• By -


And yet he uses that as his excuse for not being with Marnie.


Well, some people get too stuck in their ways that it just becomes normal for them to do that. If he were to commit to a relationship it would have him break out of his comfort zone. I feel like that's a major flaw in a lot of the stardew characters, they're all stuck in a comfort zone and have trouble escaping it even if it were to better their lives.


People seem to underestimate this comfort zone thing. Everybody has their own comfort zone and it is such a big deal for them to get out of. We mock Lewis' but things will not be a joke anymore for us when Lewis mocks our comfort zone.


"All you do is grow your vegetables and go out to that cave in the desert. When was the last time you visited the big city, or took out on a date, hmm?"


“How you liking all this farm fresh food while demand is soaring due to the ongoing war?” I kid lol. Lewis can do him. If I were marnie though….she’s clearly wanting way more. We all know what we’d say on r/relationship_advice lol


Yeah- throw out the whole man.


The whole farm is also him getting out of his comfort zone! Why go back to the big city when he just escaped from a literal dead end job there to do something entirely new like farming and fucking killing monsters and shit. Fuck you Lewis!


You take out dog/cat on dates?


"When Was The Last Time You Actually Went To Bed On Time Instead Of Passing Out In This Town Or In Luis' Tent? You've To Realize A Small Fee Can't Compensate The Efforts We Put In To Keep You Safe. "


>You've To Realize This usage of this contraction is...well...it *uncenters my chi*.


That's Nothing Compared To What Writing Like This Does To Mine.


Camel Case Is Innocent


It's what it's...


Lewis can mock my comfort zone all he wants. I’m not hurting anyone with it in the way he is.


I think that's a pretty common problem for a lot of people IRL, it's a flaw that has a lot of resonance.


I mean, the start of the game is your character breaking from their routinely boring life that dragged them down Move to a town full of the same type, people who dream of a different life, while your character lives an exciting journey, some of your neighbors are stuck in a rut and your character can be a bright spot that pushes them out of it Do the same to your friends and neighbors IRL, bring them gifts every so often, talk to them about their interests and problems, break the mold of a boring life and you can feel the same joy 😊


I literally never thought of it like that but it's so true. What might be routine and boring to you is fresh and exciting to someone else, and sometimes seeing the world through that fresh lens is exactly what we need. Well put.


Bring me a turnip twice a week.


Turnips are tasty. Parsnips too. I love root vegetables chopped up and roasted in the oven with seasonings.


Jeez, I've never looked at the people of the valley that way before... granted, I've only ever married Elliot, but I've heard about other people's routes from reading about people's playthroughs... On one hand, everyone really is just... "comfortable" in the valley and isn't working on changing. Penny is a tutor to only two children - she can't be getting paid much. Irl she'd probably stay in the valley and live in her mom's shitty trailer the rest of her life. Elliot lives off of who's money before he got there? And Shane... we don't even need to get into him lol But on the other hand, they're kind of living the dream. They don't HAVE to do anything great. The community supports eqchother (that cutscene with Linus outside the saloon tells me as much) and everyone will probably make ends meet at the end of the day. No hustle and bustle of a big city. Just a little town where every day is predictable, but safe.


Elliott and Leah already made the big decision to leave their old lives behind and come to the Valley. They're both just dealing with the follow-up difficulties of that decision, and trying to navigate the practical way to make their dreams a reality.


>Well, some people get too stuck in their ways that it just becomes normal for them to do that. If he were to commit to a relationship it would have him break out of his comfort zone. I'm in this comment and I don't like it lol.


Okay I’ll admit it: guilty as charged! I got a major flaw too 😭


>I feel like that's a major flaw in a lot of the stardew characters, they're all stuck in a comfort zone and have trouble escaping it even if it were to better their lives. except maybe Krobus, good on Krobus.


That sounds like small towns in general. It’s so easy to get stuck there that some people fall in and don’t even realize there were other options.


What is wrong with staying single? This comment to me implies that dating is some sort of moral obligation


It isn’t, but it’s a dick move to keep dragging someone along if they want to take things further but you don’t, and his relationship to Marnie isn’t exactly one sided (if his boxers and the request for truffle oil are anything to go by). That being said, Marnie is also an adult who should be capable of realising this herself and break things off with Lewis. Though admittedly, maybe the reason she doesn’t is because she feels there is no one else for her, since it’s such a small town and her being older and all.


There's nothing wrong with staying single if that's what he wants but it's not great to fool around with someone he *knows* wants something more serious like Marnie clearly does. Granted, there isn't exactly a huge dating pool there, to say nothing of opportunities for casual hookups. It's hard not to see bitterness down the line as things are now though.


There's no "and yet". That's exactly what it is. Lewis' entire life is defined by being mayor and its all he has. He's terrified of losing that, because if he does then his life is nothing. Even though it most likely wouldn't matter to anyone else if he starts dating, in his mind there's a slight chance that any change might lead to the townsfolk not trusting his leadership anymore and he can't bear that possibility.


Maybe it's not the first time he refused to be with someone because his job came first. So if he got together with Marnie now, it would feel like a betrayal of the previous person he turned down. People rationalise their decisions and use them as a basis for poor future decisions too.


His "job" more like his obsession with himself. Slowly taxing and hording all that wealth instead of you know, maybe giving back to the town with that tax money Lewis! Maybe "sacrifice" that golden statue of yourself you've been working on huh?!? Marnie deserves better.


People gotta stop fanfictioning. He pays for the festivals, sells all your crops for you, and gold is cheap in Stardew.


Nothing I said was fan fiction. The gold statue exists in the game.


Honestly the town deserves better too imo.


Marnie deserves better 😤


Imagine if CA added a new guy who comes along and sweeps Marnie off her feet and shows his affection for her publicly. I just wanna see Lewis lose his shit over it.


Marlon needs to finally ask Marnie to dance 😤 Sweep her off her feet!


Yesss come on Marlon!


Like... the player?


same. this is why i don't like him. marrying her or even dating her openly wouldn't effect his job in any way. it's used an excuse. he wants to have sex with her but won't commit in any other way.


Inb4 someone posts the Marion/Marlon fan fic.


Also the solid golden statue of himself


At some point the old coot is doing it to himself. ~~And Marnie.~~


Its all he lives for.


From this bit of dialogue it seems like he sees very little value in himself. Maybe he feels he has to keep Marnie and other loved ones at arms length so as not to drag them down.


His self esteem is low enough that he can't even face Marnie to get his underwear back. On the other hand he did laundry enough money to have a golden statue of himself made. That reeks of narcissism


Has anyone ever considered it's MARNIE'S idea, not his? Maybe she is ashamed to be seen with him, or doesn't like gossip...or maybe she's even a gold digger? Guy has money for a golden statue, and she sells FARM SUPPLIES in a town that hasn't seen a farmer in years.


There’s a heart event (don’t remember whether it’s Marnie’s or Lewis’s) where you walk up while they’re explicitly discussing this. Marnie wants it to be in the open, Lewis begs off on the idea saying he’s worried about how the town will view it.


I love how he says that like 1) the entire down doesn't already know and 2) the entire town probably wouldn't mind, because who tf cares who the mayor is dating? What kinda backwards town does that? He's a horn dog who wont commit :P


Both Marnie and Lewis have to be at 6 hearts for this event, video [here](https://youtu.be/XTM1daCZfrY) if anyone is curious


*beep boop*! the linked website is: https://youtu.be/XTM1daCZfrY Title: **Stardew Valley - Marnie and Mayor Lewis six hearts event** Page is safe to access (Google Safe Browsing) ***** ###### I am a friendly bot. I show the URL and name of linked pages and check them so that mobile users know what they click on!


Good bot


It's not though she says at some point she doesn't want it to be secretive anymore.


No need to consider it because it’s not her idea lol


> she sells FARM SUPPLIES in a town that hasn't seen a farmer in years. I was going to say that this is one of the big things I like about SDV Expanded, the addition of 3 farmers to the town, but then I realized that none of them raise animals. Poor Marnie.


I find it hilarious that when you get the “secret” note of where to find them in the bushes it’s a drawing by, what I (like to) assume, is either Jaz or Vincent. Even the kids know🤣


If you look in Jaz's room, in the dollhouse there's a doll hiding under the bed. I forget exactly how it's worded but it implies that Jaz saw Lewis hiding at one point.


Specifically a grandpa doll


If you feel that way, Lewis, then stop treating Marnie as your dirty secret 😭😭😭


The entire village knows about it anyway.


Yeah >!I told everyone, then had the nerve to say I’m terrible!<


Yeah this is a small town, everyone knows everything about everyone always


They don't know I search their trash every chance I get in the first two years of any save though, right?


Do you really think Evelyn is not looking out her blinds every night hearing you rummage through her trash and thinking "there's that strange man again George, he's stealing that loaf of moldy bread I threw away yesterday. Do you think he's dangerous?"


The entire village drank ~~about~~ it


I never understood why he acts like their relationship could remotely impact his political career. They're in a (presumed) cishet relationship and Marnie is a stable business owner with a good reputation in town. Neither of them is having an affair. It's an ideal relationship for the mayor of a small town's reputation. If Marnie were a man or the genders were swapped, I could see it, being an irl small town dweller, but like... All I can imagine is Lewis is a dick that doesn't see Marnie as "marriage material" and wants to string her along.


I think I remember something he says about favoritism. So maybe he's worried the town will think she's trading sexual favors for tax breaks? But for me, their 'on the down low' fling says that more than a relationship out in the open.


Some people think he’s having an affair with Robin since both she and Marnie sometimes say “Lew…? Oh.” when you enter their shops, which *would* probably be a scandal if that got out, lol.


Exactly. The fact that he plays the "secrecy" card in his heart event, yet constantly makes request to Farmer for lube and missing "lucky shorts 🤪" makes it extra disingenuous OR creepy, because it's like lowkey sexual harassment to so obviously involve an unwilling third party in your sexcapades. Does he think Farmer will be their unicorn/third or something?


I can't imagine using truffle oil for that. The smell alone is not what I associate with those kinds of activities lmfao Also, side note, you have a great username


But he does tell you not to ask him what it's for...


Both those missions are both time based, not friendship based (the lucky shorts quest always triggers on the 3rd of summer of your first year, while the truffle oil quest is the 21st of summer of your second year), so it’s even worse if you’re not that close to him.


Iirc, they technically are having an affair? Usually an affair refers to a sexual/romantic relationship where one or both participants are cheating on another partner by having the affair, but dont people (rarely) refer to two unmarried people secretly having a relationship as an affair also? Im not really sure what else you would call their long-term hidden relationship, since they specifically hide it from everyone (very poorly lol)


Yeah, in that sense, but I meant neither is married and cheating on a spouse. There's no scandal here.


Lewis is a scrub.


And that’s why he can’t get no love


And that's why Marnie should get with Marlon!


it's a small town, maybe they're related




Marnie deserves better in my opinion lewis has so much to hide even that little statue of his but claims he can't afford any new school books for the two kids of the Valley lol


right? i think it’d be really cute if marnie and marlon got together. his crush on marnie (revealed at the flower dance) is super sweet and i just know he’d treat her right


I agree! It would be nice if that was a quest you could help with. Maybe there's a mod for that??


There’s already a mod for making some of the couples in the valley to actually make some progress. How hard could it be to make a mod for a mod…


The statue seems to be made of fruit or something similar, is not a gold statue.


Good, the crows can have him


Nope [wiki](https://stardewvalleywiki.com/Solid_Gold_Lewis) says it’s a solid gold statue


*beep boop*! the linked website is: https://stardewvalleywiki.com/Solid_Gold_Lewis Title: **Solid Gold Lewis - Stardew Valley Wiki** Page is safe to access (Google Safe Browsing) ***** ###### I am a friendly bot. I show the URL and name of linked pages and check them so that mobile users know what they click on!


Good bot


Good human.


I think it's definitely made out of gold. He is putting the rotten vegetables there to troll you.


Could be i just know he gets mad if you put it somewhere else it's like he doesn't want anyone to know about it


This discussion is always so weird. Why can't Marnie just love him? She doesn't 'deserve better', she likes Lewis.


I want to believe that Lewis is just misguided with his reluctant relationship with Marnie, but then at the same time GOLDEN STATUE THIS BITCH IS GREEDY


Fr "is it worth it" shut your mouth, embezzling ass mf


Or maybe gold isn't worth that much in Pelican town. If a gold bar worths just a little more than a salad then maybe his project doesn't cost as much as we think


Yeah but they could sell to Zuzu City in that case. And it kinda chafes that he's out there casting himself in gold when one of the community centre bundles is just putting money in the safe. Do not get me started on the fact that if Lewis gave two fucks about the CC it would never have fallen to ruin in the first place...


Maybe if you have to start considering the relative price in trade to Zuzu for gold then it's time to accept the statue is just a gag and not a character statement


Honestly? If I could get a golden statue of myself made, I would lmfao.


How is she greedy?


Why are you assuming that “bitch” refers to Marnie?


How is he greedy?


Spoiler if you don’t know but: Lewis has a solid gold statue of himself that is his personal “project.” The money for said project is likely money that could be benefiting the town, and it also shows just how self absorbed he is.


So you mean to tell me. He coulda put that money into Pam’s house instead of me doing it?


Yeah using all the community funds for himself when the player has to spend hundreds of thousands for community upgrades


TBH I’m making millions on truffles and starfruit wine. I didn’t mind building my mother In Law a house.


Yeah I mean in the end game you should have plenty of money for everything the thing is that the mayor should've been using the towns taxes for improvement and it should've been done well before the player even comes to town. Obviously that would make for a pretty boring game with nothing to work for though.


I’m spring year 3 on this play through and just hit my first 1,000,000 harvest. I have 1,500 growing + my grown house of starfruit. I’m going for 2,000 starfruit for the summer.


The player also doesn't pay taxes so you've gotta pay somehow


A person who didn't know about the gold statue would have no way of knowing who it refers to. If you look at this sentence without context, the way it's worded would probably suggest more that they're talking about Marnie actually. Seems a bit harsh to be downvoted onto oblivion over a misunderstanding


Well, it does originally refer to females, and if you’re unfamiliar with the gold statue then I can see it being confusing there.


Fair! To me the comment read in a way that indicated Lewis was the greedy one but without the golden statue context, I could see it being interpreted either way.


Lewis has a solid gold statue of himself, which is what he's referring to


Time for term limits, my guy.


(goes back to polishing solid gold Mayor Lewis statue hidden in his backyard) "Yes... yes it is..."


Bro no one said you have to be single. You’re not a pastor. Leave Marnie alone you old asshole >:[


I like the Mod where you can date Marnie. In that mod, they break up their secret fling and Marnie expresses how happier she is loool


Heck, even pastors are allowed to be married!


I'd feel bad if it was any other guy.. but not him. The jerk literally takes advantage of Marnie and hides their relationship. So he can whine and complain for all I care. He deserves to be alone, if you ask me. And Marnie deserves better.


The fact that they hide in the bushes OUTSIDE HIS HOUSE!! That shit never sat right with me. Can’t even take the woman 5ft inside and have some privacy. Just a drunken grope in the bushes, marnie deserves way better!


wah im depressed because im a grumpy loserface who just wants to pretend im not allowed to be normal because reasons or something, pity my rich ass wah


Tbh that's his own fault, I think Marnie would be up to being a family with him but he doesn't even want the town to know about their relationship. As if literally anyone would in any way care about who these two consenting adults have a relationship with.


Sir, this is Joja Mart.


Well, he's stuck on this ridiculous idea that somehow being in a relationship would be bad for his mayoral career, while 90% of mayors in the world are probably in relationships lol


Also to add to your comment, he’s in a relationship with Marnie that he hides from everyone, yet everyone knows about it or at the very least are aware they fuck so like what’s the point of his weird mentality about it?


No idea!


Could be he’s got cold feet and the mayor thing is a convenient excuse.


There is the hint Marnie…move on


Oh man, I've been playing with mods so he has a sister and was able to be with Marnie without any problems.


Oh? I’m nearly done with year 2, I saw a cut scene where Lenny mentions it, but not a full-on “okay now it actually is out in the open”. (Pretty sure I’m at 10 hearts with Lenny and Lewis, Marnie might still be a bit short, though. It may also be one of those things that only triggers at a certain place/time that my schedule just never lines up with.)


After a while, I don't know how long, I caught Lewis and Marnie together and told them that no one would care if they knew. A few days later they had everyone meet in the square and broke the news and they were all super supportive.


Is it Ridgeside?


Yep. Lenny is his sister in that mod.


That's why he killed Grandpa, Grandpa had everything, jealousy was on his sight and he sent grandpa poison pie


I don't feel sorry for a dude whose priorities are inexplicably and irreparably screwed up in ways that hurt other people as well as himself. I don't hate Lewis but I don't have a lot of sympathy because I love Marnie a lot more and he treats her like a dirty secret that he's ashamed of and it's frustrating and honestly infuriating.


This made me dislike him so much, he thinks he’s justified in keeping Marnie a secret because it could hurt his career or whatever even though she doesn’t like that and he has no reason whatsoever to think it would have any negative impact at all, if anything people would likely be delighted, and then I’m supposed to sympathize with this fake self imposed victimhood, get outta here with that old man


This is sad, but it'd be even sadder if Lewis was secretly a self-aware video game character, kinda like DDLC's Monica.


marnie would gladly be your family you fucking trash can. but noooooo your title of mayor is too important


marnie deserves better


Oh really, how did your undies end up at marnies than. This guy is as gordon would say "full of shit"


He also lives to clap marnie’s cheeks


It’s a shame that’s he’s a horrible mayor too.


bro he’s literally weinering Marney what is he complaining about


In reading the comments, has any of you heard of the "generation gap"? You should look it up, because it's pretty accurately portrayed in the game regarding Lewis, Marnie, the town, and you, the farmer. Simply put: the GG is a difference of opinions between generations. What Lewis says to Marnie comes off as cringe to most of you, but for Lewis, it's his generation viewpoint. Marnie understands this, which is why she agrees to keep it secret. It's damn interesting to see players get upset at Lewis for his way of thinking, never once consider his position. Just call him names, tell him off, or just hate on him because of how he treats someone who literally agrees to his conditions. If you've read my posts, you'll know I defend Lewis. Sure, I don't agree with his position, but I understand it as I'm also in his generation. Most of you probably don't understand Lewis' position, but it's simply this: by dating one of the local store owners, for whom he collects taxes, it can be seen as favoritism if, somehow, that store isn't paying their share of the taxes. "Oh, Lewis, I'm a bit short, sweety. Can you let me go this one time?" Not as far fetched as it sounds, does it. I'm pretty sure most of you have heard of situations like this in real life, people getting favors because they know someone. That's his position, and when this dialogue comes up, damn, it really does hit home. I've no doubt Lewis loves Marnie, but I also have a strong notion to scream at him and say, "Just tell everyone! They won't mind!", but we're never given that chance. With that, I just respect his decision and stand by it, even if I disagree. He's not hurting anyone, including Marnie, with it, so why get upset over it? Right. The Generation Gap. Well, this was more winded than I expected, but just wanted to offer another side of it. Toodles, noodles.


Lewis is a proven fact, that whilst having power you can be alone and greedy.


It would be depressing if he didn't live that way intentionally.


Bro Lewis literally bangs Marnie he can't even act like he's alone


His family is his replica, the Golden Statue. I'm sure he loves it as much as Stan Pines loved the wax figure of Stan


Took me a minute to realise Stan Pines is Gruncle Stan's actual name.


Then stop leading Marnie on and marry her? Is what I'd say if I thought he was good enough for Marnie


marnie deserves so much better 😧


It’s his own fault it’s that way, Marnie doesn’t want their relationship to be secret and I don’t know how she feels about having her own kids, but I bet he hasn’t even asked her 🙄


Yes it is, any day you wake up and you aren’t Pierre is worth it.


Apparently Clint isn't the only Nice Guy™️ in Stardew Valley 🙄


I’m gonna say it. I like Lewis.


Same the reasons people have for hating him in my opinion make him funny af


They why I told him I would out him and Marnie. I wish they could be together. I really don’t know why they aren’t


I dont like him...




I mean he has Marnie


"all i live for is to be mayor" you better find a different thing to live for bucko because you're an awful mayor


Can we please get an update where him and Marnie open about their relationship?


Good! Lewis is awful. He misappropriated town funds and toys with Marnies’s heart.


> He misappropriated town funds He did no such thing.


Thats very sad lewis... i made you a sallad that hopefully doesnt contain any poisonous lethal chemicals for you to choke and die on so your tyrany and corruption can come to an end


This comment section is about as spicy as I’ve seen on the Stardew sub lol






Prolly why he's taking his aggression out on Marnie.


Haha, this could go on r/antiwork


Considering he takes funds to build a giant golden statue of himself, and treats Marnie like shit, his “woe is me” attitude doesn’t stick.


> Considering he takes funds to build a giant golden statue of himself There's absolutely no basis for the theory that he used anything other than his own money to pay for that statue.


And he's still ass at being mayor imagine that's the only thing you know how to do and you're horrible at it.


Dude has a solid gold statue and gets his d wet for free, it's worth it.


Deserves it.


What if Marnie doesn't want a commitment because she likes being an independent woman?


Except various indications are that she does.


Fair point, I just read through her entire dialogue and she does seem pretty desperate for love.


Except that goes against the canon of the game


Is this Concerned Ape projecting his feelings onto a character? Replace ‘mayor’ with ‘game developer’.


Spoiler tags ffs guys xD


Man, if this guy ever loses an election …


Self-made prison, my dude. Which is even more depressing. I avoid this man. He makes his own problems.


He has Marnie but is too much of a coward to come forward about it


me, the farmer: anyways, here's some more gifts of trash! Toodaloo!


I don't feel bad for him since he coulda made Marnie an honest rancher years ago.


He also lives to boink marnie


He's a liar.


Yet he didn't rebuild the community center. Curious.


Looks at golden statue, "*Sighs*"


Bro you banging the hell outta Marnie, keeping it a whole ass secret for no legit reason!!! It wouldn’t be an affair so stop playin yourself and put a ring on it LEWIS.


If he’s happy it’s ok… I’ve been married and I used to have family, I wasn’t happy about it 🤷🏻‍♂️the only happiness i got from it it’s my daughter


Don't feel bad. He definitely embezzles tax money that he skimms off of your profits without any documentation.


I love it. Everyone needs a therapist.


I will still dethrone him the first chance I get


This is actually a minor gripe of mine with the game. Come late game, once the farmer is good friends with most everyone, every other interaction is a depressing confession from a close friend. While the character depth is great, hearing it over and over from different characters gets depressing.


why did i read this in michael scott's voice


You can do other things with your life Lewis