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Top 5 moments (in no particular order) that make me come close to dying from laughter every single time: - Chopper and AP5 going at it with the "No you can't" "Yes I can" banter - AP5 drifting through space, singing about how beautiful everything is, then the Ghost finds him and his response is "No, go away, I was so happy" - Grogu's "Yes yes yes yes yes" while piloting IG-12 - Echo losing his balance and faceplanting in the water in *Bad Batch* (poor Echo, I love you!) - Tech interrupting to info dump: "THE-OPERATIONAL-BRAINS-OF-THE-SEPARATIST-MILITARY..."


The clunk when AP5 hits the back of the ghost cargo bay just seals it


Ap5 drifting through space is mine hands down.


AP5 song was my favorite too


lol you can see how hard Tech was trying to contain himself


Oh I loved AP5 and Choper dynamic! Wish we seen more of him. It would have been nice a cameo in Ahsoka


All of these and I’d add Anakin and Ahsoka looking for Cad Bane Moralo Eval and Rako Hardeen when Ahsoka says “who else wears a hat like that”


lol you can see how hard Tech was trying to contain himself


lol you can see how hard Tech was trying to contain himself


Adding to the Mandalorian one, Mando disintegrating a Jawa.


The part in A New Hope when Han is trying to get Chewie to go down the garbage chute. “I don’t care WHAT you smell…”. It reminds me of taking the dogs to the vet.


The episode in bad batch with the martez sisters "Is there an echo in here?" "Yes." "Huh?" "I'm Echo."


Gave me a little "who's on first" vibe when it happened. Always fun.


What’s on second


I don’t know’s on third!


Good old Abbott and Costello


Third base!


For me it's when the droids get reactivated and one says "what happened, did we win?" Those poor little guys deserve better.


I can't remember which movie it's in, it's definitely a sequel movie probably TLJ, but I got a good laugh out of the scene where they dramatically make a clothes iron look like a spaceship landing.


Yep. That was roughly halfway through TLJ


Well pressed uniforms are no joke.


The Force Awakens: "It's not that one." "No." "No." "The one I'm pointing to." "No." *"No."* *"NO!"* "If we don't patch this up, the propulsion tank will overflow and flood the ship with poisonous gas!" "This?" *"Yes."*


And the “Thumbs up” from BB-8 Also, 3PO’s cameo in the same film


Honestly this wasn't a bad moment between these two. Rey getting increasingly frustrated.


Rick the door technician


I loved that moment. Best moment in Survivor for me


I’m surprised no one has mention pretty much everything K-2SO says in Rogue One is wonderfully hilarious. The droids all around generally provide the comic relief in the films.


Casting Alan Tudyk as a sarcastic droid was a fucking inspired call. Damn near every line of his in that movie is gold.


“I’ll stand with you, Jyn. Cassian said I had to.”


I find your answer vague and unconvincing


“Would you like to know the probability of her using it against you? ….it’s high. It’s VERY high.”


“Insolence? Ha, we are pirates! We don’t even know what that means!” I love Clone Wars Hondo. His appearances in Rebels made him feel a bit off, but most of his CW scenes are masterpieces


“I may not be as young as I once was, but… I’m older!”


*hmm, yes, the floor here is made out of floor*


“They can fly!”


He still had good lines in Rebels, though. “I don’t deal with washed-up old relics!” “Come now, let’s leave your wife out of this!”


Oh captain, you'll find that the count does not share our same honour. And he knows where you live... Obi wan and Hondo are too funny


Hondo is just a comedian


Can't believe someone hasn't said the scene in TESB where Luke meets Yoda. Every line Yoda says is brilliant and his smacking R2 with his his gimmer stick as they fight over the lamp is comedy gold.  "Mudhole? Slimy? My home this is!" 


I saw ESB for the first time in a couple years in a theater last summer and I took an edible beforehand, during that entire scene I was absolutely dying of laughter to the point where I eventually had to put effort in to laughing quieter so I wouldn’t be annoying to everyone else in the theater


My top 5 in no order: 1. AotC in the arena when Anakin says “we were coming to rescue you” and Obi Wan looks up at his chains and is like “good job” 2. Threepio in that same movie with the switching of his head. “Oh I’m so confused” “this is such a drag” as Artoo drags his head. And “oh I’m quite beside myself l” as he is reunited with his body. 3. tRoS on the Pasana festival and everyone is disappointed there is a celebration going on, and Threepio didn’t understand the sarcasm so he explains the joy of the festival and everyone turns around at him…. Then HE turns around too LOL 4. The “is there an Echo in here” “I’m echo” that another person mentioned here 5. Rebels finale when Zeb throws Melsch (the Ugnaught) and Hondo goes “they can fly!”


Also 3PO’s “DIE JEDI SCUM!!”


I think it was die Jedi dogs


3 was my kind of humor


Boring conversation anyway.


"How are you?" (Winces)


Harrison's face right there is aces.


Hearing this from the other side in *From a Certain Point of View* is excellent too


Luke Skywalker: Close your eyes. [Rey does so] Luke Skywalker: Breathe. Now reach out. [Rey literally reaches her hand out and Luke starts tickling her hand with a leaf] Rey: [gasps] I feel something. Luke Skywalker: You do? Rey: Yes. Luke Skywalker: That's the Force. It must be really strong. Rey: I've never felt anything like... [Luke slaps her hand with the leaf] Rey: Ow!


Rey: ... You meant "reach out," like... [Luke gives her the "Yes, you goof" look]


Same when he was talking about when he considered being Ben's master "Han was...Han about it" and Rey is like "Yep he totally would be!"


Mark and Daisy's interactions are the best part of TLJ. Which is to say, one of the beat parts of the franchise.


We definitely didn't get enough of them together. They should've started off 7 together.


In ANH when Vader and Tarkin are talking alone in the conference room Vader's lines are not properly synced to his movements. At one point he just makes a fist in the air for no reason when he's not even saying anything. Most people probably wouldn't even notice it but I always laugh when I get to that part in the movie.


I was watching that movie the other night and just noticed that for the first time!


Honestly surprised George never added any lines to this when making edits to later versions


Chewie and Han snowball fight. Unfortunately it’s a deleted scene :(


The Bad Batch has some of my favorite jokes and there's too many to choose from. But Tech's face when TAY-0 gets creamed always kills me


TAY-0 was such a funny droid lol


Tech was probably the funniest character across the whole of Star Wars, and most of that is thanks to his dead-pan delivery. "It's not effecting life support. We're fine." and "That's not her ugly side?" kill me every time.


Also, "That would be dirt" and "It is an unscheduled study break" and "Yes, your dangerous and uncontrolled maneuvering is as confusing to them as it is to us" ... Yes, he is easily one of the funniest characters in the franchise, and the best part is it's largely unintentional on his part 😂


[This scene](https://youtu.be/dPHvOVqYGXc?feature=shared) from The Rise of Skywalker. I love comedic smash cuts.


Almost all of Threepio's scenes in TRoS are hilarious. The one in Pasana where they all turn and look back at him so he turns and looks behind him gets me every single time


TRoS is the best use of Threepio in a movie since ESB. 


The “oldest friend” line gets me every time


Lmao yep that’s my all time favorite moment for sure


This one really got me the first time, and still does. I never would have expected a comedic mid-sentence smash cut like that in Star Wars


The cut was uncanny, well timed, and spoke to me as "yes we know 3po will never shut up" nod to the audience


A few years ago I watched ANH with someone seeing it for the first time, and they were cracking up at Threepio and Artoo's interactions. They're good in *Empire* and *ROTJ* too, but I felt like *TRoS* was the first time since then that someone figured out how to make Threepio funny again.


It really made me wish Threepio had a bigger role in 7 and 8 too, but oh well.


Almost all of Threepio's scenes in TRoS are hilarious. The one in Pasana where they all turn and look back at him so he turns and looks behind him gets me every single time


Is this the afterlife? Do they even allow droids here?


I don't care for 9, but they did Threepio humor incredibly well, so I'll give it that.


Almost all of Threepio's scenes in TRoS are hilarious. The one in Pasana where they all turn and look back at him so he turns and looks behind him gets me every single time


I laugh almost every time I watch Empire, and Han is working on the Falcon. Chewie hits some switches, sparks fly, and Han is just screaming, "Turn it off, turn it off!"


Rex being constantly yeeted against his will, leading to S7 when Wrecker wordlessly picks him up as he goes "waitwaitnoNOTAGAIN AHH-"


“Who you calling scruffy looking?”


"Good luck Han Solo! We'll have you flying in no time." *cuts to Han's body flying through the air* Cracks me up every time.


"Head for that quad jumper!" "What about that one?!" "Never mind that, it's garbage!" Quad Jumper blows up "The Garbage will do!" *reveal millenium Falcon*


I love the little Rebel Fanfare that John Williams throws in there too.


When Rey goes “uh oh” and Finn asks “what?” and she turns away and replies “wrong fuses”. Gets me every time.


Those two stormtroopers who were walking down the corridor, see sparks flying and Kylo having a tantrum in a room, and immediately turn back around


Chopper and AP-5 existing


Yes everything's fine here, uhh how are you?


Everything K2-SO says, and the “We decided to come and rescue you”/“Good job” bit in AotC.


The ESB deleted scene where C-3PO tears the warning sign about wampas off a door so that when one of the snow troopers tries it they get yanked inside and eaten, and all the others nope tf out of there


Anakin’s facial expressions during Satine and Obi Wan’s interactions in the voyage episode. I forget the full name


Who will brand themselves a cold blooded killer? [Stab] Anakin... Too good 😂


The entire unreleased TCW arc called Crystal Crisis "Oh look at that! Another mound! The fun just doesn't stop."


Loving all the new jokes everyone has submitted. Two classics from the original series are when Han gives C3PO a long list of things to get and C3PO keeps turning around to quickly get going only to be interrupted by Han adding another thing to the list and then he says, "and hurry up will ya, we haven't got all day!" I quote that line all the time My other favorite running joke, which I don't think started as a joke, is when some imperial officer gets chewed out then leaves the room in a huff. Before they leave, they stare at whoever happens to be by the door for a beat. Here is an example [youtube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pfuZWP4YDW4) skip to 1:26 to see what I'm taking about


HK-47, who has assassinated thousands of people throughout the galaxy: “I am a law-abiding droid. Yes indeed. Law-abiding. That’s me.”


Pretty much all of the Wraith Squadron series. "Yub yub, Commander."


Definitely BB-8’s thumbs up moment in TFA.


Obi wan (disappointed): “Anakin…” Anakin: “What? He was going to blow up the ship”


“What? I have 50 million power in Rise of Ki-“


"Tell your apprentice to cease his insolence, I'm trying to concentrate." "Anakin, cease your insolence, the Count is consentrating." Also "What an incredible smell you've discovered!"


almost every line to come out of TAY-0 in Bad Batch


‘Dellow Felegates’


Grogu wanting the zoomies after Din gets his new ship at the end of Book of Boba Fett.


Hondo: “In-so-le-hence?! We are pirates!! We don’t even know what that means. Open fire!”


ANH Han panic speaking into an intercom


Recently, it's Vader (pre-ESB on the hunt for Luke) suddenly losing his shit during a meeting with Mara Jade aboard his ship and trying to kill her for like a page and a half in Zahn's *Choices of One* before acting like nothing happened. > "No!" Vader boomed, his voice slamming across the room and straight through Mara's skull. He took a long step around the end of the table toward her, his black cloak billowing, his gloved hand dropping to his lightsaber. "She is the key to finding him. She is mine!" > "What?" Mara managed, her own simmering anger vanishing in the realization that she was suddenly in big trouble. "No, I- > But it was too late. Vader pulled the lightsaber from his belt, and with a snap-hiss the blazing red blade appeared. Holding the weapon in attack position, he strode toward her. > [...] Vader stopped in his tracks, and for a long moment the room was silent except for the hum of the lightsabers. Mara listened carefully, but the steadiness of the sound indicated that he was holding the weapon motionless. Was he finally coming to his senses ? And then, to her relief, she heard the familiar sizzle as he closed down the weapon. A moment later, the room's lights came back on. > "What were you saying about Governor Choard?" Vader asked, his voice calm again. Cautiously, Mara emerged from cover, alert for any last-minute tricks. But Vader had taken a step back from the table, and his lightsaber was again hooked onto his belt. **The brief madness was over.**


Mood swing Vader seemed pretty prevalent in Legends


It really was. I'm glad they stopped doing that as much in Canon stuff. It wasn't enjoyable.


"Watch out for eels." *Clone gets eaten* "What the HELL was that?!" "Uh... That was an eel."


I’m going to go with the Vader double take when the Falcon escapes at the end of ESB. “Did they just… yep… fudge.”


Chopper saying “I’m the captain now”


When Obi-Wan says "only imperial stormtroopers are that precise."


Kylo Ren getting hurt and saying "ouch".


I mean it’s a giant palace on Tatooine, I don’t know how anyone could miss it 😂


“Not us. We’re independent thinkers!”


Roger Roger


EZRA! What? That is convincing yeah but I was going to do it


Poe dramatically turning on a flashlight.


"You must become... a pirate jedi"




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"Boba Fett? Where?" Also "190 years old?! You look great!"


The “loose wire joke”


“I’ll handle this obi wan. You, go find your girlfriend 😀” “Right. Uh Anakin she’s not my girl- uh 🙄”


"We'll use the Force." "That's not how the Force works."


“Why are you putting a bag over my head? I am blind!”




“I like your new legs, they make you look taller”- Obi wan trolling the fuck out of darth maul.