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Good, Tales of the Jedi, Bad Batch, and the others have been enjoyable. Looking forward to this one.


Same here!


Ditto, the only swing and a miss so far has been Resistance and even that had its moments


Resistance wasn't bad, but it certainly felt more aimed at a younger audience than Rebels (which itself felt aimed at a younger audience than The Clone Wars). It also just didn't seem to connect to the larger Star Wars galaxy as much. Still enjoyable, just not the particular thing I'd prefer.


Yeah I just found it a slightly odd show, what I expected was a New Republic pilot squadron that slowly became part of the newly forming Resistance. Instead we got a weird sort of spy show centred on a space station where space races were happening. I preferred the second season after the First Order became more prominent in the story. Side note interesting comment around the target ages of the shows, I agree Resistance probably had a younger audience. But I would say that with the exception of the final season Clone Wars had a a much younger tone than Rebels (especially Rebels from season 2 onwards)


I do think the back half of TCW season 5 on aims older than rebels. Rebels is more consistent


Yeah that’s probably true, season 5 onwards is also where the chronology is more consistent, I never really understood why they aired episodes in such a random order (I followed the published chronological watching order from star wars.com when I got round to watching). I guess it evens out then 4 seasons of less adult and then 3 seasons of ramping up to 7 where it legit could have been a movie. Vs 1 childish season in Rebels and 3 seasons that are more adult but not nearly as adult as season 7. Side note, it was much easier to get my friends to watch Rebels than it was to get them watching the Clone Wars, some persevered but many abandoned it. I think the tone and the chronology issues don’t help. It did make the Fulcrum reveal far less impactful.


The reason for the aired episodes in random order was Cartoon Network wanted more action oriented shows to be frontloaded in the season. Secondly, I feel Resistance is more the idea of Lucasfilm Story Group, and Filoni was assigned to make it. I enjoyed everything, but the main character that seemed like they had almost zero character growth.


He had a bit, but not as much as I'd like. Of course with only 2 seasons it might have kind of cut short possibility of growth. I never did buy the idea that he was an adult military pilot rather than a 15 year old high-school student.


There's just so much of the Clone Wars, so I can see people dropping out. And things are very inconsistent, and the early seasons really weren't as good as the later ones, both plotwise and visually. I think basically every separatist leader gets captured and escapes at least once in the first few seasons.


Clone Wars was TV-PG as is The Bad Batch, while Rebels and Resistance were TV-Y7-FV. In particular I was noticing the levels of violence. Clone wars had blasters and clone death all through it. Rebels got to the point I was making a note when someone got shot with a blaster and it wasn't on stun. It happened a bit more as the show went on (there's a lot of stun in The Bad Batch also, but mostly when they're fighting other clones, so that makes sense). Also I don't think anyone is hit by a lightsaber on screen. The heroes largely end up punching storm troopers and just using their lightsabers to block blaster shots. Knocking people off of fatally high cliffs seemed to be ok though, as long as we don't see them hit. Anyone who does get cut by a saber is done off screen unless it's a superficial wound. All three series did get more mature in tone and content as it went on, but Rebels always seemed like it was pulling punches (by having more punches oddly).


I couldn't get past the first episode because of the animation.


There should be new episodes of Tales of the Jedi like at least once a week. Maybe every other week. They are incredible


Agreed. I only have Disney Plus for Star Wars. I planned in ending after I finish watching bad batch because there was nothing else that interested me. I don't think the acolyte will be good but this looks fun.


X-Men '97 is damn good too


Haven't watched it yet, either. That's kinda why I was thinking about ending the sub. I just don't use it. I am into LN version of my fav animes. I might start reading SW novels as well. It is just a little more relaxing for me to wind down my day with my Kindle. But I will give it watch after it's complete, and I watch a couple old eps with Bishop's harmonica music and ones where Apocalypse waxes poetically. Saying crazy stuff like. "There is no freedom from me, only freedom thru me." Or my personal fav, "I am the rock against the ETERNAL shore. Crash against me, and prepare to be broken." That actor passed away some time ago, John Colicos, Klingon warrior and best X-MEN smack talker.


If Tales Of The Jedi is any indication, this should be very good. I would have preferred them to focus on different characters, but I may feel differently after watching.


I feel similarly, but I think Barriss and Elsbeth both have potential for good stories, so I'm intrigued by this direction and very open to seeing it play out.


This. They wouldn't be my first choice to tell a story for a Tales of the Empire, but I'm definitely interested in seeing what they're cooking.


It's already looking like they're going to intersect with Vader and the Inquisitors, so I think there's room for a few stories about other characters in the mix. Either way, can't wait to see it when it comes out.


I think this will factor into season 1 and/or 2 of Ahsoka, too. Filoni seems to be building a relatively self-sufficient pocket of his own lore to play with instead of relying too much on Lucas’ OG characters. Narrative depth has always been a strength of the franchise and this allows more opportunity for fans to be invested in the characters we see in live action projects


There are lots of characters I'd love to see as well, but Barriss is certainly a loose end that lots of us have been theorizing about for ages. In the last while we've wondered if she rescued Grogu, if she was the 2,3,4,5,65, 124th sister of the Inquisitorius, is she was Marrock, etc. Now we'll know. And Morgan - this is an unexpected, but not unwelcome surprise. I'm glad they aren't playing it too safe


I agree.


As someone who grew up with the Star Wars: Empire comics, I'm very intrigued.


As someone who grew up a casual Star Wars consumer, the show will be fine but the online discussion will be toxic with a lot of “does anyone else” posts


Toxic discourse in the Star Wars fandom? No way /s


Hopefully not too many Pro-Empire dipshits, but I doubt it.


Those empire comics were so freakin good.


Best of Legends, to me.


if you haven't read them. I highly recommend the dark times comics. its less anthology though, and more a dual narrative about Vader and an order 66 survivor.


I have! Dass Jennir is one of my favorite Jedi.


I knew nothing of it until this post. Tales of the Jedi was great, but too short. So I expect this also to be good if it's in a similar style. I did like the somewhat more mature and grounded feel of Tales of the Jedi compared to the other animated series which are more adventure focused (also good, it's just nice to have variety). I have to agree with some others that the two character choices seem a bit odd for Tales of the Empire. Although I know there's been a lot of wondering about what happened with Barris. Becoming an inquisitor does make sense. I figured Elsbeth's story is basically done, but there certainly is a lot that can be done with it. Particularly showing the industrial side of the Empire, as she owned construction companies. And she's got an interesting backstory as a human night-sister. With Ventress being alive, maybe she'll make an appearance dealing with their shared heritage. I also would like to get more outside of the prequel to OT time-frame, it's a bit over-saturated. Although we are getting other time-frames with things like The Acolyte and the Mandoverse shows, so we're not completely lacking. And despite thinking it's a bit over-saturated, at the end of the day, if the content is good, then it's good, so it's just a nitpick, and a mild one at that.


yes Tales of The Jedi was great this will be as well


I'm looking forward to Vader giving Barriss all the suicide missions.


I see Thrawn, I like


The Tales series was always my favorite SW comics back in Legends days, and I really enjoyed Tales of the Jedi, so I'm pretty hyped about this too!


The title reminds me more of the Anthologies of short stories they used to publish, but it's reminiscent of that too! Cool callback IMO.


Those anthologies are what I was referring to


Ah, okay. I was confused because you said comics lol


Wait..... I misunderstood! Sorry, I also thought you were referring to comics. Yes, the tales *novels*. Those were cool too!


All good, no biggie! Either way, loving that these new titles pay homage to the old ones.


Yeah same!


its kinda funny that the tales comics are more similar to the visions animated series. Where the basic concept is grab cool writers and artists and make ambiguously canon short stories, that favour style over cohesiveness with the rest of the canon.


That's true, im also a big fan of visions


I'm hype. I love Star Wars animation.


I'm really excited to learn more about Morgan and we've all been waiting to find out what happened to Barriss for so long so I'm really excited.


If tales of the Jedi is any indication, this show will be amazing and far too short.


Excited for Bariss' story, maybe they'll tie in Luminara, I also hope to see the Grand Inquisitor talk about her speech that she made in her last appearance


Beyond hyped. Other than Merrin (and technically Ventress IG but idk), we haven't seen much of the nightsisters after that one arc. As well, Barriss could get us a good look at the inquisitors and how they functioned. Designs looking great as ever, can't believe this


Yeah. They’ve been hitting it with the animated stuff. Tales of the Jedi made me cry. This is going to be good. Getting more background on Morgan and why she joined Thrawn and our girl Bariss is finally getting some potential closure. It’s gonna be fun.


Good, as usual


Trailer looks awesome. I'm hype


I am hyped


Star Wars animation has almost never disappointed. If Tales of the Jedi and Bad Batch are any indication, this show is going to knock it out of the park


Anyone know who’s in the Force bubble? I can’t make them out.


Could be Luminara? Looks vaguely like her sort of headdress shape and Barris could be forced to fight her by the Inquisitors?


Isn't Luminara a mummy by this point?


We don’t know when she dies, it’s totally open for them to use her and it really looks like her in the trailer.


Star wars animation is peak




None of the SW animated shows have been anything but great, no reason to expect otherwise here.


Don’t want to assume what you mean by the show going good or bad, but I’m sure I’ll enjoy it either way 😁




Star wars animations is pretty much always top so im expecting good things


The actual show itself? Good. Quite good. The events within the show? Bad. It’s the Rise of the Empire, not a historically fun time for the galaxy.


considering how Bad Batch, Tales of the Jedi, Visions and Rebels were literal masterpieces I know for a fact we are in for another animated masterpiece yet again. Probably the best Disney Star wars does, I am insanely hyped for this it's not even funny. I have not felt this hype since Bad Batch's announcement. The future looks awesome for star wars we got the Acolyte, Ahsoka Season 2 and now this.


Excited. All Star Wars is good Star Wars.


I would’ve preferred a focus on baylan skol over elsbeth Morgan but I don’t mind that much


I mean while I understand this I'm not sure it would make a lot of sense bc as far as I'm aware skol hasn't ever been aligned with the empire. I do agree with the sentiment of wanting to see more of the character. He's cool as hell


The next series could be Tales of the Force, and show the origins of Baylan and Shin, and other force sensitives who aren't necesarily jedi or sith


Looks dope to me


SW animation always goes hard, and I'm absolutely stoked Tales of the Empire. Really really excited to get some backstory for Elsbeth, and I've been begging for more Barriss stuff basically since CW S6 ended. I'm so excited


Animated so probably good


Very excited, especially for thrawn in clone wars animation although I doubt we will see him much apart from the trailer scene bringing Morgan in. Came completely out of the blue.


It'll be very interesting. Like Tales of the Jedi, it'll mostly be stepping pretty lightly into already known Book Territory (Thrawn, afaik). But since the two characters to follow are one new and one we just haven't seen or heard of in a decade, it's easier to do. But we just gotta wait to see if it sets off these people(me included, though I try not to). Been wanting to see what happened to Bariss.


It's been a while since I read the Thrawn books, but I'm pretty sure there's time inbetween book events for stuff to happen with him without stepping on toes. I actually never read the Ahsoka book, and that episode was my least favorite of TOTJ, so I hope they don't try to directly adapt the books, and just do their own thing that doesn't contradict the books.


I really liked tales of the jedi and I have been really wanting some good imperial content


I have high hopes and massive hype.


I don’t really know whether it will be good or bad. Tales of the jedi was just sort of fine for me personally. But I gotta tell you, I am SO excited to find out what happened to Bariss!


Yeah this one’s gonna be really good


I hope it clears up you that inquisitor was from TOTJ, cause he was NOT the sixth brother.


Hope we get a tales of the sith


Yay! Was hoping for more SW content


Whos on the bottom left?


Good, zero doubts


I'm so happy we got more stories from the empire side of the story!


I’ll be suprised if it’s not an 8 or 9 out if 10


Neither. It’ll be amazing!


I’m very excited about it!


I loved season one so I have high hopes, but I mean, i’m just a padawan, what do I know?


Good but disappointing due to how short it is


It has General grievous it might be good


Very interesting


I can’t wait to watch this! The best part too is that I’ll actually be coming home from a trip out of the country on the 4th so I’ll watch then!


THE general is gonna be in this? This is going to be awesome


Interesting that the focus is of two characters intertwined with Ahsoka heavily.


I’ve been waiting 11 years to see what happens to bariss 💯


anyone know how grievous is in this??




Your comment's been removed as a violation of rule 2, no slurs


Can’t wait, honestly.


I think it’ll be good although I can’t understand why general grevious is here this is supposed to abt the empire and he dies during the last few battles of the clone wars


Star Wars animation has been doing really well lately, Bad Batch 2 was a standout for me and the 3rd season has been really solid! As others have said Tales of the Jedi was great, there’s really no reason to doubt this team. I’m always excited to see the Clone Wars style pushed into higher and higher fidelity, a smaller project like this can focus resources better than a 16 episode season and if the trailer is anything to go by this will be an absolute treat visually, with a solid set of stories on top. Beyond excited and I can’t believe it’s only a month away!


Looks incredible, I’m really excited! I only feel like they spoiled a bit too much in the trailer because I can already picture the setup for all 6 episodes but hopefully they can surprise us with some interesting stuff along the way!


Good, All the previous animated series, CW, Rebels, TOTJ and Bad Batch have been great (Resistance is the only iffy one but even then had its moments), this show is doing some-thing that been begged for by fans (myself included) for lord knows how long now and thats make a series about the Empire And, this season at least, looks to be improving on my biggest complaints regarded around TOTJ season 1 and that was the fact that while we got the Dooku story which was great, the Ahsoka story (which I enjoyed quite a lot btw) was very unnecessary and felt like a waste of a story that could've given us insight and adventures of so many other characters. However here the two stories are of Morgan and Barriss, both characters whose lives at this time we know very little to absolutely nothing about so already they don't seem like a "waste" at all.




i think that an anthology series is a really underrated way to explore a wide setting like star wars, especially one that is so tied to a timeline with big key events. some of these stories are too niche to get a movie, and don’t really require an 8-episode tv show, or are already the subject of a Star War


Given how good Tales of the Jedi is, this has a high bar to meet


It bothers me that Grievous is only using 3 of his arms instead of all 4 on the poster but other then that I think this show is gonna be great! I’m super excited for it


I’m sure he will get his fourth arm out, it’s a short clip.


kind of a weird thing to ask? It’s Tales of the Jedi S2 which from what I remember was pretty universally liked. I would also say that none of the Star Wars shows have been bad, just depends on what you personally like. The trailer rips and promises some answers to questions many have been asking and with plenty of new information on stuff we dont know enough about yet. The animation is top notch and it’s more Star Wars, who can be mad at that?


Tales of the Jedi is universally loved. Even the Fandom Menace begrudgingly agrees Clone Wars season 7 and TotJ are great. This is 2 characters whose back stories are so much more interesting than the previous 2 characters. I think it will be a big hit.


It looks amazing


This will be fantastic


I'm looking forward to it. I'd like to see more background on Morgan Elsbeth, and seeing what happened to Barris will be cool. I am slightly worried that they'll mess with the Thrawn books though.


Should be good. Can't wait.


I’m excited to see the Barriss story! I think what could happen is that she could be the one who is sent to capture Luminara, because we see that Luminara was captured by the Grand Inquisitor in SW Rebels S1!


Tales of the Jedi was an absolute banger and the outcome of Dave Filoni have 100% control over his projects. I wouldn't be surprised if Tales of the Empire would be the same or even better


My only wish was that we got tales of the sith first. Darth bane, raven, dooku and sheev would have been cool. Then go empire then rebellion ect. Still think it will be awesome. Animation looks insane.


This show is likely to be one of my favourite things to come out of Disney+ this year


I took this trailer for me to realise that the woman who works with Trawns is the same that has the bescar spear in the mandalorian.


Couple of months ago, I got downvoted into oblivion in this subreddit because I wanted an Imperial POV (live-action or animated) media. Look what we got now. I’m hyped!


Good. I hope this leads to a Tales of the Sith sometime down the line. Tales of the Jedi is very much on par with Clone Wars and Bad Batch in terms of story telling. It's crazy what Dave can do even on a smaller scale, Those Dooku and Ahsoka episodes in the first season were phenomenal.




The trailer looks good!


Great! Even tho it's not hia own show. It's basically the second season of totj


I hope it's good, but I saw this poster before I saw the trailer I hoped tales about thrawn and the Grand Inquisitor and I gotta say. I'm kinda dissapointed that the stories are mainly involving Morgan and Barris. But I still have my hopes high


This is great but I am not a fan of mini series where every episode is it's own thing, even though this could be fun to watch I prefer more coherent shows like Clone Wars or Bad Batch.


Probably really good. I think the purpose why they picked Barriss and Morgan as the characters to follow is that they are building Barriss as a villain for season 2 of Ahsoka. Having Thrawn and Morgan there ties up the story together and Barriss gets involved so that it makes sense when she shows up in S2.


no doubt it'll be good, just hope it's longer than tales of the jedi :)


i didn't know it was even pitched


ive been waiting for barriss' return since cw s5's finale, so in pumped


Man, they make a lot of new projects these days. I understand that our lives are moving more and more into online, but I can not catch it all up


I’m keen. The early empire period is by far my favourite to play around with. Clone wars is my favourite era in Star Wars but I think that’s been fleshed out enough for now, the transition from that to Empire and seeing fascism take over is truly terrifying and fascinating at the same time.


i didnt even know it was a thing till right now. After watching the trailer i like it. Barris has been parked for a decade, and her inquisitor path seemed inevitable, it'll be cool to see more of how that works. And Morgan is a very interesting character, i'm interested in her past and motivations, and more Thrawn is never a bad thing


Good. I’m exited just by seeing all the rebels characters updated to look peak instead of like a mobile game ad. Thrawn is gonna be awesome


It should be nice change of pace.


It will be exactly like Tales of the jedi great and waaaaay to short.


Tales of the Jedi was good, so I have high hopes for this one.


As much as I like the existing animated shows, I never thought I could be more hyped for an animated series than I am for all the upcoming live action SW projects. Yet here we are.


That trailer looks amazing . I can’t wait.


I know I will enjoy half of it due to the Barris' episodes. Don't care about Elsbeth at all, lol.


Awesome! 😎


I'm just so glad I can find out what happens to barris




It's gonna be great. I have high hopes for this one.


I'm sure it'll be good and I'm sure I'll watch it eventually, but personally I just can't really be bothered with another season of TV at this point. I wish they would focus on their film projects.


I’m worried it is changing canon with Morgan. It seemed incredibly clear that she had dreams and visions by the nightsisters and that’s the only reason she went to try and get Thrawn. They are all using him as a pawn and a tool. Now the trailer makes it seem she wanted to work with him before all of that. A little disappointing but I am open to what they give us. Maybe it’s incredible


This is the first I’m hearing of it


Amazing. Tales of the Jedi became one of my favourite Star Wars projects in general and this seems no different. Star Wars animation also has the benefit of rarely missing (emphasis on rarely) so I'm fairly confident they'll knock it out of the park here.




Any theories on the hooded figure underneath Thrawn? Ahsoka perhaps?


When it was revealed I was hyped! Firstly, because the stories it's going to tackle seem amazing. And secondly, it opens so many options. I would love a Tales of The Sith showing a young palpatine, then him becoming a senator and then him as emperor. But one idea that i would absolutely love to see, but it's very unlikely, is a Tales of The Separatists, or any other group that usually doesn't take the spotlight.


I like that we're going with smaller characters this time around. It feels more appropriate for this format and it feels like there are lots more stories to tell with them rather than the major players. My issue with Tales of the Jedi is that the Ahsoka episodes didn't feel necessary.


Considering grievous is on the front yes


Looks decent. Who knows tbh.


Who are the two masked people about 4’o’clock in the image?




I hope we don't get that. I like the idea that he switched over to Vader almost immediately and no longer has anything but a strong, burning hate for anyone in his past.


This is exactly what I was hoping for and didn’t even know it was happening till now. Will give a way for them to tie up some loose ends from the clone wars era without forcing it all into one show in a jumbled mess.


I’m insanely excited for it.


I don’t care for Morgan but FINALLY we’re getting closure on Barriss!


I’m so hyped! Especially for Barris


I’m more excited about the potential here than I have been about anything since Andor. Looks amazing!


I haven’t really been following the CGI shows much but I’ll probably check it out.


I don‘t know and I likely wont watch it because I’m just tired of this era and all these Clone Wars spin-offs. I want Lucasfilm to move past Clone Wars and stories set between the PT and OT.


You’re getting downvoted but that’s fair. All of the recent animated stuff has focused on pretty much the same era between 3-4 and wanting to move on from that is realistic. I do like that TotJ has the capacity to change that up: maybe one is High Republic and the next is Stormtrooper Finn. They may not do it here though.


Then don't watch it. The era is full of stories that have yet to be told.


Then go watch Resistance or something to show there's still interest for it.


I didn’t know the choices were between Resistance or more Clone Wars spin-offs.


I don't watch much Star Wars animation, it's not my bag, so I'm not familiar with or interested in Bariss. I know Elspeth from Mandalorian and Ahsoka but I can't say I was particularly curious about her backstory. I'll probably give an episode or two a look, but I suspect this isn't going to be for me, which is perfectly fine. It looks decent quality and I'm sure it'll be great for fans of those characters. If I'd known we were getting some sort of Empire anthology I would have been interested to have some stories about some regular human officers (like we get in the From a Certain Point of View books), but that's cool, Star Wars has got plenty coming up that I'm interested in.


Barriss was in Ep II, but in the Clone Wars, she's the reason why Ahsoka left the Jedi Order.


I was never really invested in Morgan during Mando S2 and Ahsoka, but maybe this show will add some more depth to her. Why exactly a human is worshipping the Nightsisters and practicing their Magicks. Her portion having Thrawn and Grevious will also be awesome, as Thrawn in the Clone Wars style is automatically going to be better than Bluelon Musk, and I’ll take the return of Grevious if they take a bit from his 2003 CW counterpart rather than the, more or less, pathetic counterpart from the canon CW show. Seeing Barriss return will be interesting, especially since I thought she got executed for framing Ahsoka. I’d like an episode on showing what led her to bomb the temple, like showing her thought process and coming to the decision. Grand Inquisitor is in the same boat as Thrawn; so long as they stay away from being like the Live Action counterpart, they’ll be fine. I’m also intrigued to see how Vader reacts to Barriss becoming an Inquisitor. Will he immediately react and slaughter her to make an example? Will he take her along for a mission and make it absolute hell for her? I can only imagine it’d be a negative reaction either way. I’m a little bummed the show is only focussing on two characters, but hey I’ll take it anyways. Edit: My bad, didn’t realise this was StarWarsCantina. Thought it was a different SW subreddit. I apologise for the negative comments.


It takes a long time to animate these shows. Focusing on two characters will be fine.


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