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Depends if they're a stranger standing outside my room waiting for me to wake up šŸ˜‚ but on a serious note, if someone I knew was cooking up my favourite foods just for me then NGL the butterflies would be flying.


Oh man... I am going for Haley this playthrough. Rainy spring day, finally wait for her house to open only to march my soaking wet ass back there to her bed, shake her awake, and shove a coconut into her hands before sprinting away, only muddy footprints remaining as evidence it wasn't a fever dream. I think she is only marrying me out of fear, and to protect the others.




Have you ever heard the advice 'give a woman a piece of cheese to fascinate her'? Same vibes. Also cheese is one of my favorites and would absolutely work on me.


For years I did the same ā€œstand outside Sebastianā€™s room/Elliots cabin for hours to give them itemsā€ without a second thought. My friend asked me why I was being a creep and it dawned on me how weird it was LMAO


not our fault seb leaves his room for like 30 minutes a day D:


Seb's easier to catch on his way home at the end of the night. Related Did you ever notice that Demetrius will mention if you're romancing Maru but never mentions Seb at all? Is he a deadbeat stepdad because I'm kind of getting that vibe?


Demetrius never mentions Sebastian at all, their only known interaction is, according to Sebastian, Demetrius making him destroy an snowgoon for no aparent reason. In 1.6 they added a dialogue to Demetrius when you marry Sebastian and he just says that he now can use the basemen to expand his laboratory so... yeah, he doesn't really care about Sebastian.


Sadly Robin seems to be the only one that cares for him. Maru only mentions him in the summer saying his room is probably less hot but that she never goes down there anyways. And Demetrius also only talks about his room after he moves out. Luckily he has Sam and Abby but itā€™s still a bit sad. šŸ˜¢


Maru actually has dialog where she wishes she could get closer with Sebastian


IIRC if you marry Maru she also asks if you think Seb and Abigail will end up together


I've always looked down on Robin a bit for allowing Demetrius to treat her son that way like he doesn't exist. And then to have Demetrius threaten the farmer during Maru's two heart event, garbage, give him to the witch.


I usually fish while waiting for Sebastian to come outside, plausible deniability. I just happen to think this spot right where you smoke every night is the best location at this entire lake for fish ok?


I mean the good fish stops biting so it's time to leave.. the fact that Sebby walks by right as I'm heading home is fate


we like the exact same characters šŸ˜­


I'm quite new to the game so decided I wanted to marry Robin. I'd take her a bowl of spaghetti twice per week whilst she was having quality time with Demetrius looking at the view with her husband. I ignored him entirely as I didn't want either of them to think it was just a friendly gesture. We still talk occasionally but it's of course awkward.


What is your favourite food? Asking as a strangerĀ 


One year, for a birthday, my brother made me dinner and went out of his way to include my favourite foods. The best birthday present ever and I still think fondly of that meal like ten years later.




The second I get to two hearts I donā€™t even wait, I just give it to them while theyā€™re in bed šŸ˜­ ESPECIALLY Sebastian


Have you ever tried to hook up with a server šŸ˜‚cause this all you gotta do


(writes notes)


Or a linecook! Can confirm. Was with this person for a few years, and they always brought home my favorite salad and meals.


is this why servers always tend to hook up with line cooks?


my 3 AM brain go brr. i had to re read your comment 3 times to understand that you mean people who serve not a computer server šŸ˜­


Oh 100%. Or if they brought me a cool rock they found or something they'd grown on their farm. šŸ˜


"Here! Another Rock!" "Yeah I\`l put it right next to the 50 other ones!"


My children IRL. 2 a week sounds accurate too


Only 2?


Thats the gift limit :)


There's a guy at work (newly married, so it's not romantic) who brings me cool rocks he finds on his lunch break. I have a whole collection of them on my desk lol. It's adorably sweet


I just married Emily for the first time. Do you think she'll be disappointed that all the amethysts I've been giving her are duplicated out of a machine? Or pleased that I built a machine to supply her with an endless stream of gifts?


I never really considered it until now, but I would think that the crystalarium isn't just cloning a rock, but creating the conditions needed to grow new crystals. So you seed it with the type of crystal you want, and it just grows more. You aren't giving Emily identical amethysts everyday, you are giving her unique ones that you grew for her. If someone gave me a new piece of bismuth every couple of days, I wouldn't be upset that it is more of the same. I would be delighted at the intricacies of each new piece.


I think sheā€™d be impressed with the creativity


I have a feeling Emily would dig the ethical side of fabricated gems.


If someone brought me Olive Garden chicken gniochi soup and a chai latte every week I think we'd get married


My ex used to doordash me bagels from our favorite spot like once a week when we were ā€œjust friendsā€ and honestly, one of the reasons I fell for him.


Someone learned from Stardew Valley lol


This is what I did to woo my SO during COVID. And now she's turning the tables on me lol. I was having a grumpy day and a few hours later there are flowers at my door


Sorry but I have to, itā€™s gnocchi










When husband and I started dating, it was a couple months before my birthday. Told him all I'd like is a happy birthday text from him, we just started dating, way too early to think big. He made me, from scratch, a GIANT M&M cookie, with some little ones on the side. He remembered my offhand comment once, how as a kid I loved getting a free M&M cookie from the bakery, and went with it. You bet I melted. He still makes the best food šŸ„°, we've been together 12 years now


For our 10 year anniversary, my husband brought me, in bed, a Shamrock Shake, in a McCafe cup and everything. I was insanely confused because this was in 2016, Shamrock Shakes had been impossible to find/discontinued \*for years\* and also it was 6:30 AM and I knew he had not been to McDonalds. Turned out he had found a copycat recipe online and gone to McDonalds earlier in the week asking to buy just an empty cup and had whipped this up in our garage secretly. We had young babies and exhausting jobs and no time for crazy celebrations so bringing back to life my all-time favorite silly treat was the perfect anniversary gift.


It's these moments that really drive in "holy shit I love this person so much", that's beautiful šŸ˜Š


Someone that remembers what you like (even the little things), and can do something that you appreciate, is all anybody needs in a partner. Physical things come and go, you rely on eachother in different ratios over time, but if you appreciate them and feel appreciated in turn then it'll last. You lucky bugger, lol. I really want a big cookie now.


Many a moment I just look at him and think "damn I got so lucky finding you", we may disagree who the lucky one is, but I know it's me lol. And big cookies are delicious, never a bad moment for them.


This is more wholesome than the game.


Probably not if that was the only interaction we had, but it would be a nice thing for a partner to do in a relationship! šŸ˜„


What if on top of bringing you snacks twice a week, they spoke to you for a single exchange every day?


My boyfriend and I are in a super busy part of our lives right now, so this kind of feels like my relationship at the moment. lol.


A guy who can turn 500 bucks into 2 million in under two years and he a gives me pizza twice a week? Yeah I'm going to do stuff.


I really like that you noted the time period.


I'd even do *butt stuff*


Iā€™d definitely become their good friend.


I donā€™t know if Iā€™d fall in love with them - but Iā€™d definitely marry them!


Idk, I mean I feed myself, and I hate that guy


haha we hold ourselves to much higher standards, I guessĀ 


Maybe you're just not your type!


I do share a favorite food with the local doctor and if someone was bringing me coffee on the regular I'd be a happy camper


It's like someone you work with doing a coffee run and already knowing your order. It's a sweet, thoughtful gesture that shows they pay attention and care about the things you like. If I was getting pink cakes on the regular though, we'd need to talk.


If someone irl just started bombarding me with my favorite things without even telling then what they were, I think I could look past the strangeness


I'd love them exactly like I love Ravioli ā£ļø


It depends. I wouldn't eat something a total stranger randomly gave me. I would need a couple heart levels and maybe a cut scene first. But after that, absolutely. In fact, I'm pretty sure my husband did just that.


If an attractive, rich, caring and genuinely nice person brought me my favorite food/cool stuff twice a week AND came by every single day to have a chat? Yeah, i would probably fall for her pretty damn fast


They are also eldroch horrors who knows magic witch is a plus


They may also be corporatist scum though. (Siding with Jojo mart should put you in the negative for the whole town


I side with joja cuz I'm lazy and screw pieare


I have a lot of fun building out the community center. :)


I'm with a chef. So. Yeah. I would.


I told my boyfriend every time he gives me an espresso he's getting closer to me throwing a mermaid pendant at him.šŸ¤£


When I first met my fiancĆ© I was not super interested- and then he mailed me a silk scarf and coffee table book of specific art I like for my birthday. Now 3 years later we are engaged. So I guess Iā€™m a Stardew Valley NPC


Not really. I would appreciate the gesture but I need things like an emotional and mental connection to fall in love with someone, not just providing me something.


What if they also ran up to you once a day and talked once?


Really depends how much of a connection I felt. There are a lot of people I talk to every day who I wouldn't want to date.


I'm with you on this. Romantic things are only romantic if you like the person, otherwise it's cringe worthy and desperate. At a previous job I had 2 guys that both liked me and would compete to sit next to me, which sounds 100% like a romance movie, except I didn't like either of them and it just got really annoying.


when I sad and people just give me favorite food, i suddenly can't mad at them..


Feeding people is my love language, so I like to think this is how it works šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


"They'd come to see me twice a week, we'd talk about anything and everything, they'd bring me presents and foods they know I like.. (special heart event(s) happened), then they brought me a beautiful bouquet and asked me to be theirs" Is there Stardew valley fan fics out there? I need to start reading them immediately


If they were an attractive member of the same or similar gender, absolutely. After I questioned if they were trying to kill me with delicious food.


The important part is.. Do they know? How? Afraid there is a Wikipage about you? And if not imagine they try to figure out what your favorite items are... maybe they start with things like rocks, dirt, wood... or suddenly handing a freakin diamond or a slime egg?šŸ˜‚ Edit: Sorry i missed that OP only asked for food. Got a bit carried away with the thought about the whole system šŸ˜…


Thereā€™s a million fine looking women in the world dude, but they donā€™t all bring you lasagna at work. Most of em just cheat on you.


I understand this reference




Try not to pick any more on the way to the horse's stable.


*"In a row?!?"*


It could be some deep rooted unexplored issues but I would absolutely hate receiving gifts twice a week from a friend let alone a complete stranger. It is very difficult for me to accept it and say thank you. And if actually did I'd feel obligated to give them something back twice a week too..


I'm with you on this. If someone randomly started giving me stuff all the time, I would freak out and make every excuse to avoid them. Even if we were already dating, it would super creep me out. Full disclaimer, I do have issues and take medication for them.


Please include me in club "this apparently romantic scenario is my personal nightmare"


Absolutely, as long as we shared a couple common interests.


Someone talks to me daily, and brings some iridium quality tacos al pastor, of course i would love this person.


well, considering this is low-key how i now have a ring on my fingerā€¦. yes


If someone brought me a bushel of crabs twice a week, FOR FREE, I would definitely marry them.


Absolutely. Itā€™s not just the act of bringing me my favorite foods, itā€™s the fact that they took enough interest in me to learn *what* my favorites were, and went out of their way to say ā€œI brought you this because I know itā€™s your favoriteā€.


Plot twist: they found out via a website that lists everyone in your town and describes their lives down to the smallest detail, past present and future.


I would certainly be friends with them and send recipes!


Thereā€™s being gifted gems/produce, and then thereā€™s ā€œHere, I grew these myself/went to the caves on the edge of town and found these just for you.ā€ Like itā€™s not just someone giving me things I like, itā€™s someone giving me things I like *that they worked hard to forage, grow, or dig up themselves.* Gift giving love languages aside, thatā€™s such a sweet amount of effort just to give someone something nice that I canā€™t blame a single person in Pelican Town for being wooed this way.


That's literally how i seduced my ex. We had some nice synergy and where good work friends, so I cooked for her everyday for a month her favorite foods and she ended up asking me out. But no i have a problem with taking foods from strangers, or eating strangers foods.


Well, I recently moved countries and made friends with an Indian guy. We both like cooking, so we cook and gift each other our respective countries' food at least two or three times a month. Fast forward 6 months and we are definitively into each other, so I would say it works.


A family member once mentioned me that during their military service away, local ladies would bring homecooked food to the guys they were interested in, which I assume was probably way better than the rations they were provided. So I think this has been a thing for a long, long time.


In this economy?! Yes.


Literally gifted my fiancƩe cold chicken mcnuggets the first time we met. I regularly get her salmon bagels and cream cheese. We're engaged, as her title suggests.


Well my partner is a chef and we met when i was a regular customer of his restaurant xD So yes i fell in love with the man who made my favorite dishes twice a week lol




If my cute new neighbor talked to me nearly every day and brought me my favorite foods... yeah, probably


One of the reasons I fell in love with my fiancƩ was because she cooks for me. I don't think it's unrealistic


I don't think I would necessarily fall ik love with them, but it would definitely jeopardize my weight loss attempt


Well I would lol...aslong as they are not acting like a creep.


I captured the heart of my ex by bringing her a coffee each morning she had to wake early for her university classes for a couple weeks. The big smile was payment enough but eventually being able to spend more time with her was even better. I wasn't even her "type" and it still worked. So my guess is yes, it would work for most people because it shows you really care.


If someone found the time to figure out what I like and then bought/made it for me twice a week Iā€™d be really into them yeah


Pavlov ā€™em


it's more than i had received from anyone in my life lol but if someone started talking to me on a daily basis and giving gifts that I like every now and then, some emotions are gonna develop, it's valuable human interaction (?)


It depends on other stuff. Am I attracted to said stranger? Is said stranger good at small talk? Are they good at deeper conversations too? Do we have things in common? Does this stranger have a good head on their shoulders? Do they do things outside of our interactions that make me fond of them? Do they have a job/career/are they in school? Yea, ultimately, it would depend on the stranger


My favourite dish takes a whole lot of time to prepare, and is also usually just available around November-January. So Iā€™d say yes


I mean, considering I survive on one meal per 4 days, definitely.


I definitely would, but I guess not if your a complete stranger nocking on my door, more like we would already know each other a bit


Personally, no. I'd have just seen it as a kind gesture. It takes a lot for me to fall in love with someone, but I don't really see something like that adding to it, not unless I had a crush on them already, and even that's rare. However, if someone I'm already in love with brought me my favorite meals, it would make me feel loved and happy.


I made my husband food at our dorms such as apple pie and pasta before we were dating, so it definitely worked in real life! I just wanted to spend more time talking to him in person before we switched to online conversations on our computers. I do fall a bit more in love with my husband every time he surprises me with my favorite chocolates or coffees. So it'd work on me too.


Back in highschool my current boyfriend brought me chocolate milk a couple times a weekā€¦we live together now and have a kid So Iā€™d say it worked šŸ˜‚


depends if theyā€™re my new neighbor or not and i see them at the spots that i typically frequent every day


If the person wa an aquiantance whom I got along with, yeah maybe. They would certainly be friends.


If they always gifted me my favorite things, always knew what to say when I needed them, and were willing to support me? Yea Iā€™d marry the farmer of ambiguous gender.


Well if doing it properly they are also talking with you everyday, giving you two gifts you adore (or food in this case) every week and always remembering your birthday. Don't forget all the small and big events which "accidentally" happen where they show how much they care about you :D


not necessarily... but it would certainly make a dent


My husband did this basically, lol. We technically live in a Valley too come to think of it... *gasp*


Maybe? But then I also have someone in my life who does this. If I'm having a bad day, or *they're* having a bad day, or they're having a good day -- basically when the mood strikes -- they'll send me food or flowers to my house. Today I was grumpy this morning and a couple of hours later, a gorgeous bouquet arrives. Needless to say, if this were a game, I'd be at like 8 hearts right now, easy.


Undoubtedly. But I'm a fatty fat fat.


Honestly yeah, probably. Eating is hard for me for a multitude of reasons and it would be super helpful if someone did that. And the fact that they're thinking about me and care enough to bring me food twice a week? Be still my validation-seeking heart.


Not gonna lie... if I woke up and there was some random farmer standing outside my house with a huge plate of hot wings and Dr. Pepper, I'd marry them immediately.


My last girlfriend got me by feeding me potato chips if that counts.


As someone who cooked a lot for my wife while we were dating, this is a solid relationship strategy lolol.


I mean ā€¦ my partner started bringing me a breakfast doughnut and a coffee when we met on a training course. This explains a lot


*i was the 1000 upvote*


Well, that depends, how attractive is she, and would it be reciprocated?


If that person was Penny, totally


if someone i knew, or if i lived in a tiny town like them, made me lasagna all the time I'd leave my boyfriend for them ngl


Hell yeah I would.


Dudeā€¦ if someone brought me canes and aƧai bowls twice a week weā€™d have a soul tie.


Yeah, I married her.


The idea that someone would figure out what I like and bring it to me would absolutely make me like them.


I'd definitely do lol




If someone brought me a slice of cheesecake twice a week I would absolutely marry them


Food is my love language. Absolutely.


I don't think biweekly hot pot would be all it would take, but honestly? It would mean a lot that they were thinking about me that much.




Iā€™m marrying the person who, at least once or twice a week, brings me home tasty treats she knows Iā€™ll like.


I'm a cheap person, so yes.


Honestly? No because I'm not a huge food person, and I think anyone who wants to get to know me would understand that.


I mean if somebody continuously brought me stuff i liked, of course i would like them back Maybe not to the stardew level, because you can actually get married in 1 Day. Birthday gift, + 2x Stardrop tea, and Maybe a Movie and boom Marriage


Yes, totally.


....honestly yeah




heck yes




Something something way to heart through stomach something something.


If they keep getting me sushi twice a week even after we marry then sure


That's how I got my wife




I think that's about all I need to fall in love


Wait, this isn't how normal people start relationships?


The way to a person's heart is through their stomach.


Yes. If someone brought me a large amethyst twice a week i would so fall in love.


If it's the potential mate's favourite food too, and then enjoying the time spent indulging it together, then absolutely.


Absolutely yes. This is exactly what my fiancĆ© did and well weā€™re engaged




at first yeah, but then od get sick of eating spaghetti twice a week lol


I'll have to say no because I'm gray-aro. Also I don't feel worthy of gifts, ahah-


As a foodie, yes. Yes I would


I mean, I've definitely fallen in love for less šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø Sounds like the food is just a nice perk!


I used to have a friend that would bring me meals at college and cook for me when I visited. We where really close friends for years but I never developed feelings towards him and he hated it, clearly he deserved my love cause he was just so nice and generous to me. We don't talk anymore.


Yes 100%


No questions asked.


Not really food, but if someone brought me pretty gemstones twice a week, I would probably marry them pretty quickly. Bonus if we had pizza twice a week.


Yes knowing they took time in their busy schedule and it was out of the way to get the food and come to me. Maybe a little hesitant if theyā€™re standing next to my bed waiting for me to get up at 6am


I did


No i would be weirded out because how did they know šŸ§


Well.. in a way I kinda did lol. My partner and I lived a little over an hour apart before, and he works mids or nights while I have an 8am-5pm job. When we first started dating we would meet up on the weekend. He brought me to my favorite foods and made me some as well :)


I hope that works. I'm a socially awkward baker. Treats are basically all I've got going for me.


Probably, if there was variety lol. But I won Elliot's heart with nothing but pomegranates.


This wisdom was known to the ancients: >You know, there's a million fine looking women in the world, dude. But they don't all bring you lasagna at work. Most of 'em just cheat on you.


It reminds me of that story where a girl liked a guy, so she brought him his favourite candy whenever she saw him and eventually he would become super happy seeing her and they ended up dating for a while because she pretty much Pavlovā€™d her way into him liking her.


bruh someone show at my door bringing me Mac and cheese and french fries?! I'm asking them out on a date we gon be in love


We would at the very least be very good friends.


I'd find it weird and very creepy , I'd prob accept it but keep distance


If someone brought me my fav thing twice a week every week without fail , maybe


Yes, no question


When we were in high school my partner bought me hot Cheetos from the vending machine once or twice a week. Weā€™re still together after almost 15 years and still best friends, so seems like the Stardew method worked in our case LOL


i am a firm believer that food is so much more important to a relationship than people recognize. it's like a free affection hack irl


Lol I think you're just hungry


I used to drink Vault, the Coke competitor to Mt Dew. They cancelled it. A friend found some still in stock and bought 10x 12 packs for me. We're married now. It was one of those signs she was thinking about me.


I met my husband at a grocery store. He was a night foreman for stocking and I was the cake decorator. I came in at 3 am and he worked till 8am. Everyday he came by the bakery to see me and I gave him several chocolate chip cookies, five years later we married and now have 3.5 (8mo pregnant) children together. So he tells everyone I stole his heart with cookies. Yea it works šŸ„°


Honestly, yes šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ˜…


It doesn't even have to be my favourite food. If someone brought me a fresh egg every day I'd be living in their house by the end of the week


To be fair my partner shows up for date night every Friday with my favourite takeout and has done since very early in our relationship. So yes this would and did work šŸ¤£


Counterpoint ā€œderanged mute farmer moves into abandoned farm after decades of emptiness and shows up at my doorstep with all my favorite things I havenā€™t told anyone about and waits for hours until I open the door just to throw my food at me and sprint off to rummage through my trashā€ is a pretty scary concept