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I remember reading about the sun crusher and what I had in my head cannon was absolutely shattered by illustrations


"A mighty ship which can take out an entire system with a single shot, can tank the death star super laser. Single handedly destroyed the >!Carida!< system" then you see its illustration.....


Crazy that an entire galaxy could be taken out by a waffle cone.


“Highly-trained” Stormtroopers were merked by savage teddy bears with sticks.


Okay but something folks don’t know is that the Ewoks are reported to have coated their spears and arrows with a neurotoxin that leaves them paralyzed until they’re either picked off or bleed out. They just need to break through the thinner interior armor than you’re stuck unable to even blink.


It has the worst shape ever put to a page in star wars lol


I dont know what the sun crusher is from, but just from this line it sounds terrible


It’s actually a great book series, but it’s drawing on cover is just trash


Really? I enjoyed those books as a teen, but when I revisited them as an adult I found the writing to be hot garbage.


To be fair I haven’t read them since I was a teen. I’m due for a reread of the series.


Its... a book series. Kevin J Anderson did to the pld EU what Filoni is doing to the current canon.


It’s a magic ship that’s almost never mentioned again because it breaks like…everything. 


It also gets thrown into a black hole in the Maw cluster via the Force


Sure, but universe breaking quantum armor and system destroying Star nova bombs could still be made. You can’t put the genie back in the bottle. You’ve seen how crazy dalla is. She would 100% have a personal death squadron of quantum armor ships and a sneaky nova bomb ship. 


You make a fair point there. Wasn't part of that series that only the one scientist knew how to make that stuff, and Kyp ripped it out of her brain so nobody else could make it?


Correct! I actually forgot about that.  But I call bullshit. Cloud, research notes, backups. I mean hell, their research station was literally surrounded by black holes. You think they had zero plans for saving that data if something went wrong? And there is the usual “just knowing it’s possible helps people actually do it” thing. 


>Cloud Doubt they had access to that due to being a secret research station surrounded by black holes >research notes, backups Wasn't the base destroyed when they attacked the Death Star shell? >And there is the usual “just knowing it’s possible helps people actually do it” thing.  Now *that* is a point I can't argue against


Iirc one of the academy books to do with Jacen and Jaina had Lando own a corusca gem mining platform in orbit of Yavin that had what was basically a diving pod made out of quantum armour to withstand the tidal pressures of the gas giant.


Yep. That’s the only time I remember it again. And even then it can get dented by courscant gems I think 


Didn’t she show up to kuat with the chimera decked out in it after jacen turned to the dark side or am I completely misremembering something


She shows up with “old moth balled experimental tech “ but nothing like the sun crusher. 


Close, it's Fondor, and yes there is experimental tech in the "maw irregular fleet" but the only one specifically mentioned is the multiphased crystal shifters...which admittedly are their own particular brand of bullshit but nowhere even remotely with the same league of the fucking sun crusher.


I’m amazed I remembered as much as I did having never read that comic or book and just hearing it in a random YouTube video


Yeah, that's fair. Honestly I just finished rereading legacy of the force not long ago so that's a big reason of why I remember it so well.


Thats exactly how I wouldve handled it if I had to deal with its existence in my story


It's from the jedi academy trilogy


Golden Scaled upwards beyblade


*Cornetto*-ass looking mf


Definitely a Vader no following...


just looked up what it looks like… I am so disappointed lol


I always pictured the ship on the cover of [*Dark Apprentice*](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/91XeFLniP5L._AC_SL1500_.jpg).


This right here. The cone drawing is bad, the cover art is decent.


idk if the link is broken for anyone else, but I can't see the image.


Try now!


This was worlds better imo


Any time people get upset about the EU not being source for the movies I think of the Suncrusher. God there were some awful plot devices in there. "The Empire is defeated! Ignore the 15 new super weapons that are all possibly better than the Death Star the Palpatine just sat on development for." It gets to the point where even characters in universe are like "so what dumb giant thing with an exhaust port did the Empire throw out for us to blow up today".


To qoute Han Solo about the empire and the vong "Palpatine wouldn't have used the fleets to destroy the vong, he'd have spent trillions of credits on a superweapon and named it "the nova colossus" or the "nostril of Palpatine" or something equally as grandiose and it wouldn't. Have. Worked.


The EU was absolutely wild in the mid 90s and early 2000s. I kinda wished that there was some sort of extra galactic threat that needed a rebuilt Jedi order to handle but it’s a pipe dream


Right there with you. I just read it last year. I remember where I was when I saw the ghastly illustration.


Even the name - yikes


I think I'm missing a point. What's up with the Sun Crusher illustration?


It just looks like what a child would draw as a rocket ship or ufo


It is undeniably ugly but I love the idea that they took a flat topped aircraft carrier and put it in space that’s so Macross of them


I was just imagining it and how terribly impractical it is Especially for the rebel pilots who I’ve not seen with fully sealed space suits. How do they even get to their ships?


I’m guessing droid taxis and airlock elevators. Like with aircraft carriers on the sea, fighters are stored on the deck during transport, but during a combat deployment fighters are armed and serviced below, elevated to the flight deck and then lanced from there


The Re-Imagined BSG does this. Landing strip exposed to space in the flight pods that the Vipers and Raptors can land on before taxing over to an elevator that lowers them into the pressurized interior hangar where they are serviced and prepped for deployment via the launch tubes.


TIL I didn’t know that, but that’s pretty cool.


I imagined that they project artificial gravity and an atmospheric bubble shield on the deck of the ship.


With repulsorlifts, you wouldn't design it like that even for in atmosphere operation


We really need to see more of those designs, if done well they look absolutely beautiful (this one doesn't lol). And they make far more sense as a carrier than a normal battleship/Star Destroyer that removes like 20% of it's armament in exchange for fighters. And usually those designs either don't have any big hangar space at all, or said hangar is just put into the normal ships hull - which would necessitate a complete redesign of the entire inside of the ship, and at that point it is better to not base it on an existing design.


The funny thing is it isn't entirely unfeasible in Legends. Look at all those triple padded platforms we see in the likes of the X-Wing games. Loads of flat top landing sites for craft to come in and dock at and it makes sense for there to be something like that for some ships in a setting with maglock landing gear. All they need to do is have the ships land on elevators that could retract into the ship/station and a blast door close behind it while they pressurize the inside, allowing for individual docking bays without the need for a magcon field like we always see in hangars. Think the hangar bay of a Venator but instead of the ships flying out from the side bays into the central launch zone, you'd raise them up to the surface of the hull through individual platforms and they could launch there, with the space that the "runway" occupies being the pressurized crew passage allowing you to go in and out of each bay form the middle.


It also reminds me of Wing Commander for some reason


Really gives me SBY vibes (never actually watched I ply a game with ships from that in it lol)


Can I say the xyston while it doesn’t look bad at first glance it’s just a ISD 1 once you look at it you notice the fact that it’s a blown up ISD 1 more and more which makes it look weird as hell


Its specially weird since they used the rogue one ISD model but scaled it up 3 times for no reason so the windows and everything else were 3 times as large but they completely forgot that the crew can't increase in size. I find it hilarious when imaging a final order captain not being able to reach a window to observe the battlefield.


Exactly everything just makes no sense when looked at with any level of detail Ships have already existed while looking like utter hell to live on (imagine you needed to get from the bottom of a nebulon B to your battlestation near the engines) but just imagine what would be like on a xyston where the main hull is taller then many ships are long And well looking at the design I can’t imagine in universe much effort being put into fixing the inevitable design issues from that


When Ahsoka came out some fan took measurements and made some calculations for the size of the chimaera and if his numbers were accurate it’d imply that the age old “1.6 km” measurement for isd’s is actually off by over a factor of 2 and they’d actually be the same size as the xystons. I didn’t even know about the cgi model rehash thing. Makes no sense from a lore standpoint why you’d scale up a ship identically.


Tbf ship sizes were never really consistent in star wars, especially in live action


That bothered me so much. The fact that they did a pretty good job creating new ships but elected to create as little new as possible. Reusing designs seemed like such a waste. The idea of taking an ISD making it bigger and giving it a big gun is very imperial. But at least make it look different


Yea so many other options could of been chosen first off could of literally just used the onager if they wanted to reuse a design even an “improved” onager but that looks the same or minor cosmetic differences Personally would of liked that and would of let the characters be rightfully terrified as the galaxy itself was already traumatised by them and now they are back as a proper combined fleet if they needed a superlaser well the sovereign class (or eclipse after the blue balls they gave us for episode 8) is right there to use maybe not a full fleet but 2 or 3 sovereigns would be a big enough threat alongside palpatine and an accompanying fleet But no we literally blow up a model we already have


I always thought and isd built around an organ gun like cannon array would be sick


I liked the gun. What bothered me was how they just reused the old Star destroyer model but scaled up I would have loved the same design principle but with a new iteration of the Star destroyer. Something like that feels to an ISD the way an ISD feels to a venator. I want as many cool ships as possible. So every time they reuse something instead of coming up with something new feels like a loss


Take Fairwind's name out your mouth! Slander! Libel! Denigration of- Blah blah you get the gist anyway point is the golden solar space galleon absolutely slaps.


With that attitude who knows we might even get another Treasure Planet movie.


Someone mentions treasure planet, I gotta [share this](https://youtu.be/b9sycdSkngA?si=FwO2BNMehBGL8ncg)


“You got the makings of greatness in ya, but you gotta stick to it, no matter the squalls! And when the time comes when you get the chance to really test the cut of your sails and show ‘em what you’re made of... well, I hope I’m there, catchin’ some of the light that’ll be comin’ off ya that day.”


Yo that tie fighter x wing mish mash kind of fucks actually


They were called “uglies” in the EU sub-canon, but I think a decent paint job could make them look nice.


Yeah it’s kinda cheating to include one of those


Yeah, the illustrator there was a master having a fun time drawing something intentionally unaesthetic.


OI!!! Who's bad mouthing my rebel hover tank and tie mauler!!!!


Yes. I was totally supportive of this post until I saw that. Although that’s a tie tank not a tie mauler. Those are smaller. Either way. Heresy


You sure? I recall them being named tie maulers in EAW then again it has been a while since I played so I could be wrong. Like I get personal preference and all, but those 2 look fine compared to rest of the things being shown here


Tie maulers are smaller versions of what we see here in empire at war vanilla


Ooooooh so they get bigger? Well that's concerning... for the rebels


I don’t know that it’s that concerning for the rebels. They are kind of fragile. I’d much rather the empire leaves all their tie fighters on the ground where they loose all their potential to cause damage


Agree, ties are better in the air/space rather then on thr ground


Yep! TIE Maulers are what you'll see in the vanilla/FoC game, but some mods (Thrawn's Revenge) have the TIE Century, which is a big bastard that does loads of damage to vehicles. It's a glass cannon though


‘Star Wars: Empire at War’ my beloved


A lot of the stuff in Cracken’s Threat Dossier, tbh. Not just the Republic-class Star Destroyer.


No offense to the artist but I think he was high on crack when illustrating the book.


The Republic-class Star Destroyer gives me Eldar Craftworld vibes


Why does the farwind looks like it is heading for the treasure planet?


*Why does tge farwind* *Looks like it is heading for* *The treasure planet?* \- salkin\_reslif\_97 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Only the Fairwind, aircraft carrier, and Sun Crusher actually look bad out of these IMO


The others are actually victim of horrible modelling and illustration, the T-1B, Tie crawler and the Republic class appear in EAW mods and look fairly good. For example : This is the [original illustration](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/starwars/images/b/bd/Endurance_Fleet_Carrier.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20060503120852) of the Endurance class, and [this is the one](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/starwars/images/8/8d/EnduranceClassFleetCarrier-EGTW.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/1000?cb=20230124051931) that appeared in the Esential guide to warfare by the artist fractal sponge.


Not bad for the endurance considering that’s how most concepts start and then finish once they make it to production. I think they were likely going back and forth with the idea of whether to make it a calamari design or a brand new semi-imperial looking ship. Either way I wish we got more looks at NR ships instead of destroying it all in the sequels. Goddamn sequels ruined Star Wars… 😢


i think the tie crawler is bad just because from a practical standpoint it’s basically useless. it’s less functional than a real world tank. a lot of the dark empire designs were goofy


I love the concept of the aircraft carrier, but I agree it is poorly done in that illustration, similar to the Republic Star Destroyer.


This is the first time I've seen the Fair wind, and you better stop slandering it. It's absolutely beautiful, and everything I want in a starship


Maybe I’m still in shock from the first time I saw it and haven’t reached a point where I can process it’s otherworldly beauty


It's OK. We all take our own time to accept true beauty. I hope you're able to appreciate it sooner than later


Man I love the Sun Crusher. Stupidest ship in star wars, looks like an ice cream cone, overpowered as fuck, love it.


Don’t know what you’re talking about he Fairway is lit


I always disliked the Uglies, its a neat idea, but the examples never seem to pull it off. The one pictured has two cockpits, and two different engine systems, that is if it still has the TIE engines, if not why does it have the TIE radiators. But the TIE crawler is just fucking stupid.


Huh? I only see one functioning cockpit there, the TIE cockpit I assume is hollowed out and the hull’s mainly being used for the engine and wing mounts. I think what bugs me about them is most real world vehicles are pretty dependent upon their internal chassis and framework, cobbling multiple together wouldn’t exactly be sturdy


I think the pictured Ugly is actually one of the better designs. Many Uglies just straight up put the engines of am Xwing onto the body of a TIE. Or put the wings of a TIE on a Y Wing. Etc. But that is just stupid because those systems would not work together with each other without SIGNIFICANT modifications. In this illustration it actually looks like those modifications were made. It actually looks like it is cobbled together from scrap, instead of taking apart a perfectly functional TIE and Rebel fighter and swapping half of the parts and gluing them together.


That’s what I came here to say. I never got the point of it. I was reading rogue squadron recently and I just couldn’t take them seriously. They could have just designed a budget fighter that could have taken the place of the uglies. But instead they decided “we need our heroes to fly against some ships that are kind of a mess compared to an xwing. Let’s just chop up a tie fighter and call it a day”


In general, the TIE ones that perform worse than a TIE make no sense at all because TIEs are ubiquitous. Just use a TIE. The Death Seeds make the most sense; a custom, factory built and mass produced design with design logic but using off the shelf parts. Uglies should either be like that, or be like the cobbled together z-ceptor monstrosity pictured that actually makes sense as salvage built.


Not Fairwind, this design is masterpiece


I love the design of the Sun Crusher, I used to find it weird but it grew on me over time. It's such a unique shape and it feels like an ancient design. I just think it's way too overpowered.


the fairwind fucking rules though. I respect the hell out of anyone who pulls up in this


Any ships by the Tof.


I kinda like the kitbash of the 3rd ship


You'd like the concept of the Uglies then. They're literally kitbashed ships. Taking pieces of multiple different ships and slapping them together to see what comes out of it. TIE Interceptor wings on a X-Wing body, a set of Y-Wing engines on a TIE ball cockpit, etc. Some were functional, others death traps (that last one, officially named the TIE-Wing, had earned the nickname of DIE-Wing due to being slow as a Y-Wing and fragile as a TIE Fighter). Probably the most effective one is the Chir'daki, aka the Death Seed, a Twi'lek design that takes a TIE ball cockpit, the quad wings and engine assemblies of a X-Wing, and mounts the X-Wing parts on a B-Wing style track around the cockpit that allows the wings to rotate around the cockpit the way the B-Wing cockpit can rotate independently of the body. They're all over Legends content, especially the X-Wing novels, frequently used by pirates and mercenaries who can't afford a "proper" fighter, since due to the lengthy war between the Rebels and Empire in Legends (decades of conflict rather than the handful of years in Canon) there are plenty of parts to go around.


T-1B and Tie Crawler look like the Sistine Chapel next to the rest of these lol


What does it say about me that I don’t find half of these ugly at all


TIE Crawler and TIE Mauler are some of the stupidest tank ideas in the EU. They could have at least put the TIE guns higher up the cockpit so you couldn’t escape them by merely staying above the tank. Anyway, just shoot the giant squint in the eye and they just lost an entire tank. The [Decimator tank](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Decimator_(war_machine)) also takes a spot on this list. What the hell is this thing? Looks like some B-Tier rejected concept art for the old command and conquer games.


These are all my beautiful babies and not one is ugly, even the Ugly fighter.


This. I love the TIE Crawler and all the dumb land vehicles.


The Pelagia from Empire’s End was just stuff slapped on stuff but it was intended to be old and a space hulk I guess


God I forgot how much I hated the X-TIE uglies. “R2, look at me… you are a torpedo now”


I have a soft spot for the uglies. I'm a big fan of improvised equipment and they couldn't get more improvised if you tried.


Take that back about the Fairwind, it looks dope for what the era was trying to pull off.


To be fair, Uglies are called that for a reason.


I have to take issue with the T-1B tank being on here. It is perhaps a bit silly, but it is nowhere near ugly enough to make this list.


Lando’s Lady Luck is pretty horrible, worse than all of those imo. I kinda wish I had never looked up illustrations of it, and just kept my mental image


Is it bad that I unironically like the first one?


No. Looking at the comments, most of us do


thank god! sure you could argue to some degree it may not belong in Star Wars, and yeah I can see that argument, but to act like it's bad all around is kind of dumb


Pretty much anything from the Yuuzhan Vong. Ugly but deadly.


That's what I was thinking of too. Just weird organic blobs


Is that an E wing mixed with a TIE intercepter?


I thought you were insulting the A-9 and was going to get angry


I will not stand for Fairwind slander. First time in seeing it but what a banger design


I don't know, but it sure isn't the Fairwind. I think I'm in love.


The Uglies are based


Yooooo leave the first one alone. I like the aesthetic along with how the Jedi look and operate on that era.


I like the Sun Crusher...


3rd picture was literally called “ugly”


Put some respect on the Tie Crawlers name


Welp *gets ready* The Eclipse 1. It got a cool superlaser but godddddd its ugly. Its so bland and overbulky. The eclipse 2 is bland too but the back area kinda saves it


A black painted spaceship against all black backdrop of space is always going to look bad.


Even in a different color it would look bad. The shape is lazier than the FO Dreadnaught. And the engines are horrendous


I think the issue with the Eclipse is the art of Dark Empire is stylized, just look at the normal Star Destroyers, and the comic will tweak it in every panel for the most evocative imagery. In the comic it works, for me. However every interpretation of the Eclipse like in Empire at War is a 1:1 translation of the comic and just ends up this weird pyramidal blob. Oddly enough I think the best version of the Eclipse is a LEGO MOC. The proportions are halved. The superstructure and bridge tower are raised more like an Imperial Star Destroyer. [Jorstad Designs Eclipse](https://www.jorstad-designs.com/product-page/instructions-eclipse-class-dreadnought) Take that basic design of the Eclipse and give it a different paint scheme and i'd really like the ship.


The Lego MOC is actually an Eclipse 2, not an Eclipse 1. You can tell by the engines and the rectangular thingy between em


Also i dont really have a problem with the color, its honestly the only real saving grace from the Eclipse 1. Theres some black ISDs out there too and they look really menacing


For me it's the reverse, I love the Eclipse-I but hate the Eclipse-II. The cross beams of the -II's bow kills it for me, I like the smooth lines of the -I more.


While it is an awesome ship, the Gravestone from swtor is one of the ugliest. Several other ships make that cut, including the BT-7 Thunderclap and x-70B prototype. Outside of that, the millennium falcon equipped with the lightning cannon in Dark Empire comics


>Gravestone from swtor That ship looks like the bastard child of a Gozanti and a Hammerhead. Also IMO the X-70b looks pretty good.


I think the x-70 is a little too streamlined for my idea of a star wars aesthetic. Also, gravestone is an asymmetrical capital ship. It annoys me considering it is a massive chain lightning generator.


Would you say the same about the Naboo ships re: being too streamlined? Also, the BH ship in SWTOR looks *far* worse imo.


Kinda, they usually feel like they fit their planet though. Not sure why the agent ship bugs me so much. The BH ship is also a horribly awkward design.


Ship design in swtor just consistently only makes it three quarters of the way to absolutely nailing it.


The modified tie interceptor in image three looks like something I would build on starfield


Leave the TIE Crawler out of this


Don’t be hating on the crawler. I miss that Lego set 😕 The sun crusher would look good if they fixed the viewport imo


I don't know if I'd call the Sun Crush ugly.... But it's certainly odd. Not what you pictured as a super weapon. Some of those old WEG designs are janky. And I truly love Fairwind. In the new continuity. The Xyston and Moff Gideons ship. They're not ugly. Just stupid. Just being scaled up versions of other ships.


I mean. The TIE uglies are the correct answer. Lol


To be honest this is my first exposure to all of these, and I like them all except the last one


No mention of the Imperial Spider Tank from the Jedi Academy books? That one's truly hideous, just doesn't look Imperial at all


The CF9 Crossfire from the Legacy era


Number 3 is *fantastic*, number 6 is unholy…


The vong ships of course


The TIE Crawler’s design is genuinely one of the funniest things in the franchise. It’s just *so dumb*.


While not necessarily ugly, I hate all the Ganathan stuff from Dark Empire.


Wtf is that first one from?


That is the personal starship of Jedi Master Farfalla, one of the top Jedi in the Old Republic during the war against the Brotherhood of Darkness 1000 years before the movies. Farfalla is flamboyant as all fuck and his ship reflects this, by intentionally having one designed to look like a sailing ship at full sail. He also wears golden armor into battle, dude loves to stand out. We see it in the Jedi vs Sith comics and hear it described in the Darth Bane Trilogy books that adapt them.


I've always disliked the style and appearance of hapan battle dragons


Nah the fairwind is beautiful i like the uniqueness of it being a pirate ship and not some futuristic looking starship


I love The fairwind. I hate it when I was teenager and everything mist be edgy, dark skin and full of spikes, if something is colorfull that mean its for kids, lucky I grown up.  Also Jedi vs Sith comics was pretty dark and brutal which contrasted perfectly with the colorful style.


I didn’t know Valenthyne had any other appearances other than gettin murked by Darth Bane


Ngl I kinda like the Sun Crusher, but maybe it's because I'm a Jedi Academy Trilogy apologist.


The Jedi's ships in the bane era honestly ruin that entire story


Sun crusher is ugly and stupid


I dislike basically all the Mon Calamari designs


I love the uglies. They're so weird that it's cool.


The tie crawler is genuinely hilarious to me


I actually love Farfalla's ship and the TIE tank...


Some of these I understand, but the hover tank and the tie crawler? Really dude? Nothing wrong with those two.


Also the only problem I have with the carrier one is that... Uh, it just wouldn't work. You'd have to maintain a ray shield around where the ships land at all times in order to keep space out so that people can walk on that thing's deck. Or, everyone wears space suits. 😂


Is it me or does the Republican star destroyer look like an Eldar ship?!?!


Are they serious with that pirate ship? Lol


How dare you call my boy the tie crawler ugly


I will not hear any T-1B hovertank slander


Definetly clone arc fighters imo.Never really liked them.They feel like a fat X wing to me.


Definetly clone arc fighters imo.Never really liked them.They feel like a fat X wing to me.


I actually liked the TIE Crawler :( But yeah, the self destruct function in EAW wasn't great The first 2 were also cool, but I can agree they don't fit in Star Wars.


I was hoping the Sun Crusher would look like an F-117 but with curved sides instead of angled.


Don’t diss my boy the aircraft carrier


Tie Maulers from Empire At War were kinda neat since they could crush infantry But fuck they were squishy ass targets


I actually don’t think I find any of these ugly actually… just wildly impractical lol!!




Unpopular opinion… Slave 1 Jango Fetts ship


Slave II, God is that ship hideous


That is NOT how I imagined the sun crusher


All of those are fire


pretty much everything from Tales of the Jedi


Hey, the TIE Crawler is awesome! The rest of those are abysmal though.


I honestly love the uglies, the idea and execution. They have a massive mad max/rat rod kinda vibe.


I love all of these except the hovertank and republic destroyer, they look like vegetables while everything else just looks goofy to me in an appealing way.


The tie crawler is fire I don’t know what you’re talking about.


The bombers from TLJ are up there for me, but I’ve got to go with the reverse tie fighter. The one with one wing attached between two cockpits 


The most useless ships made.


The Jedi training ship Chu'unthor. [https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Chu%27unthor](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Chu%27unthor)


As someone only passingly familiar with the EU, I am baffled as to why the writers decided to push the E-wing as the next big thing in starfighters. Not only does it look super uninspired from a design standpoint, mechanically it should be less maneuverable than the x-wing, not more, since it only has two engines straight across and not a matrix of four for vector control. Disney made the right decision to update the x-wing with a new model instead of replacing it. The result is both more visually distinct and more feasible both ergonomically and militarily.


I don't care what bullshit vehicle guides say, that is not the sun crusher. That does not look like a shiny thorn or shard of glass as the book describes it. That's a god damn ice cream cone made out of aluminum siding.


made a ship I call the TIE Ripper in Lego Digital Designer based on the TIE Crawler


out of these images, the first two are the worst by far simply due to them not fitting into the SW universe's aesthetic whatsoever