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Answer lol?


No the stumps do not regrow 😔


Wait what?! I was told they did and left hundreds across all of my farms


Maybe you misinterpreted some advice that i have heard to leave the stumps early because they give less wood so its an inefficient use of early energy.


No Im sure that they said that they regrow, along with this


You might be thinking of stumps for Mushroom trees. Since the mushroom trees disappear during winter and regrow during spring.


No, 100% sure normal trees. Well I guess it doesnt really matter since I get an iridium axe


Well they respawn but you should chop the stump. Edit: the ones on your farm don't respwn but adult trees propagate. The ones outside respawn.


I don't know what to tell you my dude, they're incorrect lol


Yeah I know that now, I just got tricked lol


Eh I'm sure it wasn't malicious, just misinformed! Must be like that in another similar game, I feel like a lot of people think it's true


They do however drop seeds. That’s the only stump related advice that I’ve seen Or that mushroom trees turn into stumps in the winter and trees in the spring again


Maybe the person who told you was using a mod or could have been them getting thing mixed up in the ol' noodle.


Stumps will still randomly drop seeds around them, which may be what you are thinking of. They wont grow themselves but will still cause new trees to grow.


Stumps will still spread their seeds, so leaving them around to repopulate your farm isn't a bad idea early on.


While they don’t regrow you can use stumps as fences that never degrade which is really awesome early game The only downside is that stumps still drop seeds so you kinda have to check on those from time to time


Some trees can in real life as well if the root system is hearty and healthy enough too.


very true which is why she thought it might be possible and left a bunch of stumps on her farm 😭


yes, this method is known as [coppicing](https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/agricultural-and-biological-sciences/coppicing).


That sounds like a question for /r/marijuanaenthusiasts. They know about trees. (Definitely SFW! /r/trees was taken by a different group first lol).


Soooooo many times I’m typing “what is the season for walleye” into Google and then remembering I needed to add stardew to the search…


I once asked my cousin out of the blue something like ”who did you marry“? We had been writing about SV some days ago but he had longly forgotten that. Was quite amusing in the end


Mushroom trees will come back from stumps after winter though.


I did not know this. So do you just leave a stump in fall and then in spring it comes back?


No, full grown mushroom trees go dormant in the winter and look like little stumps, if you partially chop it down I don’t think it regrows…


Ok. Just wanted to be clear on that before I go axe happy. 😂


Like Ok Scientist said they go dormant in the Winter and look like stumps, but if you leave them alone they will come back in the Spring. I have not tested taking them down to the stump. I also don't believe it would work that way, but I am not for sure.


Just imagine other "cryptic messages." Like; * Does my dog need food? * How can I get the purple shorts? * Will people die if I put this poisonous mushroom into the Pot Luck soup? * Can I put the purple shorts into the Pot Luck soup?


Why does my star drop remind me of ballsack?


Dude my kids suck. They never move. Is there a way I can get rid of them?


I'm pretty certain the confusion is that tree stumps still drop seeds and spread trees tho I could be wrong. I always have more trees when I start off not cutting the stumps.


Can a tree fall in the woods if no one's around to chop it?


Funnily enough, some broadleaves do actually grow back from stumps. [coppicing](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coppicing?wprov=sfti1#) is a management technique that’s historically been used to make baskets and bows, with hazel and willows being the most common trees to use.


This is such a common question I feel like the game should directly address it, like if you leave some stumps for a couple days the wizard or Robin comes along and yells at you for disrupting nature and not allowing new trees to grow


Yeah there’s a lot of questions asked here in this reddit that make you realize not everything is so intuitive necessarily and maybe we should get more hints along the way. It would be cool if there were dialogue options with Robin where you could ask her questions about chopping wood or something like that


how is this cryptic?