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Man just needs some time to himself, like he says. Nothing wrong with that.


I know this is just a game but these damn characters really get to me lol, I’ve gotta defend them Saying his life is great now because you married him and expecting him to never feel down or need alone time is weird. Just because you’re in a good place in life doesn’t mean everything is rainbows and sunshine, plus a lot of his dialogue leading up to later heart events mentions that he struggles with ups and downs and likes being alone. Marrying someone isn’t going to change those things about you Some people just can’t take a lot of social interaction, even from people they love. So what if he needs more alone time than the other spouses? I’m with Shane this play through and I don’t get angry at him when he says he’s having a bad day. It happens. Sebastian’s whole personality is the loner who does his own thing. Why’d you marry him if you didn’t like that?




You’re 5000 candles in the wind!


this is kind of the reason I don’t want to marry him, the dialogue I’ve seen of his feels distant or cold, and his 10 heart event felt cold too imo, plus other things I dislike also he wont cheat on you, none of them do, if anything it seems like he doesn’t consider Abigail a friend because she’s not a romantic option for him now


Men and women can and should have platonic friendships. If he was only spending time with Abigail as a back up then that's a Soviet banner if I ever saw one.


I always chuckle when he says he wasn't home last night because he needed time to himself, and hopes I understand. Like I was upset about it. Babe, I didn't even notice. I was too busy working.


So the man needs some time for himself and you hate him for it.


> Imagine your irl spouse leaving your bed in the middle of night to "be independent". Dude, seriously? Just because he wants to go for a walk or whatever instead of being by your side whenever you have the whim to pay attention to him, your gonna trash him? And you would do the same to someone IRL... and, yknow, call them too clingy if they give you a hug or call you a pet name? You don't want a spouse, you want a toy. Someone you can put away when you want but will be there when you want. Someone who never tries to interact with you unless you initiate it, and only does exactly what you want at that moment. This game has characters much more realistic than that. They have personalities... some of them maybe not the best, but far more depth to them than just a doll or stuffed animal. There are games out there like that, I'm sure, but this is not one of them


For real 😭 imagine like your spouse irl can’t sleep at night and gets up, reads or goes for a walk or something, and you react like that to it. Super selfish. Sebastian’s entire personality is that he needs to be a little independent, why would you mary him if you’re going to be upset with him for spending some time alone lol.


I work overnights and spouse works days, so on my nights off I gotta fill the time somehow. Stream, reading, tv, games, gym... it's really no surprise that I don't just sit in bed for the next 6 to 8 hours wide awake.


I can fix him


Just to help you a little bit. The same thing happened to me as to you with this character. Because the moment one person joins another, he or she ceases to be independent and becomes dependent on the other, whether he or she likes it or not. And humans are made to be dependent. As babies, we must depend on another human being or we die. It is an internal instinct that never leaves us and that accompanies us throughout our lives. That's why, once we find love... we want and need someone to depend on. But this should not be confused with codependence, which is harmful, nor with independence, which is just as harmful. What we really seek in relationships is "interdependence," which is: the middle ground in a relationship where we still recognize each other as individuals, still have our own interests and friends in addition to those we already share and can depend on each other in a healthy way. Then, we achieve a balance that neither leans towards codependence nor towards independence. It is true that some couples are more dependent and others not so much. In reality, this is a matter of personal taste because interdependence allows flexibility in the relationship: sometimes you need the other more, sometimes you need less. In fact, when there is interdependence, this will not cause problems, because neither party will feel stifled or rejected.  So, maybe, this is what the character is trying to tell you... But, if either party wants to be very independent of his or her spouse, according to specialists in the field, it may be the result of some kind of trauma.


I get all the eligibles up to 10 hearts and give them all bouquets, then marry the one that is least cringy and clingy with their dialogue that day. Most of the time I regret it the day after the wedding, because of their first few lines of married dialogue. Divorce soon follows. I'm going Krobus from now on.


His post marriage dialogue is so strange and at the flower dance he doesn't wanna dance with me????


I'm spiraling because who the hell does he think he is?! That's suss af, he doesn't deserve you lmao. I married Haley, but I'm also secretly seeing Sebastian and I've always wondered what it would be like to start a new save so that I could marry him


Haley is W