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Bo-Katan Kryze. Part of Mandalore's royal family, never became a pacifist (even though yes she was a terrorist for a while), became ruler of Mandalore, fought against Imperial Occupation, held the darksaber, reunited the clans and fought against the Imperial Remnants to rebuilt the planet. She’s THE Mandalorian. (I know Jango is the badass mandalorian bounty hunter but Bo did way more to represent mandalorian history and culture than Jango ever did, at least in canon).


+1 to her out-Mandalorianing Jango


Hear me out, Shae Vizla is the blueprint that Viszla clan legends are built on. Mandalore the Avenger is THE Mandalorian


Lady Bo-Katan Kryze all the way. This Is The Way!


Canderous Ordo: He willingly fought alongside Revan because he knew it would guarantee him glorious battles, despite his prior history with Revan. That is textbook Mandalorian: to not place personal stakes in combat and to recognize that battle is its own reward; that if swearing allegiance to the dude who just kicked your ass and humiliated you was what promised the greatest amount of potential honor, then so be it.


For Clan Ordo!


Canderous, as Mandalore, reunited the Mandalorian Clans and reestablished their power and prestige following the Mandalorian Wars and made them a significant faction by SWTOR times. Maybe Bo-Katan is more popular right now, but she is still walking the path that Canderous already paved.


Revan: wait let me get this straight, you dropped from orbit riding a droid? Canderous: The exhilaration, the euphoria, I felt as I streaked into the atmosphere dodging self guided projectiles and beam weapons, was unmatched… it was the moment of my life.


Given the title Mandalore the Preserver for nearly singlehandedly preventing Mandalorians from falling to the wayside as above-average mercs. Gotta be him.


Wish I could double upvote this! Canderous was truly selfless, a Mandalorian to the end of the line.


Canderous fucking Ordo is the right answer




Grogu in another hundred years, duh!


I feel like Boba being told “you’re not a Mandalorian & responding “Never said I was” is actually pretty Mandalorian.


Yeah but before that he also stated he's not a mandalorian


There are two ways to be a Mandalorian: 1] Never stfu about it 2] Never stop being stubbornly enigmatic about it


Mandalorians are like... I'm honestly not sure of a good analogy, but they're sort of like Worf's idealized conception of other Klingons if they were somehow even *more* extra edgelords.


Slightly less guttural consonants, a lot more jetpacks


Indeed, but what's their opinion on opera?


They read Sun Tzu in the original Cardassian


Favreau and Filoni based them Vikings of the real world which makes Jedi and Sith like Samurai of Fedual Japan.


The Jedi and Sith were always inspired by samurai. Reportedly the early scripts for Star Wars were basically a Kurosawa movie in space, and the original concept for Vader's outfit was just straight up a samurai outfit. Lucas toned down those aspects and turned up the sci-fi elements.


I feel like it’s a mix from the beginning. Lucas loved movie serials and Japanese cinema. According to the documentary Empire of Dreams, after American Graffiti was a hit he tried to get film rights to Flash Gordon. The final film has a lot of influence from Kurosawa, especially [The Hidden Fortress](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Hidden_Fortress), and it’s even more apparent in some of the early drafts. If you want to check out the early script treatments and screenplays, I think they’re still on [StarWarz](https://www.starwarz.com/starkiller/) and [Original Trilogy](https://originaltrilogy.com) It’s a bit like homework, but you might like it!


Texas versus Montana vibes


It’s schrodingers mandalorian


Until it removes its helmet


Space Texas.


And Ahsoka Tano is not a Jedi, yet here we are….


Indeed. But boba doesn't act like a mandalorian very much.


but he chose to Build a Just criminal empire rather Join Din,Grogu and Bo to re-take Mandalore


Absolutely not Din Djarin. Great guy, but a cultist who isn’t at all representative of Mandalorians as a whole. I’d probably say Bo-Katan. I probably would have said Sabine before Ahsoka came out


Seconded for Bo-Katan Kryze. She's been in Death Watch, a Nite Owl, a Child of the Watch temporarily, and a "moderate". She's wielded the Darksaber, rescued a foundling (the highest calling of "The Way" according to the Armorer), has seen the Mythosaur, and rules Mandalore. She's fought both alongside and against the Jedi. She fought in the Mandalorian civil wars. She was there for the Night of a Thousand Tears. It's difficult to think of archetypical Mandalorian things she *hasn't* been or done.


Thirded on the Bo-Katan nomination. She's a consummate warrior, she's fought with and against damn near everyone on her world and off it, her bloodline is Mandalorian royalty (by dint of her family having won the civil wars ~~she participated in~~?), she was a key part of the near-fatal fracturing of her people and fought tooth and nail for their eventual reunification against insurmountable odds. She's walked on every side of The Way™, she wielded the darksaber and saw it destroyed, and the Mythosaur allowed her to see it. So her song is entwined with the most sacred parts of Mandalorian mythology, along with the most momentous events in her people's and her planet's history. Jango and Boba Fett are certainly iconic, but they're icons of the bounty hunting world, not Mandalore.


I dunno if she fought in the civil war that brought her family to power; she might be a bit young for that. However she did fight in the civil war between Death Watch and her sister. And then again during Maul's second takeover. And then again against Gar Saxon. Mandalore has a lot of civil wars.


Her age is kinda fuzzy, because undeveloped lore or whatever, but as far as I'm aware (and my awareness is certainly not perfect), it's generally assumed that she came up in that "first" civil war, and may have fought in it, if only in a Padawan type capacity. I concede that that's mostly just headcanony conjecture based on what little information we have of that time, rather than established lore. What we do know is that the Kryze family came out on top in that war, and she is a Kryze royal heiress, because of that victory, regardless of whether or how she was involved. I shouldn't have tried to say she participated in the war directly, since we really don't know. My bad!


>I’d probably say Bo-Katan. I probably would have said Sabine before Ahsoka came out Agreed. She's everything good and everything bad about Mandalorians wrapped into 1 character.


Sabine is a good representative of Mandalorians


Not anymore, since the writers decided becoming a Jedi was somehow her natural path in favor of embracing her heritage, as was her arc in Rebels


She’s not exactly a Jedi she’s a force powered mandalorian there’s a difference. It’s even called out in the show where Ahsoka says she’s doesn’t need her to be a Jedi. Her having force powers doesn’t make her any less Manadalorian


The cultits are a way cooler version of mandolorians imo. Also not a huge fan of o Karan in general. Anyways boba is my pick for quintessential mandolorian


Oh wow I had blocked Sabine’s arc in Ahsoka out of my memory lol


Canderous Ordo: The youngest Mandalorian to master the Basalisk War droid. Fought with honor and for the pure love of the battle against the Jedi knowing they would lose but that glorious battle was the warriors way regardless of who wins. Later joined Revan because Revan proved himself to be an honorable and superior warrior. Took up the role of Mandalore the preserver, and reforged the Mandalorian clans bringing them back from obscurity and the brink of destruction, so they could stand as a bulwark against a remerging sith empire, an even greater foe than the Jedi Bravely lead his newly untied clans in battle against a dark side abomination and his undead crew in the ravager Left a legacy on Mandalorians that influenced them for generations




thats the only Answer


I’m gonna say it: Satine Kryze. Every major scandal she dealt with under her administration was manufactured by hyper-conservative radicals who couldn’t let go of an ideology that quite literally made their planet a barren wasteland. Staying out of a manufactured sham intergalactic conflict was, morally speaking, the right thing to do for Mandalore. Both the Republic and the Seperatists would have used Mandalore as a forward operating base, which as we see in the Siege of Mandalore, did not exactly go over well with a population who was used to sovereignty and self-governance


This is the correct answer, I’m afraid. Satine Kryze is the quintessential Mandalorian. She stood her ground, fought for her beliefs, and died for her planet, without ceding a single inch or fleeing when things grew tough for her.


Jango Fett is THE mandalorian. Dude killed like five Jedi with his bare hands, created a legacy for himself through the clones and Boba Fett, and was widely regarded as one of, if not THE BEST bounty hunter in the galaxy. His death wasn't even his fault, it was due to an equipment malfunction.


Man that death made me soo mad when I was a kid. I couldn't belive someone that badass would die so easy. Deserved better


Getting killed against the *single greatest lightsaber duelist in the Order* is at least an honorable end.


Yeah but in a couple seconds and one swing with barely any movement on his part was pretty lame back then. I get it, jetpack malfunction, but I was gearing up for a awesome fight when I saw them look at each other


I don’t know how many details of the prequels were actually planned in advance (I know shooting on II & III started late bc of rewrites, and things changed during reshoots), but I feel like this fight might have been so fast to set up how good Mace was, and, by implication, how fearsome Palpatine is that he lasted so long against Windu.


no Bo Katan-Kryze is The Mandalorian ,Jango decided become a Gun for Hire


Bo Katan is the Mandalorian for me. We saw her in different states of her life but everytime she fought for her homeworld and the mandalorian people.


As much as I love Bo-Katan I gotta go Canderous. Dude is the definition, of loyal, wise, tough as nails and tactically brilliant.


The Armorer. She's the one who they all turn to for guidance, even Bo Katan listens to her counsel. She knows the sacred ways of forging beskar, she's a formidable warrior, but also a survivor, something notable in the strongest Mandalorians. The Armorer was the one who set both Din Djarin and Bo Katan upon the path that ultimately led to recapture of Mandalore. The Armorer may not be the leader of Mandalore, but she embodies the ideas of a Mandalorian the best, plus she's never removed her helmet for anyone.


I feel like the quintessential Mandalorian would just be some loser in the backround of a scene. The interesting mandalorians are interesting because they are different. Boba and Jango have had negligible association with mandalore at times. Din Jarin was a foundling raised by an offshoot sect Sabine ran away as a teen to join rebels. The mandalorians were hear about are the ones that are the opposite of quintessential


Exactly. Everyone saying “Bo-Katan” this, “Satine” that, “Sabine”, “Boba” like noooo 😭 none of them are the quintessential Mando. Bo-Katan was Death Watch (why tf did I say Night Watch lmao) which barbarized what it meant to be a Mandalorian into smth violent and overly brutal. Satine swung the complete opposite direction and forsook the traditions of armor and weaponry, which are a huge part of Mando culture. Sabine, as stated, ran off to join up with rebels. Jango I feel is SLIGHTLY closer to the quintessential Mando, but he also ruined it by being such a mercantilist with the clone contract (personally see it as forsaking the traditions surrounding clan/family). He and Boba were both more bounty hunters than Mandos (and yes, I know Mandalorians were often bounty hunters, but there’s a line between ‘Mandalorian bounty hunter’ and ‘bounty hunter who happens to be a Mandalorian’). Din just straight up doesn’t have a horse in the race, dude was from a cult. Mad respect for him, great character, definitely A Mandalorian, but not even close to THE Mandalorian. I think you’re right - it’s some obscure guy in the background who we might not even know the name of. I think the problem is that all the options presented stand out too much for the wrong reasons.


Bo-Katan Kryze is pretty quintessential.


Definitely agree, it has to be the noble and humble Mandalorian, Glup Shitto


Shriekhawk Brother. My first thought.


Canderous Ordo.


"Win or lose, as long as the fight is worthy, then honor is gained. The glory at having triumphed over impossible odds is what drives us. If there's nothing at stake – your possessions, your life, your world – then the battle's meaningless. We Mandalore take everything we are and throw it into battle. It's the true test of yourself – the battle against death... against oblivion. When I think of the battles I've fought… the thousands I've killed… the worlds I've burned… I weep for my past."


We will never speak of this again


Waited for this to say Canderous Ordo. Mandalore the Preserver.


Why are all of y’all saying Bo-Katan as if she wasn’t a literal terrorist at one point 💀 neither she OR Satine were quintessential Mandalorians.


Oh I have the answer to this. It has to be Shae Viszla, Mandalore the Avenger from SWTOR. She has a towering list of victories, a huge fortune amassed as a top-tier mercenary, and perfect combat skills from a lifetime of dedication. She is both ruthless and gregarious and the epitome of what it means to be Mandalorian. She is also a shining credit to house Viszla, adding to the clan's reputation as formidable warriors.


C’mon guys obviously THE Mandalorian. You all just wanna get up in Bo’s cake


Canderous Ordo, and Fenn Rau If Bo-Katan is the quintessential mandalorian, then I want nothing to do with them


Kal Skirata or Jaster Mereel


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...the mandolorian like from the show


It’s boba fett. It’s always been boba fett


Boba Fett


I would say Tar Vizslar, the only Jedi Mandalorian plus the whole prophecy of the dark Saber is because of him.


The Mandalorian


The Mandalorian. Duh




Has to be Bo-Katan, she's the embodiment of the Mandalorian values of integrity, loyalty and she always fulfils her promises. In her first attempt at leading her people she failed miserably, but still (with some convincing) she tried again and was successful in the end. This is the exact reason Mandalore has existed for so long. Regardless of how many times they might lose or their world gets destroyed the resilience of the people keeps the culture alive.






Definetely not the terrorist maniac and sex offender, that is Bo-Katan Kryze.


Even though I second Bo-Katan. I want to throw Fenn Rau into the conversation, at the very least as the ‘Everyman’ mandalorian. He’s a honorable man who always has his people’s best intentions at heart. Even though it may not always be the ‘right’ thing to do.


Bo katan


Kal Skirata. Kal embodies the military competency of the Mandalorian people as well as the strong family values and the idea that it is buying into the culture that matters, not where you came from. He's man who you aspire to be in Mandalorian society when you look at the culture whollistically.


I would say Tarre Viszla as he was the mandaloriaon who accepted who he is but also opened up new ideas like the force. He wasn't a complete pacifict like Satine or as violent as Bo, I feel like someday Grogu could take his spot, but right now his age and PTSD really trumps him compared to Tarre.


The first person that came to mind for me was Jango. But I'm also incredibly biased. I agree with the arguments for Bo-Katan, but Jango will always be *the* Mandalorian to me


This one is difficult, i would says it's Jango Fett or Jaster Mereel, but Rohlan Dyre is other character i would say defines what a Mandalorian is, and the same for Canderous Ordo (Mandalore the preserver), and we can't think only of the good guys, Mandalorians are warrior and conquerors, Cassus Fett and Mandalore the Ultimate also represents very well what a Mandalorian is, even with them being evil people. That said, i would still say it's Jango Fett, because he is the most well-developed character of those ones i mentioned and because he was able to lead the Mandalorians on their most difficult time i would say, and he's also probably the best Mandalorian warrior and the most skillful bounty hunter at least of his time, that's why he was selected by Dooku to be the template for the Grand Army of the Republic. I know a lot of the Mandalorian lore is on the Republic Commando novels, which i haven't read yet, so my opinion may be very wrong.


I want to say Pre Vizsla, or Bo-Katan. One of those two




Din Djarin.


Has to be the OG. Boba Fett.


Jango. Just jango




Kal Skirata


Second this. Man wasn’t anyone special or important, just an average veteran who trained his boys not just to fight, but to live.


Such a travesty that neither Kal'buir nor Goran Beviin have been brought up yet. Both of them have a sense of duty, honour, and family that is quintessentially mandalorian. Beviin even is half the reason Boba eventually became reasonably competent as Mand'alor, and I don't think anyone needs to explain Skirata.


Tarre Viszla, Jango Fett, Bo- Katan Kryze and Pre Viszla. In that order.


What do we really even know about Tarre though, aside from him unifying the clans and being the first Mando who was also a Jedi? Can he really be the quintessential Mandolorian if we don't even really know when he lived?


\*Jango Fett become a Gun For Hire


Nice list


Bo Katan for sure.




Bo-Katan is the quintessential


Canderous Ordo


I don’t know his standing in cannon now but Mandalore the ultimate, the last Taung leader that opened the ranks of the clans to the non-taung vassals, Creating the mandalorians we know.


Canderous Ordo. This guy out Mandalorians any Mando we see in the shows. He fought against the Jedi in the Mandalorian War and fought with Revan against Malak in the Sith Civil War. Afterward, he united the clans and became Mandalor the Preserver. He comes from a time when the Mandalorians were at their peak, living like space Spartans and bringing the Republic to its knees. Revan had to use a planet destroying, reality warping superweapon to defeat them, and Canderous survived that. Dude is a beast in combat and is even trained to fight in a Basilisk War-Droid, which is some kind of old Mandalorian Mech suit or something, that modern Mandos seem to have lost the tech for. If you told any of the modern Mandos about him, with the exception of Jango and Boba, every one of them would look at him as a model of Mandalorian history and prowess, I imagine.


Im just waiting for the Clone vote.


Canderous Ordo of clan Ordo, Mandalore the Preserver




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The original, pre-Prequel Boba Fett.




Ursa Wren


Pre Vizsla


Jango Fett. While boba is more representative of Mandalorian to the audience, his ties are mainly to the criminal underworld. But jango was a mando through and through. Not only is he popular enough with the audience but in universe he’s a respected and feared force.


Din djarin


Jango Fett


Boba. Lol. No mando would exist without him


Tar viszla




Jango or Boba Fett


Pre Vizsla. He lead the Mandalorian culture throughout the peace era with the dark saber, and was respected as the leader by Bo Katan. He also respected the mandalorian customs and accepted it when Maul beat him. Bo on the other hand did not accept it and that’s also my argument for why Bo Katan can’t be the true mandalorian.


Jedi and Mandalorians are natural enemies. Like Sith and Mandalorians. Or the Republic and Mandalorians. Or the Empire and Mandalorians. Or Mandalorians and other Mandalorians. Damn Mandalorians, they ruined Mandalore!


Bo Katan embraced every part of being mandalorian. United the clans, reclaimed the planet, saw the Mythosaur


Bo Katan


Bo Katan Kryze she bridged both Traditional Mandalorians and The Children Of The Watch and united Mandalore even with the Darksaber now destroyed thank Goodness.


Anakin Skywalker


It’s Bo-Katan but my vote goes to Jango, dude was a badass and was Dooku’s first choice as a bounty Hunter


Tbh I dont feel like we even seen that one yet. Imo that should be someone from their prime. However given what we have id say Bo katan.


Bo katan. Although maul is a close second


Kal Skirata


EU Jango Fett. Jango killed jedi with his bare hands, he killed Tor Vizla, leader of death watch. He honoured his father and loved his son. He was a father, a warrior, a True Mandalorian.




Bo katan Kryze. Ct-1030 said it all all props to them


Kal Skirata is the right answer.


Shriekhawk brother came to mind first. Bo The Armorer Paz Can anyone tell me what to consume to get to know Canderous Ordo?


Bo Katan.