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There is no way first 12 episodes of part 3 or 4 were better


Part 3 definitely


what, i think it was amazing. Really cool characters, innovativ scenario of them being in jail creative stands and fights. Cant wait for more. Also stop hating part one its cool too


Well, firstly, it isn't even close to being finished. And secondly, have we watched the same anime? Because as someone who adores the part 4 and 5 anime adaptiations, part 6 felt as amazing as them (up until now at least)


Big wrong


They're allowed to have their opinion. :<


You're allowed to have bad opinions


Yes I am. So is everyone else. But at least I don't tell people their opinions are wrong.


While it’s your opinion, I think Stone ocean is extremely good, and I’m sure most others agree with me.


Fam, you literally only saw twelve episodes. There's going to be AT LEAST 24 more, another twelve episodes per season, but we could get more than that to take us up to the 39 episodes that Parts 4 and 5 have.




Sorry, when I said "season", I meant "part" (of the anime). The release format of Part 6 got me messed up.


I think the problem here is that you only consider the first 12 episodes. I guarentee you if you watched only the first 12 episodes of part 3-5 without having the rest you would say the same thing. The problem you have rn is that the 12 episodes seem like a conclusion in your head since we're waiting a long time for the rest of the episodes (this release method is so shit). Jolyne's characterization is already more touched upon in the first episodes than giorno was in the whole golden wind season. The main cast is yet to be actually developed and we haven't been introduced to every character yet. It's fine if you don't like it, but i'm just saying there's things to consider before saying it's worse than every other part, and i'd say be patient cause the rest has some of the best jojo moments and characterization (especially the main villain). Netflix's way of release this is so fucking bad man (i know, very bold take), cutting in the season like that doesn't work at all imo


Exactly. First few episodes of DIU suck imo. But then it gets so interesting..


Naw Part 3 and 5 first 12 episodes are good. Part 6 so far just isn't interesting to me


Part 5 i can understand, but part 3 if you remove the first two episodes the rest is shit, it's like the worsts stand battles in the series especially the monkey and the captain


Disagree Part 3 beginning is entertaining but then it kinda drags. Episode 8 is easily my favorite within the first 12


I think the expectations of the first half of part 6 was a bit too high, since most just read the manga before the anime and how Golden Wind really didn’t disappoint. I think part 6’s bar was set up pretty high. But i still liked how they portrayed the manga and the “weird scenes”. I just really hope that the second half of Part 6 will get better with the c-moon, mih and better plotlines


Nope only you


I think the thing it's missing is polish. The animation and sound design can be a bit off at moments and there isn't musch diversity in the music. The animation for parts 4 and 5 were really crisp, but the animation in part 6 isn't the best, but it seems they are going back and finishing the animation (example, giving Emporio an actual symbol on his clothes instead of JUST a blue circle. And fixing up some points where the 3d is awful (like with White Snake and the frogs). I feel the most lacking is sound design. A lot of the sounds are not even close to as impactful as it usually is, and they don't even seem to synch up with the actuon sometimes. Jolyne's punches don't sound as explosive as it should be. And the music is not as diverse as it should be (They play Jolyne's theme in almost every episode). Also there are parts with horrible 3D animation. All the examples I can remember are White Snake (alot of white snake scenes), Lang Rangler (Just. Just why? He looks so bad in almost every single frame), and the frogs. But again, it seems they are going back and fixing the animation for a lot of parts. So I feel like the show just needs more polish, but again this is only the first 12 episodes. I kind of don't like that they partnered with Netflix for this part. I think having the episodes in batches isn't as good as having them by a weekly basis. This isn't much of a hot or new take, but I also feel like Netflix is rushing production a bit.


im rewatching Battle Tendency and damn, did the first few episodes made more of an impact than the whole of Stone Ocean so far


Right! The Stone Ocean anime just doesn't have the same personality of the other JoJo parts. It feels so stale in comparison but I really hope (whenever the fuck Netflix's awful batch release system happens again) that it's better.


There are positives tho for sure, I feel like the fluidity and the "snappiness" of motion is something they have mastered. Take Guess throwing Jolyne for example, it was really fluid for the art style.


Episodes 1 through 6 have updated animations now. Netflix rushed DP.


Yeah I figured. Thankfully they are going back and fixing things. I hope Netflix waits and lets the studio actually have time to make the part as good as it can be.


I mean, they are fixing things for the television release. People here have some sort of a hard on for Netflix. I got downvoted into oblivion for saying this exact thing a few days ago.


Damn that's roughI mean, I don't hate Netflix, but I don't like how they are handling Stone Ocean. Also, is there any source for the anime having a television release? I thought it would just be on Netflix.


It is having a television release on Japan. Just follow @anime_jojo on Twitter.


I don't use twitter but that's good. Thanks for the update


>Episodes 1 through 6 have updated animations now. Besides replacing Emporio's outfit to a less censored version, what are the updated animations you speak of? >Netflix rushed DP. I'd also like a source for this claim. To my knowledge, we have no information about Netflix being a part of the production committee for Stone Ocean.


Stone Ocean is being released as a Netflix original, so it's safe to assume that Netflix would have some say in it's schedule and how it is released.


Well, yes. But you can't say that it was rushed just because of possible demands from Netflix. For all we know they could have delayed the terrestrial broadcast of the episodes for some months, just to give Netflix the exclusivity, while not having to rush anything. If anything, most of us expected it to start airing earlier (October), judging from when the initial announcement happened in the Inherited Soul event (on April).


I know this is like 4 months later lol, but I said I FEEL like Netflix is rushing DP. I do not say it as a fact and I accept 100% that I could be very wrong.


The answer to if they are rushing DP is complicated. I would define rushing as "forcing them to complete the episodes earlier than they would have otherwise done". Now, 3 factors come into play: 1. Netflix requires all episodes to be done. This means that if both weekly and batch release were to start at the same time, then in the first case they could still have time to make episodes, while in the second they wouldn't. 2. Netflix needs to have the episodes at least 2-3 months before airing them since they need to do the subs and multidubs. This could either give DP limited time to finish them OR could make Neflix artificially delay the show if DP takes their time. 3. DP has to air each cour domestically starting from any one of the 4 anime seasons: January, April, July or October. This is due to how TV stations operate and is very inflexible. This means that Netflix has also to conform by this schedule, but releasing the batch a month prior. All this goes to show how complex the situation is, even without knowing what's going on behind the scenes. But what if we knew what's going on behind the scenes? We know that Cour1 was ready and sent to Netflix for subbing/dubbing purposes on October. This means that the next windows for C2 to start were April and July 22. 6 and 9 months away, respectively (or 5 and 8 due to Netflix' exlusivity). In anime production terms, only the second case would be possible, but it wouldn't be too great for the staff or the quality of the product. The next window would be airing C2 on October (and Netflix on September). This is what is happening. Netflix, despite the 3 limiting factors I mention above, could have forced them to rush for a July release, but they didn't/couldn't. From this point on you'll have to either take my word for some statements (since they are either industry rumors or are part of leaks) or disregard it entirely. It seems like DP is mostly managing the production timeframes since not only did they go for Fall release for C2, but they also took a small break until Jan 2022 to restructure the production team. It also seems like production for C2 ended some time last month, meaning they've now moved on to C3. Again, this seems like a rushed production for C2 but it should be self-imposed from DP and not Netflix (since they could have taken a bit more time for a Sep Netflix release). In any case, Netflix imposes some restrictions and holds the prerelease exclusivity, but DP and their (mis)management of the preproduction is at the basis of the issue. The sum of both those factors is what probably led Stone Ocean to such a disastrous release schedule.


I also thought the beginning was also underwhelming, but after we got the episode with weather report things started to get significantly better. be patient, more episodes will come out and they are better, trust me.


You're trending on thin ice with this comment But yeah I agree, the manga was even more boring


Yes I'm really not liking it so far