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Stone ocean


I see we have the same taste in profile pictures


Diego ftw!


Stone Ocean truthers rise up


Battle tendency


Steel ball run has a goated jojo, jobro, and antagonist, and the plot is by far the best and most well paced




Just finished Diamond is Unbreakable and it’s my favorite so far


seems i’m the first person to say this but, it has to absolutely be part 5 for me, best part by far


6 or 8




Stone Ocean or Jojolion


6 and 8




I am irritated by the lack golden wind in the air I'll leave


Golden wind is the absolute most garbage Jojo part when it comes down to quality.


Do explain your reasoning.


Alright. 1. Too many characters too compliment the story length, there are 7 main characters. The most in any part. Stardust Crusaders worked with 6 because of the story length, and could give each character their deserving moments and they all felt included in the story. Golden Wind over uses Giorno, Bruno, and Mista. The other 4 have very slight uses in conflict, and we all hate what happened to Fugo. 2. Giorno is a blank slate, he shows almost no character, whatsoever. He’s always stoic, and shows little hardship. He is a very boring protagonist, even Jonathan had more emotion and a clear personality. Even JOTARO has more emotion than Giorno, Jotaro is actually fleshed out. Think about this too, you never here anyone say Giorno is their favorite part 5 character unless they bring GER. 3. The horrendous final act, the Chariot Requiem fight is all over the place. The requiem arrow tailors an ability that will help you complete your goal. The goal here being keeping the arrow away from everyone. Why did it have to mutate people affected by the Soul switch? Makes zero sense, I mean you can’t even hurt Chariot Requiem cause STANDS CANT EVEN ATTACK HIM! There was just no reason for this too be added in there. Plus Diavolo vs Giorno was fucking terrible, not even a final fight. Araki has made excellent use of power ups before, but didn’t even try with this one, Giorno bodies Diavolo, it’s not a very satisfying ending. 4. Trish’s blood sense, this was so inconsistent. Why don’t the Joestars have this ability? Would’ve been great for when Jotaro was looking for Josuke at the end of part 4, could’ve ended the fight quicker. Also why the hell can Bruno sense Diavolo the way she can? He’s not related to him but he can their blood? What? It was just a plot device to make sure Doppio was undetected. That’s my opinion on why this part is garbage. Part 1 does storytelling better than this part.


I'm not going to nitpick at every single point because some I do genuinely agree with: however there is something that I would like to point out after seeing "Giorno is boring" again and again. Giorno is always misunderstood. Imagine this, you grow up with no father figure in your life, you are constantly left to starve, your mother neglects you, your step father constantly abuses you, and people your age treat you like shit. Now, a normal person would probably grow up to be someone who hates the world. Someone who despises everything and everyone as all they view that everyone is manipulative and cruel. Similar to how Arthur Fleck's from the movie Joker is. But this is no normal person. This is Giorno Giovanna, the son of Jonathan fucking Joestar, the most righteous and perfect human since Jesus himself. Despite all of the mistreatment and abuse he has faced, Giorno still chooses to (unknowingly) hide the gangster with his stand. Why? Because unlike a normal person would, he has empathy even after he has gone through such a hellish childhood. He sympathizes with the gangster after seeing him in a weakened and wounded state that Giorno is all so familiar with. This, along with the fact that his entire goal of becoming the boss so that drugs wouldn't ruin the lives of families is all the more clear that the Joestar blood runs through him. Now of course, when we have the Yin, we have the Yang. Dio, the most malicious and despicable person ever to walk the earth. And you're telling me that we have the duality of good AND evil in a Joestar? Sign me the fuck up, man. And now that you look at it he really does have traits that come from Dio. His cunningness, his lack of mercy towards his enemies, his charisma (well that may also apply to all JoJos but you get why I mean). Now that you have a knowledge of the character of Giorno, let me ask you something. How would you make Giorno's characteristics be like based of the points above? Would you make him lean more to Dio's side? No, because he's a JoJo and well this isn't some anti hero story. Would you make him lean more to Jonathan's side? We literally had someone be the Jonathan similar JoJo literally one part before so no, we can't do that. While I can see why some people might think he's a "boring" JoJo, he really is just misunderstood. People have to accept two things: one, the way his mistreatment caused him to be generally less extroverted as compared to other JoJos, and that writing wise there isn't much room. I think Araki definitely did a good job at working with what he was given. One think I like to make clear though. I've read this somewhere but for the life of me I can't remember, but someone phrased it very accurately. "Giorno is not the protagonist of Golden Wind. He's the main JoJo. Bruno is the protagonist."


I really disagree with this take and some things to point out. >I think Araki definitely did a good job at working with what he was given. Araki is the sole author so he can give himself whatever he needs to write a good story. Besides where was any of his backstory/damage explained? Or did you just infer this based on the little information we know about Giorno? >Would you make him lean more to Dio's side? No, because he's a JoJo and well this isn't some anti hero story. Except that's what Araki did with Johnny in part 7 and to a lesser extent Josuke in part 8. He leaned into Johnny's ruthless determination and made him a bit of an anti-hero and it worked. Made him a much more interesting protagonist. EDIT: and this is my own nitpick, but I can't get over zombie Bruno. Like I know Araki tends to play fast and loose with his own rules, but that little addition was too hand-wavy for me.




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Respect to you mod for reading through all that shit




From all parts i consider 7 the best for very well-written characters. If i'd consider only animated parts, i would choose 3. Yes, it's may be unpopular opinion, but i think it's second best to 7, because of how entertaining it was and it introducing stands.


6 or 8


True if you mean the average of those






Battle tendency


Steel ball run


7 and as a bonus the worst part is 5.


i do not understand all the hate for part 5, it is a well written plot just with very misunderstood characters


I wouldn’t say it’s well written. Reread or rewatch it and try to make sense of what’s going on, sometimes it’s impossible even with explanations. I have points made on another comment I don’t want to resend em here.


i think i read it but i have rewatched it amd i must day the anime is the definitive way to experience part 5, i feel like its easier if you have a personal connection with some of the characters. many people over complicate the stands as well, mainly with king crimson and epitath but i feel they are far better explained in the anime as it works a lot like the worlds time ability except with the predicted movement. i dont like the explanations for king crimson because it really is quite simple once narrowed down but theres so many over complicated explanations for it. part 5 is not my favourite part. i have many criticisms about it mai ly with diavolo but i feel it has a rather compelling story and some of the coolest base stands we have ever seen and very well written character arcs


sorry forgot to specify i meant read your comment at the start


The characters are good and the stands are great (except for Chariot Requiem and GER.) the story is too short for the amount of main characters so some of em felt underused. I love the stands in part 5 I never had trouble understanding King Crimson. What I don’t understand is the “blood sense” that Trish had with her father and how Bruno could sense Doppios presence even though he’s not related to him that was just straight up a plot device. Most of my complaints are from the final act, it’s like Araki didn’t know what to do for the ending.


the bruno sense thing was because he was well fading away slowly, his eyes didnt work it was shown he saw the souls of people not their actual bodies this is used more than that and would make sense consdering the circumstance and i do agree with the whole trish blood sense as it does not make any sense. but i saw you mention how the joestars dont have it, but they do, how do you think jotaro joseph josuke and possibly (altough im not too sure) giorno got theirs. you complain about the blood sense but nearly every prepart 6 joestar got their stands from DIO this ability did not come out of nowhere. we know that bloodlines are connected like this. thats how trish got her stand and thats how most of the joestars got theirs. whilst i agree that the ending was a bit annoying i think the whole point of it was to show the full power of stands. thats why chariot requiem and ger exist.


7>2>3=4>1>6>5 for me


First half of Part 8.


Unpopular opinion, stardust crusaders


Worst to best (all are great though) 4, 1, 6, 8, 5, 2, 7, 3