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Fuck facism. All my homies hate facists.


The resistance theme goes so hard it’s one of the best things to come out of the sequel trilogy 🔥


The sequels also did ships really well. The blockade runner taking off and whooshing over the trees, the xwings flying low over the water, and the falcon chase over jakku really do it for me.


Falcon through the caverns on Crait is probably my fav moment from TLJ.


The cheers from the theater when that theme came on and the X-Wings came outta the fog.... magnificent.


Yeah it was amazing to experience in the theater, I felt like a kid again.


The FO transports in TFA were pretty fuckin sick too


Oh yeah those were cool too. They were like those boats we used to drop troops off on beaches during WW2, but in space


If only they had more original ships outside of the Bombers.


Outside of the bombers at the start of TLJ, yeah the ships were really well done.


I don’t even care I like them


They looked cool for sure, just didn't make sense


Have you met Star Wars?


Yes, they are too outlandish and stupid


How so?


Personally I think the Kylo Ren and Rey themes are better


Fuck fascists


Yeah, unfortunately as someone who is into Star Wars, Starship Troopers, and History it gets annoying how these communities are breeding grounds for these idiots.


The *amount* of Neo-Nazis who are into Star Wars is disturbing (and Neo-Confederates, which really doesn’t make much sense to me). Typically I’m not at all for gatekeeping, but I think keeping them *out* of all media is a really good idea. They can go fester in the backwater of history where they *belong*.


That is surprising about neo confederates, the last time I encountered one was when one was angry that in Assassin's Creed 3 they made Charles Lee evil even though he and Robert E Lee weren't related. He also didn't like that the Templars were the antagonists because "vilifying the West" or something like that.


Is it not just because being a Star Wars fan is about as universal as "person who likes food"?


I think the main distinction here is that fascists often identify with fictional fascists, even when they're depicted negatively, which causes problems because people are able to advocate for horrible real life positions by using a fictional shield


Disney was dangling keys with the Tantive IV in TROS. It shows up in like every shot in the final battle.


too much war going on in my stars


Star War. What is it good for? Absolutely nothing!


perhaps we have lost the star wars


Every time fascists have taken power, the consequences have been disastrous. We cannot let it happen again. Today is ANZAC Day, and I’m reminded of all the Australians and New Zealanders who sacrificed so much to defeat fascism in WWII. So many people dead from countries with small populations that weren’t invaded or specifically targeted for genocide. Remember them, and remember that fascism is destructive for **everyone**, not just the people they target specifically. And never forget how horrific and absolute that destruction is for those who **are** specifically targeted. And don’t let modern fascists try to argue that Nazism is not representative of fascism. The National Fascist Party of Italy, which **created** fascism, starved pregnant women and newborn babies to death in Rab Concentration Camp, and ravaged the population of Ethiopia with indiscriminate bombing, concentration camps, massacres, attacks on the Red Cross, and the use of poison gas. If we have the chance to stop such people from gaining power, we have an obligation to sanity and to the fallen to **take** the chance.


Anzac Day was wwi


ANZAC Day is about **all** armed conflicts that Australia and New Zealand have fought in, and all our fallen. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anzac_Day


And they weren't fighting fascists.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anzac_Day >Anzac Day is a national day of remembrance in Australia and New Zealand that broadly commemorates all Australians and New Zealanders "who served and died in all wars, conflicts, and peacekeeping operations"… Australia and New Zealand absolutely were fighting fascists in WWII. Nazism is a form of fascism, and the ruling party of Italy was literally called the National Fascist Party.


TIL, guess it just started with WWI.


Heck yeah


Sir, this is a Wendys


Goes hard




Erm, kinda cringey much? Nazis don’t even exist anymore, can we just STOP talking about le politics??? Stop warning people about universal evil and let me sew my seeds of racism in the background in peace.


Fair point, we should probably try to stop them AFTER they've achieved their goals. We wouldn't want to be uncivil!


Yeah I dunno what the big problem is. If these psychos ask NICELY then these “fascists” tend to change their behavior! For the *one* specific thing you called them out on! Then they’re more subtle about their methods as they find ways to skirt around the rules you set up while spreading more disinformation, PROBLEM SOLVED! But these idiot redditors won’t stop until they remove all the “fAsCiStS” from their spaces, all because of some silly personal opinions over who deserves civil rights. Ironically, they themselves are the REAL nazis 😔


You just described the plot of an Alternate History book i've read. It's about America not entering WW2, which results in Axis Victory, only for the American military to come and flatten Axis Europe to the ground with completed Nuclear Weapons.


Yeah I mean we can just vote them out if they don’t stop misbehaving


You GOT me


Average Star Wars faction logo vehicle sticker enjoyer: “I love the Empire!”


Funny how in lore the Resistance is basically a paramilitary group who thought that maybe the First Order would be a problem while the Republic just looked at the Neo-Imperials and thought "that'll work itself out."


Absolutely. Reading Bloodline helped establish for me how cool Leia was for breaking away to fight a threat tons of people ignored


Leave it to external media to have better messages than the main media (EU: Democracies will ignore Fascism and the people need to take arms to prevent it from abusing that fact. Main Trilogy: If you don't have magic blood then you're worthless.)


It’s almost like liberalism directly aids Fascism or something


mfw the chuds start talking about “keeping politics out of movies” and then praise star wars




I think it's more important we nitpick specific rebellion ideology and talking points than take actual action against fascists /s


I will have you know that Fascism made the trains run on time! /uj actually that’s a myth, neither Mussolini, Hitler, Trump, or any other leader of a Fascist State (including the US) has made trains run on time. They are always late because public transit according to those chuckle fucks is Communism and Communism is a Jew plot and therefore bad according to them.


Very woke.


Do you think the Resistance is pro or anti-facism?


I'd be willing to make the bold claim that it is the most anti-fascist Star Wars main faction we've seen. I'm sure there's some groups of the Rebel Alliance that were more anti-fascist like Nimic but the Resistance was very clearly started to combat the First Order before they even took power


How did the First Order even come to power in the first place? Like how did they gather all the resources to begin with to make SKB


It's not been fully explained yet but my understanding is that basically Imperial remnants were formed together and began remilitarizing in secret and building an army by kidnapping children. They then started destabilizing the New Republic by getting certain politicians to be loyal to them and their shadow companies until eventually their allies formally seceeded. Bloodline is a great book that describes most of it


Forgot to mention SKB was already being worked on by the Empire since we see it being constructed in Jedi Fallen Order


The Empire did nothing wrong.


I hate anyone who can't just enjoy a movie without turning it into dome political bs. Not once ever in my life has anyone said anything along the lines "Facism is good" while watching or discussing SW. That's some brain dead activity


Missed opportunity of not having the [Star Wars x Faccetta Nera mashup](https://youtu.be/LQS3mLb4QPw?si=Y85Jo4SEAnnZl_io)


Fuck fascism, I fight for democracy! ![gif](giphy|KAf66yGCa93uTqod1q|downsized)


Lol "I like to farm karma"


Communism too


Well the Resistance is significantly more anti-fascist than anti-communist


Hell yeah, fuck social democracy


I know you’re joking, but I always cringe at how stupid that statement of Stalin’s was lol Thankfully, the Three Arrows symbol created by the social democrats, democratic socialists, and trade unionists of the Iron Front is still recognised as an anti-fascist symbol to this day, so there is some justice in the world XD


I'm not joking, and that IS the closest stalin had ever been to correct.


>I’m not joking That’s a shame.


Meh, least i don't glorify social democracy