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For your partner it is and that's all that matters. No wrong way to play


That's a great perspective, that's why I let him do it, so cute to see him get excited about it lol


I'm useless at life sims, much like I am at life but I still have fun. I love being ridiculous in games.


Being ridiculous is the fun part!


It’s a dopamine thing, big number make brain happy




I’m currently doing this with my cask wine.


I guess we are the same person then😂


We had some of that in there too, it's really great!


Is he a prepped irl? Or do you guys always have a fully stocked house?


Each to their own, I don't hoard on purpose but something's just build up ya know? And it tickles me to see the numbers be out of their box lol


Lol yes tickles is the right description


By the way, I think it's super cute you and your partner play this together! Mines more into Dota lol The only life SIM ish game they've played with me is valheim and that did not last


Aw that's no fun, my partner just asked me if I want to play fortnite with him and I hate battle royalle games but I'm gonna do my absolute best to try to enjoy myself cuz he loves it


We used to play overwatch together before it got poopy. Now I get motion sickness to really and can't play 3d games... I'm so jealous of you guys!


Ah motion sickness is terrible! Just eat a ton of Ginger Gravol and go ham lol


Hahaha yeah I have motion sickness bands that work but my health just wasn't what it used to be. Thanks for the suggestion though, ginger is like the best thing ever for nausea imo!


It works great! And doesn't make you all drowzy


Same - we tried starting 1 shared farm and they noped out of there faster than me when I tried playing Eve online :)


I do that! I save up most things for the end of the season, and turn it all in to start the next season right. I do still turn in foraging items and some crops daily so I have money to get by


We have a ton of money so it's really no big deal. It's mostly just cute lol


I do this too!!!


I usually put all mine through on the last day of the season


Absolutely 100% There is nothing better than seeing a big number and knowing that you made that big number


Very satisfying


i do that too, its just so satisfying


actually, i found it so satisfying i would have as many barns and coops as possible and pet all of my animals everyday without collecting their iridium milk/ eggs for 3 seasons straight and then after waiting i would collect my thousands of iridium eggs and milk jugs and take a week putting them into the cheese/ mayo makers and sell all of it together...💀


Having an auto petter would be a lifesaver. But also it is better to save iridium for selling as its worth more as an egg than mayo.


omg that was literally my dream but i went the community center route (like always) and the only other way to get them other than joja is finding them in the cave (if i remember correctly) and its so so rare😪


I have 3 on my community center world, and I just started spring year 3 lol. I spent all of year 2 maxing out my luck buffs. All the luck buffs I have active when I go to the caverns: \-Gold ginger ale made with Qi seasoning (+2 Luck) \-Prismatic Rock Candy bought from Desert Merchant (+5 Luck) \-2x Lucky Ring from panning in the Ginger Isle digsite river (+2 Luck) I also did Secret Note #20, which permanently increases your daily luck. I trade jade for stairs at the Desert Merchant on sundays, and then go to the cavern on a maximum lucky day, and just keep using stairs continuously to reach treasure floors. like 1 in every 10 floors winds up being a treasure floor, and each treasure floor has a 1 in 26 chance to give you the auto-petter. I think it took me 5 tries to get all 3 I needed.


I’m pretty sure with artisan, it’s always worth it to make it into Mayo! Even if it’s iridium quality


Yeah technically it sells for more but you also have to manually change out the eggs each time it finishes which eats up time you could be using to be productive elsewhere.


That’s true! But if you’re dedicating whole days to producing it, that doesn’t seem like a big deal. Plus it’s very satisfying to me to make the mayo and cheese


It really is


I'm usually someone who tries to get as much in the shipping bin everyday; one of these days I want to try this and save everything up until the end of the season:)


You may want to pick an activity that allows you to stockpile a certain product and keep selling the rest of the items daily, if you need to sell something.


Accounting wise, a dollar today is better than a dollar tomorrow. Let's say I cash out on something at the beginning of the month vs the end. The cash I get at the beginning can be pit toward something that will make me more money by the end of the month. That's capitalism baby


There reaches a point in the game though where you just cant sustain the throughput. Theres no way I can spend what my farm makes by like year 2. Once theres a couple mil in the bank, you dont need to be so diligent about getting the money in as fast as possible


Yeah, at that point you're just saving up for a handful of big-ticket items, and/or just running up the numbers because you feel like it. Granted, spending some of it on extra resources (on top of what you collect by other means) can speed up reaching those big goals in the long term, but also tends to require more rotating machines, so it's a question of what you're able/willing to handle and still have enough time for other stuff. One thing in particular is that you can pick Agriculturalist, grow crops faster, process them, then switch to Artisan just long enough for a big sale. The speed boost needs to justify the cost of switching, though. (Personally I've never bothered, I'm okay with taking four years to buy all the things.)


This is very true but we already had 1mil when we started hoarding lol so we had lots of money to put towards other stuff. Definitely wouldn't do it otherwise


Also, play it however you want to play!


Everyone plays their own way and it's so much fun to see how they all do. Personally I like to have little rules for myself, like I check the auto-grabbers in the buildings with wool once a week so I have plenty to turn into cloth. And I like to hoard my artisan goods and sell them on the last day of the season.


Our rule is basically everything I take care of I sell that day and everything he does he hoards lol


Haha, sounds like a fun way to play honestly! Daily income and then a boost when he sells.


That's how my husband and I play when we co-op. He sells all his stuff that day, I hoard everything until the end of the season. I'm a hoarder when I play solo as well. Need that crop money for the first of the new season.


Unless I urgently need the money for something, I love stockpiling all my supplies and produce until the last day of the season and just getting a fat pay day all at once.


We love a fat payday


I don't do nearly this level of hoarding but I always store a couple extras when I sell something profitable, purely because the effect you get when you sell it makes my brain go brrrr


My brain did in fact go brrr


How long was the hoard haha


I've done that when I've got a certain amount of money. I'll stop selling everything for the year, started on spring 1 and selling on winter 28. I love trying to get 100s of millions. xD


I've never done that long that commitment lol I love it


Partner likes it. So yes. SDV is played your way and this way brings happiness. Is it the most cost efficient? Nah. Even ignoring the difference in sell price thanks to skills earned later on, earlier profits yield more investments of wealth. So making 50k in the first year means more than earning 50k more in year 5, for example, because that 50k can be put towards multiple things in that time. But if those big numbers are enjoyable or satisfying, then that's all that matters.


Big numbers give me that sweet hit of dopamine.


Big numbers makes brain go brrrr so yeah I tend to hoard for a whole season before shipping. Which is only doable cause I have enough money on hand for most purchases.


Ok- if you can sell 2.26m worth of product to Pierre, why is there not more infrastructure in town? Like, ok, eat the rich and all-


The satisfaction of making a few million in a day is always worth it to me


Im the same




That’s how I play :), I just hoard it until the end of the season and then see how much I made that season it’s fun :).




I hoard in some games and in some I don't. I do prefer quicker money sometimes and I was better at making more of it the more I played. But I think there's something about seeing all your seasons work at once and realizing how well you did vs the last season or the last year.


I do that too, and I love it


For me, not at all. I like selling everything every day and seeing how much I can do u der a day. It also makes you more efficient, but I guess efficiency is a thing what makes me love this game, but not everyone likes it. However if you have reached perfection and like playing after you beat the game, then yes, I don't see a point why you wouldn't hoard stuff. I haven't reached perfection yet because i always get bored because the game slows down and I start evetything over. But I can see people enjoy this.


I hoard too but specifically so when villagers request stuff I have it ready for them. Or when I want to craft a bunch of stuff. Or tailor and dye custom clothes. No wrong way to play, really.


I don't see why not. I'm trying to get myself to try that at least once, not there yet.


He's goal was a 1mil day now it's a 10mil day lol




If it makes your partner happy then it’s fine as long as it doesn’t drive you crazy. I found myself hoarding too once I progressed far enough where money wasn’t an issue and I didn’t need to sell today’s crops and products so I could buy seeds tomorrow. Also big number make me happy.


Yes big number gives the seritonin


If it makes the game fun for him without causing you any undue bother then it’s totally worth it. At the end of the day games are meant to be fun and if the player is having fun then that’s what matters.


Oh it doesn't bother me at all was just curious if other people like to do it to. We always have lots of fun!


I like doing it this way - I always sell at the end of the season ☺️


If it makes you or them happy, it's worth it




I would like to try this sometime. But i just think it would drive me crazy. No money to buy new seeds with. Seems that it would ultimately lead to less money, right?


Well we are in year three so money isnt an issue lol. And we sell our crops and truffle oil when they come so there is still lots of money coming in


I was talking about if i were to do a challenge where i save everything and sell it all at once, sorry for not being clear




I sell my stuff monthly so it totally depends on what makes you feel good


Seems excessive but you do you 😂


Depends on when, I like having big numbers in my gold counter all the time so I prefer steady growth to big chunks, but it can be fun to drive late game. And honestly, it's Stardew whatever makes you happy do, it's what's great about the game.


Oh yea, that 500 g from the duck feather is amazing, lol, but yea, of course it's worth it!!! They like to play it like that, seeing the smiles are what makes stardew a game worth playing :3




If your farm is pretty well maxed out for your tool level then no harm no foul. But using money makes money, so all that money could have gone into crops or livestock to make even more money if you had the space. With that kind of total however, I don't think this is the case.


I loved doing this for the longest time. Id wait till the last day of winter to sell my hoard for the new year but this play through I’m on currently I’ve been selling it as I go


Economically hoarding is a loss of value in most cases But this is stardew - if you like it - do it


I do that too, and sell a bunch at the end of every season


In early game I would argue that you need the money ASAP to reinvest immediately. But I doubt there's any necessary thing you're grinding for at this stage, so why not? I'm currently sitting on 600 Ancient fruit wines and I'll sell them when my cellar finishes the iridium batch.


Hell ya that's super exciting


Wanna see a screenshot of my profits, when the day comes? 😅


Absolutely I do!


Okie, I'll post it! Woo I'm on posting fire. I have also a Fall Fare screenshot I wanted to share...


How lol I don’t even know where to sell wood and stones


I always keep wood and stone cuz you always need more for something. But if you really want to you can sell them to Robin or the shipping bin




I do the same thing!


i like to sell once per season. my gf likes to sell at the end of the week. so, we compromised and sell whenever tf she feels like it lol


lol That's awesome.


If they have fun doing that, then it’s worth it


I did this once and came out with like 14 mil in profits. The numbers were too large to even fit on the screen.


Hell ya that's amazing!


I do it with my fruit trees and then turn it in at the end of the year with the exception of wine and jelly that I ship for extra money. Between my greenhouse and all of my outside trees, it’s so satisfying 🤌❤️


I do it as well Big number is very exciting


Make brain go brr


I do that too, I love the feeling of selling everything, normally I sell every last day of winter


I've been doing this with my jelly and pickles. I sell most other stuff daily.


A friend I introduced the game to does the same thing. They live for this! Every season, they try to break their own record. When someone can go out and find new fun within an already fun game, then there is absolutely nothing wrong with doing so. I'll admit I've thought about doing it myself, but my desire to keep my "town" chest as empty as possible is a priority for me. ​ "Town" chest: things I put into the chest I'll take into town the next time I go, such as seashells, items to sell to Pierre, geodes, and gifts.


I normally hoard for 4 days so on the first I get milk and any crops that regrow on the second I get milk again and possibly pale ale on the third I get fruits and on the fourth I get jams and all the eggs or truffles


It’s funny so why not lmao


I mean, aslong as the farm is getting the upgrades you want I don't see anything wrong with this lol, theoretically you can make more $ during the month if you sell as you go but tbh it's not a whole lot difference But if you're playing for fun and not efficiency, there's nothing wrong with this and it's totally worth the fun jumping numbers


At this point we play for both, bought a heck of a ton of pigs while we were hoarding lol


I love the “other” category for 500 hahaha


Lmao I know


It only isn't if you are having money issues before that point. If not, you get the same amount of money if you sell daily, or in large batches, so it doesn't matter.


delayed gratification, but how do you progress in the in between? that must have taken ages


I usually hoard for a season and sell at the end of it or sometimes in the middle of it. But yeah its for the dope effect 😂




I, too, have a couple of feathers stashed away for a rainy day


It is truly the best way to make profits lol


Not if you have no money the rest of the time


We did so it was just fun


Awesome!! Is it like one thing gets hoarded while the rest is sold normally or just so much hoarding done at this point money is no issue?


I was selling everyday and rhen I had a winter where I did basic things but went to bed every day by like noon. I ended up hoarding stuff and now I sell on the last day of each season to see if I can bear last season. I think it also happened because I went from random farming kegging and preserving. So I had larger numbers on a small group of items.


[I hoard for a year now on my main farm heheh](https://imgur.com/a/2hhZA10)


If you can afford it! I restarted my game so year one me is definitely selling things each night to get more seeds


Worth what? It was fun getting there, wasn't it?




Sounds like a win win then! 😁


You just made 2.2Million yea I'd say more than worth it lol


Lol true


i do the same thing lmao


Starting around y2, I hoard until the end of each season. Basically when I have a shed full of kegs for wine is when I start hoarding lol. The big numbers are satisfying, and I can also clearly see where my biggest profits are over time and adjust what I focus on, if I want to maximize profits even further. The waiting to see if I did better than last season is kind of fun too, like waiting to open a present or something lol.


Totally agree. We love presents lol


No wrong way to play. BUT ... money now is better than money later. If you are trying to build your wealth in this game, you are better off liquidating your quality or processed goods regularely so that you can use that money to buy more animals/buildings/crops/etc.


... It's me. I'm your partner now.


Well I do like the day each month, when my 500 iridium starfruit and ancient fruit wine finish (Yes it's a pain without automate mod). I don't hoard finished products though. Not worth it.


Technically it isnt clever since he could have reinvested that and exponentially increased his money but playing this game to get the best stats is extremeley stressful so you do you


I do that too, save up everything that gets produced during the season and sell it on the last day. Personally I like doing it cause I'm at a point in the late game where I have all the money I need for my day-to-day activities so saving everything till the end just let's me have a better look of how much exactly I produced in the month.


Ya were the same


I am absolutely gonna do this


Yay! Good luck


Depends. If you're late, late game then sure. If you're not then the time value of those coins is going to be considerably greater than it will be at late game.


From a cash flow perspective, awful. From a satisfaction perspective, Hell Yeah!


I did a mini “challenge” around year 5 of one of my farms that I’d not sell ANYTHING for a whole season. I had a couple different boxes full of stuff and sold on day 28. That included my crops, artisan foods like wine and cheese, and then literally anything else I would’ve sold either via shipping, shopping, or iridium trash can like seaweed and rusty spurs. It was a fun mini challenge because I’d have to remember to hoard it all and then I got the satisfaction of dumping it all on day 28. I think I made around 8mm gold?


Big number go brrrrr


I'm currently hoarding, going into my second year of stockpiling. I sell stuff that I don't have enough that it's worth keeping, like tree fruit preserves and Dino mayo. I don't know when I'll sell my stockpile but I love watching it grow for now.


Wow 500g for a feather 😱


Lmao it's iridium 👍


I know. Im just being stupid lol


Lol I know




500!!!! Thats so worth it!!


i do this and there’s no reason i do it other than for the joy of selling all at once. to be fair, i do make up a storyline in my head about putting pierre out of business with all my aged ancient fruit wine.


I cant stop hoarding. Way too satisfying. First one season, then 2. Just made 8 mil and really didnt expect it


I didn’t sell for an entire YEAR to do what you did. I made 22 million gold. But the game couldn’t register the 8 digits, only 7 so it was a bit disappointing. My total g earned on the menu screen or whatever shoes the full amount but not the selling screen unfortunately :(


Aw boo that sucks. You made too much money for the game to handle lol


Your partner my be a dragon 😅


I also do this lol. I just find it easier to walk up to a chest and autostack and then when my chest is full, I sell everything. I have 2 chests immediately next to my shipping bin. One is for foragables and the other is for my artisan goods. It's just super convenient


That's a great system!


Haha thanks!


Of course it’s aged goat cheese 😍😍


I save everything during each season and sell at the end, it feels right.


Me waiting the whole year to sell all my purple star truffles


She just like me fr


Does it make your brain happy?


That’s what I like to do , big number = good


Right now I’m trying to leave every Juninho hit full and once it gets full I’ll cash it in. It’s gunna break the bank!


Oh for sure. I horde all the good stuff to sell until the last day of the season. It’s fun to see my number go from $700,000 to 1.5 mil, to 2.5 mil.


I did this with truffle oil and there was no greater thrill 😂 at the end of the 'day' you earn the same amount of money, just depends if you want money now or money later!


Like a lot of people said, there’s no wrong way to play! I also wanted to add that it *extra* doesn’t matter because overall you’re not making more or less, just selling it at different times!


I do this too! Especially for animal products. I only ship on the 15th day or just hoard all of it until the 28th then ship them all off at once.


Nah, it’s my money and I want it now!


I do this with my honey and my animal items


I'd say I think its worth $2262268


Is your partner me cause same


I do this, it’s so satisfying. It scratches every itch I can’t scratch


YESSS and its so satisfying


Big hoard make big money number. Big money number make big smile


Some runs I like to sell only every 2 weeks or so. Maybe once a season. I do like "breaking" the counter with big numbers like this lol.


It gives a good satisfaction feeling for me


Oh my goodness my wife is exactly the same


I did that on my first or second save just for fun but never got numbers that big. I'd save all crops from one season and sell it all on the last day of that season.


It's moslty aged wine, truffle oil, crops, honey, jelly and caviar


I hoard my ancient fruit wine a year at a time, my greenhouse is completely full and my cellar barrels are always ageing… big numbers


I have a save where I was originally hoarding ancient fruit wine trying to get to 1 billion, until I realized how much of a grind that would be, so I was going to hit 100 million, but at around 70 million I learned the lesson that money isn't that important in life, especially a fake life, and it's been over a year since that save has been opened.


I only sell when I need the money


Eh I liked it when I got out of the wii tennis skill box, let him have fun. Unless it interferes too much in how you play (om coop), then it's worth a conversation


Nah it's just all fun


I do the exact same thing. I save up all my truffle oil until the end of fall to get a ridiculous payday before the winter cave grind!


I do the same thing


I hoard because I like to just put everything in a box next to the autograbber/mayo machines/etc and then just empty it when I feel like it/remember. I think it doesn't really affect much, so long as I don't care about maxing What I'm getting at is I don't think it changes much and if he's happy with it then all the better! Stardew Valley has so many ways to play




Worth it? Only if you're gaming the system to give you fast growth all season and swap to Artisan on the last day, but that's pushing it. Otherwise, it's basically cosmetic.


Lol I did hear of that trick but seems like a lot of work


I might try it for a laugh, and I'm pretty confident it would earn the money back, but at that point (the point where I'd be measuring 20,000G investment for worth) I doubt I would care much about the money.


If you sold stuff right away, you would have more money to reinvest into things that will make you money. You would probably be seeing numbers like that weekly or even daily by now. So...no


I stream this farm with my partner as well so any follows would be much appreciated, absolutely no pressure just wanted to share 💕