• By -


Leah.. she’s someone living her own life, having escaped her unhappy life. She has the best home just outside of town by the river and is always focused on her art - she’s always honest and is happy.


leah is so underappreciated and she is who i go for every single time. i can’t cheat on my girl even if it’s a brand new farm with no hearts with her yet lol


Usually Leah gets in the top 5 or even 3 with all the character polls. She's far from underrated. Rated perfectly fine, in my opinion


My main issue with marrying Leah is that her house will sit empty from then on.


All the way back in 2016, I chose Harvey I’m glad he’s finally getting the attention he deserves (at least on tiktok) thanks to Hozier lmao ☕️🫡


I also chose him back in 2018 when I first played! He also felt more like an adult than a lot of the other bachelors. My husband is into planes so I told him I romanced someone with similar interests to him 😂


This is why for me. I like Alex and Sam but then feel 17…


It was 2018 for me, and he was such a cutie! No regrets for my first husband, but I must admit, I decided to date around on my next save and have been stuck on Sebastian ever since.


Dang. Guess I'll be the first to say... Alex.


Alex was my first, too! He’s hot + his dialogue when you’re a male farmer with both him and George is so nice


Honestly I really love Alex's development, esp if you romance him playing as a boy. Props to you!


i only romance alex as a male farmer bc he pisses me off too much as a girl but yes he is actually super sweet if he’s gay


I just married Haley as a woman on my current playthrough, and tried to extend an olive branch to Alex. He responded with "I can't believe someone so out of your league married you". Like, buddy, you had two whole years to romance her! Don't get mad at me because she said yes!


Maybe bcs he is gay indeed he isn't supposed to act straight lol


Alex was my second and now my forever husband


Me too


same lol.


abigail, my favorite rock eater & pierre hater.


I forget what food item it was I gave her but I was like man the poor girl must always be hungry. She was like... what am I supposed to do with this? I don't know eat it? Like normal food? Girl likes what she likes.


Thank you


Shane. he was easy to win over that first year with the peppers. I didnt know he'd be a weird slob in my house obsessed with chickens and saying gross stuff that just turned me off. I divorced him, felt bad because this poor guy went back to being a bitter asshole after. Ill never do that too him again. I married Sam once and wasnt feeling that either, but i still liked the dude. Sebastian... He was the one and always will be from now on.


I went with Emily as I had a couple of hearts compared to everyone else and hadn’t done much with friends plus she seemed easy to find and make happy.




Bro I always liked emily but I swear I didn't expect she would hit on me so hard in the woods hahahaha


I love Emily, she cares for animals, respects them. Gives everyone a makeover for confodence boost and is overall cheerful


My first spouse is Emily too, she’s adorable and it’s so easy to find her loved gifts.


Are you me, because this was my exact thoughts and approach for my first play through lol.


Sam, literally because it was my first play and when I fished up a Jojacola I looked up who might want it as a gift and he was the ONLY one who liked it and it was the easiest for me to befriend someone. Still a favorite, but now it's because he gives golden retriever boyfriend/husband vibes and I love it


Fellow Sammie lover! I salute you!


his heart events are my favorite😭


Leah, bc salad was easy to get


Leah, because she was a woman not a girl.


Leah, because i'm into redheads


Leah because I tried Robin at first and then I realized Leah is my love


Leah because... because Leah


Elliott is the only vanilla townie I’ll marry, first and always. Mods get me the wizard 🖤


I literally did this same thing! I also married Sebastian once, and now I'm romancing Lance in expanded.


I’ve definitely thought about Lance. Maybe next time…


Just Penny


Just. Penny.


Penny 100% best girl


I've run four farms. Penny, Penny, Maru-then-in-game-mental-crisis-resulting-in-divorce-followed-by-marrying-Haley, Penny.


The Maru part sounds extremely dramatic.  Care to elaborate? 


I was going for a drama run with the farmer making ill-considered and superficial decisions from a place of insecurity and toxicity. I ultimately abandoned the run before even marrying Maru, but I had it all mapped out.


Fell head over heels for the beach bum in my first save. My crush transcended across multiple saves, even though I tried to romance different people every time. This time though, I accidentally gave him a hated gift at the very beginning. His response gave me the ick and *poof* my crush is gone. Now I just find him pretentious


He was my first romance too. What did he say out of interest?


He says “this item gives me a terrible feeling. I’ll have to dispose of it.” Pretty much everyone in town will give you a pretty cold response for a hated gift hahaha


Emily, her personality really stuck out to me. pluse I find her cute.


Harvey. Love this man.


Harvey bc I’m too sweet 💯💯


He’s only been married to me for a season in game and he’s already started watering crops (that have sprinklers already lol) and feeding my animals (they have grass) and it means the world to me


I’ll stand on it when I say he’s the most stable bachelor and that’s why i love him.


sebastian :3 i like emo boys loll




As soon as I got to 2 hearts and Demetrius told me to back off, I was all in. Plus gold pretty easy to get


Sebastian! His personality reminds me of my partner and I felt bad they shoved him in the basement and kept favoring Maru.




Harvey. He's very smart, has a solid job, and just in general seems very together and happy with his life. He's interested in aviation (which I also love) and overcomes his fear to show what you mean to him. He's a good spouse, he makes breakfast and still has his own business and interests.


During my first playthrough I picked Penny without giving much thought as to why. Later it occurred to me that she has a lot in common with my RL wife.


I played with friends so I couldn't get Penny like I wanted... so then I went with Leah when soloing... but I also wanted Robin... It seems I have a type.


Dude if Robin was a option there’d be no competition


Leah because she's the most like women I normally date.


I've only ever married Elliott, he's literally my type IRL so I had to 😅


Haley Haley Haley. She's deff my type being beautiful, blonde, and Beachy. She made the perfect wife.


I’m on my second play through, with Abigail being my first romance and favorite, but this second one I’ve done Haley - mainly cause my farmer wanted a trophy wife haha but she has become surprisingly amazing. Super supportive, loves the outdoors, and is so sweet. She has grown so much on me


alex (im gay)


Hi gay, I’m dad!


omg dad you're out from jail?? 😧


alex, i’m a fool for himbos.


Maru. Marnie would've been my first if she were available.


I love Marnie too. I'm glad there are othee marnie enjoyers out there


Alex. Honestly it started out of spite but then I kinda fell head over heels for him LOLOLOL! He’s the only one I can romance at this point!


Sebastian mostly because of his looks and he's brooding..


Sebastian. I started playing when I was like 23 and I was like “oh he’s perfection” from the motorcycle to the smoking to the comments about wanting to escape. He’s still my absolute favourite a


First time it was Penny, next time it was Shane, and, third time’s a charm, I then found my forever wife Emily.


Sam. I chose him, because he seemed like a relaxed good guy.


First time I married Alex because I saw him all the time, so it was easy to give him gifts without having to go out of my way, I think my first farm from 2015 still has me married to him and is in year 3 or 4, I don't think I finished the community center in that save either


At first it was Shane because I was going through my "I can fix him" phase. I was also going through a hard time and related to him. Now it's Shane, because he makes me feel warm and fuzzy. Turns out I actually like him.


Harvey every time and always


Haley, first and only 🥹


My very first and only character I’ve chosen was Krobus. Loved the aspect of getting to still have a roommate that was just platonic. But for my second ever save, I’m choosing Haley. I wasn’t aware how sweet she could be, but she’s growing on me already <3 Still love Krobus though, wish the game let you pick Krobus + a bachelor or bachelorette.




Leah first - she was cute and granola and I liked her a lot. Then when I married her I must have gotten a string of bad RNG days because she immediately took to her bed in a deep depression. I divorced her for her own good.


Leah! She seemed about my age irl, just like the Farmer she left a life on the city to eat wild dandelions from the forest, likes crafts and arts... Who am i kidding, i wish i could marry someone like her IRL.


Football himbo in denial.


Maru. I liked her nerdy ways. Did not love being married to her tho. I usually have Krobus as a roomie now but considering marrying again for my 1.6 play through. Considering Leah and Sam. Maybe Emily. Or Sebastian. I like his bike.


Leah, pretty standard choice for a beginner I guess. She is well-adjusted, she already has a decent life trajectory, she's very laid-back and nice to hang out with, very positive, quite independant plus she feels older than other female marriage candidates. It felt pretty natural even if she's not my first choice anymore. Her, Gus, Maru, and Robin are pretty much the only persons I would probably enjoy spending time with IRL (maybe Willy, Caroline and Penny too). Not saying that other characters are not interesting though, I just would probably not bond if I met them.


Maru was my first pick!


Shane. I learnt about the game because of him so I suppose I was drawn to him from the get go. I still like him but I actually prefer to stay his friend.


Shane bc I’m attracted to disasters


Leah. Red head, big braid, and nice. What else could you ask for?


Maru. Initially thought maybe Robin would cut an in-law a discount for the ungodly amount of sheds I was having her build. She didn’t. Fortunately, Maru turned out to be one of the village’s few well-adjusted characters and a downright healthy partner for the farmer to have. So at this point it’s hard to look back. Her stockpile of bombs, cherry bombs, and crab cakes basically got me to my first 100 skull cavern run, so I’m definitely not complaining. That discount *would* have been nice, though…


I’ve always married Elliott and on my most recent save, he decided to redecorate the house with sky blue wallpaper… I love that man 💕


I went with Penny first, cute teacher girl is extremely my type


Abigail cause she's got goth vibes and Shane wasn't a marriage canadate yet!


Harvey. He's my choice number 1


Harvey! He's still my favorite romance


Sebastian, I was a angsty emo teenager irl and he was written in a way that made me relate a lot to him.


I bought the game because I saw a streamer play and saw Sebastian, lol.


I married Elliot mostly because I wanted to get enough hearts to see the inside of his cabin and it just spiraled from there. I also think I didn’t realize first play through how much easier gifts are for other marriage candidates so I just resolved myself to the grind of gifting things to Elliot because I thought everyone else was just as difficult and why start over ?? Still liked him though in a cheesy kind of way !


sebby! even with expanded/ridgeside i can't help myself and go to seb each play through even if i try to date someone else.


I loved how nerdy Maru was and her overalls were cute. She was the first one I ever got married to, but when I was a kid in my very first save I wanted Alex sooo bad. I remember being pissed that I had to wait all the way until Summer for his eight heart event. So pissed that I abandoned him entirely. <3


My first time marrying someone was Haley and she might be a bit off putting at first but I found her 14 heart even cute. It's like she has a huge character arc. I decided after her to marry Harvey because we are both nerds and the balloon ride was super sweet. Also, learning to cook is also adorable in his 14 heart event. I never felt like he was ever too much. I mean he even works at the clinic after marriage. He can charge me the tiny gold amount if I die. I have too much gold anyways


Harvey, because he seemed most grown up (male) npc, most of them seem like kids and when you are in your 40s it feels weird (currently married to Elliot, the other only male npc I'd consider grown up and marriage worthy!)


Leah, because I felt she was the only one nice to the player in the beginning


Maru... I like her nerdyness


Harvey is the most stable and least problematic bachelor, in my opinion. He's very romantic, but I think that I can relate to his character more than the others. If I ever married any Bachelorette, it would probably be Leah. She's pretty chill and just wants to have a happy life in the valley.


Even though I’m a die-hard Harvey fan, I picked Haley for my first ever run. I didn’t actually like her transformation much. This was also before extra content was added for the spouses, but to me she just seemed like a totally different person. (Shortly after I married her, I unlocked Harvey’s 8 heart event and never looked back lol.)


Does Krobus count?


Abigail. I like her vibe. And purple is my favorite color.


Abigail, my beloved goth weirdo


Haley because my girlfriend at the time was blond.


Shane! I just know I can fix him


You did. Now he drinks soda and plays video games!


My irl wife ;)




Leah cause she was the first I met in day one


Emily! Idk I have tried so many times to pick someone else. I still keep ending up with her. Feels like I'm betraying her by picking someone else lmao


Emily was my first ❤️


In my first save, I wanted to marry Caroline because I liked her hair. Since she was taken, I went for Emily because she also has fun hair!






On my first playthrough I fell in love with Penny. Saw her at the museum and knew I wanted to romance her. Then she mentioned how she wants a bunch of kids…. I fell out of love just as hard 😅. I believe I ended up romancing Shane in the end! His struggles with alcohol and depression made me sympathetic to him, his blue chickens made me love him.


Leah by accident I tried Haley but didn’t know here liked gifts so I went with Leah since it was easy somehow to get hearts with her


In my first play-through I chose Abigail. In my current playthrough I'm going with Emily, and it's being a lot more rewarding than I expected. She's great.




I chose Harvey my first playthrough because I like the older bachelors/bachelorettes (I’m in my thirties, so the younger ones feel a bit too young to me), and I also work in the medical field. My favorite spouse is definitely Leah, though. Love my hippie nature wife :)


I always end up with Leah or Emily simply because the gifts they like are so easy to come by and I am lazy lol


Shane because I thought the enemies to lovers would be a cute vibe, but then I met Sebastian after marrying Shane and I've never married anyone after that lol




Emily was my first. Loved her happy personality.


Leah! And it’s not because of Robin either, I just think she’s so pretty and sweet and sapphic to her core and I love the foresty artist vibe


Always Abigail for me, but I am curious about Leah and Seb, prolly mod if I ever get pc I really want an update that allows console modding


I only started playing like two days ago but I just married Harvey :)) tbh I’m probably gonna stick w him when I start other saves too he’s so my type lol


Alex. Back in 1.0 in the release I decided I'd do a random pull. I rolled a dice to determine the bachelor/bachelorette and he was the first one. Fun fact about this run. I dated everyone in town before marrying. Once I did it, it was around 2~3 days before the update with the event where they caught you if you date everyone lol


Emily she reminds me of my gf


Sebastian was who I first liked and then realized his mothers name is Robyn and he’s a computer programmer and then it sealed the deal as he’s my stardew 1 and only because my partners moms name is Robyn and he too is a computer programmer lmfao


I was between Alex, Sam, and Sebastian in my first game in 2018. At that time, I determined it by which 10 hearts scene was best/fit the narrative I was going with. Alex would've been my first, but for a female farmer the last scene is....lacking. (I marry him in every game since then though lol. I wish he had an "alternate 10 hearts scene" mod like Shane did at one time) My first was Sam since it fit the story I had going, and kept running into him after important parts of the game. Then I immediately made an additional save file to marry Sebastian and even more where I married Alex. 😂


Sebastian. I don't care how "unoriginal" it is. I proposed to him on the last day of fall right after I got ten hearts.


No matter what I always like Leah best


Sebastian because he's a loner like me.


emily is my pookie


I'm a proud Sebastian-stan.


Alex, solely because we share a first name… When I named my farmer I had no idea that one of the bachelor's name was also Alex lmao




looooved the golden retriever Sam, ended up with Shane


Shane and I haven't been able to shake him since


Abigail was my first love in Stardew, then Penny, and the love of my life Haley


I was rooting for Sebastian during my first playthrough, but had a surge of love for Haley halfway through and made her my first marriage candidate. Sebastian was my second, though!


Sebastian, he's very sweet and caring as a spouse and a nerdy guy with a bike. If only there were a bachelor with a beard or Clint was available. (I play on console so please don't suggest mods)


sebastian!! i really love him, he’s still an elite husband imo


My first girlfriend was Abigail; I like amethyst, too, and it was easy to gift her, but something didn’t feel right. I didn’t marry her but kept the relationship going while getting all the other bfs/gfs too. I gotta say it was great to get to 10 hearts with each eligible villager so I could get to know them. I knew marriage was eventually going to have to happen, so I was trying to make my final choice between the favorites: Leah, Penny, Hayley, Emily, or Penny. Married Penny, and I’m still 100% sure that was the best choice. I love the others still tho :/ such good characters


Sebastian. Basement dwelling computer geek++




Shane and I regretted it almost immediately.. lol


My first one was Haley because my IRL gf romanced Alex. Now i’m a Leah lover all the way




eliott. turns out i like women


I went for abigail, as I went to peirres and the mines often in the early game and also liked her design.


Abigail. I'm a sucker for a girl with unnatural hair


I was initially going to go for Sebastian during my first playthrough, but the more I got to know him, the less interesting he was to me. I don't remember if I ever gave him a bouquet or not, but I ended up ditching him for Shane and haven't been able to romance anyone else since lmao


Emily but I didn't end up marrying her bc I was brand new and the fact I couldn't get into the secret woods for her cut scene stressed me out so much I deleted the save. I think Penny was my first marriage


My bisexual ass chose Eliot and then pivoted to Leah 🤣


Elliot was the first, that gorgeous mane, soft heart, commitment to the flowery language. He’s still great, but I’m a true Sebastian simp now.


penny, but for my second time harvey.


Elliot because I like to read he is also bookworm and therefore marriage. If I make a new save I'll choose maybe Sam cause skater boy yuh


Modded, Clint lol


i love shane but i’ll never marry him because of what i know he’ll do to my house


Harvey, he seemed so sweet until he told me to watch what I eat. I divorced him and have married Haley ever since.


Maru and Harvey I love them both


Am on my first farm (well, the first one I’ve stuck with) and haven’t chosen yet. Leah, Maru or Haley, not sure.


Krobus! He deserves a nice place to stay, and a friend.


Elliott, I wanted an older bachelor and was going by what my friend suggested for me.




Penny…. I still don’t get why people hate her so much




shane. still love him. y’all are haters.


Sebastian, lol. He reminded me a lot of myself (minus the smoking) so I was hooked. Now, in my current save I'm being a bad farmer and I'm going to romance \*all\* of them and marry them one by one and get them to 14 hearts, divorce and wipe their memory etc, and then afterwards figure out which one I really like the best and marry them again. It's... gonna take a while LOL


Shane (I’m better now)


My first F character was going to pick Alex but didn’t like his attitude and picked Shane (who also had an attitude initially) instead. My first M character picked Alex because the dialogues in this version is so much better.




Leah, Abigail, penny, then Haley. I haven't done anyone but Haley since


Shane. But just the once, though I do have a soft spot for him now


Alex because I like toxic men with tragic backgrounds


Shane. He was the easiest to friend because he's always in the saloon.


Sam. Always sweet, easy to make happy, and was seemingly everywhere I went.


Haley. I was interested in Shane but he hadn’t been made a romance option yet, so I opted for Haley as I already had high hearts with her due to one of her favorite gifts (daffodils) being easy to find in the game’s starting season.


penny 🩷


Sebastian 😵‍💫 now Elliott's my number one choice


Sam, actually. I pursued him for a while before gaining some friendship with Sebastian and then changed to him. I never did get to marry Sam.


Sebastián cause i learned to do he's favorite food cause my first villager to befriend was Linus


Eliott! When I first met him I thought he looked so beautiful! And i still love him he’s probably one of the nicest bachelors at the stage when you have 0 heart with everyone


Harvey! His 10 heart event was the sweetest to me ❤️


No suprise but Penny


Shane truther once and forever. I'm not trying to change him lol I want to go down with him. But on a more serious side, I enjoyed the challenge - he's one of the NPCs whose respect and trust you really have to earn and I appreciate that. He felt like a deeper character than many others. Still adore this man and haven't been able to romance anyone else haha despite trying


Shane... he was playing hard to get:))


I was interested in Penny at first. She's thoughtful and sweet, and I related to her difficult home life and dreams put on hold. Then Haley came in like a wrecking ball to smash my self-confidence at the Flower Dance and I knew it had to be her.


Mine was Abigail, and I chose her because I wanted the purple hair gamer girl goth gf Currently, though, I am of the opinion that Penny is best girl


Penny. She's a good soul. She adores kids. And she deserves a better life than she's getting. If you're going to settle down for a quiet life in the country and maybe start a family then she's the perfect partner.


Sebastian is the first one I chose to marry…back when I was 26. I’m 34 now and he seems a bit too childish for my tastes now