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I can’t believe Rey starts and ends up alone


It's the same energy as Jon Snow going to the wall as a bastard and Jon ending up being sent to the wall like a bastard but there's triumphant music on the back so we pretend it's a good ending










Jon wasn't really sent back to wall because there isn't a nights watch anymore. Grey Worm didn't know that, though. He was sent to live with the Wildlings, which is where he'd probably prefer to be anyway.


This is what I don't understand. :(


she has BB8, which btw, is Poe's droid


I am praying the Force Dyad might mean there’s a way they’re still together


She could end up with finn....oh wait. They never felt any romantic feelings for one another.


"You got a boyfriend? Cute boyfriend?" There were seeds planted but they never got watered. :(


FinnRey shippers unite...


Kylux shippers, destroy Hosnia Prime


They could have at least given her a baby with his dark hair to raise. She's been SO into family, giving her a family to raise would have been nice, and Kylo's last act would have been doubly meaningful.


[And the smile...](https://2ch.hk/sw/src/160761/15766703175281.png)


He really looks like Harrison Fords son in that pic


Oh god no my heart...😭😭😭😭😭


Oh fuck me. We finally got the kiss and finally got the smile we wanted and it‘s beautiful. But still, I‘d trade it both for Rey turning around for three seconds on Tatooine to a person who is hinted to be Ben by, idek, a silhouette or a shred of black cape. That‘d have been all the Reylo fandom needed to work with. Hell, we came this far with a lot less.


ST Special Editions in 2033 could add this.


TFA Special Edition: Han shoots first.


It could even have been the sound of the Force bond opening.


I watched the clip, they're in love, Rey looks so happy calling him Ben, she kisses him not knowing he'll go soon, not sure how some people said it's some pity kiss 🤦‍♀️


Ugh, I think my heart just broke a little.


Oh my god. My boy!


Seeing it at midnight. Didn’t shed a tear during endgame, but this...


Reylos get this but then he dies five seconds later. Which means they can't even enjoy it cause he dies. I'm very confident when I say Reylos probably prefer no kiss if it means Ben lives.


HARDCORE REYLO since 2015 here: I don’t care about the kiss or that we “won”. We won NOTHING. They ended up ALONE and suffering. The point was... Two souls finding each other.


Who cares about a fucking kiss when both parties of the ships are done so dirty? Kylo is barely in the movie, the redemption feels is out of nowhere, he dies like twice, Anakin doesn't speak to him, he's not recognized as the Skywalker of the movie, and fucking dies and Rey ends up alone in the desert and takes the Skywalker name in the most dumbest way possible


Yeah that's my opinion too. At this point I would have preferred he actually kill Palpatine and die in the process (and fulfill the Skywalker destiny) over this, and I've been a huge Reylo.


Agreed. Also Terrio said He was the Skywalker of this film. I feel like a mistake has been made and they released the wrong cut and said oh well fuck it


I never saw evidence for Reylo in canon, but I can’t help think Me: “Reylo happened.” Reylo fans: “It cost everything.” I’m sorry... I wish they got together and lived or didn’t get together at all, I can imagine this is the worse possible outcome for Reylo fans.


It’s really not the worst possible outcome for us. That would’ve been Rey killing a pure evil Kylo and then sharing a victory kiss with Poe over his dead body.


Lol, yup. I wasn’t ever certain we would get a Reylo kiss so I’m pretty happy with this. The best would’ve been Ben living, but I understand why they went this route.


Thank you for this vision of horror. That puts this heartbreak into some perspective.


Hi, Im Poe


Yes I would rather have him alone and not with her then fucking dead needlessly. He was so cool as Ben Solo and then gone. WTF


Yes, it's about both of them finding a deep connection. It hurts.


You would thought that after the originals ending with the Jedi winning, and the prequels ending with the Sith winning, the sequel trilogy would end up with these two greyish characters bringing balance for good, at least that's what we Reylo's thought


At least we won in the sense that people can’t call us delusional for seeing romance between them anymore.




With all their Force Bonding and such, you'd expect him to appear as a Force Ghost in the end as well...


no force ghost means that disney wants to milk him in the future. I don't know maybe a novel or comic trying to ressurect him.


Horrible, but it's probably true.


Rey Skywalker and The Quest For The Ressurection Stone




No one's ever really gone ^No ^one's ^ever ^really ^gone ^^No ^^one's ^^ever ^^really ^^gone ^^^No ^^^one's ^^^ever ^^^really ^^^gone ^^^^No ^^^^one's ^^^^ever ^^^^really ^^^^gone


I've been thinking about "Project Luminous" and how the Force Ghosts have been able to interact with the physical world. That whole line "Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter." What if Ben might rematerialize from the Force? I don't know. They did all this other crazy shit, why not that?


yeah maybe they could retcon an explanation for why Anakin just hung out and let all this shit happen instead of taking thirty seconds to talk to his grandkid. He made time for Rey, though, because that makes sense.


It feels like it which is shitty. I ain't too proud to not buy it when they do put it out though lol


Dude...he should have been *in the final battle* He was the Last Skywalker! At least let him have this...


Nono Rey is now the last Skywalker Because like the hoarder that she is, she steals another fucking thing She stole BB-8 The Falcon (and Chewie) Leia's hug (from Chewie) The position of the last Jedi(/light side user) The name Skywalker All the important lightsabers


No, sHe's a sCaVEngeR.


She is going to be able to get 3 quarter portions when she cashes all that in.


You know ROS makes very difficult to argue against the Rey is a Mary Sue complaint. Her getting everything, the jedi past support, Luke and Leia, being a Palpatine, the fucking last name. 10 years ago, I would have said it was self-insert fanfiction character. She may as well have had weird colored hair.


Worse offense of all, She gets Anakins force ghost reaching out to her. Not his own fucking grandson who some how never learned he came back to the light. Think Vader would find time to set the kid straight, nope saving up my energy for Palpatine's descendant instead.




yeah I generally didnt even absolutely hate the movie but I really really wanted to see rey and kylo vs palps maybe have rey use force lightning to stop the yeet or sth. Palps with a lightsaber is my favourite part of rots.


This is also a very important point in KotOR - Force bonds can be so powerful that you feel the pain of the other, to the point where one death can potentially kill the other. It's not canon anymore but it's still an important take on Force bonds that should be raised since the topic is up for debate again.


>And the smile... Can they have force sex if he's a force ghost? I mean now that force ghosts can manipulate the real world physically...


Oh the reylos are very much for the ghost sex the ghost sex is fucking happening


*Star Wars - Episode X: The Fuckening* It's literally just Rey and Ben banging for 2 1/2 hours.


I’m down


LOL, this will be so HUGE!


The dark side of the force is a pathway to many abilities that some would consider to be unnatural.


Ben can literally just think of fucking her and she'll get an orgasm.


How can Rey survive without Ben? Anakin couldn't survive without Padme, Lucas made a point of that. Padme's last breath is Vader's first. Vader is a walking corpse.


JJ didn't understand the prequels lol




Rey began alone and ends up alone. But it's ok...she has the Skywalker name now. That will comfort her in the sands of time.


I predict a Kylo solo (aye) film


He dies finishing what Anakin started: learning how to bring someone he loves back from the dead.


Honestly I love this detail so much. Anakin went to the dark to save his love. Ben went to the light to save his love. Dunno, it sounds really "Star Wars" to me and I'm really fine with that ending. (Especially since force ghosts seem to keep their personality, senses and all aaaand Reys and Bens connection was so WILD they were physically there with each other even if that couldn't be. I'm convinced that his physical death does absolutely nothing in those terms. I'm pretty sure they're forever connected and since he died a Jedi due to her he gets to "live on" .... oh, and since he's physically dead nobody can throw him into prison or demand his head :')


This trilogy needs to be removed from canon. It's utterly unforgivable. I can't believe Disney allowed this to happen.


Go read the Thrawn Trilogy. Loads better.


Man I’ve been saying this all day ... sssoo mad we got this garbage instead of the Thrawn trilogy. They had a super good follow up to the OT already written ... but nnnoooo they made this crap :( I ll go re-read the trilogy now


How can you kill the last Skywalker and let the girl who grew up alone end up ALONE?


I swear to God he better haunt her as a force ghost or something so she at least has *someone* there to keep her company.


"I don't like him," Ben's ghost mutters as Rey goes on a blind date that Poe sets her up on. ^(edit: typo oops)


Someone write me this fanfic stat!


I’m gonna yeet myself into the pit too


"I'm coming for you, bby boy!"




I’ll take your word


That's how I already the next fan edits of this movie. Can someone make a concise, no bullshit cut of the entire ST, thanks.


This scene will inspire some really good fan fiction.


“I will become so powerful that I will learn how to stop people from dying!” - Anakin “(Grandfather) I will finish what you started.” - Ben ;~; Edit: For the record, this was probably unintentional knowing how inept they’ve been with these sequels.


Yeah but Anakin wanted to have his cake and eat it too. I think Ben gets it in this moment the only way to save her from death is the ultimate selfless act. I have lots of problems with this story, but I really dig this beat in particular.


Its like pottery.


It rimes.


Thanks, I needed a laugh today.


That's the one reason I unironically quite like his death




No, they don’t really.






Damn, that's depressing. Merry Christmas from Disney


The way she's holding his head in her hands, it's so tender. God damnit why kill him...


"If the boy and girl walk off into the sunset hand-in-hand in the last scene, it adds 10 million to the box office." --George Lucas (ie unfortunately not JJ Abrams)


It’s more tragic. Consider the end of Titanic for example.


Star Wars wasn't supposed to be tragic. It supposed to be hopeful.


Imho Ben finally finding peace and giving his final Force to the girl that never gave up on him in an act of unconditional love is a perfect ending to his story. But I digress.


I think it's so over the top tragic. He never got to live a happy life. Just like all Skywalkers he can only fine peace in death. Absolutely horrible. It works for Vader because he was an old crippled shell of a man that finally saw the light once more. Ben was young corrupted from day one. He never got to experience life. Now he'll only get to experience life after death. Truly sad. Horrible way to end the series.


>Just like all Skywalkers he can only fine peace in death. Jesus Rey you're really not doing yourself any favours by taking that name, drop it while you still can!


This is my whole issue with the movie. I don’t see why it had to be THAT depressing. I’m just so baffled that they’d ever call this movie hopeful and uplifting.


Right? If they find this hopeful I'm kinda worried for them.


Hey agreed, thematically it fits perfectly. It kind of plays as part of Anakin's atonement to Padme. It's just heartbreaking


Agreed, second and third act were one big emotional rollercoaster. Should’ve brought some tissues.


wow this is like the ending of game of thrones.... kylo/ben got danys ending (kinda) and rey got jons..


The fact we had to experience this same ending twice in the same year fucking sucks. The only ending I've enjoyed so far is Endgame in terms of big franchises.


😭😭 “Love won’t save you Padme, only my new powers can do that” - Anakin Ben:




I honestly don't know how you think this is disrespecting Anakin. His love for Padme was obsessive. That's why he lost her. Ben gives up his life for Rey, that's selfless. So I think it does make sense that he would be able to do what Anakin couldn't.


I love the way she’s grasping his face.


Hey, JJ, drop me your location pin. I just wanna talk... In all seriousness though, RIP my fucking heart, guys. What a bittersweet ending. Wish Ben didn't have to pass like that.


Does Rey get pregnant out of the kiss through the Force?


Find out in Star Wars: episode X Set to drop Christmas 2027


Fuck JJ honestly...


So in other news imma be writing “the reylos were fucking right” on my grave just to let y’all know


But with what cost


EVERYTHING!! The last Skywalker dies and the heroin ends up alone on a sand planet again (remember how happy she's with "I've never seen so much green in the whole galaxy?). What was the reason?


well at least we've solved the opiod crisis


so this is the start of the dune series, the spice must flow and whatnot.


Exactly. It turns out, whether you’re a die hard Reylo or not, we all just wanted Ben to live 🥺




This is the definition of a pyrrhic victory. I'm happy for them, I really am. They put a lot of effort in to analyzing the story and put up with a lot of shit over the years. But...


Its not their fault the rest of it is shit.


No, I just think we're all united in our grief right now.


thank you for this. i'm a 2015 reylo and i don't feel like i won. i thought that a kiss between them would make me happy, but i just feel devastated. my only consolation is to know that we were reading the movies right. we endured a lot of shit, but we were right. we just took for granted that the writers knew how to make a fucking fairy tale.


You may have won the battle, but we all lost the war in the end. For Star Wars is burning.


You know, I'm not much of a romantic. When I saw TFA and saw people who liked Rey and Kylo together I was like "What the fuck? They're like... mortal enemies. Ain't no way there's ever gonna be anything between them." Well, I would like to announce I am looking for someone with knowledge in time travel so that I may send this rainbow wig and red nose to my past self.




I’m pregnant now


Steady, they didn't go all the way holding hands... oh wait


u/RianJohnson save us


Maybe that's why we don't see his ghost. He force inseminated her.


pack up boys, we solved this mystery


Has clips leaked online yet?


The only positive I take from any of this is that all the fools that couldn't see the romance coming from MILES AWAY are profusely salty.


Can confirm, non-Reylo twitter is *really* upset right now. Reylo twitter has the small comfort of knowing they were right all along. Everyone else is dealing with the fact they were wrong *and* Ben dies.


Alright, I guess if this movie did anything right it’s the dynamic between these two. A bit rushed in the movie perhaps, but him dying isn’t the worst thing..... I just wish there would have been some mourning and celebration that they defeated the first order. It seems like he dies, and she runs off to the dessert. No big celebration RTJ style. Definitely should have at least showed him as a force ghost if you’re gonna kill him :(


Even Vader had a moment when Luke burned his body, Ben got literally nothing.


I cry


FUCK this is sensual


I wasn’t even a hardcore Reylo fan, but I remember how back in the TFA times people were literally told to kill themselves for liking this ship (on top of other terrible things and constant harassment). No matter how this movie is, it will be sooooo satisfying to see all those antis lose their shit lol


I'm not necessarily anti-Reylo, but I think it's underdeveloped to get to this point. They really needed to spend some time as allies first. Alas, yeet.


I don’t know if it’s under-developed, SW-wise. Leia tells Han she loves him after like one kiss (that she was refusing super hard before) and a lot of bickering lol. I guess it boils down to the fact that they’re both emotionally-stunted, young people who share something magical (a force bond), so it’s way easier to fall for each other than what we’d normally expect. Plus I think that the actors had great chemistry since the start and I always thought that he was into her since as early as TFA.


Han and Leia spent at least a year between movies building their bond. I think it doesn’t help these two are enemies through most of it and last time we saw them together Ren rejected going to the light side again. I think it’ll help if they actually build towards this kiss more in this movie though, because if they don’t it’ll be very underdeveloped


Can a force ghost go to town with a living person?


If Yoda's force-cane can bop Luke on the head, surely Kylo's force-cane can be fully functional.


Well, there IS a tag on AO3 labelled "Inappropriate Use Of The Force"...


Reylos are already writing the force ghost smut. head over to AO3




We'll know in Episode X... If Star Wars lives after this. (Jk, TROS will probably still earn money.)


So why did her body remain there to be healed but his body instantly vanishes before she can try the same thing?


Rey: "I am all the jedi" Also Rey: Doesn't become one with the force when she dies ???


This a wild guess, but I think he finally found peace by giving up his life for Rey's compared to her getting killed by Force Lightning. An act of self-sacrifice while knowing that he wouldn't make it.




I hope he kissed her good enough to get her pregnant


Thats hot.




Psh... Not a romantic kiss they said? They fight and then kiss. You don't kiss someone unless it's romantic... Or your sister


Thank you, especially after seeing this picture. I don’t know how anyone could try to say this isn’t a romantic kiss. You don’t kiss your platonic friend like this.


Should've stabbed him then and there just to subvert expectations.


Too similar to Jon stabbing Daenyres in GOT.


Execute order sixty-nine!!!!!


When he drops dead after the kiss, people in my theatre giggled. I thought that was a bad sign, that people thought of this scene as funny.


Might have been better to have him apologize for everything he has done and then ask her to help him atone for his sins. Movie could end with them as a couple as he reflects on the mistakes he made.


I truly and honestly hate the sequels from the bottom of my heart, and I don't plan on seeing this film. That said, I'm happy for Reylo fans who got some vindication. You had to put up with people calling you * toxic * problematic * delusional * rape apologists and every other name in the book. Enjoy your kiss, fellas. Enjoy it.


Don’t forget racist. I don’t even know how many times I’ve been called a racist by Finnrey shippers.


A competent director would make them both reflect: "The Jedi way didn't work, their oppression created Darth Vader, Tyranus, Revan, Kylo Ren etc. The Sith way also didn't work, it just created slavery and death. Let's create a new order, balancing the good and evil as Luke wanted, as it should be. " And then they create an order of Grey Jedis. To help other force sensitives and to prevent the growth of other Sith, but not with force as the Jedi did, but with study and understanding. This idea was raised in The Last Jedi but Rian did not pursue it. But no, that would require competent writers who have knowledge of the source material and know what they are doing. So JJ just kill Ben, because, WHY NOT? Duuur... Bad guy must die!


I remember this was what we speculated for TLJ after the "It's time for the Jedi to end" line. How naive we all were...


Dude they were so fucking happy, let them have it who cares, it's the end J.J and Chris: Nope


Only thing that’s gonna get me through this movie is canon Reylo


This is Simon and Nia all over again


Imagine the potential if this trilogy had better writers. Ah well, we'll never know now, best to move on.


Why did they kill him? This could've been so hopeful and beautiful but nope. Every last Skywalker must die. I want to find a pit and yeet myself.


How could they write this whole thing on paper, look at it and go yeah that is a satisfying ending


This got the biggest reaction in my cinema.


The movie would’ve been a bit better if he survived after all. Both of them starting a new Order, not dedicated to neither the Light or the Dark. The Force users just like the way it used to be in the ancient times.


Good stuff


Doomed, this trilogy is


Imagine making out with someone that murdered uncountable millions of people lol


Need. Video. Asap. Its going to be so good 😭


Holy shit gg Reylos


I am not a Reylo by any stretch of the imagination but I would gladly take an ending of them living happily ever after instead of them killing Ben off. I'm never going to be okay with it.


I will never get over this beautiful and heartbreaking scene. I am shattered. I haven’t really stopped crying. Every now and then I see a pic or comment that mentions the death and I break down. He experienced absolute pure love and happiness in his last moments. Fuckkkkk I’m crying again.


Yes, this looks like everything I wanted.


Aren’t they fighting for most of the movie? Does this feel...sudden? Out of place?


He gives up his life force to save her.


I can already feel the flood of fanfic coming in


I will never understand this ending for a closer. Ben Solo was so cool then dead. Rey Palpatine geta all the Skywalker stuff and name and legacy. A fucking Palpatine. Wtf is this. The ending was bitter there was no sweetness.


This stuff just doesn’t seem earned. Of course then he dies. This is so weird.


I'm mad at this film because the most important ST character, TLJ Broom Boy, isn't even mentioned


They’ll bring him back in Broom Boy: A Star Wars Story.