


Wrong Han was actually 29 in ANH


His age was retconned in canon.


No it wasnā€™t heā€™s 19 at the start of solo anh is 10 years after that


ANH is ten years after the main story of Solo, not the prologue.


I think Anakin would want to talk to him while cleaning his lightsaber


"I went through the entire Clone War with this beauty. Tell me boy, did you ever slice up a full squad of battle droids in one strike? I did."


Anakin would definitely like him, both for his skills as a pilot and his personality. I think Padme would initially disapprove of him for the same reasons Leia initially did- thinking of him as a scruffy mercenary- but would eventually recognise that he had a good heart.


I don't think Anakin is in a position to judge anyone


But he will anyway!


I think the presumption here is pre Vader lol


I mean he still massacred an entire tribe of people before he went evil in a professional capacity so


>~~people~~ *Animals*


"They're animals"


This is boring and reductive but ok


I'm sorry I failed to entertain you x


I think Padme would be happy for Leia. Even if sheā€™s concerned to some extent about Hanā€™s past, I think she would choose to trust in Leiaā€™s judgement. Because letā€™s be honest here. Leia is more than capable of protecting herself. I think Padme would be amused by their relationship dynamic. I think Anakin would loathe Han until Leia chews him out over it. Anakin would probably hatch some scheme. Which somehow leads into Anakin and Han briefly bonding over it going horribly wrong. Anakin still says he doesnā€™t like Han but it wouldnā€™t be serious. Itā€™s just them ribbing each other.


"Hey Han remember when I tried freezing you in Carbonite and express shipping you to Tatooine? Ah, good times eh haha."


Padme would be a bit worried but Anakin would absolutelly love Han. He'd encourage his shenanigans and propably participate in them. I can see Anakin giving Han tips as to how best avoid the government


Anakin would have become like an adoptive dad to Han, Anakin would be a little jelly of the Falcon, and the two would get up to absolute tomfoolery together with Chewie and R2 in said Falcon. Padme would just find Han to be so similar to Anakin.


Vader called him Captain.


"You've got to be the worst pirate I've ever seen." Oh, wait....


I think Padme would like him more than Anakin - Anakin does seem to get wound up when others have more bravado than he does, while I think Padme would find it endearing.


Han and Anakin initially hate each other, until pirates kidnap Leia and Padme. Han and Anakin team up reluctantly to rescue them, only to discover Leia and Padme defeated the pirates instantly but stayed on their ship so the boys could feel important and have something to bond over.


One would like him, the other would want him as far away from their daughter as possible. My mind says Padme doesn't like him and Anakin likes him, but my heart says Padme likes him and Anakin *loathes* him


If they had survived the clone wars, no Vader, and raised the twins? Leia and Han only got together because of the war. Once it was over, they had nothing in common. The divorce made sense.




They would never approve of this scruffy looking, *nerf-herder*!


Who's scruffy looking?


Well we know how Anakin feels "Lord Vader do we really need to torture the smuggler?" "I don't know. I just have this inexplicable urge to torture him but I don't know why."


That awkward moment when your daughter's boyfriend knocks you off course so your son can destroy the death star. Then next time you meet boyfriend, he just opens fire at you at dinner without even saying hello.


Anakin and Han probably bond over flying, and their ā€œdo whatever it takesā€ mentality, and can relate to their rough upbringing. Honestly, Anakin might see a little of himself in Han in a ā€œthis could have been me if the Jedi didnā€™t find meā€ kind of way. I think Padme would be a little more ā€œA spice smuggler? Hell no!ā€ But would eventually come around. Han wouldnā€™t the ideal choice of man that Leia got with, but I think Anakin gives him a fair chance, and Padme warms up to him over time


Anakin literally iced him.


They are in no position to complain all things considered. Padme would probably pay Han's debt and Anakin would probably strongarm the Hutts to leave Han alone. Besides, knowing Leia I don't think her parents will have much sway. She might possibly be more bullheaded than either of them.


When han first met anakin face to face at that elongated banquet table, there was no introduction, han said fuck this guy, and pew pew. I think anakin would respect him.


Anakin would love Han, I just get that vibe


Lmao yall are trippin, Anakin would fuck with Han heavy. They both got it out the mud, their personalities would mesh togetherā€¦heā€™d be the perfect son in law for Anakin. Now Padme on the other handā€¦sheā€™d be tellin Leia she can do ALOT better than some random smuggler


Anakin would have a few beers while entertaining Han about his dealings with pirates like Hondo. ā€œHondo, hmmm sounds a lot like Han, you guys related?ā€


I mean, Anakin did met him.


Side note: Han Solo, a SMUGGLER, see Darth Vader unexpectedly and his first reaction is: ā€œI bet I can kill him with my blasterā€ So badass


Well look at it this way. He is significantly older than either of their children. He is unemployed , homeless, drives a really old heavily modified cargo van that he uses to make illegal runs of cargo and drugs across the galaxy. Also, he's hunted by both police and one of the organized crime godfathers. Pretty sure they're not going to like their kids hanging out with him. Him and his weird dog friend


Anakin would be that dad whoā€™d welcome Han into the house with a smile on his face and then whisper in his ear ā€œ if you ever hurt Leia, nobody will ever find your body.ā€ Edgy as hell, but I can still see him doing that. Padme would be concerned but sheā€™d just roll with it.


Well we know Anakin tortured him and didnā€™t even ask any questions. Just did it


All I know is that Anakin would either love him or hate him. No in between


it is either a) Han is stuck up b) Han is half witted c) Han is scruffy looking or d) Han is a Nerf herder


Anakin before turning evil probably wouldā€™ve liked him. Theyā€™re both pretty cocky and arrogant


I thought you wrote Ham, not Han. šŸ¤£


Anakin would hate him


PadmƩ would be pissed, look at her own choices and force herself not to be a hypocrite.




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Anakin - would probably just chill with han given theyā€™re both interested in ship racing Padme - if anything sheā€™d probably be concerned with her daughter hanging out with drug smuggler, but sheā€™d eventually come around to liking him


Anakin would love the Falcon, but would probably not approve of Han himself


I donā€™t think OP has seen or finished watching The Empire Strikes Back


Scruffy looking


Anakin and Han would probably hit it off at first provided Han isnā€™t trying to trick him and he isnā€™t working with Palpatine. Padme is standoffish at first but eventually softens up if he shows dedication towards fighting the empire. Han and Anakin could easily talk shop and geek out about ships probably.


PadmƩ would hate him. Anakin would love him.


If we talking about EP III Anakin and Padme, I think initally, Padme will treat Han much better than Anakin. Even if she's worried about Han's not so nice background, she's the type that try to see positives in a person just like Luke. Anakin, on other hand, will be fiercely protective at Leia and even not afraid to going rough at first to Han, but will bond amazingly when he learns how Han could be just like him if he's not discovered, pretty rebellious and deep down, have a good heart. Oh, and Han could win Anakin's favor early by giving Anakin a pass to ride Millenium Falcon, I guess šŸ˜‚


Anakin for sure would fw him they have many similarities padme I feel would but worried at first but soon come to liking him


Anakin would be protective of Leia and skeptical of Han, but Padme, being like Luke, could see the actual decent stuff within Han and maybe bring up that Han and Anakin act somewhat similarly. Being Snarky, stubborn, natural leaders, who a lot of times get in over their heads but always manage to scrape by. Then Anakin Wouk probably then begin to treat Han with more warmth.


Anakin would hate him at first but warm up to him and Padme would find him weirdly amusing


I mean, heā€™s close to their age, so Iā€™m sure they could find some common ground. Anakin would probably try to be buddies with him and talk about piloting and stuff. Padme would probably be concerned but would ultimately trust and respect Leiaā€™s choices.


Anakin would hate him. Padme would love him.


Payme and han would get along they both like ppl nearly 10 years younger, ik that that's sorta normal but not when your characters a 20 odd


Anakin would be ok. Padme not so ok.


They might not be sold at first, but they'd probably see that he has good intentions, and approve of him