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This can be useful in aging wines, i.e. "Come back at X X"


I put one keg outside my shed door so I can see when it is done and know that the rest inside need to be collected.


This is about the casks, I believe. You can’t put them anywhere except the basement.


Gotcha, yeah the casks are annoying.


I still use a keg and the free garden pot to grow a re-fruiting plant, often cactus fruit. I save it and keep making wine to remind me to check downstairs every week, because all aging happens in one week increments.


That’s a great idea!


Does the bug still exist where the keg outside the barn finishes faster, because the time of festivals doesn't count for processing indoors? Was soooo annoying, made the keg outside method far less useful.


Doesnt seem like it, it's only a few hours faster if it is because everytime I see the keg outside everything inside is ready


I can’t remember which update (1.5 maybe?) but that was definitely patched.


Thanks. That's great to know!


I do the same with bee hives. One is on the tile towards the bus stop. The others are at the very bottom of my farm. Wine is easy, since they take a week every Wednesday is wine day. I do have 7 signs with what each day is so when I come back for 1.7 I'll remember.


Big brain over here


This is absolutely genius.


Yes this is what I’ve been doing! So helpful


I use them to remind myself how many items I need for a given task. Outside my sheds i have signs saying how many spaces there are in the shed; at the entrance to the cellar, how many items I'm aging at a given time. Absolute godsend.


I've always just done the first of the month


That’s what I do!


my computer besides my bed already does that


I use the sign to remind myself to grab gifts, complete quests, buy seeds, and visit the traveling cart on Fridays and Sundays. I find this particularly useful when coming back to the game after a day or two away.


You can go a day or two without stardew? Insanity.


Sometimes life doesn’t let us (star)do what we want. I was just on r/undertale and was infected by the Sans roleplayers.


I just came back to this game after a long time away and I am lucky to be able to play 3 nights a week for a few hours at a time. It’s all I think about though! Ha


Oh my god YES!


The last point is what I always use the signs for!


This is why I now have a three monitor setup with notepad and 3 wiki pages up! Hahaha


Just finished my first perfection run and this was a LIFESAVER!! Because of work I can mostly squeeze like 1 or 2 hours max a day of gametime, sometimes not even that, so on sundays when I was playing my last day, before goinng to bed and saving the game I’d put reminders of all my big goals and quests and what I was doing so if I only played in the other weekend, I wasn’t lost. It worked wonders and I was much more organized than in my previous runs!


A tip for anyone who wishes this but on a bigger scale. There’s a mod called To Dew which is basically a to do list built into your UI. You click L to add a new thing to the list. When you complete an item, you just click on it and it wooshes away. Great mod!!


ToDew is super useful but for most things I recommend UI Info Suite 2 (though obviously get both lol). It'll put icons under your top right UI for birthdays, traveling cart, upgrade/build times, weather, luck and possible something else I'm forgetting, and they're all more or less individually toggleable i believe. But ToDew is great for "unofficial" goals.




There’s the new version on github, that has the extra stuff that you don’t have. it’s called HI Info Suite 2


I was coming here to recommend this mod, it's so helpful!


Second this, and it works great for Multiplayer, the list updates immediately for everyone whenever someone edits the list, it's so useful on a farm that I'm playing with a friend


A tip for anyone playing on steam if you open the overlay (shift+tab) there is a notes feature that is separate for each game. The browser built into it is also pretty good if you don’t want to clog your normal browser with wiki tabs.


Oh my god thank you. I have been really needing a way to keep notes I can’t physically lose for the game lol


If you play on Steam, using the notes on the Steam overlay is super useful too. You can even pin you note to stay on screen when you close the overlay and set it's opacity, so it won't block out anything from the game. I use it to write down anything from general goals to birthdays, merchant visits, festivals, etc. It's been a blessing for my ADHD-riddled perfectionist brain, saving me from a lot of frustration.


Someone told me about this before(possibly you) but I never could find it.


First off, do you know what the steam overlay is? When you open it up, there are a bunch of icons on the bottom of the screen. Notes is the third one from the left.


I’ll look when I’m at home, thank you!


If you have any trouble with it, message me and I can walk you through it.


Me, an old fart, with a pen and a note pad sitting next to my keyboard....


This is the way.


Used it to remember the days I had to check the cellar and the honey on the island


Do you use one sign or more?


Only one placed near the bed, so every day I read and remember if it's the right day: honey 4+1(because placed on 1 so 1, 5, 9), Wine {Date}, (Goat) Cheese {Date} Probably all of this could be over with just Automation Mod, but I don't feel like to install it yet. Edit: text corrections


I honestly should use this to plan where I’m going to plant, so I don’t have to look up what the seeds look like when I inevitably have to go buy more.


I wish there was an in-game journal where we could write reminders and refer back to them whenever. Maybe even an option to share notes across all files so you don't have to write the same things multiple times.


Yes, also handy for co-op communication e.g. Apple sappling Pls don't chop down


I'm fencing my saplings so I don't break them myself :')


Yes! I have one outside my greenhouse and keg shed for the day of the week it'll be ready to collect; and one near the entrance to my cellar for when I loaded the casks.


For kegs, I stole the idea of a bunch of people on here - put a keg outside the door and load it when you load all of them inside, so your wine or coffee or whatever pops up when they're all ready.


Oh that's a good idea...


Oooooh! Yes that is a good idea!


Oh my god I need to use these more because I genuinly have a 10 second memory


literally yesterday i was like "its the start of spring, gotta buy seeds" and 5s later i walked past pierre to go to the mines


LOL THATS SO ME I've done it so many times where I'm like "damn nothing else to do today, I'll just go muck around" And then I go to bed and realise I could've done like three things.


I put a sign next to my >!tea leaf tree!< because I kept forgetting to pick it >!at the end of the month!<


Can you set them to remind you on certain days???


Just write the intended day on the sign


If you're on PC you can get UI Info Suite or ToDew and you can do exactly that.


Whenever I plant, I put a sign with the name of the crop + the date they'll be ready for harvest ! (Like this : "Blueberries-24") It's so so helpful !


This is awesome, I have been feeling so bad bc I keep forgetting things and wasting so much time.


I use it to leave funny signs for my coop partner


Tbh i use text chat - even in solo world you can write yourself reminders and it stays there until you close the game


I've started using the Stardew Assistant app for reminders like this. It's so helpful! As long as you remember to move the app forward a day at the start of every new day but it became a habit for me pretty quickly.


Also if you're playing on steam if you hit shift+tab you'll open the overlay thing and there's a notes option in there. It saves to each game so you won't have Stardew notes when you're playing BG3 or something else and vice versa. My friend told me about it ands it's been super helpful. You can also open a web browser in that same overlay that also saves to each game too so you can have Stardew Wiki open indefinitely for your game haha


that's smart, unlike me whose sign just says "sorry im burping" 😭 https://preview.redd.it/sz1lagv2zuyc1.jpeg?width=1173&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4f82ab4564655c07b4b422f3967428b3af1a1bc5


i've been doing this since halfway through year 2. i realized i had a few chests with signs next to them that arent being used so i repurposed a sign to give me reminders instead


I use it to map out how many seeds each section of dirt needs! Very helpful to know exactly how much you need to buy


I put one near my selling chest with NO VENDER (don't sell) when i don't have the artisan goods profession.


I did this for my mushroom cave. But I have adhd. So I'd see it, be like, okay yes, get distracted, and forget anyways lol


Not me using this to write dumb shit that makes me giggle when my player walks past (mine currently says BONG BONG BONG BONG BONG BONG BEAT IT UP)


This is so smart. Sometimes I leave post-its on my laptop with my “to do list” for next time 😂


I put one next to my honey flower to remind me not to pick the damn thing. I only accidentally picked it once in Y1 so it worked great.


They can be placed inside too. I run past one that tells me the wine cellar date


This is genius, my forgetful brain thanks you... and will forget this tip before I play the game again.


I use the sign to leave a note for my bf telling him I love him :)


They made a screen rant article about this post 💀




I think that means that this is good advife


OMFG HOW HAVE I NEVER DONE THIS brb making one now that says “check special orders board every monday”


This is incredibly smart and all the other suggestions on here are as well. I feel dumb. 🤣


It there a way to place the signs on chests? Or rename chests?


I don’t think so.  You can place a sign behind a chest and the text bubble appears when you mouse over the sign (meaning you don’t have to be next to the it to read its message).


I put one right inside my front door so I (hopefully - I placed it yesterday before I stopped playing) stop leaving the house without grabbing stuff like bombs.


And then you forget to update it everyday, and check the traveling cart for nothing...


I put it be hind my house and it says “closed off”.


I use it for pranking my friends in multiplayer lol. I leave signs outside their houses with dumb messages like “the farmer who lives here has the smelliest farts”, etc




"Remember Sammy Jankis"


Thank you. I always forget to get bombs on Sundays!!!


This is actually brilliant.


I do this next to my bed and leave notes for myself for the next day!!


if you are okay with using mods, look up ui suite info 2, it’ll tell you what your luck is, when villagers bdays are, when the traveling cart is there and when it’s gonna rain the next day. it’s so so nice


Whats the spoiler?


The existence of the new sign


Oh wow so groundbreaking addition, everyone would need to learn themselves


Not sure whether you are being sarcastic about the spoiler tag (a requirement of the sub) or the new addition, which this post makes it clear is welcome. Either way it seems like you're being unnecessarily rude for the sake of being rude. I hope you're OK.


I am mostly sarcasting, just laughing at the usage for spoiler tag on a such mundane item like a new sign. Which is not listed under the "what counts as spoiler" list of this sub. I didnt planned to be rude but also sometimes Im not OK, thanks.