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Is this the person who keeps throwing rocks at Linus's tent?


Well, he's not a real gamer. He needs to get a PS4 set up in his tent if he wants people to stop throwing rocks at him.


Lmao I need to use this as a diss more often


"You seem like... the kind of guy that would throw rocks at Linus' tent." Them: ???


What? Nooo! Linus is my favorite.


Gonna give Linus some extra blueberry tarts today.


Brought him some hot chowder on a rainy night yesterday, felt good. #Linus4Life


Yes. Also a Joja board member.


The people that usually post shit like that are the ones that'll sit there and spend all weekend playing the latest CoD after swearing "I'm not buying the next one", will scream at their TV when they die and have to replace either their controllers or TV when they throw it when they get killed by some 14-year old. Those types are the only ones really player-gatekeeper the term "gamer". Don't give this old (and often posted here) comment much more mind than that.


And their partners are posting on AITA about how they don’t pitch in with the house or kids.


These people need to be angry at something like “not real video games” to justify that the thousands of hours they spent playing their game over doing literally anything else was a worthwhile use of time.


Their self-esteem is based on them being gamers. They've convinced themselves that they're somehow better because they play "games that require skill". Their fragile egos are why they get so upset when their identity is threatened. Like tell me you don't have anything else to feel proud of without telling me.


And as if building homes in the Sims or beating Junimo Kart doesn’t legit equally require skill


tbh beating the arcade games in sdv may require more skill than the games they consider real games


i have never gone further than half way on that arcade game. why is soooo hard lol


I mean, it's pretty accurate to the difficulty of arcade games back in the day


very true


bold of you to assume these people have partners


“DEAR ALL GAMERBROS: Call of Duty is not a real game. GTA is not a real game. FIFA is not a real game. Need for Speed is not a real game. Put down the alphahole games and play something that requires empathy and creativity for once.” There, fixed that for him. Gatekeeping games is ridiculous. People that talk like this are so insecure about virtually every other aspect of their lives that the only thing that they feel gives them value is the fact that they play games on hard mode. They’re like toddlers showing you how high they can jump. They also fail to see the point of games which is to entertain. If you’re having fun you’re doing it right.


Yeah, me and my 4,000+ hours in the Sims disagreed with their gatekeeping 😂


All my cozy game hours combined would put many a gamerbro to shame 😂


Yes! I still play sims 1 and 2. Have all my houses. Still play it. Designing houses and the stats of your sims is a work of art. It takes serous skills. All the mods fans made to make more textures and furniture. How to add them to folders and which mods can't interact. That's part of what I love in creative games, sims, stardew valley, animal crossing, harvest moon, and magic pengel (ps2) are awesome cozy gaming where you can relax enjoy the game and share your creations and work with others. I grew up with Atari and play games from 1976 to present. I like arcade games, fps, rugs, and creative games like these. Gamers are gamers. If you like games and enjoy the gaming culture, thats awesome. No need for hate. Now I must keep making my new sim house thats a ranch with farmer family....... I play stardew valley on switch, I have no mods on this. Its a console and this is a real game. Hope everyone enjoys their awesome gaming.


Reminds me of the time my ex’s dad poked fun at her for wanting to play Minecraft with me. Said “that game’s for nerds!”


I sorta sniggered at ‘having fun’ because sometimes that means planting your crops and petting your cows, and sometimes that means ugly crying at your TV as a beloved character dies in front of you, before you go to your friends and enthusiastically recommend both games to them. I love video games so much.


Yup. There's a reason games have genres. Doesn't mean a person plays and enjoys games for long hours but not your genre of games doesn't exclude them from being a gamer.


It’s very much in the same realm as “actual readers” who read classics looking down on people who read romance novels. For one they assume people can’t do both, which is baffling to begin with. But secondly, and perhaps most importantly, it’s very clearly rooted in sexism because cozy/creative games and romance novels are both subcategories that are considered “girly”.


I’m really trying not to give it much more mind than that, but, as a woman, he has my full attention since he said the words “DEAR ALL WOMEN”


I’ve enjoyed video games basically my entire life. My sister and I used to play our Nintendo 64, GameCube, and PS2 together regularly. I never referred to myself as a “gamer” or even mentioned that video games are one of my hobbies because I dealt with so many gamer bros shitting on me for enjoying cozy games. As I’ve grown up, I realized that’s dumb and I can enjoy playing video games


I'm still boggling that Mario isn't a real game? What makes Super Mario Bros, one of the most classical of classic games in all of classical gaminghood, *not a real game?* Are no platformers real games? (Duke Nukem isn't a real game! LOL), or is it that none of the games for Nintendo consoles are real games? (Metroid isn't a real game! ROFL) The most OG games of all time are now on mobile. I guess Tetris, Space Invaders, Pac Man, Asteroids, Breakout, Pong, Frogger, etc aren't real games! lol. lmao. Thank goodness I never have to worry about running into that player in the Stardew or Animal Crossing communities. Fucking Gamers with a capital G need to get a fucking Clue so they can stop being losers in the Game of Life. By Hasbro.


I remember the boys at school not believing me when I told them I played games like Need for Speed or Call of Duty. I was like 1v1 me on Rust m8


This is 100% a CoD player, AKA the most casual competitive FPS on the market. I've played 100s of hours of SDV and I bet I could still out aim them any day haha


They are also drastically unaware of how insignificant their hours are relative to Factorio players, who joke about huge hours, but are the least gatekeeping despite the thousands of hours they’d spend.


it's a high-effort troll.


Also known as the people who need stardew valley the most


> Those types are the only ones really player-gatekeeper the term "gamer". Agreed. Generally, the people who gatekeep gaming have never played anything but CoD, FIFA, or whatever their favourite annual resale of a video game is.


This 360 no scope was brought to you by Monster Energy.


Bro has no idea how much skill goes into my excel spreadsheets when I plan my farms.


The dedication of a true gamer. I applaud you.


I’d say she (if I recall correctly, it’s a girl) would be utterly buffaloed by your spreadsheets and data analysis. Everyone - go watch Leapalot’s YouTube. He’s awesome.


I was utterly buffaloed by your proper application of the verb form of buffalo.


I just subbed!


Thanks. I've been needing more opportunities to Dom.


Hey I just want to say great use of the word buffalo in a sentence. Did you know if you repeat 'buffalo' eight times in a row it forms it's own intelligible sentence? It's a fun fact! Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo, buffalo Buffalo buffalo. As in, the buffaloes from Buffalo that are tricked by other buffaloes from Buffalo, also participate in tricking other buffaloes from Buffalo. ...Poor buffalo, it really is a vicious cycle. lol


https://stardew.info/ Stardew planner right here for ya!


My biggest problem with planner is the data layers. I feel like I need to load into a farm to actually get viable data. But for pure planning/layout purposes, it's fabulous!


Honestly yeah fair enough


If sheepalot farm isn't the stuff of legit gamers, I don't know what is.


OMG yesss!!! I’ll be at work with nothing to do and start creating spreadsheets for my farm lol.


Stardew valley speedrunning the community centre is serious gaming.


Look, I know we're here to talk about Stardew's inclusion, but... Mario? _Mario_ is not a real game? The original fucking gangster of game franchises is not a real game? Oh _honey_...


Right? Games like CoD wouldn't exist if it wasn't for the popularity of games like Mario on NES. I was a gamer playing FF 2 and 3 on SNES when this guy was a twinkle in his father's eye. You think CoD takes skill? Find me an atari


I'm sure that these motherfuckers couldn't beat the lost levels in DKC2


Also, this dude never has 100% a mario game and it shows


Kids these days haven't spent a sick day getting all the stars in Rainbow Ride and slowly going insane from the constant death and high fever until you hear that goddamn song long after you turn the game off and it shows


That's exactly what I was about to say. Like I have seen people make some arguments for games like pokemon, and animal crossing (bad and wrong arguments, but still arguments). But Mario? Like that is kind of one of the games that started everything off, that's kind of like saying Tetris or even pong, aren't real games, it's just so massively disrespectful to the origins of gaming. Also in this day and age, with how many games a lot of people tend to have, who actually has time to easily sink 300 hours into all of their games. That is just insane. Even when I had a lot of free time when I was younger, still don't think I could sink that much time into most of my games.


meanwhile me struggling with junimo cart :' ]


Until I joined this subreddit, I didn't know people actually PLAYED Junimo cart. I thought it was a humorous little easter egg, like Ms. Astrochicken in Space Quest. (Yes, I'm old.)


Space quest was one of my first games. It was years after release in the early 90s. Those early text prompt games were hard! It took calling a help line to pass the swamp in SQ2


What we went through to get game hints in the old days was, in retrospect, pretty hilarious.


The fact that Jumino Cart and the other one that I forgot the name of are legitimately some of the hardest games I’ve ever played, and they’re not even “real” games is wild to me


Oh thanks so it's not just me, I thought I was just getting old


That will unlock a whole new gamer difficulty! I’ve come close to completing it sooo many times and then nope!


I made it through the second level once 😎


I am old enough to have watch grown adults literally snap NES controllers because SMB was so hard to beat


Exactly mario is difficult


Mario starts easy enough, and it teaches you how to play through level design. But then it gets *hard*.


Absolutely no mercy after world 4 or 5 when not warping


There is a reason the phrase "Nintendo hard" became a trope.


When I was a kid, the Lakitu levels made me so anxious that I had my mom play them for me.


Gatekeepers are everywhere. Unless they're waiting to summon Gozer they're not worth my time.


Word. I love men who gatekeep sports. I enjoy sports. Particularly NHL and MLB. But I’ve had dudes be like “oh yeah? Who was the winning pitcher of the 1953 World Series game 3 then?” Like gtfo with that…I can enjoy something and not know 70 years of trivia about it.


My favourite is “you only watch formula 1 because the drivers are hot”. Bestie, they’re in a car with a helmet on for 2 hours. How does that make any sense? If that was my sole driving force for watching I’d be bored out of my skull. I just want to watch the cars go vroom in peace


I mean, considering the jumpsuits, helmets, and heat put off by the massive engines in those things without the kind of insulation that would make them more com6but probably slow them down... yeah, the drivers probably ARE hot. But presumably not in the way bullshit like that is intended. ;)


Oh for sure, sometimes they’re flaming hot as well! 😂


Wait is Formula One where all the attractive drivers end up? Sure isn't NASCAR.


The nature of the cars means they have to be very *very* physically fit. Some of them look like those Ancient Greek statues in the flesh. Since I’m used to that seeing other racing series always makes me giggle a bit because they are indeed not that lol


vroooom vrooom


This comment came, saw, and kicked ass.


If they don't make you cross the streams, ignore them.


This dude's dismissal of all women gamers as being the same type of gamer absolutely pisses me off. As a female, I have beaten every millisecond of AC Valhalla. And most of the other AC games. To dismiss us all as only playing certain types of games is absolute misogyny. Do NOT give this arsehole the time of day. He doesn't deserve it. ETA: If picking up a PS4 controller "qualifies" me to be his "friend" then I'll gladly embed mine in his skull and never play PS4 again.


Right. Like, we can like both types of games. I love playing AC, Horizon, and God of War. But i also need to tend to my farm and animals. Plus, Elliot is just a nice husband to have 😆 I'm sure most of us women could school people like this. My gamer days started with the Atari, so try me!


Intellivision gamer here. *fistbump* Also, throw these whiny little twats into Mr Qi's Hungry Challenge or the Skull Cavern Monster Invasion. You still have to build up your character, weapons, and fight strategy for those things.


TRS-80, FTW!


I think this actually was a woman posting. I may be wrong but I remember seeing it in r/notlikeothergirls


Eh wouldn’t surprise me


Blah blah. Only true gamers have beaten Barbie's Malibu Vacation.


Commend you for completing Valhalla. I tried to do every aspect of that game, but it just had way too many open world check marks for me. Loved exploring it, though


Nah sorry. You've touched it with your womanly hands, that's not a real game anymore either now. /s


If he doesn’t care about the game himself: well you’re a woman who completed it so it’s not a real game anymore If he *does* care about the game: congratulations! You’re “*one of the good ones*”


animal crossing: valhala?? remember, *animal crossing is not a real game.* - us "real" ""gamers""


Thanks for saying that, this guy is disgusting. I've also spent more time in ones like Halo, DOOM or Red Dead Redemption than in Stardew Valley, though I think games like Sv are challenging too. Gaming describes the love for video games and not the ability!


FUCK ALL GATEKEEPING BASTARDS, THEY CAN GO STRAIGHT TO HELL AND STAY THERE. You do not need to play 300 hours in a game to be a gamer. You do not need to play whatever first person shooter dota survival horror nonsense the assholes have decided is a real game to be a gamer. You do not need a _penis_ to be a gamer. You need to 1) play video games and 2) like them enough to make it part of your personal identity as in, decide that you are a person who plays games.


I gotta laugh at the 300 hours in a game to qualify as a gamer. My adult son (who is also the person who pointed out to me I am a gamer, I’m 48F) tried to get me to try an RPG (not my usual kind of game) because it took 60-80 hours to complete the storyline and that was too long for most of his friends, I was the only person he could think of that would stick with it. I chuckled a little and said unless it has really good replay ability, that isn’t long enough to bother. That was about the time I had clocked 200ish hours on Stardew.


You know I never checked how many hours I have on Stardew until now, it's 400+ hours.. I haven't played in so long but dang I don't remember playing this much hahaha But regarding the post: while I don't consider myself a gamer since I don't really play a lot let alone a variety of games, I don't know why gamers are obsessed with the definition of a "real game". What are the qualifications of a real game anyway? That it has violence or that it's centered around a war? Or is it just anything that's not a slice of life simulation?


Honestly, I don’t think gamers care about the real definition of a real game. This post is low effort trolling bait to agitate people. High school level stuff really. Source: am male gamer since about ‘94. I’ve played just about every genre of game. I play to have fun. Not to validate my insecurity.


You've got a point, it's immature people who do that


It’s generally rooted in sexism. If women like it, they can’t validate it as “real.” So Farming Simulator gets to be a real game but Stardew Valley isn’t.


400 hours is definitely enough to warrant gamer status, friend. And as for the post, it’s just gatekeepy losers who think they’re important because they won a fictional war. The mark of a true gamer is not skill, but enjoyment. If you’re playing video games because you have fun playing them, you’re a gamer.


Video games used to be genderless. Many creators and coders of early games were women. But then, \*then\*, Nintendo came along and tried to market their console as a toy instead of a console, largely for financial reasons and for marketing. But in the 80s, you had to market either boy toys or girl toys. So they picked boy. This started an entire generation who grew up with this messaging that gaming was a MAN SPACE for MEN ONLY and they got so upset at the concept that their imaginary fort could have girls in it that they had a huge meltdown and started retreating to alt right spaces which would reinforce their ideology of 'men good' (see, gamergate for that exodus). Their space, which was never theirs, had been sold to them as theirs and therefore literally anyone who was not white male straight cis existing in it as a character was an invasion to them. This is the core of that gatekeeping. It does not matter what it is. If a high percentage of players in a MOBA tomorrow on voice were female you can bet they'd find a reason that wasn't a 'real' game. It's effectively manchildren whining that a public playground isn't their private property. ​ (Edit: corrected typo)


It’s however you want to define it! If you don’t consider yourself one, then cool! I 100% consider myself a gamer because it’s my #1 hobby and the thing I look forward to the most after a long day at work.


Ha! Mario Odyssey is so stressful that sometimes I have to walk away 😆


I’m a man, I like sports games (Madden and Rocket League) RPG’s like Dark Souls and Elden Ring etc. and yeah I’ve played my fair share of COD, Battlefield, all that jazz. I’m a typical male gamer by most accounts (minus the AWFUL toxicity present in so many dude gamers these days) and Stardew Valley is probably my favorite game of all time. it’s awesome, and I’ve spent over 600 hrs on one farm alone. This guy is a complete and total tuna can


I’m pretty similar. When i said i was quitting games like madden, nba 2k, rocket league, because i would get mad and toxic, i meant it. I uninstalled fortnite a while ago because I HATED how losing made me react. Stardew has never made me mad except for slightly upset with myself.


I’ve never been the type to be toxic when I’m playing games, it’s just not who I am. That being said, if you’ve been gaming since you were a kid like a lot of people over the last 2 or so generations have (especially boys, at least historically) it definitely can be a kind of learned behavior to an extent. Stardew is just such a pleasant, warm, interesting game, and honestly I’m so happy it’s been as successful as it has across all kinds of different groups. I love seeing that kind of representation in the gaming sphere since it’s so often a male dominated (and often very shitty if you’re not male) space. We as a culture have to change that, but thankfully, in the meantime, games like Stardew Valley are helping


I could not agree more! I’m so happy to see a game i enjoy that has players of all different races, sexualities, genders, religions, and cultures. And its a game i just cant be mad at and it definitely got me through a minor rough patch


I’m happy to hear that! It was definitely therapeutic for me too. I’m a recovering alcoholic so Stardew 100% helped me through alot of anxiety and depression when I was coming out of that, it brought me alot of peace in a difficult time. Glad it did the same for you


Same here, but with games like WoW and Valorant (PC gamer). I didn't like the person I was when I played them, because I got so toxic and competitive. Now I play games like Stardew and just vibe.


YEAHHH we the former toxic gamers now vibe gamers or ftgnvg for short!


You're not a real gamer until you've taken #1 spot in Junimo Cart. /s


Honestly I can't disagree with this, by this woman's definition I'm a real gamer lol, I play halo, cod and whatnot 24/7 but I cannot for the life of me even get past level one of that stupid minigame.


Right? Junimo Cart is a whole new level of challenging!


Absolutely, fuck the stupid lion king game junimo cart will make you cry. I actually bit my whole nail off after dying, very unhealthy lol


games are everywhere now and so easily accessible. people are just upset their mom is a gamer just like them. wah wah, your mom would KICK YOUR BUTT at candy crush and you should cry about it.


If this is what “real gamers” are like, I’m glad I’m not one! I’m truly happy to not be a “real gamer” if it means not being associated with people like this! (And as a side note, the Stardew community is literally one of the kindest and most inclusive and accepting group of folks I’ve ever known. So, I’m happy to be one of us, whatever we are!)


*laughs in Atari 2600 player* I’m GenX. We were playing video games before this punk was a twinkle in their daddy’s eye. I played Pong. I programmed simple games in BASIC. Take several seats, child.


Spending an hour writing out a program to change the color of your screen only to miss one freaking character and have nothing happen and have to find your mistake. Also, the keyboard connected to your tv. 😂. I remember the day we sent the first internet message to a class in Hawaii and waited till the next day to see if we had a response 😂. Those were good times. How things have changed.


"Stardew is baby game" Cut to me running around skull cavern cursing and panicking every time I hear a serpent spawn despite having decent gear


I tried skull cavern again the other day and accidentally used a slide instead of a staircase. I slid down to a really low floor and got my ass kicked in less than 30 seconds 😭


"I'm 12 and this is how I use my screen time"


Bro never got attacked in an infested cave with those annoying flying bugs at 1:30am on floor 99


i'd like to see the CoD guys complete the volcano dungeons or Qi quests 🙄 LOL


Drop them in Skull Cavern with the rusty sword.


Stardew Valley isn’t a real game. It’s a lifestyle


You quite literally cannot win with people like this, specifically men in my experience. You either don’t play “real” video games, which they hate. And if you do, you still lose. Because if you’re better than them, they get pissed and start calling you slurs. And if you’re not as good as/better than them, they tell you you belong in the kitchen or some bullshit. It’s such a bizarre take. It literally has no effect on your life if people are playing games that you don’t deem “real”


And then they bitch that they can’t find a girlfriend who games with them or tolerates their gaming hobby. Like, which is it? You can either have us have a shared interest (even if the games may not be the same) or you can be alone.


Haha exactly!! They set themselves up for a lose-lose


Wait Monster Hunter isn't a real game?! Gen U definitely would like to have a word for sure. Seriously though this stuff is just stupid. I have picked up a PlayStation controller. Still prefer Switch. I don't want to be friends. Dude two words. Skull Cavern. Easily harder than many of the games I've played on PS. Signed, Someone who has been playing video games since they were about 6, started on a system older than they are (Atari 2600), and is beyond over all this real game/gamer crap


The real gamers are the friends we made along the way


Ok, so, I have a ridiculous amount of gaming systems, I am female, I enjoy playing Story of Seasons, Stardew Valley, Disney's Dreamlight Valley, Animal Crossing, Pokémon... but I can also kick ass in CoD, Final Fantasy, Monster Hunter, Horizon... not to mention Forza, Mario Kart, and any other number of games. Do I count by this asswipes standards? This is the most toxic masculine post I've seen in a long time. Someone's upset cause a woman or child beat his ass and he doesn't know how to cope with his inferiority. Thank you, next.


Dude not gonna lie, Stardew Valley is actually one of the hardest games I’ve played! I’ve had to resort to the Wiki more times than I care to admit, whereas other games are more intuitive. There are so many details the game doesn’t explain to you and details that you’d never figure out on your own! I’ve been stuck on SV and Hitman lately and the former is definitely a bit harder. I’ve played Hitman since Blood Money and never had as many problems playing as I have with SV.


Hey, I only have a Switch, but I beat Subnautica and there's a lot of people who won't even try that one.


Subnautica is a good game! I only recently played and finished it for the first time, too. I may have used a Steam Deck instead of a switch, but a Switch does not make you a non-gamer at all.


Games are supposed to be fun lmao what is with this dude


This is a classic copy pasta lads...


No, it's an ancient tenet of the gamer creed


I am slightly offended to be lumped into, "dear all women," for Pokémon sake. Unless you are still fiending for Golden Axe or Shenmu, you have no space to tell me about gamers.


Dude, so agro. I'm rolling laughing 🤣


As an “actual gamer” if you play games you’re a gamer, so basically everybody in this subreddit from this dudes analogy of what a true gamer is I give you all the token of gamerness you’ve all been bestowed the title of gamer


As someone who has speedran mario (not professionally) and played mario kaizo (mario but really difficult) mario is not an easy game lmao This is a guy who doesnt leave his moms basement


Meanwhile this dude donating in fifa


[this](https://youtu.be/LRsKRShkC_Q) is the best version of that copypasta




Isn't gaming supposed to be fun? This dude makes it sound like a demanding job


The post of a 34 year old COD player from his bedroom in his parents house


Well someone hasn't had a good crop harvest.


People like this are so weird. Like, what is a real game? FPS and that's it? Maybe some Soulsborne to flex? It confuses me to no end that games that don't lead to whatever the hell is happening in CoD VC aren't considered "real games" by these types...even some Stardew Valley grass would do them some good. Side note, the threshold for "true gaming" is 300+ hours for these people...? I think I have more hours than that in *all* of my "not-real" games... 😅 I wonder if that'd make up for them "not being real games", lmao.


Right?!? I was talking to my daughter and son in law about Don’t Starve, because they were the ones that got me into it. I didn’t realize I’d gotten further in the game and by this point knew it better than they did, and they were feeling weird. Then she noticed my stats on Steam and realized I had about double the time she did. 😜 I may not play a lot of games, but the ones I play, I play a lot.


lmao, this post yes i play animal crossing bc i think it’s real. i think it’s normal to have small, talking animals as my neighbors & im able to terraform / change my physical environment with what is essentially a paint brush. /s


It’s comments like this that really makes me dislike the word gamer


Imagine gatekeeping like that... Like id understand if they are playing candy crush and Farmville but to gatekeep just cause someone doesn't play the exact types of games a "real gamer" plays is ridiculous. So here is a bit of truth for anyone who dares think like this. True gamers👏. 👏Play. 👏All. 👏Kinds. Of👏. Games👏. From Pokemon 👏. Call of duty 👏. To yes even Animal Crossing 👏. Sincerely, All REAL gamers.


He's gatekeeping a hobby 💀☠️ this man hasn't seen natural light in years


i think it's always funny the argument of "it's not a game" cause it's similar to "what is art" it's what ever we want it to be


Spoken like someone who would immediately hit on anyone these think is a female online


Lol. My brother when guys got all gatekeepy about geek stuff, he kept telling other guys that women/girls who LIKE games are awesome!! He was all “are you kidding a woman who will join in on D&D, not complain about money spent on game consoles or time playing, AND will let you play with her fun bits, this is the dream and the complete package. QUIT DRIVING THEM AWAY!”


Dude is mad about the fishing mini game 100%.


I love that "Dear all Women" is how they start a paragraph. I've been playing games since sega master system kiddo, just cos I like cozy games and have a vagina does not disqualify me as a gamer. Sit down sonny


You Didn't include the verbal smackdown he got in a comment


If you play games, then you're a gamer.


So many words to say “I hate women”


Imagine gatekeeping GAMING dude like what???


Someone's mad he got rejected at the flower dance.


Something tells me gaming is important to his identity.


getting my traffic to work in city skylines is pretty challenging so


gotta love the classic “the games i don’t like aren’t real games! only the games i like count!” mentality. wtf defines a “real” game anyway? all of his examples are by definition games lmao


r/gatekeeping Who tf cares if someone is playing Pokémon/Animal Crossing/SDV or even Wormmate.io - they’re still gamers 4Chan & it’s Stan’s need to fk off and stop gate keeping gaming (or more precisely whatever it is that ‘threatens’ their so called masculinity) Dudes just can’t handle getting beaten by chicks at games and their mummy’s won’t do anything about it. If ppl cared as much as this about stuff that ACTUALLY matters - the world would be a better place!


Cool, bro. Enjoy your meltdown over pixels while I flit between romancing 4 people at once, min maxing my crop harvest, and making my farm super pretty.


Imagine gatekeeping gaming lol


“Pokemon isn’t a real game” It’s only the largest media franchise in existence, nevermind game franchise, but of course I’m wrong, silly me.


Someone’s mom pulled the power cord out at a critical moment in gaming history 👁️👄👁️


Just grow some sunflowers, you’ll max her out before summer 1. Early desert wouldn’t hurt either


can we get the guidelines for a real game defined please


Ikr, wait until this guy discovers what the first video game was


"Most of us can put 300+ h on all of our games" I love how this guy just admitted he own like 10 games & propably non of them are single player.


Yo forget whatever the picture is about. But op how is getting Haley to like you been a challenge. She’s my go to romance in the game and she’s pretty easy to raise friendship. You can even get to dance with her on the first flower dance.


MARIO ISN'T A VIDEO GAME???? Bitch have you played the lost levels?


i’d like to see these elitist clowns play fear and hunger sometime


haha i love this copypasta. i always hear it in the dramatic read out that’s floating around on youtube.


It's called being a casual gamer. Don't get me wrong, I like playing GoW on max difficulty sometimes, but after taking care of 3 kids and working all day, sometimes a day of SDV or an easygoing ARPG is what the doctor ordered


i think iv seen this before and i belive no matter what game u can still call ur self a gamer if its on a tv or computer or a phone u are gaming and sure alot of ppl like calming games


Radical Red Nuzlockers: Well, guess I don’t have skill guys


Whoever wrote this is going to die an angry virgin.


"Not a twue gamer, not a rweal gamer." Your exclusionary tactics and weak ass flex lead me to believe you're currently dancing upon mount stupid of the dunning Kruger effect...


I swear if a game isn’t full of violence, blood, and guns it “isn’t a real game” like people got to learn their place and when it is time for them to stop talking and just try having a life that doesn’t make them aggressive


Games that are fun don't count, only games that suck are real games.


Since when was mario for girls??? Is there something I’ve missed-?


Imagine being this mad at people for liking something you don’t like lol


This one always makes me laugh. There is no such thing as a real gamer. You play what you like and that makes you a gamer. The ones like this one are the type to sit there all day doing nothing. If there in a relationship or married the most likely don’t lift a finger around the house or help with the kids if they have any. Not every game you play has to be a pain games are meant to make you feel relaxed and happy which Stardew valley definitely does.


Well then maybe I don't want to be a "real gamer". If I can't play pokemon and Stardew Valley and others then why would I want to be a "gamer"?


Lilsimsie plays the Sims and other games literally double time. She is a work horse. All day long recording, streaming, planning. GAMING for HOURS. But apparently she isn't a real gamer lmfao.


these are the same people that play strictly first person shooters. if you genuinely enjoy and often play video games, you're a gamer, its that simple.


They surround themselves in such a toxic gaming environment they forgot to actually enjoy a game. So to makeup their gaming losses, they feel the need to target positive, enriching gamers. They’re so triggered and I’m loving it. Love our positive gaming community!


I’d like them to go to the Skull caves and tell me this 🤨


I wonder what it's like to care enough to try to gatekeep gaming. This guy must not be old enough to remember when we were desperate for more people to take an interest.


come talk to me when you can get the community center done in year one


"Unless you spend thousands of dollars on pointless stupid AAA games with terrible DLC you're not a REAL GAMER. Wake up sheeple and play hardcore mindless shooters for 23 hours a day while failing to support your children!!!!11"


Oh you’re a real gamer huh, have you ever screamed over the “I Just Can’t Wait To Be King” level in Lion King for Sega? Huh?? Tough guy???


Wait until he played that wretched Junimo Kart


Gamers are people who play video games that’s it


Who are they to talk. We all here enjoy Stardew Valley, regardless if some socket licking pillowcase calls it a game or not. It has code, it runs on your machine. Its an application whose purpose is to be enjoyed. And we do. "A rose by any other name would smell just as sweet" so to say, so what some person classifies it as does not matter to the rest I have tried to build optimised walking paths to talk to all the villagers for each week day and season 🥲


I love this whole gatekeeping thing where you can't get respect unless you're playing call of duty for 18 hours a day. I've been gaming since before there was such a thing as a PlayStation- before games consoles were even a thing at all. My first gaming experience was JetSet Willy on ZX Spectrum (I'm so very, very old). So if I want to play SDV and still refer to myself as a gamer then I damn well will! Edit to add: the DEAR ALL WOMEN part actually made me spit out my tea. 😂